In my 20’s, I started watching the personal finance show hosted by money expert Suze Orman.
The show ended in 2015, but I learned a ton about managing money from her. Continuing on my $500k journey, I knew if I wanted to be rich, that I had better invest my money.
Suze was hilarious though in her approach of telling people what they could and could not afford. It was watching this segment of “Can you afford it,” that put me on the path to conserve versus consumption.
I rejected buying new cars and instead invested that money. I started reading every book I could on investing from the Automatic Millionaire to the Millionaire Next Door. I would go to the library and browse the personals finance sections on read the books while commuting to work and on weekends.
Like Ramit Sethi, I like to ask the “$30,000 questions.” Personally, I really like to ask myself $10,000 questions. Meaning what in my life can I get for $10,000 less. How can I spend $10,000 less?
I want low fixed expenses. I didn’t need a $70,000 Tesla to make me happy. No offense to your boy Josh there in the video. I would rather have $70,000 invested in the market than driving around in one simply to go to target and have a nice fancy car to drive around in while I pick up my toothpaste.
That’s right Colgate, feel this leather and enjoy this new car smell while I take you home in my $1,200 per month shiny new car. Screw that! Let me make this money work for me. I want to earn $70k in dividends and interest, not pay interest on $70k.
Don’t get me wrong, I prefer the finer things in life…when I can afford them.
As a teenager, I worked as a telephone operator and a waitress so I know the value of dollar. I really didn’t know a lot of people that were socking away huge amounts of money in savings or investments. I just knew I wanted to have money to be able to take care of myself and not have to spend so much time worrying about how to pay the bills. I took the advice of Robert Frost.
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.
Instead of buying $50,000 cars, luxury vacations, expensive clothes and $500,000 homes, I poured my money into stocks. I started with $5 dollars. Then slowly worked my way up to $100,000.
I took a much needed hiatus for the last few weeks to come to terms with the new world order of life during the COVID-19 lockdown.
I did the usual. Stockpiled water, canned goods, cereal, and toilet paper.
Now I’m back.
If this blog could talk, I am sure it would have asked me this question.
After making sure I had food, water, and medicine to stay physically healthy, my mind started wondering about my fiscal health.
Then I thought, shouldn’t people also be making sure they are staying not only safe, but also financially solvent during the pandemic.
Much like Angela Chase (Claire Danes) was constantly obsessing about her crush Jordan Catalano (Jared Leto) in My So-Called Life (MSCL), I would find myself constantly obsessing over my finances.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the show, My So-Called Life is an American teen drama television series from the 90’s that aired on ABC and then in reruns on MTV for years after it ended with only one season.
The plot surrounded a young 15-year-old girl that spent much of her time trying to figure out life and navigate being on the cusp on adulthood. The cast also just recently did a virtual reunion and reunited back together in 2020.
Now, back to my story.
I needed a fiscal safety net and plan in place that would allow me to weather and fiscal storm, including the coronavirus.
With over 33 million people filing for unemployment, I needed to shore up my resources.
My So-Called Finances needed my full attention. I was up for the undertaking.
Many of my lessons about money started when I was very young. I knew it was very important to have money so that you could take care of yourself and your family.
I got in the habit of saving when I was only three years old. That habit hasn’t changed. I have technically always been a saver.
However, along the way, I got lost. Kind of the same way that Alice did in Wonderland.
I too found myself in a maze of things I did not understand. I needed those signs like Alice got.
You know the ones. They said things like; Drink me.
By high school, I was an angst ridden teen with a penchant for spending. Then it hit me. Maybe I should start reading about this money stuff.
My 401(k) would be my new boyfriend.
As, time went on, I started obsessing about retirement. The hand-to-mouth existence dd not appeal to me.
I thought about what the heroine, Angela, in MSCL would do. She would probably start reading a book and asking a friend for advice.
I knew the same way Amy March did in Little Women that I would not be pauper.
Fun Fact: Claire Danes also starred as Beth in the 1994 adaption of the book.
Therefore, I had to change some things. They say the first step to solving a problem is admitting that you have one. It hurt to see that low bank balance, but it had to be done. To know where you are going, you have to know where you are.
The first step was to set a goal. If I had something to aim for, then I had a purpose. The goal: A one million-dollar 401(k).
The Tools to Succeed 1. Learn skills to sell for money You need the skills to become Financially Independent (FI).
I wanted to be fiscally savvy. Therefore, I had to read. Angela started off the show reading the book, The Diary of Anne Frank.
I started my FI journey reading a Kiplinger magazine. Then from there, I started watching the Suze Orman show. I knew I didn’t want to sit at a desk for 12 years only to end up sitting at a desk for another 40. I needed a plan. Being able to escape the rat race sooner rather than later appealed to me.
I started devouring personal finance books and blogs. Some of my personal favorites are The Automatic Millionaire, The Millionaire Next Door and I Will Teach You to be Rich. Then you have to decide on a path. I chose passive investing.
That turned on the light-bulb for me. Wealth building is about action.
Building wealth would take time, sacrifice, and work.
Some people choose to start a business, become doctors, lawyers, actors, musicians, consultants, chefs or to make their fortune. I would get mine by investing.
I still needed a career to get paid. So, I found an employer to buy time form me and I equally willing to sell time to them. You can work in the public or private sector.
You can get further up the income ladder by gaining skills in the public sector and then selling them at a markup in the private sector to arbitrage your valuable skill assets.
I picked a job in finance. Once I got that job offer, I made the choice to start investing ASAP.
The 401(k) offers a maximum contribution of $19,000 and the IRA (Traditional or Roth) offers a max of $6,000. That is a total of $25,000 annually. I got my start with 6% and a match of 3%. Then, I slowly started working my way up by increasing my contributions by 1% a year.
2. Passive strategies There are two strategies here: A. Live below your means (LBYM); B. work smarter not harder.
Your employer wants to make more off of you than they pay you. Your work will not go unrewarded, but will be under-rewarded. Therefore, it is your job to invest in yourself by saving for your retirement.
You must save enough to start earning large amounts of interest off your principal investment.
3. Accumulation phase Your job here is to start contributing as much as you can to your 401(k).
After, saving a 6-month emergency fund so you are no longer living paycheck-to-paycheck, start putting in every dollar you can into your accounts. Save until it hurts. Even if all you can afford is $50 a month. Save something. This will eventually become your own personal ATM.
It will be like a vending machine. You step up, put in your request, and the machine hands you what you want.
The RMD has now gone from 70.5 to 72. Therefore, you can let your money ride on the interest gravy train for an additional 1.5 years. On a million-dollar portfolio, that would mean an additional $105,000 with a 7% rate of return.
Building up your assets. I started with $5 and then went on to my first $100,000 and beyond. It can be done.
4. Passively build a sizable investment pool Find ways to earn income.
This can be with royalties from writing a book, collecting rent on rental properties, or renting out your parking space.
The goal is to trade time up front to build an income stream that with essentially last forever. Then you can kick back and relax.
If you have to sell 40 hours a week or the sum of 2,080 a year, you should get something out of the deal. Simple math can change your life.
I knew that one-million could spit off $50,000 of income forever with a 5% return. I just had to get there first. When I got to the point where my next money milestone was going to be $300,000, I knew I was on to something.
Why invest so much money? It’s simple. The answer is freedom.
Free from worry over how to pay bills, over how you spend your time, and quality of life.
Money equals power.
Money lets you be more confident.
Debt consumes as it only takes from you and gives you nothing.
The way to build your confidence is through positive experiences. Paying off debt then saving and investing that money will give you that. This in turn will build your self-esteem.
My favorite scene in MSCL was the one in the episode titled, “self-esteem.”
Confidence is key my friends. It attracts things to you. In Angela’s case, it was Jordan. Oops. I meant to say Jordan Catalano. For some reason on that show, he could never just be Jordan.
So, you see in the end, that you can get what you want. You just have to be patient, ask for it, and work for it. They say ask and you shall receive. Try it. I did.
People paying it forward by becoming part of an organization as Denzel Washington and Steve McQueen did with their efforts with the Boys and Girls Club.
*Just FYI: The actor Steve McQueen grew up poor. The Boys and Girls Club gave him a clean and safe place to be in his youth. He paid it forward after he become a famous actor by asking movie studios to give him thousands of white t-shirts, socks, and personal hygiene products as part of his compensation package for starring in their films. He secretly turned around and donated all this material to the Boys and Girls Club to give out to the young men there. Just melts your heart doesn’t it.
Steve McQueen also known as “The King of Cool”
How the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles always looked out for the little guy.
TMNT film circa 1990
The friendship between Shaggy and Scooby-Doo. Those two they just warm my heart.
Some of my favorite singers that have turned their talent into success are Whitney Houston, Pat Benatar and Toni Braxton.
One of the things I remember Ms. Braxton saying, “music is not about you just saying what you think, but how you make people feel.” Her music and voice have always made me feel good.
Seeing her up on that stage performing recently at the American Music Awards, reminded me of all the reasons I liked her; she has a gift for making you feel good with the words she sings that transcends whatever hard times you are going through in that moment. She makes you feel happy.
Toni Braxton performs onstage during the 2019 American Music Awards at Microsoft Theater on November 24, 2019, in Los Angeles, California. (Kevin Winter/Getty Images for dcp)
And speaking of people that inspire you with their words, I would like to introduce you today to someone who has not only done that for me, but for millions of people around the world through his writing on personal finance. The one and only Mr. JD Roth.
GBM is the place where we like to get down and dirty into the math behind building wealth, but we keep the jokes clean. Our jokes here are like a Hallmark card, GBM cares enough to send the very best! Even my tweets are called Lipstick Confessions!!! haha 💋Smooches
Below is just a taste of what GBM has to offer. This blog ages like fine wine; it only gets better with time. No topic is off limits!!! Not even French Fries!!
All the reasons I want you to pursue financial indepence.
1. Freedom 2-100 see number one
That is the answer always, in the illustrious words of #buzzlightyear To infinity and beyond. 😂
I’m like Space Ghost Coast to Coast. Booking celebrity guests for my audiences reading and fiscally literate pleasure.
Fun Fact: The original pilot of Space Ghost C2C was produced in a closet, and the guest was Denzel Washington (second mention in this post cause Denzel is just everywhere). It was green-lit as a series on the Cartoon Network in 1994 and went on to huge success.
Therefore, if you are looking to start a podcast, let this be inspiration to know it is okay to start it on a shoestring budget and in your closet.
Let’s get down to the interview.
Topic du jour: The tortoise wins the get rich race every time. Who is the man behind the tortoise shell?
Subject: Men who talk money. How to Get Rich Slow?
GRS JD Roth: YES, I would be happy to do your interview.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please put your hands together for Mister JD Roth!!! The founder of Get Rich Slowly.
GBM Miriam: It was great meeting JD Roth of Get Rich Slowly at FinCon 18 in Orlando. I had seen his picture on the blog-sphere so many times that I knew who he was on sight. I tried to keep a calm and cool composure, but on the inside I was screaming, “IT’S JD ROTH!!!!!” Over and over in my head.
Imagine my surprise when I got to ride shotgun with him on our way to a restaurant for a fellow bloggers birthday.
You can check out more of this story on my post about my very first FinCon called FinCon The Recap from your Friendly Neighborhood Greenbacks MagnetPart I and Part II.
We are in the car with Liz of Chief Mom Officer, Military Dollar, and Erin of Reaching for FI. In a car full of women, he was totally cool driving while listening to Taylor Swift. Yes, I found out that JD is a T. Swift fan. I am too. It’s like john jacob jingleheimer schmidt up in here!!!
Here is proof here!! I just so happen to think Taylor Swift is pretty awesome too! 😉 Great minds think alike. I literally just posted tweets on Taylor Swift and Lizzo last week. 😂👍
Just sent @BitchesGetRich a 2000-word email (yes, for real) on why I love both @Lizzo and @taylorswift13. Not much personal finance in it, I'm afraid, but a lot of personal conviction. Because these two women are awesome!
My dream concert is a Lizzo/Taylor Swift collaboration.
I figured out how to control my spending. If I carry the world's tiniest purse, like #LizzoAtAMAs, I could save a fortune. There's no way I could carry a wallet or credit cards in that 🤣
This is how I felt getting to interview JD. Over the moon and on top of the world. After three years of blogging, I made it. I’m still here. Anything is possible if you work hard enough for it. 😉So Grateful.
1. What prompted you to start a blog about money? How much makes you feel rich?Would you say $500k, $1M, $2M, or more?
I started Get Rich Slowly for three reasons. First, I wanted to document my own journey out of debt. Second, I thought maybe I could help other people learn to manage money as I improved my own financial skills. Finally, I hoped maybe I could make a few hundred bucks per month to supplement my income.
I had NO idea that starting Get Rich Slowly would change the trajectory of my life, financial and otherwise. It wasn’t even something I could have conceived at the time. Yet it changed everything.
How much makes me feel rich? That’s a great question. It doesn’t take much. I grew up poor. My family lived in a run-down trailer house in rural Oregon. My father was often out of work. Sometimes we had to take assistance from our church in order to get by. Today, I have far more money than my parents ever did. I feel very rich. But I don’t know what dollar amount leads to that…
GBM Miriam: Well ok. Thank you for your honesty. It is always appreciated. I fell into learning about money by accident. I was at my boyfriend’s place when I saw a Kiplinger magazine lying around. I just so happened to pick it up…
2. Any favorite finance books? How come?
I’ve read and enjoyed many finance books, but my favorite books about money usually aren’t actually books about money. What I mean is that often the books that I believe will most help people with their finances aren’t financial books. They’re only tangentially related to finances.
For instance, I think The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People is probably one of the most helpful book anyone can read if they’re struggling to improve their finances. The ideas and philosophy it conveys are so valuable in developing a successful financial mindset.
GBM Miriam: One of my top favorites is The Millionaire Next Door. That and the one you named are some good reading. 👍
3. What are you reading right now? What’s on your night stand?
Haha. I always have several books going at once. Right now, I’m reading:
* Wake Up and Live! by Dorothea Brande
* House of Suns by Alistair Reynolds
* Y: The Last Man by Brian K. Vaughan
* Deep Work by Cal Newport
This “many books at once” habit kind of goes against the whole Deep Work philosophy…
4. One thing people may not know about you?
When I left for college in 1987, I thought I was going to be a religion major. My aim was to get a religion degree, then become a Christian missionary. I thought I’d ultimately end up as a church pastor.
GBM Miriam: I did see you mention something about that on your blog. I put a link to that story in your response for readers to be transported there faster than Marty hitting 88 mph by clicking on college in 1987.
5. What’s in your wallet? How did you start building wealth?
It contains my debit card, my business credit card, my personal credit card, my Apple card, maybe $40 cash, and my insurance info (health and vehicle). That’s it.
I started building wealth through a two-pronged attack. First, I reduced how much I was spending. Second, I worked to build my income. Basically, I did my best to work both sides of the wealth equation (income and spending) in an attempt to grow my saving rate as high as possible.
Well said. So that’s what I did. Unlike that episode of King Meets Queens, when Carrie buys thousands of dollars worth of expensive clothes, keeps the tags on them to return them for a refund (get this because she could afford them *ahem* $2,000 Chanel suits) and said this to her husband…
If this sounds like you, please stop reading THIS and go read the Get Rich Slowly archives right now! If you want to get rich, cut the excuses and get fiscally educated!!!
If you are truly fiscally clumsy, then try the lazy method of investing. I would use Swensen’s model that he crafted for Yale University. With over $27 billion dollars under management, the Yale endowment is the second largest college endowment in the world (Harvard is #1). Just watch the video. Now you and Rory Gilmore will have something in common.
And if this is too much, just park your investments into a total stock market fund like the Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Admiral Shares (VTSAX) or Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (VTI).
Bonus Questions (pick any of the questions from the top or below that you want to answer)
6. Any life or money lessons from a favorite movie or TV show you would like to share?
I’m partial to Mr. Roger’s philosophy of loving others and encouraging others to love. He believed in accepting people for who they were, regardless of who they were. I subscribe to that ideal too.
GBM Miriam: Good stuff. I ❤ Mr. Rogers I wanted to take a ride on that train soooo bad! It looked like so much fun.
7. If you found a lottery ticket that ends up winning $1.5 million. What would you do?
I would buy new cars for me and my girlfriend. I’d get her a Tesla Model 3. I’d buy myself a Mini Cooper — the electric model, if it ever gets released. I’d stick the rest of the money in the bank.
GBM Miriam: A mini Cooper eh? I can dig it.
But that Tesla looks sexy.
And love those falcon wing doors.
Car Magazine UK Tesla photo
8. Who is your favorite X-men, Justice League, Avengers or comic book character? Why?
I’ve always been partial to nerds from the Marvel universe, characters like Cyclops from the X-Men or Mr. Fantastic from the Fantastic Four.
GBM Miriam: You are probably wondering why I asked this question. Beside being a huge cartoon and Mavel fan, I actually named this blog after a Marvel comic book character; Magneto. 😉
Just FYI: We skipped a few numbers and moved on to question 11.
11. If both a taxi and a limo were priced the exact same, which one would you choose?
Neither. I would probably walk, if I could.
GBM Miriam: Yeah, that’s me. I love to walk. I’m like Elizabeth Bennett in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.
12. What song or songs best describes your work ethic?
“Don’t Worry, Be Happy” 🙂
13. What would you do if you just inherited a pizzeria from your uncle?
I would sell it, if it were profitable. Hell, I’d sell it even if it weren’t profitable. That sounds like too much work!
GBM Miriam: You may be right. I know it’s just a cartoon but they worked the crap out of Doyle in that pizza place in Galaxy High!! 🤣
14. What was your best MacGyver moment?
This question is so NOT me. I’m not a MacGyver type. That said, my best MacGyver moment was probably installing a new tape deck in the 1993 Toyota pickup I bought last January. Admittedly, I had instructions for this project, but it was still pretty MacGyver-y for me. Now I can listen to cassette tapes as my dog and I cruise around Portland. 😉
15. If I gave you $40,000 to start a business, what would you start?
I know the answer to this! I’d start a blog. In fact, I’ve spent a similar amount to launch blogs in the past — and they’ve become businesses.
GBM Miriam: Why am I not surprised. 😆 I love blogging too.
How I feel about blogging: “Tonight, darling, we are going to right a lot of wrongs. And we are going to wrong some rights. The first shall be last; the last shall be first; the meek shall do some earth-inheriting.” -Margo Roth Spiegelman, Paper Towns by John Green
Cara Delevingne as Margo Roth Spiegelman in Paper Towns
New at the GRS blog: A look at how who we are (and who we want to be) shapes our financial lives: — This is my first longer piece since deciding to NOT publish so often. It was fun to write.
16. If you had $2,000, how would you double it in 24 hours?
Hm. I’m not sure. There’s no reliable way to do this, of course. My inclination would be to pick a game of pure chance, such as roulette, then to make a single bet that would either double the money or lose it in one go. Using that roulette example, if I bet all $2000 on, say, even numbers or odd numbers, I’d have about a 48% chance of doubling my money and a 52% chance of losing it all.
Really, though, there’s no sure way to do this.
GBM Miriam: That’s JD. He always gives it t you straight and keeps it 💯just how we like it.
For example, he just put this out there for our fiscal viewing. Check out his post on Our first annual family meeting. Bringing people and finances together. As a financial blogger, that just melts my heart ❤right there.
GBM Miriam: Thank you JD!!! It was an absolute dream come true and a pleasure to have you stop by Greenbacks Magnet.
It was my honor to be your host this evening. See you at FinCon 2020. The year of perfect vision!!! Until we meet again!!! I bid you farewell.
Want more fiscal nuggets of wisdom, from the JD Roth?
Attitude is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than what people do or say. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. – W. C. Fields
That quote from W.C. Fields could not more accurately describe this film. The Gods of Olympus rule the world of man. And those who disobey or hurt others are punished.
I have learned that my attitude dictates everything around me including my ability to build wealth. A positive attitude can move mountains.
This mythical tale of Perseus, son of Zeus, and his quest for the ‘fair’ Andromeda, Clash of the Titans was released on June 12, 1981.
Why is Greek mythology important?
Greek mythology is the body of myths originally told by the ancient Greeks. These stories concern the origin and the nature of the world, the lives and activities of deities, heroes, and mythological creatures, and the origins and significance of the ancient Greeks‘ own cult and ritual practices.
Clash of the Titans is a 1981 British-American heroic fantasy adventure film directed by Desmond Davis and written by Beverley Cross which retells the Greek mythological story of Perseus. It stars Harry Hamlin, Judi Bowker, Burgess Meredith, Maggie Smith and Laurence Olivier. The film features the final work of stop motion visual effects artist Ray Harryhausen.
In the Mount Olympus, Zeus (Laurence Olivier) destroyed the city Argus with the Titan Kraken to punish King Acrisius (Donald Houston) that sentenced his daughter Danae (Vida Taylor) and her son with Zeus Perseus to death in the sea. Zeus orders Poseidon to save them and Perseus grows up in a paradisiacal island with his mother.
Years later, Zeus punishes Calibos (Neil McCarthy), the evil son of the goddess Thetis (Maggie Smith) and fiancé of Princess Andromeda (Judi Bowker), turning him into a monster doomed to live in the swamps.
The vindictive Thetis curses Andromeda with a spell and every suitor should solve a riddle; otherwise he would be sentenced to the bonfire. Further, she brings Perseus (Harry Hamlin) while sleeping half-naked to the City of Jopa but Zeus gives magical helmet, shield and sword to his son for self-protection.
When Perseus sees Andromeda, he falls in love with her and uses the magic outfits and Pegasus to discover the answer of the riddle with Calibos.
But Thetis dooms Andromeda to be sacrificed to the Kraken otherwise the City of Jopa and the inhabitants will be destroyed by the Titan. Perseus now has to defeat Medusa and the Kraken to save his beloved princess.
The saga of Perseus, the mortal son of Zeus, and the intrigue among the Gods of Olympus, is brilliant presented in this magnificent film. The delightful story is supported by an outstanding international cast, with names such as Laurence Olivier, Burgess Meredith, Maggie Smith and Ursula Andress, and by fantastic special effects, considering this is a 1981 movie. The golden mechanical owl Buba is hilarious and responsible for some of the best moments in this film. This epic is a wonderful and highly recommended entertainment for the whole family. I do not recall how many times I have had the pleasure of watching this film.
Zeus watches over everyone in Mount Olympus. Especially, that of his children and those of the other Gods, many of whom have children with mortals.
It has become known that Thetis’ son Calibos, who has been spoiled and given every advantage in life, is cold and callous. He abuses and hurts others. For this, Zeus punishes him. His son Perseus, who was given none of those advantages or indulgences of Calibos, is punished by Thetis in retaliation and dropped in the middle of their war between each other.
I found it very interesting that Zeus was willing to punish Calibos for being inhumane and uncivilized. He let the punishment fit the crime.
This is a reminder that life is not fair and no deed goes unnoticed, good or bad.
You should live your life like it will hit the front page of every newspaper. Best to eat humble pie than be served a dish that is best served cold.
Being in power means you can make things happen. If you read the stories of Napoleon Bonaparte, The War of the Roses, Winston Churchill, or any leader or influencer you will find a theme.
Success leaves clues.
Regardless, of whether or not you are born into wealth, it is your job to manage all that you have. This is done by controlling your thoughts and actions.
Did you know that most generational wealth is gone within three generations?
According to MarketWatch, about seven in 10 wealthy families lose their fortune by the second generation, according to a study of more than 3,200 high-net worth families by the Williams Group wealth consultancy. By the third generation that number has jumped to 90%.
That means the parents and grandparents make the money, and the children and grandchildren spend it.
After doing some more research, I discovered the following:
If you earn more than $34,000 per year, you are in the top 1 percent globally.
Most wealth is not inherited. You have to work for your meal. There is no FREE LUNCH.
According to the book The Millionaire Next Door, most millionaires are worth between $1 million to $5 million.
In the film, Zeus provides Perseus with incredible weapons that are magical to protect him. This would not have been possible if his father did not have access to those things.
The reason you want to have financial independence is because you can protect yourself and your loved ones.
Perseus gets sent to Jopa where Calibos ex-fiance is cursed by his mother Thetis. He decides to find out the answer to the riddle so that he may marry the princess Andromeda.
One of my favorite parts of the film right here. Perseus was smart in the way he found the answer. This is what you are supposed to do in life. Find a goal. Make a plan. Execute. Same rules apply to personal finance.
I set a goal of saving first 10% of my income. Then it kept growing from there. I set the following savings goals:
Save 15% of my income
Save 20% of my income
Save 25% of my income
Save 30% of my income
Save 35% of my income
Save 40% of my income
Save 45% of my income
Save 50% of my income ➡this is my next goal 💰😉
My savings goals:
Year one: 5% ✔ Year two: 10% ✔ Year three: 15% ✔ Year five: 25%✔ Year seven: 40%✔ Year ten 55%
Always keep moving forward. No matter how long it takes.
After Perseus defeats Calibos, he spares his life only if he lifts the cure on Andromeda and he agrees.
He then goes to demand his mother seek out vengeance on Perseus. This is wrong. Perseus won in a fair fight with hand-to-hand combat. However, his mother does what he asks. Thereby putting Perseus on another quest to yet again save Andromeda and risking his life in the process although he committed no crime. He must now face Medusa.
Justice or Revenge
the Gorgon Medusa
Knowing what your needs versus wants are is how you will achieve your goals.
Perseus must face Medusa in order to save Andromeda.
Who is Medusa?
In Greek mythology, Medusa was a monster, a Gorgon, generally described as a winged human female with living venomous snakes in place of hair. Those who gazed upon her face would turn to stone.
What is the legend of Medusa? In later myths (mainly in Ovid) Medusa was the only Gorgon to possess snake locks, because they were a punishment from Athena. In a late version of the Medusa myth, related by the Roman poet Ovid (Metamorphoses 4.770), Medusa was originally a ravishingly beautiful maiden, “the jealous aspiration of many suitors.” Accordingly, Ovid relates that the once beautiful mortal was punished by Athena with a hideous appearance and loathsome snakes for hair for having been in Athena’s temple and being pursued by Poseidon.
Simply put, she was punished for being too beautiful.
In the film, Perseus only did what is absolutely necessary. Veering off course, even just a little could spell disaster. Same goes for wealth building.
An asset can be something useful or growth in value. It can be both.
Purely from a monetary standpoint as assets pays/feeds you.
From Maslows Hierarchy of Needs a home is an asset as it shelters you.
How I felt when I paid off my car (in 2009) which was $30k and then rerouted those funds to my retirement account. It took years and lots of discipline to do, but thankfully I made it. Do not ever give up paying off what you owe to be financially free.
No more trials against Perseus for he has confronted them and he has won.
The gods predict that Perseus and Andromeda will live happily, rule wisely, and produce children, and Zeus forbids the other gods to pursue vengeance against them. Zeus commands, “I forbid any revenge against Perseus.” He has triumphed and he shall be rewarded.
The constellations of Perseus, Andromeda, Pegasus, and Cassiopeia are created in their honor.
I feel that like Perseus, I have been underestimated.
It took many years to achieve the goals I had set for myself. Some of which I am still working towards. And as one is crossed off the list, others are added. However, as I once told my sister, I had my back against the wall and was down but not out.
It took every ounce of energy and willpower I had, but I started taking control of my financial life and never looked back.
All those times of wondering how I would pay the bills, get to the end of the month before getting through the end of the money, and living check to check was no more.
I had prevailed against every obstacle, trial and tribulation, and test that had come up against me. There would be no more trials of continuing to go into debt against me. For I had triumphed and I had won!
I have been doubted. I have been underestimated. I have been overlooked.
So, I decided:
To read 25 books a year To invest 25% of of income To save 40% of my paycheck
“We shall see the crumbs of bread… and they will show us our way home again.” – Hansel and Gretel by the Brothers Grimm, 1812
Breadcrumbs are a series of connected pieces of information or evidence. People often refer to money as bread. The Grimm Brothers used breadcrumbs in their fairy-tale Hansel and Gretel for the protagonists to find their way.
Money gems are being dropped everywhere. If you look hard
enough. You can only find what you are looking for. So, look no further.
Greenbacks Magnet is about to show you where to look. Just follow the
money…breadcrumbs that is.
But first, who are the Brothers Grimm?
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
“Some men are born to good luck: all they do or try to do
comes right—all that falls to them is so much gain—all their geese are
swans—all their cards are trumps—toss them which way you will, they will
always, like poor puss, alight upon their legs, and only move on so much the
faster. The world may very likely not always think of them as they think of
themselves, but what care they for the world? what can it know about the
matter?” ― The Brothers Grimm, The Complete Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales
The Brothers Grimm Jacob and Wilhelm, were German academics,
linguists, and authors who together collected and published folklore during the
19th century. They are best known for the publication of their works titled Grimm’s Fairy Tales in 1812. The book
contains 209 tales collected by the Brothers Grimm.
Some of their most famous tales include: Rapunzel,
Cinderella, The Valiant Little Tailor, Snow White and Red Rose, Briar-Rose,
King Thrushbeard, How Six Men Got On in the World, Rumpelstiltskin, Bearskin,
The Dancing Princesses (The Worn-Out Dancing Shoes), The Four Skillful
Brothers, and Hansel and Gretel.
My absolute favorite is Bearskin. A close second is the
Twelve Dancing Princesses. Both tales had flair and a lot of truth in them. The
antagonist in Bearskin reminds me Smeagol from The Lord of the Rings film, but that’s another story.
It has been so long since I have seen these tales, but I have never forgotten them and their theme of morality. I still use these stories as reminders to help others and do the right thing. For your entertainment, I have uploaded the videos from the Grimms’ Fairy Tales Classics from the late 1980’s. The show also ran reruns in the 1990’s.
The Worn-Out Dancing Shoes
The University of Pittsburgh has an online Grimm Brothers’ Home Page where you can read their classic tales. However, be forewarned that their stories did not always have the Happy Endings you are used to hearing in the more modern versions and retelling of the stories. They are, for lack of a better word, grimmer. Very different from another world-famous fairy tales author Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875). One of his most notable works was The Little Mermaid. It was turned into a Disney film in 1989 and is also my favorite Disney movie.
The original movie poster A picture worth a thousand words
One of the best scenes in the movie
I digress, let’s get back to the real reason for this post, the television show Grimm.
Opening: “There once was a man who lived a life so strange, it had to be true. Only he could see what no one else can—the darkness inside, the real monster within, and he’s the one who must stop them. This is his calling. This is his duty. This is the life of a Grimm.“
Grimm opening credits with his introduction
Grimm is an American fantasy police procedural drama television series that aired on NBC from October 28, 2011 to March 31, 2017, for 123 episodes, over six seasons.
The story followed the journey of a Portland police homicide detective by the name of Nick Burkhardt (played by David Giuntoli), who is a Grimm. A Grimm keeps the peace and world order between humanity and the supernatural, which are called Wesen.
Nick Burkhardt played by David Giuntoli
What made this show so great was not so much just the title character, but all the characters who played his friends around him. This is one of the first and only shows where I have ever seen the supporting cast be just as important as the main character.
One of the best guest stars on the show was Martin Meisner played by Damien Puckler.
Meisner in action. Jaime Ray Newman as Angelina was the other best guest star on the show. Angelina presented herself as a passionate and violent Femme Fatale, dressing in leather and provocative clothes, riding a Harley-Davidson motorcycle and she was always ready to fight.
Just a taste of what her character is like on the show. Very fiery and combative. A fighter.
Jaime Ray Newman episode.
Hilarious.The Grimm cast
The show was also at times very funny. In addition, whenever the Grimm was discovered by Wesen, they would morph into their true selves and this made every episode fun, surprising, and unique.
The supporting cast consisted of the following actors: Russell Hornsby, Bitsie Tulloch, Silas Weir Mitchell, Sasha Roiz, Reggie Lee, Bree Turner, and Claire Coffee. The shows fight scenes were amazing. And the shows themes of the constant testing of morality was ever-present and consistent throughout the show just like that of the Grimm Fairy Tales. Each episode also started off with a quote from one of the Brothers Grimm fairy tales and let you know what that episode would be about.
The very first opening show quote. October 28, 2011.
Series opening credits
Love the intro music. It really gets your heart pumping. And the show is just as it appears.
“When words fail music speaks. – Hans Christian Andersen
In the opening scene of the Pilot espisode, The Eurhythmics Song Sweet Dreams is playing. This song ultimately led them to solve a case they were working on. When interrogating him they got nothing. It wasn’t what the perp said, it was what he sang or hummed. Gotta love music.
Hank: What’s that song?
Nick: Sweet Dreams.
Hank: Eurythmics. One of their better. [sings] “Sweet
dreams are made of these. Who am I to disagree…?”
Opening quote:
“I am impelled not to squeak like a grateful and frightened mouse, but to
roar….” – Of Man and Mouse, Grimm, Season 1, episode 9
As you know career choice is very important, it can mean the
difference of having wealth and abundance or starvation and penury. And no
wants a Dickensian existence of poverty. So, choose wisely.
Get the education and training you need to succeed. However, I say do so affordably. It behooves you to do so. You could be stuck depending on others for their help and expertise when you’re in a pinch. Such as the likes of Monroe as Nick’s reluctant informant.
The Grimm diary
Monroe: What did you just get the books tonight?
Nick: You know about the books?
Another episode, like many…
Nick: Monroe, I need your help.
“What am I, your personal Grimmopedia?” – Monroe to Nick
I say do all you can to depend on self. You will always have
your own back. Otherwise, you have to depend on others for their help to remain
relevant in the workforce.
Monroe: Hello?
Nick: Hey, it’s Nick?
Monroe: How did you get my new cell phone?!
Nick: Are you kidding me? I’m a cop.
Too funny.
And don’t put all your money in the company stock.
It could go bankrupt and you could end up with nothing. Worse yet, people could leave you to clean up their mess or you could be left holding the bag. One word: Enron.
Do not walk, run down to your HR department and make sure they offer investments other than stock options mostly in their firm. Demand to have more options if you don’t. If not, open a Roth IRA and pick funds outside your company. Be aggressive. It’s your money dammit.
I think of myself like Brad Pitt said in the movie Troy, “We are lions.”
I am a lioness. I go for the gold. If one thing does not work, I get to work finding another way or pick another path.
To be successful, you must adapt. Like the Navy Seals were
taught in that movie Heartbreak Ridge; Navy SEALs Learn To Adapt, Improvise and
Overcome. Special Forces (United States Army) has a motto: De Oppresso Liber.
Which is Latin for “to free from oppression” or “to liberate the
oppressed.” The United States Navy Seals mottos are: “The Only Easy
Day Was Yesterday”, “It Pays to be a Winner.” Seeing a theme
Your greatest asset is your mind and your ability to work.
Earning is what will help you build wealth. You cannot save money, if you have
no money.
You know who else agrees with me? Rambo. Check out the scene for yourself here.
Sylvester Stallone as John Rambo “I always believed that the mind is the best weapon”
Although, a fictional character, Rambo was trained in
Guerilla warfare. His objective was to win. However, he still had a moral
obligation to help others and he did. In life people make choices, he made his.
You will have to decide for yourself what is important to you because when it
is, you will find a way.
Below are the careers of the cast of characters on the show
and their median salaries according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,
Payscale, or Glassdoor, which are the following:
Nick Burkhart – Detective ($65,860)
Hank (Nick’s partner played by Russell Hornsby) – Detective (65,860)
Wu (played by Reggie Lee) – Sergeant ($69,685)
Juliette (played by Bitsie Tulloch) – Veterinarian ($106,770)
Monroe (Nick’s right-hand man played by Silas Weir Mitchell)
– Woodworker ($30,192)
Sean Renard (Nick and Hank’s police captain played by Sasha
Roiz) – Captain ($80,593)
Rosalee (Monroe’s wife played by Bree Turner) – Retail shop store
owner ($38,000)
Adalind Schade (played by Claire Coffee) – Lawyer ($114,000)
The infamous trailer.
“One feather is of no use to me, I must have the whole
bird.” ― Jacob Grimm, The Complete Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales
According to the book The
Millionaire Next Door, 80-86% of millionaires in America are self-made. Most
wealth is earned. Meaning less than 20% inherit their wealth. This is down from
a high of 50% or more who did so around the early 1900’s.
In the show, his aunt comes to visit to pass down to him his birthright. A trailer full of artifacts, heirlooms, and antiques that are priceless as they are irreplaceable and is full of Grimm and Wesen lore. It comes in handy throughout the series. And don’t forget the key.
This shows that what a family member does in the past can be
of significant value to their loved ones in the future. Work hard today to help
your future generations tomorrow. Case in point, Nick was always consulting
with the books in the trailer as a guide to help him in the show. Without the
books, he would have been lost. Had he been left to fend for himself, there could
have been dire consequences.
However, in the present day, most people are not receiving
large inheritances at all, if any. You are better off figuring out a profession
prior to even starting college. You can look for one that pays well such as
business, accounting, and engineering or are of interest to you.
“Hansel took his little sister by the hand, and followed the
pebbles which shone like newly-coined silver pieces, and showed them the way.” ―
Jacob Grimm, Grimm’s Fairy Tales: Complete Edition & Over 200 Fairy Tales
Take a look around you. Who do you see doing well? Study what they study. Read what they read. Find out what they are doing? But make sure its legit and legal.
What products are selling like hotcakes off the shelves?
Invest in that company.
I’m sure you catch my drift.
Look for clues. Success leaves clues.
Opening quote:
“‘No,’ said the King. I’d rather die than place you in such great danger
as you must meet with in your journey.” – The Water of Life, Grimm Brothers
from the Grimm episode The
One episode showed Adalind meeting with a lawyer about her
mother’s estate. Not only did her mother had no assets, but she hadn’t paid her
taxes in like six years. In addition, her storage unit was only paid up to the
end of the month. After, that her stuff would be auctioned off or thrown away. This
is all too common nowadays.
Like I said before, most people do not receive inheritances
and if they do, it is not likely to be more than a few thousand dollars. You
are better off working to build your own fortune. Then it will not matter what
other people do with their money.
Opening quote:
“For me there are neither locks nor bolts, whatsoever I desire is
mine.” – The Master Thief, Grimm Brothers
Another episode showed that more artifacts were found that belonged to a Grimm in Europe. When Monroe’s uncle offered to sell it to Nick he asked for something like $250,000. Nick didn’t have that kind of money. Especially, on a cop’s salary. That’s a lot of money.
Monroe said that to his uncle. He said that was his price
and left.
Not being able to get your hands on a significant amount of
cash fairly quickly is a way to miss out on opportunities. You should always
have liquid cash in savings or a stash you can tap for emergencies. I started
my emergency fund with $25. My rainy day fund now consists of me saving over
$14,000 a year. I learned how important having a money stash from the fictional
character Scrooge McDuck.
Opening quote:
“It is not light that we need, but fire.” – Season 5, episode 1, The Grimm Identity
Lots of fight sequences happen at Nick’s house. So many that Monroe told Nick he should move.
I gave Monroe the slow clap. I had been thinking that very thing for like 2 seasons. Too many people knew where he lived.
There are times when jobs dry up. Factories and businesses
close. Like they said in the old days: Go West, young man! Or There’s gold in
them there hills! That lit a fire under mens a$$es to move with a sense of
To get a fresh start, you may need to move. Move where the
jobs are.
Starting a business? Move where capital is plentiful and
free flowing.
The operative word: Move.
Opening quote: “Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen, nobody knows my sorrow.”
One of my favorite characters in the show was none other than Teresa “Trubel” Rubel played by Jacqueline Toboni.
She was a runaway that would be taken in by Nick. She is also a Grimm. The show got a whole lot more interesting and fun when she came along.
“Nobody Knows the Trubel I’ve Seen” is the 19th episode of season 3. It aired on April 25, 2014. This is Trubel’s first appearance on the show.
Throughout her time on the show, money was a constant stressor of hers.
For instance, she did some of the following:
Stole a pair of boots
Stayed in cheap motels
Asked for money for food
Did not want to take handouts
In another episode, she helped stop an illegal teen
shoplifting ring. She herself was basically living in foster homes and on the
streets until she met Nick. One of my favorite scenes was when she stole that
pair of boots. It was very slick.
Well, we have come to the end of this post. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. There was nothing like this show.
@mistergiuntoli I finally saw the last episode of Grimm. I just love the camaraderie on the show. Especially, you and Trouble. The chemistry between you too was great. I miss Hank saying: where are we supposed to be? Then its down the uh I mean Wesen hole.