
Oprah’s 10 commandments for lifelong success

Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth. – Henry David Thoreau

I recently read the book Oprah Winfrey Speaks : Insights from the World’s Most Famous Influential Voice.

It was very inspiring.

Here are some of the things the “Queen of Media” had to say:

“Just tell the truth. It’ll save you every time.”

“Don’t complain about what you don’t have. Use what you’ve got. To do less than your best is a sin.”

“Every single one of us has the power for greatness, because greatness is determined by service-to yourself and to others.”

“I am a woman in progress. I’m just trying like everyone else. I try to take every conflict, every experience and learn from it. All I know is that I can’t be anybody else. And it’s taken me a long time to realize that.”

“If you’re angry, be angry and deal with it. Don’t go eat a bag of Ruffles.”

“God blesses you better when you pray on your knees.”

Oprah Winfrey is worth an astounding $2 billion dollars. I figured if anyone could talk about what it takes to be successful it’s her.


Oprah gets requests to speak at college commencements. Sometimes she accepts. Hear her talk about life and success to recent college grads in this 2018 commencement video.

And now, let’s talk Oprah’s 10 commandments for success.


Oprah Winfrey’s Ten Commandments for Success

  1. Don’t live your life to please others.

You better believe it. When I was younger, I was so concerned with what other people thought of me. I was teased so bad that I just got numb to it all.

I started focusing on my education. Read every book I could get my hands on. Looked for colleges I could go to that were affordable. Made sure my personal style and grooming became impeccable. The teasing stopped. I never looked back. Read my post on being fearless

That was in high school.

When I stopped trying to people please my life got better.

I also noticed whenever someone would call me selfish after I just finished helping them out or because I chose not to help them out at onetime or another. Just ignore the them. Push ahead and move forward.

I let those people go and cut them out of my life. Or cut them back. I need people that will lift me up.

No one can stop you. If you are meant to have it, no one can stop you from getting it.

Thank u, next!


2. Don’t depend on forces outside of yourself to get ahead.

That’s right. Everything I every really got in life was due to hard work, determination, and persistence.

It didn’t matter if someone helped me out or gave me anything. I still had to work to keep or maintain it.


3. Seek harmony and compassion in your business and personal life.

I too have noticed when I have my personal life in order, then I can also get my professional life in order.

The two are connected.

A cluttered home or office usually leads to a cluttered mind.

Simplify your life and always keep moving forward.

Like that animated movie, Meet the Robinsons taught its young audience, you can’t stop moving forward.


4. Get rid of the backstabbers—surround yourself only with people who will lift you higher.

In the book, Oprah Winfrey speaks, Maya Angelou went to court when Oprah was involved in a lawsuit in Texas. When asked what made her come down to Texas she stated, “I am here to lift Oprah up. For no other reason than that.”

Get rid of naysayers, negative Nancy’s, and Debbie Downers. They will only bring you down.

You do not have to be friends with everyone. Everyone does not have to like you. But we can respect each other.


Abstract autumnal backgrounds with petzval lens bokeh

5. Be nice.

A little kindness can go a long way.

I learned that Oprah said as a little girl her family was poor. They had so little money that one time they could not even celebrate Christmas.

Then on this one fateful night, a group of nuns visited her family and offered Christmas dinner. Oprah was so grateful and thankful that someone cared she decided she would make sure in her life she always helped others.

Due to this story, I decided I would also do the same. Making a difference in the life of others is its own reward. I love to write. So, I write. I don’t do it for the money. I do it because this is my passion.


6. Rid yourself of your addictions—whether they are food, alcohol, drugs or behavior habits.

Yep. I had an addition to credit and shopping. It took years to understand that I was psychologically using shopping as a way to fill avoid.

 Once I was able to identify the problem, I am happy to report that shopping was never a problem  for me again. I shop with lists, on a budget, and do not impulse buy.

You are looking at a reformed shopaholic.

I also was able to change my eating habits because I focused my energy more on working than eating.

I only needed three square meals to do the work. Made sure not to have idle hands. And to get the work done, it required me to exercise so I would have more energy and strength to work even more doing my passion!


7. Surround yourself with people who are as smart or smarter than you.

I once read a woman say she when she goes out on she asks dates men do they have a passport and a library card.

She wanted someone who had traveled and was as well-read as she herself was. Since, it’s easier to maintain a relationship with people we have things in common with. She figured just ask for what she wanted. 

I always recommend books for people to read about finances.That way, instead of always having to ask someone for help, pay a professional financial advisor, or feel inadequate in any way you would now be knowledgeable.

I like to fill the gaps in anyone’s financial education. That way, if you know what I know, we are equals.

This is also why many people tend to meet and marry people that run in their social circles. It’s easier.


8. If money is your motivation, forget it.

Don’t even get me started.

It’s funny because I noticed whenever I focused on money it never appeared. When I stopped focusing on it, like chicken little said, it fell from the sky.

Money attracts money. Money is attracted to money.

Therefore, it is best to figure out who you want to be and what you want to do. If you are good at whatever it is, the money seems to come.

“Do what you love and the money will follow.” — Marsha Sinetar.

Build up the capital first, then start a business.

“If you wish to get rich, save what you get. A fool can earn money; but it takes a wise man to save and dispose of it to his own advantage.” ― Brigham Young

I learned that like I control a car, I also control and command my money. I tell it what to do. It doesn’t control me. YOU control it!

When you are angry, frightened or beg for money it seems to pull away from you.

If you act like this, would you want to hang out with you?


9. Never hand over your power to someone else.

Absolutely, not!

When I read Pat Benatar’s biography, the two things I remember most are this:

One – when she said that her family went on annual vacations on someone else’s dime. Their creditor. They borrowed from their home to do it.This caused the family to go from having a home that was purchased for $7,000 to balloon to a $45,000 balance! They traded their life energy and many more years of working for a few days of fun every year. The creditor after 20+ years of payments still had power over their lives. She said it was not worth it.

Two – after signing her record deal with Chrysallis, she said she became an indentured servant. The label or “suits” had control of everything they did. It ruined relationships within the band that took years to repair, if ever. When her contract ended she never gave her power away again!

These are lessons we all can profit from. Do not give up your power. NEVER. EVER. EVER. 


10. Be persistent in pursuing your dreams

Never give up if you really want something, keep plugging away at it and your dreams can come true. – Robin Leach

I agree. One of my biggest dreams in life was to get a good education. It took me years to get where I wanted to go, but it happened.

Now, I not only finished college, but on average I read about 50 books a year.

It took me 15 years to get to the level I aspired for myself.

I just never gave up.

And neither should you.

How I turned a $450 car payment into $100,000

There’s always tomorrow and it does get better. – Ariana Grande

That statement reminds me of something Scrooge McDuck says, “there’s always another rainbow.”

Nothing is permanent. All is temporary. So, stay calm and keep moving on.

I remember it like it was yesterday. The car payment had to get paid. If I paid late, I had to pay a late fee.

So, it was either be late with the phone bill or the car. I chose the car because my cell phone could wait.

I couldn’t stand making this payment after the first year. It took me 6 years to pay that car off!

My lesson was learned. A car payment isn’t worth it.

I cannot tell you how many times I had to make payment arrangement, pay a late fee, or forgo making a payment to one creditor over the other. It royally sucked!

There had to be a better way. It had to get better. And it did.

Once I got down to the last $1,500, I just paid the car off. I immediately asked for the lien and a copy of my payment history.

The last payment had been made. I no longer owed a penny on my car. I was a free woman!

That was about a decade ago.

I wanted so bad to start shopping, traveling, or just do anything with that money. But then I stopped. I remembered all the sleepless nights and the time I spent worrying over how to make my car payment.

That’s when it hit me.

Why not put that money to work? I could max out a IRA or put the additional funds into my 401(k).

So, I looked into doing just that.


“If you’re saving, you’re succeeding.” ― Steve Burkholder

I did some research. The money could go into a Traditional or Roth IRA. In addition, I had the option of my company retirement account.

I chose the latter.

Then, I had to decide what brokerage account. I could go with several including Fidelity and Vanguard.

Vanguard had the lowest fees. So, I went with Vanguard.

Next, I had to decide what fund or stock to actually invest my money.

I though a mutual fund looked pretty good and went with the Vanguard 500 index fund (VFINX).


Money can’t just sit. There has to be a plan or like idle hands, good things do not happen. Money can’t be idle. It has to be put to work. Save it, spend it, or invest it. Either way, you must choose.

“The habit of saving is itself an education; it fosters every virtue, teaches self-denial,cultivates the sense of order, trains to forethought, and so broadens the mind.” — T.T. Munger

 I had read enough about wealth building to know you need to invest your money.

But, I also needed something to aim for. A target.

That’s when I did some more research.

Then, I saw it. The first $100k is the hardest. I had my goal.


You will find many stories written about getting to the first $100k. It seems to be this is a very important number.

Many have said once you hit that six-figure mark, you are able to build wealth from compound interest faster.

So, okay.

I just had to find a way to get to five zeroes.

What could I do? How long would it take? How can I get to $100k?!


Hitting that magic number.

Once I decided $100k was what I wanted, I had to see how I could make it happen and how long it would take.

I used an online calculator to determine my time horizon to hit the six-figure mark by investing my now retired $450 car payment. That just feels so good to say.

Before, we get to the numbers, I just want it to be known that I did think about buying a new car.

However, remembering how painful it was to write that check every month for years sobered me right up!  

“The way to stop financial joyriding is to arrest the chauffeur, not the automobile.” —Woodrow Wilson

Yes, investing was the way to go.

The calculator informed me that if I invested $450 and got a 9% return (wishful thinking as the average is about 7%), then I could hit my target of $100,000!

That money could set me on the path to financial independence.

You start earning way more compound interest at $100k.

Take a look.

Once I hit $100k, without even putting in another penny, at that same interest rate, my money would double in 8 years!

It took 10 years of investing $5,500 a year to get to $100k.

Without investing another dollar, my earlier dollars are doing all the heavy lifting and have gotten to the same $100k it took me 10 years to build in less time than that. It only took 8 years!

All this only involves my car payment.

This does not include any other invested funds.

I excluded my company match and additional funds I am investing.

This was just to show you what could be done with what you’ve already got.

Literally, by just shifting that money to your retirement account has made a huge difference in your 401(k) balance.

From there, if you continue to let it ride, this means no cash outs, you could again amass another $100k in 5 years! You could even double $200,000 to $400,000 in 8 years. That is only three more years!

Are you starting to see a pattern?

For every dollar you let sit and compound, you just grow your money without you having to do any additional work. Your money grows every  year.

Money you earned and invested over a decade is still paying you dividends!

Think about how you can also double your $200k in just another 3 years!

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” — Mark Twain

I cannot press upon you any further the importance of investing money and letting it stay invested for the long term. Investing is along game. It can take 10-20 years before you see a significant increase or return on your investment.  

“Try to save something while your salary is small; it’s impossible to save after you begin to earn more.” — Jack Benny

Remember, I was able to do all this by just by investing my old car payment.

I just started small and worked my way up.

Money and Life Lessons from the film Beyond the Lights

“Truth is the only safe ground to stand on.” – Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Beyond the Lights was released November 14th 2014. I went on a rare visit to the theater that weekend because I loved the trailer with the Sia song Chandelier where she was out on that balcony. It stopped me in my tracks. So, I decided to go see the film. I was impressed and that doesn’t happen often.

I was really and pleasantly surprised by the film, but mostly the depth of the actress playing the lead, Gugu Mbatha-Raw (from the film Belle).

The fashion was amazing. All her outfits and costume choices were on FIRE. Every dress was a showstopper. And she pulled it off. The hair, the attitude, the choreography, everything.

I thought it was Rihanna when she first appeared as a music superstar on the screen. She blew me away. This actress was amazing in every scene she did. EVERY. SINGLE. SCENE.

This is the best film I have ever scene revolving or about a pop star.

When I left that theater, all I knew was a star was born. I can’t remember the last time I felt like that. The film was really touching and really moved me. She showed such a range of emotions. An excellent actress indeed.

According to Rotten Tomatoes, this is the movie info, Beyond the Lights is the story of Noni, the music world’s latest superstar. But not all is what it seems, and the pressures of fame have Noni on the edge – until she meets Kaz Nicol, a young cop and aspiring politician who’s been assigned to her detail. Drawn to each other, Noni and Kaz fall fast and hard, despite the protests of those around them who urge them to put their career ambitions ahead of their romance. But it is ultimately Kaz’s love that gives Noni the courage to find her own voice and break free to become the artist she was meant to be. (c) Relativity

Now, that you have the background, let’s talk about what happens beyond the lights.


Do you want to be a runner up, or do you want to be a winner? – Noni’s mother and mom-ager, played by Minnie Driver 

As a young girl, Noni has a voice like no other. Her mother notices her talent and signs her up for a talent show singing none other than the famous Nina Simone’s Blackbird.

However, the ending of this scene was very sad. It would set up the balance of power between mother and daughter that would play out for the rest of the film.

What you learn is that as important it is to win, you also must feel good about what you are doing and know why you are doing it. Passion is great, but not if you are not able to use it.


She goes from that sweet little girl into an adult in the very next scene.  From an innocent little kitten and sweet baby angel into a video vixen.  She perfected the pop-star persona. Down to the constant changing of her very detailed nail designs. See for yourself.

This scene is immediately followed up by her first music award win.

Noni does not seem very happy.

I always thought lots of people wanted this success. Which her mother states several times throughout the film.

It is not enough just to have success, if it is not done the right way.


Noni can no longer take the fake life she has set herself up in. She doesn’t want to do this anymore.

What I learned here is that if you no longer hold your head up high and can look yourself in the mirror, then what’s the point. You have to treat yourself with the utmost self-respect.

All around her there was a lack of respect for her as a woman and an artist. You have to tell people how you want to be treated. People can only do what you let them. Speak up and talk to a doctor or adult and let them know how you feel. Don’t let anyone silence you into submission.


Sometimes you just have to be free. You can’t work yourself non-stop and to the bone.

There were times when there was just no light in Noni’s eyes. It was sad to see her so hurt. This woman has a record contract and is about to release an album. She is staying in the best hotels and holding press conferences. The only problem was that no one wanted to hear what she had to say.


Progress rarely comes from those who are content and secure. It comes from those who are unsettled by what they’ve seen. – Kaz, played by Nate Parker




Best music scene in the film, the performance of Private Property by Noni.

The music was so good in the film that it felt like she could have been an artist. I liked the soundtrack, but you wanted more Noni.

The songs were great. Very pop feel. That’s because they were written by none other than The Dream (he wrote Beyonce’s Single Ladies and Rihanna’s Umbrella).


At one point, she tells him this is my new crib. A swanky place in Los Angeles. It looked every bit of a million dollar bachelorette pad. Yet, she was miserable.

Money is just a tool. It is not good or bad. Your actions give it meaning and power. I have learned to choose wisely if I am going to spend my dime. I watch my coins carefully and spend wisely.

See the film for yourself

It has been 4 years, and no matter how many times I see this film it makes me feel something bigger is going on behind all those lights. If even a fraction of this film is what some artists have gone threw, I know some changes need to be made in how we treat people and how we listen to them.

What it’s like living in a Fast Food Nation

“A generation ago, three-quarters of the money used to buy food in the United States was spent to prepare meals at home. Today about half of the money used to buy food is spent at restaurants–mainly at fast food restaurants.” – Eric Schlosser

If you focus on the bottom-line of your household budget, you will notice three expenditures that are usually the highest – housing, transportation, food – and it is getting more expensive every year.

One of the biggest things I have learned from reading about personal finance is that your expenses can make or break your budget. If you can keep the costs of food, shelter, and cars low, then you have a shot at financial independence. It’s yours for the taking. All you have to do is spend less.

I learned about zero sum budgets from my readings. The person who really sparked my interest to act and create a zero sum budget was actually finance writer Phil Town.

However, the person who inspired me to save like nobody’s business was finance blogger Grant Sabatier.

Thanks to Grant, I started increasing my savings rate every year.

In reading about finance, many books and blogs teach you that focusing on the top three biggest expenses and keeping those costs low are very important.

In fact, there are bloggers that have become millionaires by not purchasing too much home or not buying a home at all. They put that money into investments instead.

Same rules apply with cars.

That is what I did with my transportation cost. I cut it to the bare minimum. And paid off my car. Once I got that sucker paid off, I put that money to work. I invested every penny in the stock market. I turned a $450 car payment into$100,000!

See my post on my 401k. How I went from $5k to a six-figure 401(k) in 6 years 

One of the last big ticket items in the budget is food.

Growing up my mom always cooked sensible dinners. However,as I became a teenager, I started to become a junk-food junkie. I gained weight and had horrible skin. And spent tons of money on fast food.

Well, as an adult, I grew out of that. I started eating more at home or at least making healthier choices. That meant more salads, raw veggies, fruits, and less meat. Eating leafy greens. And drinking plenty of water.

As long as you’re green, you’re growing. As soon as you’re ripe, you start to rot. – Ray Kroc, founder of franchising of McDonald’s

After a while and as a result, I saved a ton of money, lost weight, and my skin cleared up.

So, let’s talk about food that is fast.


Fast food is popular because it’s convenient, it’s cheap, and it tastes good. But the real cost of eating fast food never appears on the menu. – Eric Schlosser

Fast Food Nation is a book written by Eric Schlosser in 2001. He discusses the fast food industry in an in depth and thorough, well-written book. This book had a profound effect on me. It is probably one of the most scholarly pieces of literature to ever have that type of influence on me.

Let’s talk about food being fast.


I can understand why a single parent, working two jobs, would find it easier to stop at McDonald’s with the kids rather than cook something from scratch at home. – Eric Schlosser

Today, fast food is part of the American lifestyle. It started after World War II. Frozen food technology emerged at that time around the 1940’s and 1950’s. It was cheaper to buy frozen than fresh. For instance,French fries then became mainstays of restaurants.

However, I did some of my own research. Found that fried foods, especially French fries, are loaded with saturated fat; a type of fat containing a high proportion of fatty acid molecules without double bonds,considered to be less healthy in the diet than unsaturated fat. All that sugar and salt, like shopping and credit card spending cause it’s all about that plastic, is addictive.

See my post on how I curbed my own shopping addiction.

 How Millennial Money inspired me to start saving $13,333.06 a year

Want to know more about credit cards and plastic? Read Credit Card Nation and Maxed Out

I also noticed that everywhere I went there was soda, French fries, cheeseburgers, and pizza on the menu. Why is this being marketed so hard at consumers? I am being pumped for my dollars to buy fried foods. Therefore,I figured it must be some sort of control mechanism and I decided to cut out or radically reduce all of these items from my diet. I like to have control overall facets of my life and that includes what I spend my money on and what I eat.

I also learned to slow down when I eat. According to dietician and nutritionist Cara Stewart, it takes the brain 20 minutes to know you are full, as she stated, “your brain and stomach register feelings of fullness after about 20 minutes.” You should also chew your food well to limit problems with digestion.

Want to know more about French fries?

Read up on the man referenced by Eric Schlosser named J. R. Simplot. He built a multi-billion-dollar potato business and provided those potatoes to none other than McDonald’s.  He was said to be worth an estimated $3.6 billion.


“Twenty years ago,teenage boys in the United States drank twice as much milk as soda; now they drink twice as much soda as milk.” – Eric Schlosser

My mother said my grandmother would cook food from scratch. Sweet.

You see, my mother grew up on a farm. Her father grew fresh fruit. They could literally go out to their backyard and get fresh food.

Today, most families shop at the supermarket.

Lots of families also dine out. Especially, after households started having two-parents work. And for quick meals, they eat out.

You want to know more about this two-parent income trap?Then check out my post and Elizabeth Warren’s book The two-income trap.

I did some more research. Found out that the top drink in the 1950’s was milk. Today, it’s soda. Coincidence? I’ll leave you with this to chew on, there is no such thing as coincidence. It’s just about being in the right place at the right time.

The two most important requirements for major success are: first, being in the right place at the right time, and second, doing something about it. – Ray Kroc

Who is Ray Kroc?

It’s easy to have principles when you’re rich. The important thing is to have principles when you’re poor. – Ray Kroc

Ray Kroc is the founder of the McDonald’s franchise business. He became a millionaire in his 60’s. Ray was estimated to be worth$500 million to $1 billion dollars.

He was a stickler for cleanliness. It was said he would get on his hands and knees to clean floors and corners with a toothbrush. He believed in running a clean business. Ray also believed in thriftiness and fiscal responsibility. And set high standards.

The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves. – Ray Kroc

He never went to college. Ray didn’t think MBA’s or college was the only or most important ingredient in success as he preferred those with grit, determination, and persistence.

While formal schooling is an important advantage, it is not a guarantee of success nor is its absence a fatal handicap.  – Ray Kroc

 He joined the military during World War I. While there, he met a young man named Walt Disney.Later in life, the two would work together.

“The life’s work of Walt Disney and Ray Kroc had come full-circle, uniting in perfect synergy.McDonald’s began to sell its hamburgers and french fries at Disney’s themeparks. The ethos of McDonaldland and of Disneyland, never far apart, have finally become one. Now you can buy a Happy Meal at the Happiest Place on Earth.” – Eric Schlosser

Want to know more about Ray Kroc? Check out the book Grinding It Out: The Making of McDonald’s by Ray Kroc or check out the movie The Founder


“The United States now has more prison inmates than full-time farmers.” – Eric Schlosser

I tell people all the time we are not on the farm anymore. People are not making anything in America anymore. No one is churning their own butter or making their own clothes.

Farms, like the one on Smallville starring Tom Welling, are a thing of the past.

You now have to work another way for your meal.

What has happened to the strapping young men? Where have some of the people gone?

Because these days,the system would rather incarcerate a boy than redeem him. – Supernatural S09S07Bad Boys.

would rather incarcerate a boy than redeem him.

What happened to farmers?

Jimmy Dean may still be down on the farm, but many others have lost the family farm due to hard economic times.

The price of milk,eggs, and bread can only go so high. Many people now go to Amish markets,organic stores, or specialty markets like Whole Foods and Trader Joes.

That organic carton of milk can cost $8 or $6 for eggs. The farm was cheaper. You just had to own and work the land, which includes taking care of the animals.


“In 1970, Americans spent about $6 billion on fast food; in 2000, they spent more than $110 billion. Americans now spend more money on fast food than on higher education, personal computers, computer software, or new cars. They spend more on fast food than on movies, books, magazines,newspapers, videos, and recorded music—combined.” – Eric Schlosser

If you check your bank statements, you will see a large portion of your money is spent on food. The majority of that is usually on meat.

Many financial advisors will tell people they should only spend around $50 per week per person.

For a family of four, that is $200 per week.

The only way to make that number work is by cooking more at home.  


It’s possible to go to the market, buy good ingredients, and make yourself a healthy meal for less than it costs to buy a value meal at McDonald’s. – Eric Schlosser

It’s a four letter word that rhymes with nook. Cook.

You need to save every dime you can, since pensions are on the chopping block of just about every company from here to Alaska. The money you save cooking at home can be put into your retirement accounts or funneled into a savings account for capital for your business.


Studies have found that preparing your own food is usually healthier and less expensive than buying fast food. But most people just don’t have the time. – Eric Schlosser

I aimed at the public’s heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach. –  Eric Schlosser

One particularly poignant moment in the book was when Mr. Schlosser interviews a high school administrator. She said that in 30 years as an educator she noticed how things had changed in schools and that people were poorer now than ever.

It shook me to my core.

At that moment, I made a decision. I. MUST. SAVE.

Sure, you can work on earning more, but you can spend everything you have down to the last dollar without a financial plan and discipline. Yes, work on earning more, but also save.

See out my post on frugality and Benjamin Franklin

I feel that saving is an important part of household or business finance. A business 101, if you will.

Saving can be just as exciting as spending.

Watching that bank balance go up never gets old.

Don’t forget this:
Things you get tired of quick
-$25,000 new car smell

Things you never get tired of
-$25,000 in the bank— Miriam Joy (@mjp2520) November 17, 2018

I truly believe you should save to help your family and your community and the world around you. In addition, you should save to fund your dreams. I also like to save to have financial independence.

I will expand upon that last statement and I’ll tell you exactly what I mean.

Greenbacks Magnet is on set up to save more money each year. It could be 1% or 2% more, but more none the less. We have set a savings goal and are on track to save $14,555.06 in 2019. In 2018, we set up and will hit our target savings of $13,333.06. That money can go toward the business, helping others, and doing good work.

I am truly passionate about what I do. And being thrifty help sme continue to do that which I love; write.

If I could put my feelings of how much I enjoy writing into words,it would be like this. In the illustrious words and slogan of McDonald’s, “I’m lovin’ it.”

Money tips from Anya of Buffy the Vampire Slayer

“I’m just so excited. They come in, I help them, they give us money in exchange for goods, you give me money for working for you. I have a place in the world now. I’m part of the system. I’m a workin’ gal.” – Anya (Season Five).

If you ever watched the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer, then you must have noticed Anya and her fixation on money.  You probably also noticed she changed her hair style… A LOT.

The show ran for seven seasons and was created by Joss Whedon.

The self-proclaimed Scooby Gang 

It started in the nineties and ended in 2003. It starred Sarah Michelle Gellar as the titular character, Buffy Summers. In my opinion, the first four seasons were on fire. The fourth was the absolute best one, to me. This is the only television show I have ever seen where when I finished watching one particular episode; I clapped. It was just that good.

Actress Emma Caulfield played Anya. In this reunion photo of the cast from 2008, she is the one  in the middle wearing the black hat.


Other Aliases: Anyanka, Anya Christina Emmanuella Jenkins, “The Patron Saint of Women Scorned,” Aud ; note that some sources refer to her as “Anya Emerson,” but that has not been confirmed in the show.

Birthdate: July 4th

Age: 1120

Anya: “What a day. Give me a beer.”
Bartender: “I.D.”
Anya: (glares)
Bartender: “I.D.”
Anya: “I’m 1120 years old, just give me a frigging beer!”
Bartender: “I.D.”
Anya: (sighs) “Give me a Coke.”

Year of birth: Unknown?? Around 880 AD

Marital Status: Single, formerly Engaged.

Known Relatives: Olaf (ex-husband), Alexander Harris (ex-fiancée).

Here is a short introduction to the comic stylings of Anya

Before we go any further on Anya and her love of capitalism, you should know she did not start on the show’s first season. She came along in season 3. In an episode titled, “The Wish.”

Below you will find out more about Anya and her love of money.

But first…

The star of the show. Buffy Summers.

This is, as the say in the film John Wick, a tasting of Buffy and what she does.

She’s awesome right.

Now, back to Anya.

One thing I could not get over was whenever Anya’s lips were moving, it was in your face truthfulness. Not the norm. Especially, her fascination with money.

What made her so funny was her greedy, materialistic, money hungry, capitalism-loving ways.

While Anya may have lacked tact, she had a way with words that really hit home. She was ridiculously straight-forward and honest. In some ways it was refreshing, but in others it was downright rude.

However, love it or hate it, she would tell people like it was. Anya was blunt. She kept it💯.

She had lots of witticisms.

Here we go.


Anya: “Thank you for coming. We value your patronage. Please come again for more purchases!”
Giles: “Could we perhaps be a little less effusive, Anya? We don’t want to frighten the people.”
Anya: “I’m just so excited. They come in, I help them, they give us money in exchange for goods, you give me money for working for you. I have a place in the world now. I’m part of the system. I’m a workin’ gal.”
Giles: “Yes. Well, why don’t you start organizing the shipping orders?”
Anya: “Oh, no, that’s boring. I just want to do the money parts.”

She tells it like it is. Anya never shied away from making a bold statement. She always said what she wanted. I have learned to do the same, but tactfully.


“Anyathe Shopkeepers‘ Union of America called. They want me to tell you that “Please go away” just got replaced with “Have a nice day.” – Xander

Anya says to customers, “Please go.” And Xander tells her the correct way to talk to patrons.

She then proceeds to yell at the next customer in a harsh, sarcastic tone, “Hey, you! Have a nice day.

Just a thought, it is nice to be courteous and pleasant if you want people’s patronage. Maybe, like this, but a little toned down.

They want me to tell you that "Please go" just got replaced with "Have a nice day".

Anya: “Please go.”
Xander: “Anya, the Shopkeepers Union of America called. They want me to tell you that ‘Please go’ just got replaced with ‘Have a nice day.'”
Anya: “But I have their money. Who cares what kind of day they have?”

She is also very protective of the money and the cash register.

“Ring up sales? With the money? She gets to fondle the money? Customer! Hello, customer! How may I serve you?”


At one point, when Buffy was hard up for money, Anya suggested they she start charging for her vampire slaying. A vengeance for cash. A slayer for hire.

While it was good for a laugh on the show, her thinking was flawed, but accurate. If you are good at something and going to do it anyway, why not get paid for it.


“All I can say is, I hope we make as much tomorrow.”

She took pleasure in the little things.

Dance of Capitalist Superiority. Episode 6. Season 6: All the Way. Original Airdate October 30, 2001.

See the video here.

I like to celebrate my wins and accomplishments too. They may not involve money dancing, but I like to recognize a job well-done.

Money is just a tool. It’s how we keep score. Money is the scorecard. That’s all.

I don’t have to celebrate with a $300 purse or bottle of champagne. I am just fine with a $15 bottle of wine. And investing the $285 difference in my Roth IRA. Specifically, in a 500 index fund.


Willow: “It stole Giles’ car.”
Xander: “Why would a demon steal a car?”
Anya: “Why would a demon steal THAT car?”


Giles: “Then useful you shall be! We can always use a hand.”
Anya: “But you have a hand. A paid hand. A hand that isn’t the hand of the illegal child labor.”
Giles: “Anya…”
Anya: “But of course it’s wonderful that you find doing my job so distracting! I am unthreatened. Proceed.”

Well, at least she recognizes that it’s illegal.


She learned really quick that time is money and did not want to use up her precious energy doing anything that was unrelated to the accumulation of more money. Pretty shallow and self-absorbed, I know.

I value my time as well. I don’t try to do anything that doesn’t excite me. Except when it comes to helping others.



Giles: “Essentially, their agenda is the same as ours. They want to save the world and kill demons.”
Anya: “Kill the CURRENT demons, right? CURRENT demons.”

This was funny because Anya is an ex-demon on the show.


Anya: “Spike! What are you doing? You made me yell really high!”
Spike: “Hey, yeah, I did. I scared you. Gimme money.”
Anya: “I’m not paying you for scaring me.”
Spike: “You’re not paying me. I’m robbing you.”
Anya: “Oh, well, that’s just ludicrous. You can’t hurt me because you’ve got that chip in your brain. Also, I like my money the way it is… when it’s mine.”


She loved her some Xander. But not at first.

I thought they were great together. He really changed once he had her in his life. She recognized his value too.

Anya: “And after everything you’ve been through with Angel. You really should get yourself a boring boyfriend. Like Xander!”

Anya: “You can’t have Xander.”


Anya: “Xander, you haven’t been paying any attention to me tonight. Just peddling those processed food bricks. I don’t know why.”
Xander: “Well, let me put it in a way you’ll understand. Sell bars, make money, take Anya nice places, buy pretty things.”
Anya: “That does make sense. All right, I support you. Go sell more.”


When Anya finds out her love of money is hilarious. In the Season 5 episode, “the real me”. Xander and Anya are babysitting Dawn and they are playing the game of Life when Anya figures it all out:

We believe the children are our future

“Can I trade in the children for more cash? ”

When playing the game of Life, she noticed she was burdened with a husband and children and tons of cash.

Once she learned that money was good, she gleefully delighted in saying she wanted more cash.

Anya: “Crap! Look at this–now I’m burdened with a husband and several tiny pink children, and more cash than I can reasonably manage.”
Xander: “That means you’re winning.”
Anya: “Really?”
Xander: “Yes, cash equals good.”
Anya: “Ooh! I’m so pleased. Can I trade in the children for more cash?”

Check it out here.

While it may have been cold and callous to want to give up the fake kids for cash, she did have a valid point in understanding that a having a family requires money and are a heavy load to bear. So, you better prepare for them.


Anya: “I’ve recently come to realize that there is more to me than just being human. I’m also an American.”
Giles: “Yes, I suppose you are, in a manner of speaking. I mean, you were born here — your mortal self.”
Anya: (to Giles whose from England she says in a harsh tone) “Well that’s right, foreigner!” (to Willow & Xander in a softer tone) “So I’ve been reading a lot about the Good ‘Ol Us of A, embracing the extraordinarily precious ideology that has helped to shape and define it.”
Willow: “Democracy?”
Anya: “Capitalism!”


That one time when Buffy asked how was Anya’s money and her  reaction of pure joy. Like, one of the Scoobies finally gets her.

Look, I like money fine, but not as much as Anya.

I prefer people over things.

Anya was downright humdrum when it came to talking about money. Although, she was funny, at times she just lacked sympathy and empathy for the plight of others.

However, in the end, she chose to fight beside the Scoobies. So, people really did matter more than money. That is something we should all remember.