Are you scared to open your bills?
Are you worried about your finances?
Well you are not alone.
Millions of Americans are worried about their finances.
However, you must push through your fears and find a way to draw up the courage to face your fears.
This one movie always comes to mind when I think of a person that decided to be brave and stand up to their fears. You may have heard of it; it’s called Fright Night.

I remember this movie vividly because it is the only film I have ever seen where every frame seemed to be carefully crafted for maximum effect. And it worked. The music, dialogue, and acting were top notch in my opinion.
Even this scene with a cameo by 1981 Playboy Playmate Heidi Sorenson. It’s affect was profound. She was..magnetic. And you know I like magnetism. 😉You knew something was coming. You could feel it. It was potent. The emotions were so raw and real. Feelings so intense they felt palpable. That is how every scene in this film made you feel. I have yet to find a movie to match this level of high anticipation and sense of urgency in a protagonist at least not like this. I thought it was an incredibly acted film.
Even the music was creepy and like credit cards…seductive.

And the film had one of the hands down creepiest movie posters I have ever seen.

The tagline reads: There are some very good reasons to be afraid of the dark. If you love being scared, it’ll be the night of your life.
Well I told you last month, I was going back to the 80’s.
This time I’m going to the year 1985.
Welcome to Fright Night.

Fun Fact: I got to meet the one and only Chris Sarandon at Awesome Con in DC. He signed this photo for me. I love this 8×10 glossy of him as Jerry Dandridge.

The photo reads: To Miriam, Welcome to Fright Night…For Real. Jerry Dandridge. He is still so cool and suave!! And love the hair! 😉

The film starred a high school kid named Charley Brewster (William Ragsdale), his creepy neighbor Jerry Dandridge (Chris Sarandon), and his vampire killing hero Mr. Vincent (Roddy McDowall).
Basically, Charley learns his neighbor is a vampire. I know, crazy right? However, in this movie that assumption is real. Charley finds himself face-to-face with a demon of the night. Instead of running for cover, Charley fights. And that is what you must do when it comes to your money. YOU MUST FIGHT FOR YOUR MONEY.
See my post America Is The Land Of Subscriptions
In one scene of the movie, Charley goes to see Jerry with his pal and the police. When Mr. Vincent learns vampires are real he runs and hides. Jerry is a bully. However, Charley stands up to him anyway.
That is what you too must do. Have courage. Be willing and able to look whatever it is in the eye and say do your worst for I will do mine.
See my post 5 Wealthy Nuggets Of Wisdom From The Count Of Monte Cristo
Do not let anyone peer pressure you into doing ANYTHING; especially, with your money. You fight and then you fight some more. NEVER GIVE UP. NEVER SURRENDER. Your money is too important to part with out of fear. Research anything and anyone who asks for your money. What is their background? Where do they work? Who do they work for? Do not go gentle into that good night. You must rage against the dying of the light. Thank you Dylan Thomas for that inspirational poem.
I hang up on telemarketers, I block numbers that I do not know or from anyone who is contacting me rudely, and I avoid signing up for most contests.
I will never forget when some slick talking salesman tried to recruit me to hear a 6-hour timeshare pitch. He was nice when I met him and told me it was only a 90 minute presentation on visiting the resort, but my Spidey senses were tingling so I googled his company and found out IT WAS A LIE!!!
So look out for the con men!!!

I decided not to go and blocked his phone calls. I do not want to buy a timeshare. Let me repeat that again for the cheap seats in the back: I DO NOT WANT TO BUT A TIMESHARE. Not only are they expensive, but they tend to go up in price over time.
Why not just buy a home or rental property? Then you own the thing once you finish the payments and can rent it all and pocket all the profits.
In the movie, Charley has a girlfriend named Amy (Amanda Bearse) who gets taken by Jerry.

One of the best scenes in the film was when Jerry says to Mr. Peter Vincent, “you have to have faith.”
These are listed in the comments section from this scene that were posted online that represent my sentiments exactly.
That was the same expression I had too when I opened my last month’s power bill.
“Haaauauaaghghg…” priceless.
“You have to have faith,for that to work on me.” -_- Note to ALL VILLAINS,don’t tell your enemies how to destroy you!
Chris Sarandon’s moan and look of horror were terrifying. He did more by acting than most 100 million dollar budgets can pull off.
You bet you do. You have to have faith in yourself and anything you do. If you truly believe it is good and true, then fight until your blue in the face. Give anything you do in this life everything you’ve got because it takes no less than that.
I was recently asked if I could “loan” someone $800. My answer: No.
First, of all, “borrow” is a loose term. People tend to forget what they owe you, but not when you owe them. If you truly cannot afford to loan someone money or let them have it, then just don’t do it. I had previously gave the same individual money “to have” a few years ago. Maybe they asked me again because I gave it to them the first time. I do not like to create patterns that are not sustaining.
I have learned if you say yes so much, that eventually when you do say no people tend to get upset. I say just stop it before it starts.
However, when someone truly needs you and you feel it in your heart to help, then help them. It’s always your call. It is always your decision to help and don’t let ANYONE take that anyway from you.
When Charley gets a chance to stop Jerry he takes it. Once a decision is made, then you forge ahead. However, always TRUST YOUR GUT.
I remember being scared to open bills. I would sit in my car for an hour just to calm myself down. You see I was in the habit of paying my bills first and then myself last. Now I do the opposite. I pay myself first.
That is why I now pay all my bills as soon as they arrive because I have already set aside my money for saving and investments. The $13,000 I decided set aside a year is separate from the money I invest.
For my birthday, I like to but shares of stocks or index funds. I own at least 5 individual shares of Amazon and up to 100 or more of some others. At $1,897.13 a share, I own about $9,485.65 of just one stock! And I own thousands of shares of stocks! This is a long way from where I started with $300 to invest.

I always like to look back and evaluate my present situation to see how far I’ve come. It allows you to take notice and recognize what you have done and see that you are not standing still.
I went from taking out $150 and $300 payday loans to saving more than that amount of money per week. It took me years to do all of that.
My advice is to open up those bills, contact your creditors, negotiate lower interest rates, and seek out 0% deals.
Prince Charming isn’t coming.
See my post on Money And Life Lessons I Learned From CBS Storybreak’s Yeh-Shen It’s a Cinderella story from China 😉

That is why I decided to start saving a minimum of $5,000 cash a year. That way no matter what, in 10 years I have $50,000 cash in my bank account! You must ALWAYS have cash reserves for an emergency!
You are your last line of defense.
No one is coming to save you.
You cannot phone in a life line.

Therefore, you have to figure out what can you do right here, right now.
Step up to the plate. Rage against the night. And step into the light of financial independence.
I promise you will not regret it.