
Gene Simmons On Power

“Walk amongst the natives by day, but in your heart be Superman.” ― Gene Simmons

In 2017, Gene Simmons wrote a book called, On Power: My Journey Through the Corridors of Power and How You Can Get More Power.

This book was nothing like I expected.

It was MORE.

Like the title says, it’s about getting more power. Become more powerful than you ever thought you could be. It all starts with your actions.

Let’s get right into it.



The short version is that he is a co-founder and front-man of the band KISS, that he helped start in the 1970’s. They are America’s #1 gold record-award-winning group of all time.

Image: New York Post

Gene grew up dirt poor. He practiced guitar for hours after watching The Beatles on an appearance of the Ed Sullivan show, he knew then that he wanted to be a rock star.

According to Harper Collins, the book was inspired by Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Prince, Simmons offers his unique take on the dynamics of power in every realm of life, from the bedroom to the boardroom, to the world of rock, celebrity, and social media, to politics. With one-of-a-kind anecdotes from his life and career, as well as stories from historical and contemporary masters of power, including Winston Churchill, Napoleon Bonaparte, Warren Buffett, Michael Jordan, Oprah, and Elon Musk, Simmons crafts a persuasive and provocative theory on how the pursuit of power drives civilization and defines our lives.

Gene Simmons has an estimated net worth of over $50 million dollars. So, I decided to give the book a quick read. Glad I did.


People want power.

  • Power over their lives
  • Power over their time
  • Power over their professional lives and career
  • Power over their money

So, how do you get this so-called power.

It’s a power grab for sure.

Gene takes a no-holds-barred approach to his life and on power. It’s dog eat dog out there. You have to be one of the big dogs.

Gene believed that everyone deserves power and that it is yours for the taking.

In his book, he gives you the key to unlock the doors to the temple of power.


“It’s up to you to educate yourself.”

“It’s up to you to learn speaking skills and people skills.”

“It’s up to you to try (and usually fail, but to try again) all sorts of ventures.”

“Believe me, the library is the temple of God. Education is the most sacred religion of all.” 

He graduated from Richmond College in New York City getting a bachelor’s degree in education. At one point, he was a school teacher in the Upper West Side.

Gene also speaks multiple languages such as German and Hebrew.

I noticed this was also a theme of Scrooge McDuck. Get a good education, become a linguist, and get to work.

I read everything I can get my little hands on. I go to the library every month. I regularly check out 4-5 books at a time. Sometimes more. I do believe in being well-read.


The rest is a combination of hard work, being at the right place …at the right time…with the right thing…oh yes…and more (never ending) hard work.” 

You want success? Well, you have to work for it.

Gene puts his money where his mouth is.

He worked for a butcher hauling up huge slabs of meat and cleaning the blood off the butcher block. Gene has worked as a typist and sold fruit on the side of the road when he was 8 years old.

Make no mistake. Gene is a hard worker and a hustler. He was working multiple jobs to get ahead. Similar to Jay Leno.

As for myself, at one point, I was working as a waitress, cashier, or in sales. In addition, to going to college and studying at times up to 5-7 hours a day! Going to bed at 1 am and getting up at 6 am. Rinse and repeat! I did that for years.


“Before I ever knew what the word Entrepreneur was, I realized in America and in the Western part of the world in general, you are given the opportunity to be whatever you want to be. And that is all anyone should ever expect from the Capitalist system. The rest is up to you.”

Yep. America is the land of YOYO (You’re on your own).

You learn real quick that no one is coming to save you. You have to create your own safety net. You can’t depend on the government. The only person to depend and rely on is self. Get it? Got it? Good.


“So much of our popular mythology focuses on the negative aspects of power that we forget that gaining power is, perhaps, the only way to enable ourselves to make a difference in our lives and in the lives of others.”

Gene says you must first get your financial house in order before you can espouse love.

This is similar to what I once heard Tyra Banks mother say, “you have to get yourself together first, before you can help anybody else.”

You should always be looking for ways to earn and expand those earnings. KISS started out with nothing. They slowly built a following. IT. TOOK. YEARS. They were riding around in an old van going from gig to gig and living off hot dogs.

But KISS got smart. They started licensing their name. Everything from lunchboxes to t-shirts. Their moniker is big. Multi-million dollar deals got them to the top of the heap. Monetize everything is Gene’s motto. And he has. And it’s been lucrative to say the least.

So, there you have it. Gene Simmons on power. If you want it bad enough, you just have to work and rock-n-roll all night, like KISS, to get it.

The Capitalist Code by Ben Stein

The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want. – Ben Stein

Ben Stein is an economist and actor, who wrote a book in 2017, called The Capitalist Code: It Can Save Your Life and Make You Very Rich. He has an estimated net worth of over $5 million. So, I thought I would check his book out.

On my quest to follow the money, I have discovered lots of books, blogs, and information about money.

I have been told I am seriously into all things money. Friends sometimes call me “the money lady.” That’s fine with me. I take that as a compliment. There are much worse things to be called than that.

But, I get it. I do have a laser-like focus when it comes to getting things done. I can be a task-master. It comes naturally to me. I just can’t help it because I believe in finishing what I start.

I learned that lesson from one of my favorite childhood books Where the Red Fern Grows.

You could say I’m a bit obsessed with learning about money. However, it has served me well to know about personal finance. I have a six-figure retirement and save over 40 percent of my income. All that came from reading finance books!

That is how I came to find this book. It is a quick read as the book is on the small side at 146 pages in length. I knew the name Ben Stein, but I wanted to find out What is The Capitalist Code?

But first…


“I’m an economist by training. I don’t really work as an economist. I only worked briefly as an economist.”

There is a short bio description of him online at goodreads which states:

Jewish-American economic and political commentator, writer, actor and attorney. He gained early success as a speechwriter for American presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Later he entered the entertainment field and became an Emmy Award-winning actor, comedian, and game show host. He is famous for his monotonous yet humorous voice in acting.

For those who may not be that familiar with the name you may remember him from his self-titled television show, “Win Ben Stein’s Money” or from the film, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.

“As to a media personality, well that just happened in large measure because people found me amusing, and I did lots and lots of T.V. news interview shows.”

“It’s a great stretch for me to do my game show. It’s very hard. It’s not me at all. The only part that’s me is sort of when I’m sitting in the booth looking tormented. That’s the only part that’s the real me.”

In Ferris Bueller, he is actually discussing a real topic of the era. During the 1980’s, Reaganomics was also referred to as voodoo economics or trickle-down economics. I’ll give you more on this topic later, in a future post. 😉

Ben has written for publication’s such as Barron’s, The New York Times, Fortune, and the Wall Street Journal. And numerous financial books including this one.


By definition, an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. You will often hear it referred to as a free market or free enterprise.

Simply put, capitalism is a system of investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained by individuals and corporations instead of by state-owned means.  Participants privately own capital.

Ben says, “Free market capitalism is a fantastic wealth-producing system and allows individuals to amass wealth.”

In addition, “There is no freer, more diverse, and more equal opportunity employer than capitalism. . . If you can produce a large amount of excess over your costs, you get well paid. And if you produce very much more than you cost, you get rich.”

A free market of competition, not a central government or regulating body, dictates production levels and prices. True capitalism needs a competitive market because without competition, monopolies exist.

See my post in which I discuss monopolies for more information


“If there’s a recession, I’d buy stocks. That’s when you make money: when markets are spooked.”

His primary objection of this book, is to get people off the sidelines and into the market.

“The sad fact is that spending rises every year, no matter what people want or say they want.”

This book gives you the #1 simple thing you can start doing today to grow your wealth — thanks to this “rigged” system known as capitalism.

Anyone can do it. You don’t need to have a Harvard or Economics degree or be a financial expert.

Basically, he wants you to do this: Invest in the stock market.

It’s a way to own a tiny piece of a big business and minimize your risk. Your piece of the American financial pie.

More specifically: invest in an index fund of the S&P 500.

You’ll own a tiny piece of a bunch of businesses and you’ll have more money when it’s time to retire.

That is also Warren Buffet’s advice among others.

See my post below on stock ownership

Patience is the key to wealth 


“Trying to pick individual stocks is a trap. I can’t do it. Warren Buffett can, but hardly anyone else can beat the indexes over a long period of time.”

It’s easy to think of big business as morally bankrupt, but it isn’t, really. Business leadership can make poor/unethical decisions, but being big doesn’t make them inherently wicked, and being a small business doesn’t make it inherently virtuous.

“I agree that there are some bad apples on Wall Street. I spent about ten years exposing corporate and financial fraud for ‘Barron’s’ magazine and I found a lot to write about.”

If you want to know more about stocks, you can read numerous books and magazines on the topic such as Value Line, The Intelligent Investor, and anything by Jack Bogle.

The key point is this: Free market capitalism is an incredible machine for making wealth. Corporations “rain money” year after year. If you don’t participate, you are making a huge blunder. It doesn’t take a genius, but it does take a plan—a “little bit of knowledge and an even smaller amount of action.”


“The education system should teach us about money; it’s an incredibly big subject. I run into people all the time that don’t have the first clue of what they should do about money.”

Ben states the following about personal finance in America:

  • Most Americans have not inherited wealth or a successful business that could set them up for life
  • 80% of millennial’s have no plan whatsoever for retirement savings
  • Many Americans are saving NOTHING
  • The average person says they need about $50,000 per year for retirement; but only has savings to achieve 20% of that number
  • We live in a country where more than half the people couldn’t come up with $500 in cash today if they had a family emergency

Source: GoBanking


According to Ben, you need to save first, and then spend— automatically.

That’s similar advice that Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary says: “Don’t spend too much. Mostly save. Always invest.”

Barnes and Noble provides this overview of the book: harness the incredible power of the U.S. economy for enjoyment and security by being owners of profitable businesses-by consistent, conservative investment starting as young as possible in a diversified port- folio of stocks. Anyone can be a capitalist—and should be. All it takes is a little bit of knowledge and an even smaller amount of action. All it takes is The Capitalist Code.


“There is a clear, unequivocal, if generalized, connection between the amount of education that a man or woman achieves and the amount he or she earns.”

In the book, he shows what women can earn with a degree…

And men.

Agreed. I notice that the more education you have, the more informed decisions people tend to make.

Although, in my opinion, education is not an equalizer it does; however, provide you with increased opportunity, knowledge and exposure to scholarly information.

For most folks, a bachelor’s degree is enough. Particularly, from a reputable in-state public or private accredited institution.

I will never forget when I was reading Arnold Schwarzenegger’s biography when he saw a PhD professor driving up in an old, beat up car and he said to himself that if that is what an advanced degree gets you, then that guy was in the wrong career.


“You must arrange your life from the very get-go so that you are spending less than you earn.”

Yep. I have learned it is not what you make, but what you spend.

You can totally blow through $200,000 USD a year after taxes! Just keep buying big homes and expensive cars.


How should you invest?

“You don’t need to “play the market” and try to pick stocks. Just buying and holding index funds is a simple, effective method that beats money managers most of the time.”

How long should I hold onto stocks?

Hold onto these funds as long as possible.”

Should I sell as soon as I get a sizable gain?

“Take advantage of huge tax subsidies for deferring investment gains.”


“A highly disproportionate amount of the good things in life accrue to those who have financial capital. The easiest way is to own index funds.”

He states you must acquire wealth.

I too have read you must pursue wealth. You may not want to chase money, but sitting on your laurels won’t attract money and abundance to you. Wealth is something that is attracted to those that have beat inertia and exhibit exertion.

Well, there you have it.

Straight from the guy who is pretty focused on one-task himself as he continued to utter that famous line, Bueller? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller? 

Just like someone had pity on him and answered him in the movie, Mr. Stein has answered a lot of your money answers in his book. The code is capitalist. He has given you the key to unlock the secrets on how to build wealth. So, use his key. Because guess what? The secret is out!

Oprah’s 5 lessons for a great life

Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you. – Oprah Winfrey

I fully agree with that statement. I learned from Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin, to do what excites me. So, every post I write is a topic that I am excited about.

I write what’s brewing around in my head, what is burning in my soul, and straight from my heart.

Sometimes, I think of that scene in Spider-man Homecoming when Tony Stark (Iron Man played by Robert Downey Jr. aka RDJ) meets Peter Parker (played by Tom Holland).

You can check out that scene here.

He says this to him:

Tony Stark: Why are you doing this, huh? What’s your MO? I’ve got to know, what gets you out of that twin bed every morning?

I ask myself that question. What  gets me out of bed every morning and gets me going? If it doesn’t excite me, then I’m not going to do it. And that is exactly how I feel about writing for this blog.

This blog will be very lively and spirited. That’s me. Full of energy.


I don’t plan to bore you. I want to be the place you go to wake up to. Like a radio station. I want people to come here to learn new things, get inspired, and when they leave to feel good.

I also try to only do what excites me in my personal life as well. There’s no fear of missing out for me. If it’s meant to be, it’ll happen. If not, move one. There’s always another rainbow, opportunity, or chance for adventure somewhere. I say, onward and upwards.

Obviously, Oprah needs no introduction. You know the face and you know the name.

She has won multiple Daytime Emmy’s, been nominated for an Oscar, and is regularly asked to attend and speak at major events all over the world.

Well, Oprah once did the commencement address at Wellesley in 1997. In her address, she discusses 5 important lessons she has learned for a better life.

Here are  the 5 quotes from Ms. Oprah Winfrey that have inspired me and I hope they do the same for you.


My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style. –  Maya Angelou 

  1. Life is a journey. Every day experiences will teach you who you really are.

I remember reading a book and a man commented that he witnessed someone being mistreated. When he asked the man why he didn’t say mean things back to those who were saying awful things to him, he responded, “You cannot fight hate with anger. You can only show people who you are by how you live your life.”


See my post on how to thrive by working harder than others that I learned from Jay Leno

Money Lessons I learned from Jay Leno


When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. – Maya Angelou

2. When people show you who they are, believe them the first time. This is especially helpful with men. Don’t force them to beat you over the head with the message.

I have definitely learned this lesson.

In this life, if you want to not only survive and thrive, then you must learn to weed out the good from the bad apples quick!

Check out my post on what can happen to people that learn to value things more than people.

Money and Relationships…3, 2, 1


A loving heart is the truest wisdom. – Charles Dickens

3. Turn your wounds into wisdom. Everyone makes mistakes. They are just God’s way of telling you you’re moving in the wrong direction.

If you ever saw that movie Sky High, his mom told him the following:


Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. – Marcel Proust

4. Be grateful. Keep a daily journal of the things you are grateful for. It will keep you focused on the abundance in your life.

It most certainly helps to think about all you do have, instead of what you don’t.


Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.  – Melody Beattie

5. Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life because you become what you believe.

We have to teach our girls that they can reach as high as humanly possible. – Beyonce

I remember reading that Bella Thorne creates a vision board for herself every year. Say what you want about her, but she is a hard working woman. You know why? It’s because she has a vision.

Arnold Schwarzenegger does something similar. Read all about it below. Very motivational.

How Arnold Schwarzenegger Totally Recalls making $20 million-dollar paychecks

If you want something in this life, you better be prepared to work for it. Nothing is free. Rarely is anyone ever handed anything in life. And even if you are, do you know what to do with it? Or how to manage it? It’s a lot harder to stay on top, when you haven’t done any of the work it takes to get there in the first place.

It wasn’t until I decided that I would be rich, that I started earning and attracting more money.

I learned that it all starts with the mind. Change your thoughts, change your life.

Less Home, More Wealth

You’ve got to work to succeed. – Owner of a Lonely Heart Song and Lyrics by Yes

If you crisscross the country, you will see home prices are highly inflated. Homes values have gone up, but so too have prices.

I look to my left and to my right, but I don’t really see any new starter homes being built.

How is a family just starting out supposed to find affordable housing without any affordable homes?

You need to keep your fixed expenses low, so that you can keep more of your money in your pocket.

Remember the future is more expensive. Things do not go down in price. Prices go up.

I urge you to reconsider purchasing anything that will mean paying a high fixed amount over a long period of time such as a mortgage.

High fixed expenses can cause folks to go bankrupt.

If you do an online search, you can lookup bankrupt celebrities and see my point.

When going through their financial records and bank statements you see the glaring red flags right off the bat.

Here is a typical list of items I see when high profile people file for bankruptcy:

  • The newest or latest Range Rover
  • Large wardrobes and expensive designer suits or furniture
  • Huge credit card bills
  • Expensive foreign car leases
  • Tax liens
  • Medical debt
  • Back mortgage payments
  • Multiple child support or alimony payments
  • Back taxes owed to Uncle Sam

There is one-line item I would like to pull out in particular and that is the mortgage payment.

Let’s say hypothetically speaking, one was to bring in $70,000 a year, but was once pulling in $520,000. That’s a pretty huge drop in income right there. Would signify some belt tightening needs to be done right?


Instead folks were continuing to live in the same neighborhood and even in the same house. In addition, driving fancy cars, and pretty much were living as if there had been no drop in income.

That is no way to do your finances.

You have to respect money. You cannot spend before you earn. As the song goes in the lyrics stated above, you’ve got to work to succeed.

You can’t continue to have the trappings of success, if you truly can’t afford them.

So, let’s discuss buying less home in order to be wealthier.


According to, the median home price in Washington DC is $575, 800.

If you have a 5% interest rate and a 30-year mortgage, that means you will owe $3,091 a month. And that’s just for the bricks! You have not paid property taxes, closing costs, home warranty, or utilities.

Adding in homeowner’s insurance and property tax, you are looking at $3,419 a month.

The Mortgage affordability rule states you should spend no more than 36 percent of your gross income on all your total debt, and this includes mortgages.

Based on the numbers, to purchase a home at this price point, you would need to bring in over $12k a month. That’s $150k a year. And this amount includes no down payment no debt except a mortgage.

Who doesn’t have a car payment these days? However, make anything less than that and its sorry game over.

Let’s not forget that this is for a property in Washington DC. There are tons of other metropolitan areas where to pay to play is even more egregious.

What a home in swanky parts of New York, California, Connecticut, Florida, Colorado, or Texas? Well, it’ll cost you.

Homes in gated communities can be well into the seven figure range.

If we take three times $575,800, that gives us $1,727,400. A $1.7M home will cost you approximately $10k per month, which is $120k a year and $10k of that goes just to property taxes.

In a decade you would have paid $120k for property taxes, just for you to sit on your couch in your living room .

That means a $3.5M home would cost the homeowner $250k over 10 years.

That’s right. A quarter of a mil. Just because the house is standing.


Oh and by the way, did I mention that property taxes are forever?

You don’t ever stop paying it.

That means you will always have some cost associated with owning a home, even if everything inside of it and the dwelling itself is paid for.

Wishing you could buy a manse like Hova and Beyoncé. Well, be prepared to shell out big bucks cause the property bill alone is massive.

It was reported they bought an $88M mansion in California. A pricey piece of property indeed. A ritzy neighborhood for sure and a jaw-dropping beauty of a home.

In sunny California, the property tax rate is composed of three types of levies: general tax levy, voter approved bond indebtedness repayment, and special district assessments. The general tax levy was frozen by Proposition 13 at 1 percent of assessed property value.

According to Joel Fox of The Sacramento Bee, “Taxes haven’t exactly disappeared under Proposition 13. Property tax revenue is up 1,000% since 1978 and is growing faster than personal income. However, individual taxpayers are protected by Prop. 13, locking in property taxes when they buy their home and limiting future increases.

So, let’s get down to the bottom-line. Property taxes on an $88 million-dollar home at 1% is $880,000 dollars! That is for one year. I shudder to think about the cost of upkeep.

Although, this is obviously not what the average American homeowner is paying in property taxes, it does illustrate that paying these taxes can be mighty expensive. Especially, if you are living on a fixed income, which many Americans one day likely will be.


What can you do instead of buying a huge property?

Glad you asked.

You can buy less home and save money.

This will effectively allow you to increase the amount of money you save.

For example, just buying a property that is $100,000 cheaper could allow you to save $584 a month in mortgage payments and property taxes.

Investing that $584 over 30 years at an 8% rate of return could net you $877,423.

You would be giving up close to $900k in wealth to live in a neighborhood that ends in the name of Hills instead of Heights.

Basically, you could save a small fortune.


I decided to buy a smaller home than most friends and family members I know.

In one case, I paid $500k less than my peers or their families. In another, I paid less than $700k!

Just figured less home would mean less to do for maintenance, lower utilities, and more freedom because less time is needed to manage my household.

I was right.

It is way less stress to care for a smaller versus a larger home.

You have less stuff because you have less space.

Either you throw out and donate crap or get creative in storing it. I prefer to come up with less storage solutions and just stop buying stuff.

It has paid off handsomely.

I gave my savings amount in a post I did called How Millennial Money inspired me to save $13,333.06 a year. Well, now I’m giving you the visuals. I highlighted in red what I’m saving now.

GBM savings growth chart 

After, I started ramping up my savings it just took off. I am on track to save 1,000% more income than I did in 2015. Not too shabby.

I say buy less home, build more wealth.

Do you want a million dollars? Ask for it!

Life is a negotiation – Louisa May Alcott

Growing your net worth from $0 to $1 million takes time. First, you have to ask for what you want. It starts at the negotiation table.

The sorted topic of coin. Everybody needs it, but those that really want it ask for it.

Ask for what you want. Anything at all. That includes money.

It may not be easy, but you have to negotiate.

It is the only way to get the best deal for you.

You know your worth, so don’t accept anything less.

Speak up to be heard.

Always be reaching. Never settle.


A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That’s why they don’t get what they want. – Madonna

Remember that piano scene in Sex and the City where the piano player kept saying, “one more time for the cheap seats in the back.”

Well, that is real advice.

No one can hear you if you whisper. You have to shout. If you do not speak up on your own behalf, no one will.

Believe me, prince charming or princess darling isn’t coming.

It’s like that part in The Lord of the Rings where Gandalf shouts, “fight for your lives.”

I say that to myself all the time. Do it like your life depends on it. Whatever it is, make it count. Finish strong.

Like that voice in Mortal Kombat used to say, “fight hard.”

Either that or die trying.


Better to live one year as a tiger, then a hundred as sheep. – Madonna

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been called a rebel.

For standing up for myself. For voicing my opinion. The list goes on and on.

I think back on that scene in Troy. To fight back.

To fight back when people attack me? Dog has that kind of courage.

If you want something, then you better be willing to go to bat for it.

I have asked or negotiated for better pay, grades, food, clothing, a deal on a house, fees, and interest rates.

I’m a lioness. I’m like Miley Cyrus says, “I can’t be tamed.”

I like to go for the gold, but I’m not ashamed to get silver or bronze.

Now when people say no, I only hear yes to my dreams.


I stand for freedom of expression, doing what you believe in, and going after your dreams. – Madonna

Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

You know the saying…only makes you stronger. Well, it’s true.

I will never forget those hard times being picked on as a kid.

I heard Jillian Michaels say she was bullied and teased relentlessly until she started taking martial arts. She says then the bullying stopped real quick.

I just focused on my studies. And my dreams. Just ignored everyone and everything. I was laser-focused.

I maintained good grades, a well-kept appearance, good manners, strong work ethic and a no nonsense attitude. The teasing stopped real quick.

It truly has paid off. As I have done the following:

  • Completed my education
  • Paid off debt
  • Learned how to invest and build wealth
  • Traveled more
  • Maintain my health
  • Took martial arts
  • Became a writer by starting a blog

I just did what I believed in.  And I believed in myself. I just trusted my instincts. I picked a path and didn’t look back.

Things may not have always worked out the way I wanted, but I was never standing still. The needle of my life was always moving forward.


Don’t you ever let a soul in the world tell you that you can’t be exactly who you are. – Lady Gaga

What do you want?

Be specific.

I’ll give you an example.

I plan to have enough money to retire in 13 years.

Be more specific. No problem.

By May 5, 2031, I plan to have enough money in savings and investments to retire from full-time work forever.

And that is not a wish, but a goal. This is real.

I am planning for that date. Right now.

Will I retire? I don’t know. However, I still plan to have the option to do so.

Scrooge McDuck said no man is poor who can do what he wants every once in a while.

Madonna said, “Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another.”

Warrant Buffet decided at age 10, after going on a trip to the NYSE, this planted the idea in his young head to organize his life around money.

You are the person in charge of your destiny. Never forget it.


The mind is the greatest weapon. – Rambo

Oh, it is. If you have ever seen an episode of MacGyver or been in a tight situation and talked yourself out of it, there’s your proof right there.

I have noticed that math and science are great skills for analytical thinking. Great subjects to study in school or to use to prepare for a career.

In the 2004 film Ray, Jamie Foxx plays Ray Charles and is told the way to get a better deal is to ask for one.

Don’t be afraid to ask for more.

My mother taught me that.

She says all people can do is say yes or no.

In the movie, the man says to Ray you think pennies you get pennies, you think dollars you get dollars.

That was just by changing your mindset.

When I think now, I always think in millions.

For instance, it will take approximately 20-30 years to build a million-dollar investment portfolio depending on how much you save and the interest rate. Investing $10k a year at a 8% interest rate will net you $1,000,000 within 28.55 years.

You just have to decide.

Do you want thousands or millions? You think millions, then you get millions.

If you ask for it and are turned down, then use your mind to find a way to create this reality.

Legally, of course.

Introducing the $100,000 bottle of water

This $100,000 bottle of water costs as much as a house in some parts of the country. Heck, even the world!

Thirsty? Well, this bottle of H20 will only cost you $100 grand. You heard me. $100k! Yes, that’s USD.

That’s the most expensive sip of water I have ever heard.

What if I accidentally spill it? Oh, to perish the thought!

I was sure it was a joke. Like how Jokey the Smurf brings you a present and then you find out it’s a gag gift. You know, something like that.

I can’t even fathom parting with that much cash for something you could get for free out the tap at home or at any restaurant.

Who are the marketing geniuses who thought of this? Who is the target market? What are the demographics?

Who in their right mind would pay $100k for some water?!!


Fine. I’ll bite. Who are they?

I guess you could say this water is targeted at a high-end clientele. Those that have pockets so deep, that smacking down that type of scratch is no problem, as all they have to do is whip out their Centurion Black Card. Swipe, sign, and done.

The company actually got rapper 2 Chainz and DJ Diplo to taste the water. They have both sold millions of albums. So, sure you could market to them. Market to the affluent is a must at this price point.

If you don’t have to bat an eyelash at this type of transaction, then good for you.

The rest of us reasonable mere mortals are not buying it. Where did this water come from?  Is it magic water from the fountain of youth? Will it heal all maladies or whatever ailments you have. Basically, will it cure what ails you and eliminate the need for the ever increasing cost of healthcare?

Could I rub it and make 3 wishes?

Like in the show Gargoyles, this isn’t Aladdin’s lamp. All things have their limitations. Even the character called Puck agrees with me. Check it out 30 seconds in.

Water can quench your thirst, clean you, keep you healthy and alive, and that’s about it.


The company is called Beverly Water. They are located in Beverly Hills, California.  The water is called Beverly Hills 90H20. It is crafted spring water from the California Mountains.

Coined “The Most Expensive Bottle of Water in the World,” is clearly meant to entice people with deep pockets that this is a must have item.

Here is the description that I posted on their website:


“The Most Expensive Bottle of Water in the World”

Limited to only nine bottles in the world, the Diamond Edition of the Luxury Collection of Beverly Hills 9OH2O is the ultimate in water.  Designed by Jeweler to the Stars Mario Padilla, each exquisite bottle features a white gold cap set with over 600 G/VS white diamonds and over 250 black diamonds, totaling 14 carats.  Each bottle comes in a custom secured presentation case together with four engraved Baccarat crystal tumblers, and it is presented in person by renowned water sommelier Martin Riese at a private water tasting anywhere in the world.  In addition, the Diamond Collection package includes a one year supply of the Lifestyle Collection of Beverly Hills 9OH2O.


There is a video posted of 2 Chainz and Diplo getting a tasting of the water from a, get this, water sommelier. It turned out as expected. Neither care to buy $100k bottle of water. Why you ask? It’s simple. It’s just water!

After, introducing the water to the two gentlemen, which is housed in a massive case, you get the feeling something is seriously off here.

Then comes reality.


2 Chainz asked what everybody wants to know, “What are you paying $100,000 for?”

The white-gloved sommelier then points at the bottle cap.

You are not really paying for the water, but what the water comes in and with.

Which is a 14 real diamonds, 600 white ones, 250 black diamonds, and white gold.

For this diamond luxury experience, you’re getting the case, and 4 diamond baccarat glasses.

After I stopped laughing hysterically, I started reading the comments on the video.

The hands-down and absolute funniest part after watching the video is reading the comments section.


Here are just some of the comments I saw that popped out at me.

Imagine how disappointed you were if you paid $100k for this bottle thinking its vodka

MBA lesson right here

If you can convince someone to buy a bottle of water for $100k. You deserve that $100k.

I will put some tap water in a bottle and sell it for 500k!

Marketing and BS.

Ima stick with my Aquafina😂😂😂

I’m no mathematician, but that’s more than 2 chains.

For those who didnt catch it, you are not paying 100k for the water. You pay 100k for the Diamonds and the gold on the Cap.

The glasses the diamonds and the case cost 99,999 and the water 1$

0$ water … 100k bottle cap

Man, that water better have the power to cure all diseases for that kind of price. 100K seriously???

I better become a mermaid after taking a sip for 100k

100k for a bottle of water? That sh*t better bring Jesus and 2pac back.

Meanwhile in Flint, Michigan…

This water better come from the fountain of youth.

Bottle of air 2billion dollars

One person put my exact thoughts, as I described above, into an elegant rebuke of buying water this freaking expensive.

MadeInVolantis 2 years ago

For 100k that water better turn me 18 again. For 100k that water better cure my thirst forever. For 100k that water better wash me of my sins. For 100k that water better make me a million dollars back somehow.

Well said.

Basically, it’s a $100k jewel-encrusted capped bottle with water inside.

Let’s think about this for a second. What could you do with one hundred thousand dollars? I’m about to tell you.


You could do all types of things with that kind of money. These are just some suggestions.


  • Start a college fund for underprivileged kids
  • Put every dime in the market and get historical ROI average of 7%; be a millionaire in 30 years (there goes that million bucks the commenter above was talking about)
  • Start a business
  • Donate $1,000 to 100 charities
  • Donate $10,000 to 10 charities


  • Rent out a blimp over your old college campus, get $100,000 worth of ones and make it rain
  • Go to Vegas, rent out the Penthouse of an expensive hotel , and bet 10,000 on black
  • Get on a plane to Dubai, UAE, fly first class on the Emirates and visit every attraction
  • Visit Rome, Paris, China, London, and Australia just to get a keychain
  • Get back stage and front row passes to see your favorite artist in concert
  • Enter a professional poker tournament with a $10,000 buy-in
  • Walk up to anyone of the people collecting for the salvation army and give them a check for $25,000 (kind of like that scene in the movie Ghost)

Great scene. You will love it. No need to thank me for uploading it here.

If you have never seen the movie, then I highly recommend it.


  • Donate 10% to charity
  • Put a down payment on a piece of property
  • Pay off all or a large portion of your debt
  • Invest in the stock market like the S&P 500 index
  • Pay cash for college
  • Buy a car outright
  • Invest in your health

If you want to impress people, just show up to their events on-time and don’t complain.

And if you just so happen to get thirsty, stick with VOSS, Evian, or Deer Park. Can’t go wrong.

That’s just my $0.02, er ehh, I mean $100k money saving tip of the week.