Tag Archives: Wall Street

Don’t Trust The Commission-Based Advisor In Wall St Cubicle 23

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If you remember this fun, quirky, and often brutally honest show on ABC called Don’t Trust The B- in Apt 23, then you know exactly where this post gets its title.

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The show aired from April 11, 2012 to May 11, 2013. It only lasted for a short two seasons, but it packed a lot into that one year.

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For those unfamiliar with the show let me bring you up to speed.

June’s (Dreama Walker) plans of moving to Manhattan for her dream job and perfect apartment are ruined when the company that hired her goes bust. Broke and homeless, her luck turns around when she finds a job at a coffee shop and a roommate, Chloe (Krysten Ritter).  The show also starred James Van Der Beek (from Dawson’s Creek fame) as himself.

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In one of the funniest pilot episodes I have ever seen of a television show, it really gives you a sense of how quickly one life can change within less than 24 hours.

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June loses her job and apartment within a few hours once the company she was hired to work for goes down in an FBI raid due to the head of the company embezzling billions from clients in an Enron type take down, which reminds you of the glory days of yesteryear of Wall Street darlings such as the likes of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers; the latter of which was in business for 150 years having started operations in 1850.

Some media outlets such as CNBC did an article on what happened to former Lehman Brothers employees after the collapse and some still had not recovered from the company shutting down in 2008 some 10 years later including those not being able to find full-time employment.

This show and the acquisitions or closures of places like Merrill Lynch, Bearn Stearns, which opened in 1923, and Lehman Brothers are reasons why you should be your own financial advisor.

Unlike how JP Morgan bailed out Bear Stearns in March 2008 or Bank of America did Merrill Lynch, you are on your own like Lehman’s when they filed for bankruptcy as no one came to save them because if you fail to manage your money, then no one is coming to bail you out.

Let’s go back to 2008. Banks were failing. Many were found to be a part of the subprime mortgage crisis, but like the scandal at Wells Fargo nobody went to jail. You think your money is locked up tight like Fort Knox until you realize it isn’t. That is why Roosevelt created the FDIC insurance for banks as without the $250,000 deposit insurance after the 1929 crash many no longer believed in the banking institution.

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Just because someone is wearing a suit does not mean they know what they are doing. Many of the analysts and associates that start work for their prestigious firms such as Goldman Sachs are straight out of college and still wet behind the ears. Even though I once read that the average salary of a Goldman employee was around $622,000, that does not equate to financial smarts or riches. Many of these employees still blow money like you wouldn’t believe. Instead of saving stacks they are blowing them.

Wall Street is the only place that people ride to in a Rolls Royce to get advice from those who take the subway. – Warren Buffett

I have read enough accounts of high paying professionals and tons of the employees would blow off steam in a place called Scores in New York or buying million dollar homes, private school educations for the kiddies and exotic vacations costing $5,000 a pop.

Look, to each their own. Just understand that you are your best line of defense when it comes to your money. Read every book you can on the subject. Save as much as you can.

I even overheard a 2nd year law associate say that you can make a lot of money in New York, but it costs too much for too little. You have to be a millionaire to afford an apartment or buy a home.

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Part of the reason so many people are bad with money is because they do not learn about how money works. Please do not be one of those people. You must learn how money works. Learn the rules of the money game. Here are a few things you can do to save yourself the commission fee and invest those dollars instead.

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Use a three-part investing strategy.

Part I. Automate your savings and investments. Decide on a number you can live with, set it, and forget it.

Part II. Determine where to invest. Go with anyplace that offer fees that are less than one percent such as Trowe Price, Vanguard, Schwab or Fidelity.

Part III. Invest your money. I prefer to go with several index funds so I can be diversified in case one sector goes crashing down then others are usually going up. You could do a mix of 20 percent real estate or REIT’s, 15 percent in International Funds, 10 percent cash liquid savings in a high yield savings account, 10 percent in a bond fund and the remaining 45 percent in a stock equity fund like the VTSAX at Vanguard. This is similar to the Yale’s investment manager David Swensen’s model. He has been able to get a return on investment of billions into Yale’s coffers making them one of the larhgest college endowments on earth with $29.4 billion USD. Only Harvard has a bigger endowment war chest with $38 billion USD.

Who is David Swensen?

According to the Yale Daily News, “David Swensen of the Yale University endowment is the doyen of endowment investing. Imitation, of course, is the sincerest form of flattery. Today, the Stanford, MIT and the Princeton endowments all boast former Swensen deputies at their helm. Each also has adopted the “Yale model” of investing pioneered by Swensen in the 1980s.”

So what is Yale’s “secret sauce”?

“Until 1985, Yale had invested in mainstream U.S. stocks and bonds with a smidgen of foreign stocks and real estate.”

“Swensen was the first to apply modern portfolio theory to sizeable multi-billion-dollar endowments. He understood that “asset allocation” explains over 90% of a portfolio’s investment returns.”

“The decision whether to invest in specific asset classes matters much more than picking the right stocks. Over the past 30 years, Yale has shifted the bulk of its investments into “alternative assets” like natural resources, venture capital, real estate and foreign stocks.”

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When the market goes down, buy more. That is where the bargains are. That is how Sir Templeton made his millions. Sir John Marks Templeton was an American-born British investor, banker, fund manager, and philanthropist. In 1954, he entered the mutual fund market and created the Templeton Growth Fund. In 1999, Money magazine named him “arguably the greatest global stock picker of the century.” He purchased tons of stocks during the stock market crash when everyone else was getting out.

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So do not let fear take over how you manage and invest your money.

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Fortunes are made in recessions.

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Frugality begets wealth: Why It Pays To Be A Mustachian

Disguise, Eye Glasses, Hat, Man

If you are part of the financial blog-sphere, then you have heard of a personal finance blogger by the name of Mr. Money Mustache (MMM for short).

He retired early with a net worth of $800,000.

He his famous for his no nonsense approach to cutting out buying crap and not being a Sucka Consumer. I’ll give you an example.

Physical health FIRST: whole system will only perform well if you place its wellbeing first, before anything else. Salads and barbells every day, no goddamned excuses.

Mr. Money Mustache, The FIRE Movement blog post

Being frugal and fit, as MMM shows, has its advantages. Let’s explore this further.

1. Being frugal could turn you into a millionaire sooner than you think

While reading up on real estate, I came a cross the website Bigger Pockets and also wrote a blog post on them.

One of the co-hosts on Bigger Pockets is Brandon Turner, is an active real estate investor and entrepreneur, stated he brown bagged his lunch to work for 10 years and was able to become a millionaire by putting all his discretionary cash to work investing in real estate instead of happy hours.

2. Simple MATH is the answer

If you can add and subtract, then basically you have the skills to manage your money. Do some million-dollar math. What will it take to make the Almighty Dollar one million times? Sell 100,000 books at $10 a pop. Boom. One million.

Invest $100,000 in an index fund and let it ride for 30 years at an 8 percent return you’ve got your million bucks right there.

Basically, MMM puts it best.

And dozens of ten-dollar bills start to add up to real money pretty quickly, which is something most people don’t realize. The vast majority of wealthy people are the ones who have figured out that a millionaire is made ten bucks at a time.

-Mr. Money Mustache

3. Incomes are not as important as spending habits

Most people are pretty bad at math, even simple math unfortunately.

That partially why so many people are in debt up to their necks. If a credit card company gives you a $35,000 credit line and you are only pulling down $40,000 a year, then you can start to see right there that if you max that sucker out, you will have given away 88 percent of your income. Screw that!

On the opposite end of the income spectrum, an Amazon engineer making $175,000 a year or a Goldman Sachs investment banker making $350,000 a year that likes to tip strippers in $100’s and order $1500 bottle service could blow through a wade of cash in a few months of partying. A coke head with a nasty drug habit could snort millions and lose everything in one crazy summer.

When Google engineers are crying on the news about not being able to afford housing in San Francisco while making $200,000 a year, then something is seriously wrong out here.

They then must decide HOW FRUGAL they are willing to be to change their situation. Living in shared housing with 8 other people, living inside of a moving van, or renting a garage apartment to invest upwards of 60 percent of your income are just a few of the things you will have to consider.

It is not the size of you paycheck that matters, it is what you do with it that counts.

If you ever read that book, Your Money Or Your Life, then you know one of the authors favorite lines was yelling, “how big is yours?” He was talking about your paycheck. This guy worked on Wall St. and still managed to retire early while many folks he saw making millions were living paycheck-to-paycheck.

If you make a million, but spend one million and one dollar, sorry to break this to you, but you are still broke. It is not enough to live at your means, you must live below your means in order to have money to save and invest.

Most high-income people are still within just a few paychecks of insolvency, because it is possible to blow almost any paycheck, simply by adding or upgrading more cars, houses, and vacations.

-Mr. Money Mustache

Therefore, I urge you to slash expenses, take stock of what you have and be grateful.

Focus more on the giving than getting.

Aim at saving 20 percent or more of your income.

If you want to retire early, you are going to have to aim at saving 50-70 percent or more.

Live like it will all end tomorrow, but save like you are going to live forever. You got that? You have to save.

Who wants to be the guy living in a $500,000 home that can only afford to fill it with Christmas trees because he can’t afford furniture?

So get out there and save!!! no goddamned excuses.

Cause living in a rat infested motel is not an option because when the lights go out its a roach motel and their lease is permanent.

All I am asking is for you to do what most people won’t: Save money instead of spending it.

3 Rich Habits of Millionaires

After doing some research on millionaires and billionaires, I have noticed some recurring attributes among them, which include: reading, pursuing a passion, and setting goals.


“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

― Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!

Many of the affluent read daily or often. They seem to set aside at least 30 minutes a day for reading. This greatly improves their knowledge of their products, brands, and businesses. When you know what drives the market, then it makes it easier to compete with everyone else. I even read that Marilyn Monroe was also said to be a voracious reader.

I know in my life reading has helped me a great deal. I was able to do better in school, make better informed personal and professional decisions, and increase my investment knowledge.

One of the most successful investors of all time, Warren Buffet, says he reads every day.  Buffet typically spends 80% of his day reading. Here are some quotes from interviews he has done over the years in regards to how to become successful.


The CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, when asked once about the key to success, pointed to a stack of books and said, “Read 500 pages like this every day. That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will do it.”


Warren Buffet starts his days with an assortment of national and local news. The billionaire investor tells CNBC he reads the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, the New York Times, USA Today, the Omaha World-Herald, and the American Banker in the mornings.

Even though Buffet reads tremendously, it would mean nothing if he did not retain what he has read. Buffets says that knowledge builds up over time. Here are some tips to remember what you read – take notes, skim the text, read out load – are just a few things you can do to retain what you read.


“To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift.” – Steve Prefontaine

I have always had an affinity for writing. I write pretty much every day. My goals are that my writing helps to plant the seed that inspire people, motivate them, and make them feel good about themselves. Writing about finances is the cherry on top of the sundae for me. And I give it everything I’ve got. No less. When I’m sick. I write. When I’m tired. I write. When I was down to my last $2. Still wrote. I would write down my thoughts, hopes, dreams, and goals. I have crossed off at least 5 items on my 10 year to do list. If it can work for me and countless others, then I know it can for you.

Dreams can come true. You just have to believe and lay down the groundwork. There is no builder of a home that would not first lay down the foundation and then build up. The same goes for life. You do not start in at the top. Otherwise, if you do, you are more likely to have created a house of cards, that can easily come tumbling down.  Like the three little pigs, you want bricks and not sticks or straw. You want something that is concrete. Construct your life blueprint on building or creating something that is solid.

If you can, find a mentor. Mentors help guide and keep people on the right path to succeed. I suggest finding someone who has already done what you want to do successfully and then asking them for advice. You can also read their books or attend their workshops. Either way study their success and see if you can imitate it.


“Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there.” – Bo Jackson

The best advice I have ever read was to write down your goals. I have heard this from numerous celebrities including Beyoncé. She said she would write down her goals; and that she wanted to go platinum and sell a million records. Well, she wanted to be financially secure. Well, she can scratch that off her checklist. Simply heed these words: Write it down.

When you set goals and pursue your passion it is a winning combination for success. Instead of watching the clock, you just keep on working. There are too many hours on the clock when you do something you detest, but no enough hours in the day when you do something you love.

Forget the naysayers. They are not you and you are not them.  Focus your energy on doing what you enjoy putting your effort into. The energy you use to pursue your passion or anything that you do well is never wasted.  When you can focus and limit or ignore distractions, you are well on your way toward success.