
Why the Rents shouldn’t pay your rent

Financial independence is the ability to live from the income of your own personal resources. – Jim Rohn

Reading headlines in the news about how boomerang kids are returning home in droves is quite alarming.

When I was growing up, I saw lots of young adults leave home and never return. They got jobs and worked their way up to where they were trying to go.

However, a couple decades have changed all that.

One of the biggest culprits: student loans.

The cost of college has outpaced inflation. Therefore, it is now up to families to find affordable ways to get a college degree.

Otherwise, your kids may just end up back in your basement, or worse, in their childhood rooms that they could hardly keep clean when they were debt-free teenagers. Gulp!

The reason that so many millennial’s need parental assistance in paying their rent is because they shoulder the bulk of the $1.4 trillion in student loan debt.

However, borrowing or taking out deposits from the bank of Mom and Dad is not a good idea and can have lingering consequences for the parents as well as the kids and future generations.

Here are the reasons why young adults should stop relying on their parents and become independent as fast as they can.


We are living in a time when more people discuss this phenomenon called FIRE (financial independence retire early).

Although, this should be taken with a grain of salt, as many people will need to save 50% or more of their income for a decade or two to make this dream a reality. And that is not always possible or feasible to do, to say the least.

That being said, the decision is always yours whether or not you retire at 42 or 62. The point is to be able to one day have the option to retire.

When you lean on your parents (the Rents) to pay your bills, it can delay the transition into adulthood.

I have noticed when people have no safety net, they are a lot more resilient and cautious about what they do and spend.

For example, to rely less on Mom and Dad later in life as an adult, you could do the following:

  • Live with a couple roommates
  • Pick a smaller apartment to live in (say 700 square ft.)
  • Go without a car or at least buy a smaller, more affordable one
  • Commute to college and save by not paying room and board; therefore, requiring less or no student loans

It seems to be the people that get off their parent’s payroll ASAP are the ones that are able to become financially independent the fastest because they have no other choice.

When the only option is self-reliance, then you learn to live lean really quick. And low fixed expenses are how you will be able to start saving money.


For those that may not know, right now the Direct Stafford Loans offer a three-year subsidy (you may have to ask your loan servicer if your loan has this feature) for students entering repayment.

Those funds give graduates time to find suitable employment and create a budget for their lifestyles in order to repay what they owe.

This cushion is a great way to help young people get on more solid financial footing.

What you may or may not have noticed is that there is a three-year window and then it closes shut.

And do you know why? It is because when you offer people a crutch, then unless they have the drive, perseverance, determination and the will to be self-sufficient, they are likely to use the crutch forever.

You have to limit aid, otherwise, people come to rely on it for all their days.

This includes the funds from your parents.

Get off their bankroll as fast as you can, or you may come to depend on it for the rest of your life.

Let’s be honest. Nothing lasts forever. Even milk, has an expiration date.

You would rather have the option of saying no than hearing the words: We’re cutting you off.


I know that having help is at times necessary to keep a roof over your head. I would not tell parents not to help their children. I am asking children to tell their parents, that they no longer would like their financial assistance.

Therefore, you become the adult or hero in your own life and story.

If you read any number of stories about the rich and successful, you will notice that many did not pull themselves up by their bootstraps, but had just enough help to get things running and then go it alone.

When you allow someone to write you a check, you are also giving them some form of say so in your life. This de facto control you are giving up every time you cash that check, has far reaching and lasting consequences.

You may want to live in SoHo, but the parents say they are only willing to pay for something closer work or at a specific dollar amount. Thereby, giving them more control over your life.

When you write the check, you have all control. You say when, where, and how much.

No need to wait on anyone to give you the green-light or hand you the money. You can make decisions for yourself and might I add, faster than if you had to wait for help or other form of assistance.

Thereby, causing you to not miss opportunities because you can say yes without having to check in with anyone else.

You can say yes to that job, internship, business opportunity, apartment lease, car purchase, or vacation.

Just something to think about.


Independence, especially financial independence, is attractive.

When you are an adult, you do not have to tell anyone you are one.

They can see it in your actions.

Are you out at the bar every night? Or are you at home, working on that new app your developing to earn enough money for a down payment on a house?

Do you spend with reckless abandon? Or are you cognizant of what you are spending, and where your money is going?

People are drawn to confident people. It is an attractive quality. They say like attracts like.

Nothing exudes confidence like someone who is in control of their money and time.

Are you looking for a partner? If so, ask yourself what qualities are you looking for in one.

For instance, do you want someone who buys everything in three’s, likes to lease cars, and maxes out their credit cards every month?

If the answer is no, then you may want to make sure you are not doing any of those things as well.

Everyone wants to date up, but they forget that they too need to get themselves together in order to attract someone worthy of their time and vice versa.

When you are independent, people want to be around you. You attract jobs, opportunities, people, and money when you have your own.


The New York Times has reported that 40% f people in their early 20s receive financial assistance from their parents.

Parents are paying for everything from rent to car insurance.

According to CNBC, this is what parents are paying for.

The problem with this is that every dollar that parents give their children, is money that is not working for them in building their financial house and keeping it secure.

If parents have the money to give their children for a down payment or college education, then I am all for it. By all means, help the kids out.

However, what many kids may or may not know is that Mom and Dad cannot afford some of these expenses.

It is one thing to help someone with a one-time expense, like a down payment on a home.

It is another thing entirely to help pay someone’s rent or mortgage every month with no end or deadline in sight.

Many baby boomers are going into retirement unprepared. Therefore, they usually do not have the funds to give the kids or grand-kids because they need that money themselves.

How do I know? Well, I ask people. And many have said that their are finances precarious and funds are limited. Many give until it hurts. However, it not just hurts them, but also their heirs.

The Sandwich Generation is a generation of people who care for their aging parents while supporting their own children.

By not taking or limiting financial help from parents, it limits the help you may need to give your own parents when you are raising your kids.

Let me share with you this story for some perspective.

I read an article about a man who decided to become writer. While he did pretty well for himself, the family still struggled financially.

This is what happened during the course of their lives:

  • His wife quit working and became a stay at home mom
  • Their daughters were given the option to go to the private colleges of their choice, even though the family could not truly afford it
  • His father helped them pay for college for the kids; thereby, making him forfeit any future inheritance for him or his children for the sake of present conveniences
  • They also paid for their two daughters weddings out-of-pocket, with empty pockets
  • His wife has been out of the workforce so long she is unable to find reasonably paid work
  • He works 7 days a week
  • They have no savings and NO RETIREMENT

From the example above, you can see how paying for present pleasure or not planning for expenses can harm you and your family down the line.

This is scary stuff. Their inability to say no and set firm limits on what they were willing to spend has caused long-term consequences. They may have to rely on their children for financial assistance in their old age as opposed to passing on wealth.

I urge you to reconsider.

Let this post be your wake up call.  A call to arms, if you will. A call to financial arms. To arm yourself with financial knowledge, so that nothing can stop you from working toward your goals and building a solid financial future; independently.

How to give yourself a $6,000 a year raise

“To hell with circumstances; I create opportunities.” – Bruce Lee

When I read headlines and reports talking about how 75% of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck, or 30% do not have enough to cover a $400 emergency, I get concerned.

Especially, when credit card debt is reaching record highs and as of the writing of this article, credit card debt in the United States stands at $1 trillion.

I do not like to see so many Americans cash strapped.

I want to see people funding their dreams, buying homes, and starting businesses.

Although, those things take time to build, it is very possible to do over time. However, it gets harder to do those things when you have debt.

I have read lots of books and articles online that gives the following advice: ask for a raise.

Easier said than done. Why not ask for a pony, while you’re at it?

They say ask and you shall receive, but this is not always the case. More and more, I hear about how jobs are downsizing or cutting expenses. That’s code for slashing wages and human capital.

These things happen all the time. It is a business decision. Like a family trying to balance their budget and manage their household finances, a business has to do the same.

I have asked for lots of things in life. And, why not? All people can do is say yes or no. I have had to deal with rejection plenty of times. All you need is someone to say yes once. If you hear 100 no’s, then finally get to that one yes, it could possibly change your life.

I do not wait for people to hand me anything. Nobody owes me nothing. I work for what I want. I have learned to create my own opportunities. And you can do the same. Just work with what you’ve got.

Wages have been stagnant and quite frankly flat. It is becoming more difficult to move up an income bracket. While you’re trying to climb that economic ladder, it may not always come with a corner office, higher pay, and bonuses.

Truth be told, a raise may not do but so much for your finances. After taxes, you bring home less than the actual raise. And what’s even worse, is that many people do lifestyle inflation, where they slowly increase their spending due to lifestyle creep from making more money.

Burning through large amounts of cash is not good for your wallet. If you want deeper pockets, you have to make some changes to your behavior.

In order to give yourself a yearly raise of $6,000 ($500 per month), you would need to grow your income by $250 and cut your expenses by $250 or some combination of both, if not one or the other.

Here are some ways to give yourself a raise that don’t require you to quit or get promoted.


Cutting expenses is like giving yourself a tax-free raise. Every penny you save stays with you.

You need to find creative ways to spend less. When you reduce the outflow you can increase your cash inflow and cushion.

Most people, I have noticed, that get into trouble with their finances tend to be the ones who have high fixed expenses.

Keep your expenses as low as possible. Then you do not have to worry so much about or even depend on getting a raise, bonus, promotion, inheritance, or any type of financial windfall.

For example, I decided to quit going to restaurants for about 2 months. My average bill would be about $30. If I give a tip 10-20% every check, that means paying $3-$6 every time. Eating out just 4 times per month, meant paying $12-$24 or $25-$50 over 2 months alone! That is $300-$600 a year.

That does not include the cost of food. The $2 delivery fee, the extra container of rice, or springing for the extra tuna roll.

Don’t even get me started on going out in groups to places that just so conveniently can’t split the check. You usually end up paying more than your fair share to say the least. Basically, you are subsidizing someone else’s alcoholism.

I now call the restaurant ahead and ask if they do check splitting. If not, I try to just order at the bar.

You are the controller or should we say comptroller of your destiny.


Increasing your knowledge is usually a great way to earn more money. Although, education is not an equalizer (some may profit more from going to the Ivy League than others), you can still qualify for more prestigious jobs with a little more book smarts.

You can job hop your way to a higher salary. Even I have done this. I have noticed I have gotten a raise or promotion by applying for another job as opposed to asking for one. But that’s another story.

However, I do not recommend going into a ton of debt to do it. I suggest you find ways to go to school affordably such as monthly payment plans to pay-as-you-go, going online (which is cheaper that traditional brick and mortar), or seeing if an employer will offer tuition benefits.

If your employer pays, $1,500 a semester and you go for 2 semesters a year, that is an annual savings of $3,000.


Go to any barber shop or hair salon on a Saturday morning and take note how many people are there.

Having a skill can earn you some serious bread.

If I have to pay the plumber or electrician one more copay, I may start looking up how to fix the plumbing myself on YouTube.

By this point in my life, I am sure I have paid enough to hairstylists, washer repairmen and manicurists to put at least one kid through college or at least pay for a semester. That’s no joke.

If you have any type of skill or hobby that you can monetize, do it.

I read online that a woman who dresses in costume and does displays is making six-figures. You read that right. Putting on a wig and some tights is allowing her to pay the mortgage and save for retirement.

Think walking those dogs are beneath you. Think again. You can earn $40 bucks a day. Just doing this on the weekends could net you $80 x 4 = $320 a month. Pass me the leash.


A Roth IRA has no upfront tax benefits, but the savings gain down the line is second to none. All the investment gains will not be subject to taxation in retirement.

Since, the money in this account is funded with after-tax dollars, you will be able to enjoy this account without having to pay the man. Sign me up please!

So when your peers are paying taxes on their 401(k) withdrawals, you could be going to the ATM getting out that $600 max withdrawal without paying Uncle Sam for the convenience.


Paying off high interest or anything charging you interest such as personal and auto loans, credit cards and student loans is money in the bank.

Every dollar you do not give the local banker stays in your bank account.

If you pay $200 monthly to service your credit card debt, getting rid of this money drain means having an extra $2,400 a year back in your pocket. That can be put in your Roth IRA and then you are working towards turning every dollar into two.


It is hard to part with cold, hard cash. Swiping is easy. Work on handing every person you meet the money to pay for expenses, even to buy a postage stamp, and you will start to feel the sensation of giving away a small fortune.


The late fees from not paying on time are astronomical. A one-time missed payment on a credit card is regular $30 or more. Miss a payment on 3 credit cards in one month and that’ll cost you $100 bucks!

Over a years’ time, that is $1,200. Just in fees. Save that money automatically into your savings account instead.


By paying a nominal fee to others, you free up precious hours to find ways to make money.

The trick is to pay for services that are not particularly pricey and expensive. You then use the hours you would have put into cooking, cleaning, or doing laundry into making money during those hours instead.


These days you can rent out just about anything. Over 30 million people have used Airbnb. Most rentals I have seen can charge anywhere from $100-$300 a night.

You could rent out your place and make $500 a month. Or who knows how much. Sky’s the limit here.


Forget the lottery tickets, tobacco, concert tickets, expensive shoes, and beer runs.

You could save anywhere from $40-$200 a month. That’s $480-$2,400 dollars a year.


There are many other ways to save or cut expenses. You just have to be willing. From just some of the examples I provide, someone could save anywhere from $100-$600 dollars a month. That is between $1,200-$7,200 a year.

If you can find a way to bring in $500 more a month, whether it is an additional income or slashing expenses, that is like giving yourself a raise of $6,000 a year!

Whenever, I hear someone say I can’t live without my weekly happy hours I say to them: can’t or won’t.

There is usually always something you can do. Break it up into small tasks, if the bigger task seems too daunting.

Just focus on getting your monthly or daily savings rate up. You can do it.

America is the land of subscriptions

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. – Dr. Maya Angelou


America used to be known as the land of opportunity and dreams. And for some and in many ways it still is. However, things have changed dramatically over the last two to three decades.

One of the biggest changes I have noticed can be described in one word: subscriptions.

When I was growing up, you bought the thing one time and you were done. Transaction over.

Today, many places want you to subscribe to their services and pay them every month. I am not on board with this.

Even Jay Leno agrees with me. He told CNBC, “Here is the money, give me the thing, transaction over.”

He told CNBC Make It: “When you own something and you don’t have to write checks every month, you’re just better off.”

I couldn’t agree more. I can’t stand installments for anything. It means you earn money and then have to give it away. Period.

I learned that if I could cut down or out the installment payments in my life that I would be better off and would get to keep my money.

Sure you will have bills like utilities – gas, water, electric and insurance, food, etc.

Those are not the bills I am talking about.

I mean the ones that are not necessities.

In a Washington Post interview from 2016, Sociologist Joseph Cohen of Queens University is fond of saying that “America is a place where luxuries are cheap and necessities costly.”

Exactly, the luxury items have stayed the same: high-priced. However, the cost of college, daycare, education, and the mortgage have all gone up.

Even rent can be insane. There is no cap on rent. So, it can go up every year with inflation. Unfortunately, that is just a cost of life. You need a place to lay your head. You need shelter.

But I urge people to consider carefully what type and how much home they buy.


I am all for the Huey P. Long saying that Every Man a King, but I think a woman is also the queen of her castle.

I prefer to be able to clean my own home. To be able to sweat over lonely labor, have sense of pride in a job that is well done is what I need. And just FYI, for those who like to stay in shape and are into physical fitness, cleaning is also a workout.

After reading the book Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich, in where she worked undercover with a big house-cleaning chain in her book, I feel I am better off doing the work myself.

Barbara Ehrenreich said, “I had been taught by my mother, a compulsive housekeeper who employed water so hot you needed rubber gloves to get into it,” to basically clean her own home.

Paying a service is another bill. I say if you can afford it and it will free up time you want for yourself, then do it.

However, I also have learned the bigger the home, the more help you need to clean it.

It gets tougher to clean a home yourself once it is more than 3,500 square feet. That’s when you usually have to hire help.

Paying the gardener, maid, chef, and chauffeur all adds up.

Why not purchase a home that is 3,000 square feet or less? Not only are they cheaper, but also easier to maintain.

That’s just my $0.02.


I have seen countless companies start subscription services. Some are pretty cheap and then others are downright outrageous.

I just started noticing this new way of the subscription life myself fairly recently.

I first started noticing it in high school. I wanted to buy Harlequin romance books, because I mean come on, who doesn’t like Happy Ever After’s (HEAs)?

And to my delight, in each book was a subscription notice. They offered 2 free books as a bonus! I was like sign me up. Then things started to go downhill for me from there.

Let me just start by saying, I am a huge Harlequin romance fan. It was not that they did not provide quality service or great reads. Quite the opposite. It was the quantity and price of the service that caused my woes.

I started getting books like every 3 or 4 weeks. It was expensive too, at least to a teenager, it cost about $15 a month. Some books I didn’t even want, but they shipped them in packs of four, which were chosen for you.

As much as I loved Harlequin, I had to cancel my subscription. They sent books faster than I could read and bills faster than I could pay.

That was my first taste of the subscription life. It left a bad taste in my mouth. One that, like Maya Angelou said, I never forgot how it made me feel. And all these years later, that one event was the catalyst for me not ever wanting to have subscription anything.

So, when something doesn’t feel right, listen to yourself. Trust your gut and make some changes.

I can walk away from anything. Relationships, bad jobs, roommates, you name it. Even if I am comfortable, I have still walked away from people, places or things that were not in my best interest.

Chris Rock said, “comfort is the poison.”

I have learned to hold on loosely to everything so you are not so rattled when change comes.


There are lots of companies that offer subscriptions.

I pretty much avoid them all.

Everyone is out there trying to take the money out of your pocket and put it into theirs. Everyone is trying to separate you from your money. Don’t let them.

Expenses would occur once or infrequently when I was growing up. Now everything is a monthly subscription. Even toothbrushes are turning into a subscription service!

I buy products and stick with them until I get my monies worth. I bought a car for $30k, 15 years and six months ago. My payment was $448.65. So, $30,000/186 = the equivalent of paying $161 per month on this vehicle or $2,000 per year not including gas and maintenance.

It’s American made so I have not ever had to pay $3,000 or more in a single visit. My last oil change cost me less than $50!

I have more than got my money’s worth out of this car. I paid this car off in 2009. That money has been going to my retirement account ever since.

Companies now try to offer you the world and all this personalized attention and concierge service, until you stop paying. Whether or not it is by choice or you cannot afford to pay anymore.

It’s like trickery. Or in some cases like the old bait and switch. They promise you the world on the way in and engrave your initials on everything and then can’t remember your name on the way out.

What’s that Lucy? Another football for me to kick. No thank you.

Just say no to subscriptions. It will save you a fortune.

Here are some places that offer subscriptions – gym memberships, clothing stores, book publishers, magazines, and newspapers.

List of well-known companies that offer subscriptions and the cost of some pricing plans:

  • Apple iTunes $9.99 monthly
  • Under Armour (ArmourBox) 4-6 items of gear pay only for kept items) $80+ per box
  • The Wall Street Journal $100-$400 annually
  • Kiplinger Magazine $6.99+ annually
  • Forbes Magazine $20 annually
  • The New York Times $14.99 monthly
  • Deer Park Water $12.99 monthly (minimum)
  • Spotify $9.99 monthly
  • Hulu $7.99 monthly
  • Netflix $9.99 monthly
  • Amazon Prime $99 annually (from $79)

List of less well-known companies that offer subscription and the cost of some pricing plans:

  • Quip oral care tooth brush delivery $10 per user per month! For a toothbrush!
  • Stitch Fix $20 style fee
  • Le Tote $59 a month
  • Rent the Runway $139 a month!
  • Shoedazzle $39.95 a month
  • Gwynnie Bee $49 a month
  • Fabletics $25 per month or box
  • Her Fashion Box $59.95 a quarter! So, its really $239.80 annually

Oh and by the way, subscriptions are the bait to get you on the hook. After, they reel you in, over time they will start slowly increasing the cost. Again, this is just business and the cost of things, as there is this pesky little thing called inflation that just make goods and services costlier over time.

Let me tell you how my life has changed as I cancelled and avoided subscription services like the plague.


Money is like air, try and live without it. – Motivational Speaker

Some of you out there may remember the group the Wu-Tang Clan. They had a song called C.R.E.A.M and that pretty much summed up that you need money to sustain your life and that of your family.

You need shelter, food, water, transportation, insurance, internet, and phone.

Everything else is pretty much optional.

I have Netflix, Hulu, World Gym Express, AAA, insurance (life, auto, health, dental), and that’s about it.

I got a term life policy for pretty cheap through AAA.

I got some of the lowest prices available that would sustain my household. Things mean nothing to me. I don’t care about clothes or shopping. I prefer experiences. Me and the girls would have wine, pizza, and game night at each other’s houses.

Music videos were also a shopping trigger. Everyone from Ja Rule to Lil Wayne talked about being cash money millionaires. A rapper even made it his moniker: Chamillionaire!

Everyone in music videos had private planes, diamonds, champagne, mansions, and beamers, Benz and Bentleys!

Who thought of this thing called shoe game. I have never cared about shoes. I just wear them out until they are no longer useful and then repair or replace and toss the ones that are useless. I would wear shoes until I had holes in them. I don’t care. I’m fine. Grateful to have shoes on my feet.

However, when I was around 15, those videos started making me feel bad. So, at age 16, I decided to stop watching them. My self-esteem went through the roof!

Then years later, I discovered that many episodes of MTV cribs were not the full truth. I was floored. I was like you made me believe that success was in what I drove and what home I lived in. All wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong!


Money can buy you a fine dog, but only love can make him wag its tail. -Kinky Friedman

If you read my last post, you know I was inspired to save more by the blogger who owns Millennial Money.

I backed off of doing and buying much of anything, so that I could be free. I wanted to be financially independent (FI). And that, my friends, requires discipline. FI requires sacrifice and saving.

Women tend to focus on saving.

Men tend to focus on earning.

I encourage you to do both. That is what I did.

Ask for a raise, if it will get you to your goals faster. Don’t ever be afraid to ask for anything, because all people can do is say yes or no. So, I ask for everything. I do not fear rejection. I have learned to fail better. You are rewarded for it.

I knew getting a good education or learning a skill (construction, HVAC, barber, hairstylist, IT, plumbing, electrician, or dental hygienist) that could be monetized was key.

I knew a guy many years ago that skipped college in favor of heating refrigeration and air conditioning training. Within like 6 months he was making $20 an hour! And that was right out of high school.

In the news, it was reported that construction is in dire need of those willing to learn the trade. Due to a lack of construction workers, homes being built now are higher priced and low-income homes are not being built.

All of the sudden people are too good for construction! I have always admired and liked a hardworking, driven person. Especially, a man who can work with his hands.

Remember that episode of Charmed, where their ancestor came back from the 1600’s. It’s okay if you don’t remember, I own the DVD and just so happen to have a clip of it. This part and another episode called Morality Bites are some of my favorites from the show.

What’s wrong with working with your hands? Like all of my uncles were mechanics. It was like Marissa Tomei in my cousin Vinny.

They always had grease under their fingernails and on their hands, but people depended on them. My Uncle Tommy helped everyone. He was kindhearted. He, like my father, never raised his voice because they didn’t have to. They were respected and loved. There was no need to yell.

I have always liked and been drawn to well-mannered, hardworking men.

My mom grew up on a farm and we would visit it every summer when I was little. My only memory of my grandfather was always of him dressed in overalls.

He was in excellent physical shape well into his 70’s. Farming is hard work. He was up by dawn and in bed by dusk.

There was always fresh fruit and vegetables because he grew it and sowed his crops himself.

I love the fact that you can take a blueprint, follow a plan, build a home, and have tangible proof of labor. But, you know, that’s just me.

I spent parts of my childhood holed up in my room or on the couch reading books. I would read the Sunday Comics (Peanuts were my favorites), Archie Comics, history books or anything lying around the house.

I put all my time and money into developing myself. It went to my health, family, education, and community. Those sacrifices of going to an in-state school and driving a beater have paid off in spades!

Let me show you how.


After being introduced to Millennial Money online, almost three years ago, I made some changes.

I started looking at money differently.

I started thinking of ways to save on a daily basis instead of just monthly or after I paid all my bills.

You have to have money left at the end of the month, if you want to build wealth.

I took a look at my bank and credit card statements to see what I was spending my money on. Was there anything I could cut out? Did I really need this?

I cut out nail salon visits, excess hair appointments, shopping sprees, vacations, car washes (another subscription, ugh), birthday parties (no gift to buy or buying the birthday girl a drink) and anything I could find.

I cut out miscellaneous expenses too. No stopping at Walgreen’s without a list. I only need one pen, not a pack. Is it on sale? I can’t afford full price to anyone whose name isn’t followed by M.D.

After trimming the fat, I started figuring out my savings rate.

I started out with this:

Year 1. Saving $50 per month. $600 a year. That’s $600/365 (days a year) = $1.64 a day savings rate.

Year 3. Saving $150 per month. $1,825 a year. That’s, $1,825/365 = $5 a day savings rate.

Year 6. Saving $1,111.04 per month. $13,333.06 a year. That’s, $13,333.06/365 = $36.53 a day savings rate.

I went from saving $1.64 a day to $36.53 a day! That’s a 22% increase in savings.

That’s progress. That is almost the equivalent of someone paying me $40 (two twenties a day) and I put aside $36.53 of it in savings.

If you notice, from the examples of what I did, it took 6 years to get here. I just started where I was at.

I just wanted to save $5 a day like Millennial Money talked about. I had no idea that I had done that and more. I was used to spending everything I had and being in debt.

To this day, I still try to find ways to increase my daily savings rate. Once I changed my money mindset, I changed my life. I got results. And you can too!

How Millennial Money inspired me to start saving $13,333.06 a year

If you have been reading my blog recently, then you know I attended FinCon in Orlando, Florida this year.

However, what many of you may not know is that I have been listening to podcasts and reading blog posts by Grant Sabatier of Millennial Money.

Grant discussed saving money every day. Something like $5. And when I changed my mindset, I was like I want to do that too.

The escalation of your saving rate. Grant recommended that people try to escalate their saving by 1% every 30 days.

I knew this was a massive undertaking, but I was determined to do something.

So, I started where I was at and worked my way up. I just shifted upwards.

This is the first time I have ever opened up about what triggered me to start saving larger sums of money.

I am nervous just writing this post. However, I wanted to share some of the things that I have done in hopes that it may help someone else in the same way that Grant helped me.


It was around 2013, that I started to do some Million-Dollar Math. I used an online calculator to determine how much I would have to save to get to millionaire status.

I focused on 2 numbers: $100,000 and $300,000.

The reason for this was because at an 8% return $100,000 will net you $1,000,000 in 30 years. At a 9% return, $300,000 will net you $1,000,000 in 12 years.

Even that, seemed like it would take tremendous effort.  Then I realized I had to think big, but start small. Start where I was at.

The answer was staring me right in the face. I was like Homer Simpson, Doh! Come on, Miriam. Use your Noggin.

I needed to take the small steps first in order to get to the bigger ones.

A number like $1,000,000 is too daunting. So, I broke it up into bite sizes like Oreo mini’s.

First, I focused on my retirement savings and then my regular savings. It went something like this.

Retirement Savings Escalation Example

Year Savings % Annual Increase Change
Savings Escalation    
2013 13% 2% +2








2016* 25% 5% +14

*** I stopped at 2016 because I shifted my focus from mostly all savings going to my 401(k) to focusing more on liquid savings for the time being. Don’t worry. I still invest in my 401(k). I have to get that match after all. Can’t leave free money on the table.

In 2017, I made some changes to my savings approach. I needed to have some liquid cash too and not just have all my funds locked up in my 401(k). I had to have cash reserves. Especially, for any unforeseen emergencies that just pop up.

I decided to pay myself first. Instead of saving what was left over after paying my bills and spending money on things, I saved first. I set up an automatic deposit to my savings, then paid my bills and then spent what was left.

My savings rate was so high that there was not but so much left over to spend. I did this on purpose.

It meant I must not only spend less (a lot less), but I must also earn more if I want to spend more.

I started saving more liquid cash in my savings and money market accounts.

In order to get my savings rate higher, I had to cut subscriptions, payoff debt, and eat out less.

And there is a secret to my success. Shhh! But, I’ll tell you guys. The secret is this: I automate it.

Savings Year Monthly Savings Amount End of Year Total Savings
2013 $50 $600
2014 $100 $1200
2015 $150 $1800
2016 $250 $3000
2017 $333 $3996
2018 $1,111.04 $13,333.06
2019* $1,211.09 $14,533.06

I try to increase my savings rate by a minimum of between 1%-5% a year and even double or triple it, if I can. I just cut out everything. I spend as little on clothes as possible. I haven’t bought a car in almost 16 years. I don’t care. I’d rather save and be financially independent.

You can see from the numbers above that once I was introduced to Grant, my savings rate went through the roof and increased quite dramatically!

At the rate I’m going, I estimate I will have somewhere between $80,000 – $90,000+ after factoring in for life (cause things just come up).

And that is only if I continue on this path for at least the next several years and increase my savings by about 11% per year or around $1200 annually, which is a $100 increase in savings per month. I could decide to save even more over time.

I would then have enough savings in the bank to pay for 3-5 years of my expenses.

I estimated my FIRE number (25 x my expenses): $750,000.

Once I hit that or a certain number in liquid savings, I will then re-evaluate my situation.


It happened around 2017. I like to read money articles, magazines and books. I like to study the self-made. Then maybe I can emulate their success.

I saw an article about Grant on CNBC in early 2017. I was intrigued to learn how someone could do this in just 5 years what most are unable to do in a 30 or 40-year career or even in a lifetime.

Once I read his story I was inspired to act. I was determined to get my act together too. I devoured personal finance (PF) books. I must have read at least 40-60 in the last 15 months alone.

However, I haven’t bought a book in about 3 years. Too expensive. I rent them all from the library.

I do have some books I own from the years I was buying personal finance books. I have a small mini-library in my home (just a medium-sized book shelf) full of all my PF books.

I feel that if you want to be wealthy, then you have to read. You have to pursue wealth. Your house should look like a Barnes and Noble, if you want to be rich.

And ditch the plastic, unless you can pay it off every month. Once you stop making those installments, all your money is yours and a lot of your money woes disappear.

However, for the first time in years I am allowing myself to buy a book and it will be Grant’s new book that is coming out in February 2019.

How do I know he has a book coming out at that time you ask?

Thanks for asking. I’ll tell you all about it.


I went to Fincon, a financial conference where money and media meet, and Grant happened to be speaking at one of the workshop sessions.

I stepped in to see what he had to say.

He was awesome. I felt his passion for what he did. It was palpable.

He said blogging is a long game. Your blog and appearance should be clean and shiny.

Be unique, be yourself and tell your story.  Stand out from the crowd because the media will try to lump you in with all the other bloggers. Don’t let them.

Sell your feel goods. Feelings are what connect people to you and your blog.

Do you care about your reader? If so, be clear and transparent. Have a mission.

When I shared my story about having only $2.26 in my bank account it just one day exploded. I have done over 400 media interviews because of it.

90 days ago a firm offered me $4 million dollars for my site. I turned it down. I can’t sell my site. It’s my baby. There is more to life than money. It’s not the money. It’s the work.

If you want to be a blogger, make your posts memorable. Have personality. Be vulnerable. Be more giving. Show people that you are human.  Tell your struggles and challenges. Reveal things to your readers over time. Humanize your site. Be more open.

Screen shot your story. Make it unique so people can remember. Always start with a story.

Write lots of stories. Do your reps. Put in your time. Putting in the extra time to write 3 times more content means you connected the reader. Readers are looking for an emotional connection. And Storytelling.

I’ve written 1 million words about money. And I’m not done. Be distinctive.

This is the age of vulnerability and that is why digital podcasts are so popular.

At this point, I got the message. He was so passionate when he spoke I did not want to leave the session because he was so engaging.

I made a point to walk up to him later in the day and introduce myself and tell him how much I enjoyed his workshop.

He said thank you so much. I really appreciate that because it’s scary up there. Your like an island up there.

I also told him I did not think he should sell his website. I mean where I would get my feel goods.

I then gave him my card and he gave me his flyer. He was super grateful and humble when I told him I liked his speech. I felt and thought that he had a good personality and thoughtful disposition that was positive and hardworking.

And I was right. At the closing party, Grant displayed , yet again, his big-hearted and kind nature.

The DJ was packing it up for the night, but people still wanted to dance. He offered to pay the DJ (out of his own pocket to keep the party going). That was really nice.

That’s the type of people I need and want around me. Those with good character and that care about others. I want to be a good neighbor. And want to be around good neighbors as well.

After all, you never know when you may need to borrow a cup of sugar or need someone’s help.

Case in point, I had a close friend that needed some money fast in order to close on her house. I wrote her a check the very next day, with no other questions asked and she paid me back within 2 months.

My sister also many years ago was in a bind and needed to pay a debt. She said she needed $500 dollars. I wired her the money the same day. She said she would pay me back and I told her to forget it. After all she had done for me. I didn’t forget when there were times she helped me out. I had a chance to repay the favor, so I did.

I know some people out there may say it was just a DJ, but no. It was more than that. It was the fact that he was willing to dig in his pockets and spend money on hundreds of virtual strangers.

I have seen people not willing to give up a dollar, a penny even, not one red cent to help family members. Let alone a stranger. And this guy did it, no questions asked and without waiting for or expecting a thank you.


Well, there you have it. My story of how I started to save more.

You now know more about me than some of my close friends and family members do.

I’m not going to lie. I was scared to write this post, but if Grant can screen shot his bank account showing $2.26 in it, then I am willing to share as well.

I too lived at home longer that I wanted or planned to. I went shopping and spent recklessly to numb the pain. I felt I was failing at adulting.

I had to find a way to kick the habit because it was putting me in the poor house.

I started shopping with lists. I would make painstakingly long lists of clothes I wanted to buy. I would make myself wait 30 days before making a purchase. By then, I didn’t even want the clothes anymore.

To satisfy my cravings, I would at times (every few days or weeks) allow myself to go online to Nordstrom and put every item of clothing I wanted in the shopping cart. I once raked up a bill for $18,000 dollars!

However, I thought about my money or my life. How much in sweat would I have to toil to pay off that sweater that no one is going to see me in because I am too broke to go out?

By the time I would be able to pay off the debt (plastic fantastic), those clothes would be long gone and the interest would have made them way more expensive than the $18,000 I racked up just to buy them.

I did not buy one single item.

I proceeded to do this for about 6 months and sometimes I did it every day, in order to get it out of my system.

I have been cured of my shopping addition and clean and clothes sober for the last 5 years. Thank you very much.

I have never told anyone any of these things except my partner. He said do whatever you have to do not to spend.

I’m embarrassed to tell people that I used to do that, but whatever it’s my truth and I’m living in it.

I wasted so much money on clothes. You would not believe. For every event, I would go shopping. I needed a new dress or jacket or boots. I spent with reckless abandon to impress people that I didn’t even know, like or who didn’t even care.

Now, I never go on Macy’s website for longer than 10 minutes, I get what I need, and get out. I have bought very little and way less clothing than in the past. I rarely go to malls and no longer go to any clothing sites online.

I had about 600 items in my Amazon cart. Those items have been just sitting there probably for like the last 5 years. I was like forget it. I don’t need any more stuff.

I also notice when I don’t shop, I feel better. I get just as much joy in saving as I o spending. Almost. Let’s not go crazy now. I’m only human.

I started donating clothes and items all around the house. It feels good to purge all that stuff. It’s so freeing. It was cluttering up my mind and house. I don’t need a bunch of gadgets and new clothes and shoes. I would repair instead of replace.

I rarely go to the movies and almost never go on vacation. And if I do, it’s usually once a year.

I keep myself busy. I don’t like ideal hands. I find something productive to do. Even if, it’s just reading or cleaning the house.

Sometimes, I still get the itch to shop and spend, but I have learned not to scratch it. If the goal, is to be financially secure then sacrifices will have to be made. Hard work is required of anything good and important and it takes time. And hard work builds character.

And I am okay with not getting rich quick or overnight because I know anything truly worth having is worth the wait. The only way to really feel good about something is to earn it first.

I had to train myself on how to deal with large influxes of money and to keep my paws off of it. And much like the narrator said at the end of the Neverending Story, but  that’s  another story…

How to navigate Universal Studios theme parks on a Budget and Like a Boss

If you read my FinCon18 recap, you know I went to Universal Studios during the conference.

I had to recharge my batteries. I was just so exhausted. I needed some me time.

Therefore, I purchased tickets online to go to Universal Island of Adventure and Universal Studios: Halloween Horror Nights 2018 or #HHN28.

Buying the tickets online is a good idea for Halloween Nights as they offer a discount online.

I got one ticket to go to either park for 1 day for $115. And For Halloween Nights, I got a Flex ticket for $81.99, which allowed me to go any night Sunday – Friday.

This ended up being a good idea because I was unable to go on a specific night (as you can buy a specific date ticket for cheaper $50-60).

I had an absolute ball. It was so much fun. This is the most fun I have ever had at a theme park.

Every hour something new would happen. I walked in circles around the park all night long. I had to finally force myself to leave because it was after midnight.

This is how I was able to do everything I want at Universal on a budget and have a blast!


First, I decided to wait until noon to go. I saw no reason to get there when the park opens because I knew I did not want to be there all day in the heat walking around.

After, I got dropped off by the Resort taxi, I went straight through CityWalk and when to the gate. I printed out my paper ticket, but was told I would need to get a park ticket because it was a digital ticket I had and needed to be on a device (cell phone).

I waited in line at customer service, which was oh so slow.

Finally, I got my turn and had to show photo ID. I then received both of my tickets to each park and was able to get into the park.

Park tip 1: To avoid this aggravation, simply download the ticket to your phone.


I got park maps of both the Adventure Park and Halloween Nights and mapped out a plan.

I would do this park for 6 hours from noon until about 630 pm when Halloween Nights started.

At that time, I would do the other park for Halloween for about 4-5 hours as it did not close until 2 am!

First, I got on the Incredible Hulk Coaster. It was so much fun. I had to use my ticket to open the locker for the ride.

Please note, you need to have pockets or a ticket holder to keep your ticket with you while on this ride because you need it to re-open the locker.

I was also able to go in the single rider lines. Since, no one wanted to ride single these were the shortest lines. Therefore, I was able to get on every ride in both parks within 5-20 minutes!!!

Park tip 1: Go in the single rider lines. They are faster and anyone can use them. You can still end up riding with all or most of your party on the ride, but without the long wait in line.


Then I walked over to Marvel Super Hero Island and got on the Spiderman 3-D ride.

While in line, I saw lots of people with lanyards and clear ticket holders around their necks.

I asked two gentlemen standing in line where they got it from. They said the front of the park, but I could buy one at stores around the park for about $10-12 bucks.

The first thing I did when I got off the ride was buy a lanyard. It cost me $10.65.

Park tip 1: Get the lanyard. You can tuck it inside your shirt while you ride. The holder keeps your tickets safe and dry from water rides.

Park tip 2: Put a credit card inside the ticket holder with your park ticket and then you can pay for food and locker rental without needing to carry your bag around the park.

Park tip 3: I asked if there was a place close by to get water and was informed that every place that offers food and drink provide free ice water. Including all the food stands or carts. Drink it! I asked like every hour for cold water.

Park tip 4: I also asked what the gentlemen were asking for when asking patrons if they could speak to them. She said it was a timeshare. They say it will be a 90 minute tour, but it turns into four hours. Stay away from these folks! It’s a high pressure sales pitch. Don’t fall for it.

On a side note: I did this before and they try to pressure you to buy all day. They ask for personal information. Don’t give it to them. They especially want your credit card or bank account number. Don’t do it!

I decided on a whim to sign up, but then looked these people up online before the tour. By sheer happenstance, I clicked on the reviews. They were horrible. So, I did what any sensible person would do. I backed out.

I called the salesperson 2 hours before my scheduled tour and said something came up.  The conversation went something like this:

ME: Hello. Good morning. Something has come up and I am not able to make the tour. I’m checking out my hotel and flying home ASAP. So, you can cancel the tour. Hope you have a good day.

SALESPERSON: (sad voice) No problem…they continue to talk, but I hang up.

I then immediately blocked that number and anyone that called from that out of state area code.

My gut instinct was that they would try to contact me and I had someone call me 3 times at the time I was supposed to be picked up for the tour.

Nope. I blew them off.

I kept the conversation short (per my phone it lasted 20 seconds) and controlled the entire situation.

Do I feel bad?  Absolutely not.  I followed phone etiquette. If you say goodbye, have a nice day or I’m hanging up now, it’s not hanging up on anyone, right?

My motto is sometimes you just have to be aggressive. Be, be aggressive. But I digress. Let’s get back to the fun.


I went on my third ride: Jurassic Park River Adventure.  It was not scary at all and the park is definitely family friendly as many of the rides were not thriller roller coasters, but still fun.

Then after, this ride I was tired. I took a break and got a grilled chicken salad from Captain America Diner. It cost $11.50.

Park tip 1: Take breaks after 2 or 3 rides. The sun and all the walking really wear you out.

Park tip 2: Wait at least an hour to an hour and a half to start riding again to give your food a chance to digest and body a chance to rest and recover from all the movement of the day.

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Hogsmeade

Next, I got on the Harry Potter ride. You can keep your stuff in the lockers they provide. You will need to place your index finger on the pad until it says remove finger and verified. Then you will be assigned a locker number.

Park tip 1: Some lockers ask you to create a six digit passcode for you to re-open your locker. Keep it simple so you remember.

This ride is decent. Great visuals. Lots of jerky movements.

The Lost Continent

I went to Poseidon’s Fury.   Waited in line for a while as they grouped all riders together. The ride was okay. Again, great visuals here and atmosphere.

After riding all the roller coasters I wanted, I decided to do the water rides.

Park tip 1: I suggest you do the water rides last. The other park does not have any. And the Volcano Bay park where it is nothing but water, think inner tubes and lazy river (no rides), you have to be bused to. No thanks.

Park tip 2: If you want to get wet, either do it during the day when the suns out or bring a change of clothes. And I mean a whole change of clothes including socks and undergarments as you are going to get soaked.

Park tip 3: Bring sandals to wear on water rides. I put my sneakers in the locker and did all the water rides in sandals so I wouldn’t have to walk around the park in wet sneakers!

Toon Lagoon

The last stop in this park for me.

I got on Dudley Do-Right’s Ripshaw Falls. You get pretty wet here. My pants were soaked but my hair and shirt were not too terrible. I even found a partner to ride with here.

Next up,  Popeye & Bluto’s Bilge Rat Barges.  YOU GET WET. Absolutely soaked, from head to toe.  They have waterfalls that just drench you. And oh yea, dryers cost $5 a cycle!

I had a blast, but it’s time to get to the real action. Halloween Nights!! Yea baby!!!

Universal Studios Florida

This is where the action is. Huge crowds have formed outside the park and everyone is buzzing to get inside. I walked over from Island Adventure in my wet clothes so I could take care of everything all at once while inside the park.

Once inside, I immediately make my way into the ladies and change clothes. Feeling refreshed. I go over to a locker at the front of the park, by the entrance and pay $10 for all day and unlimited access.

I also brought a thin strapped bag to wear over my clothes like a cross body that was similar to a fanny pack to walk the park hands-free. I was able put my cell phone, lip gloss, and any receipts into it.

Since, I kept my cell phone on me in this park, I texted myself the locker number that I stored all my stuff in at the front of the park to make sure I wouldn’t forget.  (small productivity hack there)

Park tip 1: They will let you ride with the fanny pack as long as it’s around your waist for all the rides I went on except Harry Potter.  Just FYI.

Then I was on my way. I was off to the next ride.


I rode the Revenge of the Mummy. It was pretty cool. It also had a surprise drop and was super creepy inside the dark caves. It was awesome!

Park tip 1: I played no games because I did not want to carry any prizes or spend unnecessary money on souvenirs. I just kept my park maps as one.

Park tip 2: Like with the other park, I zipped inside shops and cafes. I was in and out because if you stay too long, you will spend money.

San Francisco

I got on the Fast and the Furious. Prepare to wait for this one. It gives a long tour. However, the ride makes you feel like you’re a part of the action in the movie. So it’s not too bad.

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Diagon Alley.

This place is straight out of Hogwarts. It is really cool. I zoomed in and out of shops because again you will spend. That quiddich outfit or wizard uniform is pricey. The school uniform tie costs $30 bucks!

As I said above, you must put all items in a locker.

Then off you go. The ride is pretty cool. After every ride, it just so happens to exit into a shop of the character attraction you just got threw riding. A coincidence? I think not. Nope, I don’t need a wand to sit in my closet at home. I’m good.

World Expo

Men in Black (MIB) Alien attack. This is pretty fun. You shoot aliens. Just shoot everything!

Now, it’s gotten dark. All of the sudden chainsaw sounds are going off and people are in monster make-up and costumes. Zombies jump out at you and you get chased by people out of dark alleys. Let the fun begin!

I am also hungry. I go to Richter’s in San Francisco and get a grilled chicken sandwich for; you guessed it, another $11.50 like my lunch salad. And a small sundae from Ben & Jerry’s for $8 dollars! I bought no drink as water was free everywhere.

I walk around and take my customary break of at least one hour before riding.

At this point, the park is in full swing. The Killer Clowns from Outer Space are walking around, people are on stilts in full costume, and lighted jack-o-lanterns are hanging from the trees.

A life size Chucky from the movie Child’s Play box is in the middle of the street and inside is Chucky! He is talking to the crowd. It was one of the most bizarre things to see, but it sure was cool. He drew the largest crowd.

Every hour the park gets wilder, crazier, more fun, and crowded. It was sheer pleasure.

Sights and  sounds were everywhere. In every corner, there was something going on. I just kept walking in circles to see what would happen next. They just kept adding characters and shows.

An impromptu performance on the front stage started right before midnight of dancers doing the choreography in Michael Jackson’s thriller while the song played.

I took a short video of the performance. In this short clip, you could feel the energy of the park. It was crackling. It was electric. It was live. People were laughing, joking, dancing in the streets and just having a good time.

Imagine being in this energy for 6 hours like I was. It was the most fun I have ever had at a theme park hands down. Universal does Halloween big!!

I also got my face painted. So much fun. People kept walking up to me asking for help. They thought I worked there! But I guess when you’re wearing all black and costume makeup that can happen.


This was another short line and the singles line was super short.

Park tip 1: Do not waste your money on a fast pass. You can get on most rides within 20 minutes.

Park tip 2: Pay attention to the monitors throughout the park. They tell you the wait times of rides.

Transformers were my favorite ride at the park. So, I guess I saved the best for last. It was like being in the movie with them. It was just so much fun and so cool.

Do not pass this ride up as I almost did. I thought it was going to be kind of slow like the other 3-D rides, but I was wrong.  This ride was more than meets the eye!




I walk over to the lockers and get my stuff out. I head over to voodoo donut, but the line is wrapped around the corner so I leave and catch a cab back to the resort.

Park tip 1: There is a pick up and drop off area at the park. This includes cabs, Uber, and Lfyt. Cabs are also available all day at the park like an airport.

I get back to the hotel by about 1 am. I am fully recharged. I head up for bed. As I headed into my last day of FinCon, I felt like Rory Gilmore in the season 5 episode of Gilmore Girls, You Jump, I jump Jack, in ominous paratus, that’s Latin for “ready for all things.”

Well, that is the end of my Universal Studios adventure. Hope you had fun and thanks for coming along for the ride (pun intended).

FINCON 18: The Recap from your friendly neighborhood Greenbacks Magnet (Pt. II)

Continued from part I

FINCON 18: The Recap from your friendly neighborhood Greenbacks Magnet (Pt. I)

FinCon: Day 2 (Thursday) 9/27

At 8 am, I get up and get ready to head down for breakfast with Gina.

We meet around 9:00 am.

I get an oatmeal which cost all of $3.50 and came with brown sugar and raisins. Please note that just yesterday breakfast cost over $20 bucks!

I’m a PF blogger and am frugal by nature. At times, I’m almost like a Quaker (they are plain-dressed and frugal by virtue).

I knew what I was having for breakfast for the rest of the trip.

Any who, we chatted for a while and along came Liz and Erin from dinner last night. I introduced them to Gina.

And just in case some of you out there were wondering, I met two scholarship winners at FinCon so it is very real and legitimate. They practice what they preach.

Liz said she remembered from dinner the other night that I wanted a picture with her and was kind enough to allow me to take a quick one with her before she darted off to her next workshop. Liz you rock!!!

After breakfast, I went to New Blog Strategies from Two Ancient Bloggers hosted by J.D. Roth (Get Rich Slowly) and Jim Wang (Wallet Hacker) around 1030 am.

Both gentlemen started blogs around 2005 or so and sold them for seven figures.

Here’s what I learned:

Build a blueprint for financial prosperity.

At one point, Jim Wang was putting out 20, 30, or 40 articles a day. Blogs used to be about volume, but now are more about quality. Personalize it. Make a connection. That is what keeps people hooked and coming back. Tell your story.

Pitch to people outside your niche. If you write an article about cars, see if Jalopnik will allow you to guest post it on their site or if advertisers will pay you to advertise their products.

Be selective about what programs you work with as they may not be a good fit. Network. It’s important.

Put your best work out front. Like in your About Page. It gets lost over time as you continue to write. Keep it up front.

Study how other people are monetizing their blogs. Take their courses and buy their books. See what they are doing and emulate it or put your own spin on it.

Practice the soft sell. Pitching. Like outside your niche. Offer something to others.

Hire out. Focus on your strengths. Delegate and hire out your weaknesses. Hire people. Build a team.

Build potential and then monetize. Pick partners that match your message. Prioritize big wins.  Think strategically as people can get paid to guest post.

Here are some notes:

  • You could do 500 word posts and be ranked high on SEO in Google 10 years ago. Not today. Now you need 3,000 word posts
  • Quality = excellence vs. Quantity = volume (choose quality)
  • WordPress is good to use for blogs
  • Start with a story
  • Good quality class content
  • Have a mission
  • Social Media was not there in 2008 but here now so use it to get your message out there
  • Be methodical and provide action steps
  • Master one channel (podcast, blog, etc.) before opening another
  • Use a personal approach to connect with people
  • Use Newsletters and email lists
  • Many bloggers don’t make it because they quit. DON’T QUIT
  • Advertisers want your followers
  • Build courses and eBooks
  • Send shorter emails and very focused links
  • Diversify (courses, books, speaking, and consulting)
  • Do guest posts, reach new audience, showcase your best work

By noon, Michael and I met up and had lunch. We talked for a while. Thank you Michael for listening.

Then we went down to the EXPO.

We ran into so many people. I introduced him to all the new people I met and he introduced me to FinCon Founder, PT Money.

I also met J Money (Budgets are Sexy). He was super friendly. And Love the Mohawk!

After we hit up all the booths we wanted and walked away with free swag (I got 4 pens, 6 t-shirts, a journal, a selfie light and a few other items).

I also got a free drink ticket from Bloomly. (ticket number 1 of 5)

The rest of the evening I just went to go decompress. It was an exhausting day. But a great one!

FinCon: Day 3 (Friday) 9/28

I was drained. It took every ounce of strength I could muster to go to the 8 – 850 am workshop: Four Flavors of FIRE. I skipped breakfast as there was no time and rushed to get there.

Panel included Jillian Johnsrud (Montana Money Adventures), Carl Jensen (1500 Days), Physician on FIRE and Mr. Money Mustache. J.D Roth moderated.

Each discussed what they had done to FIRE.

They noticed that peers were spending all their money.

Jillian was on an Army Base and noticed a lot of new cars. She was like nope, not for me. You know how much each rank makes in the military. People walk around with their income on the uniforms.

She said many people working 9-to-5 are burned out and need a nap. Retirement also doesn’t fix your life. You have to decide what you want and reason you are doing what you do.

Have a money formula. Invest and save 25 times your income. That is your freedom number. For example, $40,000 x 25 = $ 1 million. That is the number you will need to retire.

FI (Financial Independence) is the goal and gives you permission to spend.

I asked one question and this would be the only question I asked at entire conference, which was to this panel.

I asked each panelists this: What was the catalyst that made them decide to FIRE?

Responses were:

1500 Days: At 37, I had a really bad day at work. My parents mismanaged money. I had nightmares of having no money, losing my job, and would wake up in a cold sweat. I decided I didn’t want that anymore.

Mr. Money Mustache: I worked a lot of minimum wage jobs (lots). I got a COOP for a $500 a week student engineer job. Thought this is pretty good money. Then surplus money when graduated and working as software engineer. Money started building up.

Then I asked myself this question: Would I do this for free? No.

No sense staying at a job that I don’t need the money for paid work anymore.

Physician on FIRE (POF): I was studying for a board exam. I was in my late 30’s. I would need to do this again in 10 years. I had been spending days at the library. I didn’t want to do this again in another 10 years. I didn’t want to study for another test. I wanted to spend time and do fun stuff with my family.

Montana Money Adventures: Slowly growing passive income with RE properties. Husband had a small military pension. Had to come up with a financial plan as too many responsibilities at home.

We grew our savings and had 3 sources of income: pension, investments, and rentals. 2 out of 3 enough to cover our bills. Didn’t need or want a 50-hour work week job. Did a 1-year experiment on mini retirement. And the rest is history.

After, this I was pretty wiped out.

I had to recharge.

So I did what any person visiting Florida would do. I went to Universal Studios. (I’ll tell you all about that in my next post)

How to navigate Universal Studios theme parks on a Budget and Like a Boss

Some notes:

  • Purpose, passion, and philosophy. Write with meaning.
  • You only need so much money. Once you have enough, you can decide to start giving it away to those in need.
  • Goal is not to think about money, but to do more stuff. Have Freedom to choose.
  • Use a 3% instead of 4% withdrawal rate for retirement.
  • Amass wealth through RE (real estate) and stocks. When market goes down it’s the best time to buy. Stocks are on sale.
  • Make sure spouse is on board with FI.
  • Don’t ask spouse about money. Ask them about what they picture as their ideal life and their dreams such as traveling or other things they want.

PLUTUS Awards were also on Friday night. This is an award ceremony for excellence in blogging. There was also an after party.

Here is a tweet by Paulette Perhach of the winners

FinCon: Day 4 (Saturday) 9/29 The Last Day

The home stretch. Had a quick breakfast and went to see Grant from Millennial Money speak.

He was excellent. He was so passionate and shared his story with the audience.

I met him after the workshop and told him I really liked his speech. He was so humble and down to earth!

I also went to the house hacking workshop with Scott Trench and Mindy from Bigger Pockets, Chad Carson (Coach Carson) and Drew.

Scott said to make sure you have cash reserves. For every house he buys, he adds $10,000 in his reserves. Businesses need capital.

You can take out an expensive $1 million plus umbrella insurance policy to protect your assets.

Find people to help you such as real estate agents and create a formula for yourself to purchase new properties and manage them.

I also met Greg (Greg Chats Cash), Khaleef & Sherrian (Faithful with a Few), and so many others.

I learned about how to get booked and paid to speak and met Phylecia Jones from Keeping Up with Mrs. Jones. She also said people need to share what they know. So that is what I am doing here.

I also went to sessions by Chelsea Fagan (The Financial Diet), The Busy Budgeter, and Ellie Kay.

Then went to the close out keynote with Chris Hogan and several other speakers and finally the closing party.

I didn’t get back to my room until after midnight.

FinCon had come to an end.

With 2000 people at FinCon18, it was impossible to meet everyone, but I got as many cards or took as many photos of ID badges as I could.

And with over 100+ workshops it was impossible to go to every single one. Therefore, I would split them up and go to one session for 25 minutes and a second one for the last half.

I also took notes and took pictures of PowerPoint presentation slides that I wanted to review later. Since, I was unable to write down everything.


  • Organized all the business cards I got while there. At the end of every day, I would put all the business cards I had together and kept them together by date received. That is how I kept track of what I did and who I met when and where to write this post.
  • I put the business cards in a portfolio binder so I can flip through them and look up all the people I met online.
  • Created a FinCon Folder and placed every flyer, advertisement, receipt and ticket I purchased in it to keep it all in one place as place of reference.

Takeaways and Actions

  • Take notes throughout the event
  • Turn your blog into and think of it as a business
  • Blogging is a long game. Don’t quit.
  • Stand out
  • Be unique. Tell a compelling story.
  • Be yourself
  • Create an avatar and write to them.
  • Follow up with and reach out to people you want to work with

Thank you to everyone!!!

FinCon was incredible. I can’t wait until the next one.

I know this was a lot. Thank you for all those who stuck with me.

FinCon18 attendees, if you have any comments or feedback, please let me know. If we didn’t get a chance to meet, just reach out and let me know where can I find you online?

 I hope this post helps any future attendees out there. It has been my absolute pleasure to write this. Hope to see you next year at FinCon19.