Don’t gamble! Take all your savings and buy some good stock and hold it till it goes up, then sell it. If it don’t go up, don’t buy it. – Will Rogers.
In my last post, Down the Financial Freedom Rabbit Hole, I talked to you about having over $300,000 in retirement savings. In this post, Part 2, I will talk about the behavior you will need to use to get there.
One of the biggest lessons I learned about life is that you have to give to get. There is no free lunch. Nothing is free. You have to work for everything you have. And don’t let anybody tell you any different.
Even starting out with nothing, you can end with something.
However, it won’t happen overnight.
Little by little everyday you make progress. You have to set a goal. And you have to focus. Much like Obi Wan Kenobi’s Jedi Master in Star Wars said to a young Anakin Skywalker.
So without further ado, here are some of the behaviors that can help turn you into a millionaire. And we’re off…you can now wave goodbye to broke in the camera and say hello to financial freedom.
Learn to sit on a box until you can afford a chair. – money quote
Starting from scratch was not easy. The number one thing I did was make a goal. It does not matter how big or small, you have to start with a goal.
You cannot get to a destination without first knowing where you are going.
My ultimate goal was $1M USD. I then broke it into actionable steps.
Get a job that offers 401k’s with a match was one of them.
I also knew I had to increase my income. Whether it be sales, HVAC School, plumbing, teaching, or college, you have to find a way to make a living and bring some money home.
I took Dave Ramsey’s saying literally in when he says it is not what you are willing to do that will make you rich, but what you are willing to give up. And I gave up a lot. Nights out with friends, parties, vacations, you name it. But the sacrifice was worth it as it moved me closer to my ultimate goal: freedom.
I would spend my nights studying (sometimes up to 8 hours a day!) and doing my college work. Then I would spend my days looking for jobs that offered retirement accounts with matching contributions. Since I chose the college route, I knew that after I got my degree, that I would use that to negotiate a better job with higher pay.
I couldn’t just start in at the top. It’s like what the late rapper Young Dolph said on being wary of helping those who refuse to help themselves (“Million Dollaz Worth of Game” interview, 2021): Everybody wanna start at the top. Everybody wanna start at the top, and everybody wanna ball off the rip.
So true. How can you possibly start at the top? You don’t know anything. You have to put in the work if you want to get ahead and if you want people to respect you.
Dolph sounds a lot like one of my favorite Disney characters, Scrooge McDuck.
A panel from an Uncle Scrooge comic by Jack Bradbury. Character created in 1947 by Carl Banks.
So if you find yourself mopping floors, but earning the respect of your fellow workers and the CEO that leads to creating long lasting relationships, getting mentoring from those who played the long-game and won, you climbing that corporate ladder to one day being in the C-suite, count yourself fortunate to work your way up to the top you lucky duck! Pun intended.
Those that try to skip putting in the work miss out on opportunities and experiences that are necessary rungs on the ladder to success that are needed to stay at the top. You have to work late nights, get up early and be consistent. Nobody ever got rich sleeping all day.
Once, I got that magic 401k, I went to work investing in it. That was around 2007. However, my account was increasing too slowly.
I needed to figure out a way to free up some capital to make it go faster. That’s when I figured it out. One of the best ways to start investing larger sums of money with minimal effort. Change my behavior and attitude toward material objects. Namely; cars.
I would pay off my car and then not get into another car payment.
I would instead redirect that money to my investments. I gave up on the desire to having a flashy car in parking lot and focused on financial freedom. I paid off my car in 2009. I have not had a car payment since.
This along with paying off credit card debt, in my opinion, is the best ways to build wealth.
After that, my investments started to take off. I also opened up a Roth IRA around 2011 to invest even more money. I did this because when I did the math, it showed that if you max out your retirement accounts; $23,000 in your 401k and $7,000 in an IRA which are the limits in 2024, with a 10% return, you could hit $1 million in 15 years. That’s less than two decades! It takes the average millionaire about 27 years to get there.
Simple plan: Pay off car payment and max out retirement accounts. I just gave you the magic ingredients to the secret sauce.
Come on, let me get a 5-star rating for that advice like Nora got on Upload.
As of this writing, I am closing in on hitting my next target of $400,000 in investable assets. I was getting closer to my goal of $1M in retirement savings.
Getting so close to my goal made me realize that personal debt is the mortal enemy that threatens to suck the money out of your wallet and the joy out of your life.
I wanted to slay debt like my favorite Marvel comic book character Red Sonja does her enemies.
I wanted to strike first and show no mercy when it came to getting rid of and staying out of debt like Cobra Kai!
I felt like Carmen Sandiego when she meticulously plans her escapes…with style. I was leaving debt behind and flying toward freedom.
You can do the same. By changing your behavior to earn interest instead of paying it by investing. Until next time…
“All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.” ― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan
Trust is a five-letter word. A word that is small in size, but whose meaning is of monumental importance.
Today on Greenbacks Magnet we are spilling the tea and reading the tea leaves on the topic of personal finance.
Somewhat like Jalen and Jacoby do on their podcast.
This is a no-holds barred conversation about getting your fiscal house in order.
If I had a podcast right now, I have several friends or family members that could be my partner on this magic carpet ride. Aladdin had Princess Jasmine. Jordan had Scottie Pippen. Keenan had Kel. Barack has Michelle. Oprah has Gayle. Key had Peele. Batman has Robin. Kermit the Frog has Miss Piggy. Jalen has Jacoby.
Having a partner just makes things more fun.
I ask my significant other all the time, “Are you gonna back me up?! Are you gonna be the pip to my Gladys?!” I need people with good character that I can trust around me.
It’s like my man Shakespeare says, “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” ― William Shakespeare, All’s Well That Ends Well
Trusting people with your money comes with huge financial risks! And I notice it is more risk than reward. You have to be on top of things when it comes to your money.
So today, I am going to give you some real stories of private conversations I have been in, eavesdropped on, and stood witness to in hopes it might help you more easily navigate these hostile fiscal waters out here in these mean streets.
I’m doing it Jalen Rose and David Jacoby style for those of you ESPN fans out there, you know what I’m talking about.
I want you to trust my advice, and me but I also want you to verify it.
Let’s get started and dive right in.
In the spirit of Jalen and Jacoby:
Got to give the people…
Give the people what?
What they want!
What do they want?
Current events! They want you to spit that hot fire!
And in this blogs case FIRE is Financial Independence, Retire Early!
That is a famous quote uttered by former President Ronald Reagan during the Cold War.
He was a former Hollywood actor turned politician, which was unheard of at the time in 1981. My how times have changed.
Reagan also gave us Reaganomics, also known as Voodoo Economics, it works as crazy as it sounds. Voodoo (magic) is French in origin and hails from Louisiana around the 1700’s, which is before the Louisiana Purchase between the United States and France, negotiated by President Thomas Jefferson and Napoleon in 1803.
Therefore, the term Voodoo Economics simply means magic economics or finances (magic money).
There goes that Peter Pan quote I put at the top circling back to us as magic money is like pixie dust! It just doesn’t exist! In my mind, this is like creating money or great finances out of thin air.
It’s kind of how 50 Cent said he owed $8 million worth of Bitcoin when he owed nothing and created $8 million of wealth for himself in the eyes of his followers on Instagram because we are all just, and I roll my eyes as I type this, “living for the Gram.” I discuss fifty and the Gram on this post.
According to, Reaganomics is this in that “the simple answer: when the outcome is essential and matters more than the relationship, use “trust, but verify.” When the relationship matters more than any single outcome, don’t use it.” Basically, if you are unsure of how to proceed in making a decision where the outcome can be life-changing, then do your research to uncover the facts before saying yes.
In my opinion, that means reviewing credit reports before walking down the aisle.
Why should I commit to someone with four felonies, two bankruptcies, a property lien and $50,000 of back taxes owed to the IRS without knowing what I am getting myself into. You would be surprised what you uncover with a simple credit report.
A woman has a right to say no or change her mind about marriage all the way until the time she is in front of the minister. It’s cool to trust your partner when they say they paid off that Neiman Marcus credit card, but request that copy of the credit report baby to verify.
Reaganomics, or Reaganism, refers to the economic policies promoted by U.S. President Ronald Reagan during the 1980s.
The economic policies of the former US president Ronald Reagan, associated especially with the reduction of taxes and the promotion of unrestricted free-market activity. “the claim that cutting taxes generates more revenue was a key element of Reaganomics”
When looking up Voodoo Economics this pops up in the search: an economic policy perceived as being unrealistic and ill-advised, in particular a policy of maintaining or increasing levels of public spending while reducing taxation. “as governor, he put into practice the same voodoo economics that he would later impose on the country as president”
I will give it to you in layman’s terms, give more to the rich and their gains of money and benefits should also find it’s way down to everyone else.
It’s the reverse of Robinhood’s theory of taking from the rich and giving to the poor, by instead giving to the rich. There you have it. I just gave you the premise of Trickle-down Economics.
Great question. Trickle-down economics, also called trickle-down theory, refers to the economic proposition that taxes on businesses and the wealthy in society should be reduced as a means to stimulate business investment in the short term and benefit society at large in the long term.
According to writer Kimberly Amadeo, Trickle–down economics is a theory that claims benefits for the wealthy trickle down to everyone else. These benefits are tax cuts on businesses, high-income earners, capital gains, and dividends. … All of this expansion will trickle down to workers.
I don’t know about that.
When I look to my left on the West Coast, I see massive homelessness.
When I look to my right on the East Coast, I see wage stagnation.
Taxes got cut, but people are in even more debt. When the top 10% of the richest American households own 84% of the stock market wealth in the country something is terribly askew.
I call gentle bullshit on all this record stock market gains that is causing the country to grow wealth for all.
It seems more that instead of lifting all boats to prosperity for 99% of the population, stocks are lifting a few yachts of the 1%.
In the illustrious words of Sheldon Cooper, pardon me, I mean Dr. Cooper, this is a bunch of hokum. I mean the term even has the word trick in it. Hello?
I have seen stuff you would not believe people have done when it comes to their money.
I saw a couple of government workers deciding to take on an $800,000 mortgage. Don’t ask me why. After 30 years of payments, they will have paid $1.6 million for a pile of bricks they are never at because they are always at work. Then the husband loses his job and they lose the house!
If you do not have $1.6 million in retirement or other assets, then you cannot afford or should not buy a home for three-quarters of a million.
Since, many college students see their friends take out loans to fund spring break trips they feel they are entitled to do it too! I actually knew someone who got a boob job and paid off a car with a student loan refund.
I hear tons of people say they are never going to retire, can’t afford college, and will work forever but no one wants to downsize their $400,000 mortgage. If they want it, they get it. How you ask? Do what the neighbors did and take out a HELOC.
I’m about to spill that tea so don’t blink or you might miss it!
Overheard around an office watercooler.
“I owe $100,000 in back property taxes to the IRS.”
“I am in $25,000 worth of credit card debt. I am on a fixed income. My granddaughter was supposed to use my credit card for a one-time charge to pay her auto insurance when she got a new car and then I found out she never stopped it and I paid for the whole year! When I asked her for the money back she said she didn’t have it and then told me about all the bills she has.”
A male-exotic dancer told me, “I strip because I don’t make enough at my job to live on that.”
The guy who can’t pay his child support who owns a Range Rover and house is constantly in danger of foreclosure.
A beauty salon owner who confided in me. Her child support payment is $25 a month and the father keeps quitting his job so he don’t have to pay it! At the tender age of 25, she also decided to lease a beauty shop and buy a home. She said, “It’s like paying two mortgages.”
Another friend.
“I would rather struggle today and get my forever home, than buy a starter home and have a smaller home and have to move.”
A cousin.
“I can’t make too much or they will take me off Section 8 housing.”
Just FYI, many safety net programs do not allow you to make too much or have too much in savings or assets. If you have more than $2,000 in checking, you could lose all income assistance benefits and NEVER be able to get back on. Essentially, keeping the poor trapped in a cycle of poverty.
There is a saying. Control your money; control your life. When you know how money works life is easy. When you don’t, life is hard.
I read every book I can get my hands on about finance. I have learned about taxes, insurance, stocks, real estate, and entrepreneurship.
Here are a couple books I have read that changed my money mindset.
I stopped getting personal loans. It took me years to pay off a $20,000 personal loan. I took that $333 monthly payments and started saving money.
I once had a $448.65 car payment. I paid off the car and started investing that money.
I started studying the stock market.
I cut out buying clothes and all shopping and stared saving over $8,000 a year. I canceled subscriptions. Maybe Jillian Michaels may want to do the same as on her Instagram, cause you know we are all “living for the Gram,” she stated she would like to figure out how “like to get my American Express bill down.”
I only spend on things I love and I cut spending mercilessly on the things I don’t.
I transferred over $84,000 out of multiple stock funds and placed my bet on one 500 index fund.
I write money milestones.
The goal is to be a 401(k) millionaire.
By investing over 25% of my income into things like the VFINX, VFIAX, or VTSAX, I can make this dream a reality.
Milestone number one was $100,000 in Mr. Market. I hit that marker and kept on climbing.
The money starts accumulating faster like a freaking avalanche once you have that first $100k. The next stop was $200,000.
Then I started making my way to a quarter million.
I estimated that once you hit $250,000, then you can get to millionaire status in 14.5 to 23.5 years with a 6% or above interest rate. And that is without adding another dime.
Once you get to one-quarter of a million, the other three-quarters are not too far behind.
If you could invest $20,000 a year including employer match, you could be a millionaire in 10 years with a 10% return with a principal investment start of $250,000.
That first $100,000 is your capital to a better future. It plants the seed money from which the rest of the harvest will grow.
Dropping dimes used to mean putting a dime in a payphone to connect with someone.
Now it is used more figuratively than literally as in giving some knowledge in this case.
The reason I invest most of my money in index funds is this piece of advice from Warren Buffet.
He instructed the trustee in charge of his estate to invest 90 percent of his money into the S&P 500 for his wife after he dies.
Warren Buffet is worth $81 billion. Most of his wealth came after the age of 50. Buffet gained 99% of his wealth after 50. That 1% of his wealth took 50 years to build, the other $80 billion too like 25 years or less than half the time it took to get the first billion.
He had to create companies, invest, graduate from Columbia, start businesses, and save the excess for 50 years to create the other 99% of his wealth!
In farming, like 99% of the crop comes from just 2% of the seeds that survive. Every time you invest your money, you are sowing seeds for your future self.
In a book I read, they state three of their truths about money. She stated, “the Scarcity Mind- set taught me the three lessons that would eventually turn me into a millionaire:
Money is the most important thing in the world. Money is worth sacrificing for. Money is even worth bleeding for.
Fashion is the vocabulary of the wealthy. – Evan R. Lawson, Royal Pains
Keanu Reeves is arguably one of the most stylish and successful actors of a generation. His latest film John Wick 3: Parabellum earned over $300 million dollars at the box office spawning another sequel from Lionsgate for a John Wick 4 coming on May 21, 2021. So if you haven’t heard the news already then you’re hearing it here first! BREAKING NEWS: John Wick 4 is coming!
His hugely successful career has made him a bankable action star with an estimated net worth of over $350 million.
Let’s find out out millionaires are minted and tailor made.
There are three John Wick movies, so I will give you three money lessons.
The Continental in New York
Lesson One: If you’re going to do something, then you may as well look good while doing it I love this Buzzfeed interview with Keanu Reeves or KR as they refer to him. It is a film about suits. A ballet of bullets. Those suits are pristine mortuary chic.
Custom made finely tuned works of art in clothe. It adds to the prestige and dark mystic of the film.
The costuming and fashion is top notch. Definitely reminds me of suits I have seen on other men that come straight from suit designer to the stars Savile Row in London England.
Savile Row, founded by Henry Poole in 1846, bespoke suits are so popular that shops in that district have received the Royal Warrant (seal of approval from HRH the Queen of England or Prince Charles) to outfit the royals and all those who wear a crown. Getting a thumbs up from The Crown of England is no small feat as you have to be the top 0.01 percent of your craft.
Savile Row is the world’s most famous suiting street as reported by Maxim where suits on Savile Row can start at $5,000.
And speaking of Maxim, the magazines late founder Felix Dennis had some great advice on money. Considering he was worth an estimated $400 million, I would say listen to what he has to say.
The top financial advice he offers is to always pay your taxes. In addition, he states the following:
“To become rich you must be an owner. And you must try to own it all. You must strive with every fibre of your being, while recognising the idiocy of your behaviour, to own and retain control of as near to 100 per cent of any company as you can. – Felix Dennis, How to get rich “
If it flies, floats or fornicates, always rent it. It’s cheaper in the long run.” ― Felix Dennis
Now back to the suits.
The suits designed for this movie are no exception. They almost take on a life of their own. This movie would make Barney Stinson (Neil Patrick Harris or NPH for short) of How I Met Your Mother proud. He was known on HIMYM for constantly wearing suits and saying suit up.
John Wick #1 or JW1JW2
One of my favorite things in this film are the manners. Everyone is respectful and well-mannered even when fighting or speaking with enemies. Parlay? haha This reminds me of that scene in the 1979 film The Warriors.
Anyway, I love a man in a suit. Any suit really. Or uniform. Uniforms means a man is employed. And a retired man means he has income. Wink, wink.
A man that can balance a check book, hang a suit (look good in it that is), and has great manners is my kind of guy! I’m just saying. Like any good host, in the film you regularly see people treat each other with human decency, courtesy, and respect.
Lesson Two: Save money and build up your savings muscle There’s my girl Halle Berry. You know in my previous post I wrote about why she and I continue to save so much.
If you want to be a fiscal gentleman or lady, you must learn to invest your money.
You have to learn to move the needle on your savings and investment accounts the same way you do when you fill up on a tank of gas.
For more info on your girl Greenbacks Magnet money tips and tricks check out my interviews on the websites Financially Alert and Think Save Retire.
That is why I started with saving $1 a day and slowly went upwards to $13,333 a year. Now that is what I call upward savings mobility. It took years to do this. You think Keanu can do all those stunts without proper training?
I once read in a magazine interview that he said to pull off The Matrix stunts he had to do two hours of stretching. It took months of work and preparation including weapons and martial arts training.
A retrospective look back at Keanu.
1999: I need guns. Lots of guns.
2017: I need something Robust… Precise.
2019: I need guns. Lots of guns.
Man has he evolved. haha
Therefore, you need to understand that it could take years to build your fortune. You must have patience or it will eat you up inside to try to get rich quick.
Lesson Three: Make sure you have a safety cushion and that people owe you a favor because time is always of the essence
One the most intense parts of JW3 is his constant looking at his watch in the beginning of the film. As time is ticking by and he is in short supply of it.
The intensity and emotions you feel in those scenes are the same way I want you to feel when it comes to paying off debt. It must go.
Another part of this film I like was when you saw he had a stash of things he needed hidden in a book at the library. This is classic if you don’t want people to find something, then hide it in the books rhetoric.
And last but certainly not least, always make sure someone owes you a favor. I am known to help people out and at times ask for a favor in return.
Life is about building relationships, or so Ryan Reynold’s character Van Wilder says; therefore, it is in your best interest to help your fellow man. There may come a time when you need to ask for help.
People are 90 percent more likely to help those that have previously helped them in the past. So if you get a chance help others because remember that time in finite and you must show people today how you feel as tomorrow may be too late.
If you grew up in the era of after school cartoons, then prepare to be nostalgic. This time I’m going back to 1995. Let’s get goofy… as in A Goofy Movie that is.
A Goofy Movie was released theatrically on April 7, 1995, by Walt Disney Pictures, and made $35 million at the box office.
A Goofy Movie is a 1995 animated musical comedy film produced by Disney MovieToons and Walt Disney Television Animation and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. The film is based on The Disney Afternoon television series Goof Troop created by Robert Taylor and Michael Peraza Jr. and acts as a follow-up to the show. It features the voices of Jason Marsden, Bill Farmer, Jim Cummings, Kellie Martin, Pauly Shore, Jenna von Oÿ, and Wallace Shawn.
Taking place a few years after the events of Goof Troop, A Goofy Movie follows Goofy and his son, Max, who is now in high school, and revolves around the father-son relationship between the two as Goofy takes Max on a fishing trip out of fear that Max is drifting away from him, unintentionally interfering with Max’s social life, particularly his relationship with Roxanne, his high school crush and dream girl. This movie also featured 2 songs by R&B singer and superstar Tevin Campbell.
The film was so much fun, uplifting, and family oriented that I had to give it some love her on my website. The movie just melts my heart 💖But first…What is Goof Troop?
Goof Troop bears similarity to several early-1950s Goofy cartoon shorts which depicted Goofy as a father to a mischievous red-haired son. Goofy, a single father, moves back to his hometown of Spoonerville with his son, Max. Their next door to Goofy’s high school friend: Pete and his family. His son P.J. (Pete Jr.) befriends Max. Max and P.J. become best friends and do practically everything together. A large portion of humor comes from the relatively normal Max’s personality sharply contrasting with his father.
And love the theme song by Phil Perry.
H-h-h-h-hit it! Like father, like son You’re always number one Best buddies, best pals (Yeah!) You always seem to work things out
Can’t you see you’re two of a kind? Looking for a real good time(Real good time) Report to the Goof Troop And we’ll always stick together (Yeah!) We’re the Goof Troop Best of friends forever
Now let’s talk about A Goofy Movie!
DREAMS ARE A WISH YOUR HEART MAKES AND ARE MEANT TO BE FULFILLED I love how the movie starts. Max ( Jason Marsden) is dreaming of his high school crush Roxanne ( Kellie Martin).
However, before his dream can come true he wakes up!
Fun Fact: A dream is a wish your heart makes is a song that’s in another Disney Film: Cinderella, which is from 1955. And I love Cinderella stories! See my post Money And Life Lessons I Learned From CBS Storybreak’s Yeh-Shen (A Chinese Cinderella Story)
I am all too familiar with having a dream.
Most people do not know this, but since I was a little girl I always had a dream to be rich. I just always knew that I did not want to worry more about money than helping people. Therefore, I figured out ways to live on less so that I could find ways to earn and save more.
First, I wrote down a plan. Second, I knew getting a good education was key so I went to an in-state, affordable college to lessen debt. Lastly, I refused to buy expensive or big ticket items i.e. $800,000 home, $70,000 vehicles, and $5,000 annual vacations.
I knew I needed my money to go to work for me. I needed to invest. So what’s it gonna be? 🤔 Real Estate? Stocks? Bonds? Mutual Funds? Art? Since stocks are more bang for my buck , as high-quality, dividend-paying stocks have proven to be the best way to make money over any twenty-year stretch of time or longer, I put my money in stocks.
My mission: To invest $100,000 in the stock market. Challenge accepted! Like Max, I had my work cut out for me.
MAKE A PLAN In the film, Max decides he’s tired of being looked over and makes a plan to change his fate. After today he sangs, things will be different.
Popular girl who ignores max. Pete, Max and Pauly Shore, err um I mean Bob, in An Extremely Goofy Movie picture image.
You got that right! Max dons the costume of his favorite popstar, Powerline (Tevin Campbell), and proceeds to perform the song “Stand Out” live in the school auditorium in front of the entire school. Talk about GUTS and going for the GLORY!
Me and Max are very similar indeed.
Back in 2016, after years of reading other bloggers and dreaming of becoming one myself, I decided to change my fate and destiny forever.
After reading a post by Financial Samuari on how to start a blog, I decide to throw my hat in the ring. And here I am today. After today I thought, my life will never be the same!
Reading so many books and blogs about money, I learned how to save and invest more and spend less. In order to reach my goal of $100,000, I cut back spending. I went from saving 13-15% of my income to about 41% of my income going towards savings and investments! Remember this: NO GUTS, NO GLORY!!!
Back to Max, he now has gotten the attention of his dream girl. And the attention of the entire school including an older high school girl, that Roxanne’s best friend Stacy ( Jenna von Oÿ) tells her to do what The All American Rejects says to do Move Along. I know that’s right!!!😂
See this, like me, Disney does fun facts too! 😉👍
As soon as he finds a way to make his dream a reality, his dad, Goofy (Bill Farmer), decides they are drifting apart and need to go on a fishing trip to bond (and teach his son the perfect cast like his father taught him). After all that work Max just put in, he did what any teenage boy on an adrenaline high would do… he fainted.
Fun Fact: Walt Disney is known for making animated films or shows as single-parent households in which the mother is missing. Think The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Ducktales, and A Goofy Movie. There was always a close bond between the father and his children. This reminds us how important it is for a father to be involved in his child’s life.
SECRETS AND LIES OR LOANS Max decided to lie to his father in order to fulfill yet another lie that he told his friends about going to go see the Powerline concert live. This deeply hurts his father.
In regards to loans, here’s a tip; do not invest borrowed funds. Invest cash only. Debt creates more debt. Cash creates more cash. It is just that simple.
FORTUNES FAVOR THE BOLD Max eventually comes clean to his dad and they agree together as a family to go to the concert. Father and son rocked it out!!!
This all happened because Max finally had the guts to tell his father the truth. He also comes clean to Roxanne and she rewards him with a kiss. Max no longer being ashamed or embarrassed by his father introduces him to his dream girl Roxanne. Max took a chance and a huge risk, but it paid off in the end.
So remember this: Don’t do the boring thing, do the exciting thing.
As for me, after I decided to start investing like crazy, I did hit my goal: $100,000!
Why $100,000 you ask?
Well, it’s like this. I did some research and found out how to build generational wealth over the long term. Investing is a long game. It takes decades to earn significant sums of interest.
Over 30 year time intervals, this is what can happen to money that is invested that earns 8% return.
Basically, invest and then do not add another penny to $10,000.
The First 30 years: $10,000 can turn into $100,000.
The Second 30 years: $100,000 turns into $1 million.
The Third 30 years: $1 million turns into 10 million.
The Fourth 30 years: $10 million turns into $104 million!
Therefore, you can turn small sums into vast fortunes over time.
That $100,000 is the golden ticket to prosperity my friends. Once you hit this milestone, your money starts to accumulate pretty fast.
That $100,00 can move mountains and turn small money pebbles into big money boulders! You just have to be bold enough to make a plan and execute it.
A dream may be a wish your heart makes, but a goal is a carefully crafted plan that is written down. So when in doubt, BE BOLD!
Let’s all welcome Michael of Financially Alert. Michael is a FIRE (financial independence retire early) blogger. He retired early after accumulating over a cool million from hard work and sacrifice while building a business. Or was it two million? Can’t remember. Doesn’t matter cause he’s here sharing part of his story with us! He graciously accepted my invitation for an interview. Well Michael you have officially been Greenback’d. 🤣
Just some quick background information.
I was introduced to Michael’s blog from a Google search I did for last years FinCon, where media meets money conference.
I was unsure if I should go or what to expect.
His website kept popping up on advice when attending a conference including FinCon. It was so thorough that I decided to do what he said and I reached out to him via email to ask if we could meet at the conference. And to my surprise he said yes!
He was pleasant, laid back, and super down to earth. He was even kind enough to send me an email and asked me to lunch! This is what it’s like meeting Michael. We ended up hanging out for a pretty good chunk of the 2nd day of the conference.
I met so many people that I couldn’t even count! So I introduced Michael to a lot of them. We could barely keep track of so many new faces.
Michael even introduced me to the founder of FinCon, PT Money.
After the conference ended, I took his advice and reached out to people to be on the blog and send invitations. And here we are today.
Let’s go!
Starting A Financially Alert Money Blog
What prompted you to start a blog about money?
I started my blog as a way to share good money habits and knowledge with those of us who weren’t given the exposure to sound financial principles. Becoming financially alert is less about a number, and more about developing a smart and practical mindset around money. If you have the right money mindset, the mechanics are easy and your money will keep growing. I also want people to realize money is simply a tool. It can be used for good things, and likewise bad things. However, in my experience, those who feel in abundance are more likely to share with others who do not.
Why blog?
I've had people wonder what a blogger REALLY does? What is a petsonal finance blogger? Is that a real thing? Blogging about money.
Yes, sir. It is.
I and many others try to help people with financial literacy.
My blog is LEGIT!!! Put some respeck on my name!!!
“Tonight, darling, we are going to right a lot of wrongs. And we are going to wrong some rights. The first shall be last; the last shall be first; the meek shall do some earth-inheriting." – John Green, Paper Towns #papertowns
Ahh… there are so many. But, in terms of impact, Rich Dad Poor Dad really breaks things down into simple digestible concepts. I love his cash flow quadrant which speaks to the different ways people earn money.
GBM Miriam: I am providing a copy of The Rich Dada Poor Dad Quadrant for inquiring minds!
Let’s break it down.
Once you understand cash flow, you can really begin to grow your money with intention.
3. What are you reading right now? What’s on your night stand?
Dustin thoroughly guides you through the real estate investing process.
GBM Miriam: And I too love to read. I am reading several books about money right now!!!
GBM Miriam: That reminds me of the real estate website Bigger Pockets. I read their book on How to Invest in Real Estate: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Getting Started. And I did a post on it.
I grew up wanting to working the movies as a special effects guy. So, when I sold my business, I took some time to myself to attend a special fx class. It was pretty fun to blow up a car – don’t try that at home kids!
In that interview, I read that you would like to travel to island with the amazing animals, it’s called Galápagos Islands. I’ve always wanted to go since I saw that video about it at the Virginia Aquarium. It looks so cool. And watching stuff blow up is right up my alley! No wonder we got along so well at FinCon18. This was a really good post. Thanks for sharing so much about yourself. I too noticed that PoF was everywhere. I had to step my game up because of him. 😉
And yes ladies and gentleman, that Tony is motivational guru and New York Times best-selling author Tony Robbins! Here is the photo Michael posted on his website. Awesome right?
See Michael’s posts on his Tony Robbins seminars a Date with Destiny and Life and Wealth Mastery
In the second post link, you will get to see Michael swinging from a trapeze in an attempt to face down his fear, which is so Tony Robbins!!!
Fun Fact: Trapeze is a piece of equipment which is used in acrobatics. It is considered to be one of the most demanding aerial arts. History. The art of trapeze performance was developed by Jules Léotard, a young French acrobat and aerialist, in Toulouse in the mid-1800s. He invented the flying trapeze, practising over his father’s swimming pool. A trapeze is a short horizontal bar hung by ropes or metal straps from a support. It can also be known as a aerial hoop, or fabric known as an aerial silk.
And Michael is still inspired by Tony Robbins all these years later. Check out one of his recent tweets 🙏😉
— Michael Quan – 𝗙𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗡𝗖𝗜𝗔𝗟𝗟𝗬 🅰🅻🅴🆁🆃 (@FinanciallyALRT) April 16, 2019
5. What’s in your wallet? How did you start building wealth?
$83 cash
4 credit cards
1 debit card
fishing license
insurance card
coupon for bare naked granola
drivers license
AA card
FINALRT Michael: I started building wealth the old fashioned way… saving! As soon as I got my first job, I started paying myself 20% automatically into my savings account. Over time it grew, and then evolved to other asset classes like stocks/bonds, and real estate.
GBM Miriam: That’s what I’m taking about!!! Take control over your finances. Control your finances, control your life. 👍
The lazy way to build a fortune: automate your savings and investments.
You can build great things when you work on things over time. Just like Voltron. 🤣I just love when things come together. Don’t you?
This is how I approached spending before I started learning about finances🤦♀️ 😂
I personally like focusing on starting salary. Negotiating a good starting salary can set you up to be even better down the line. Kind of reminds me of that scene in Clueless 🤔 starring Alicia Silverstone and Avengers Endgame Ant-man Paul Rudd.
Financial makeover. Who here wouldn’t do things differently if they knew then what they know now?
It’s like Cher (the real one not the one from the movie Clueless) said, “If I could turn back time.”
Speaking of Clueless…
I love makeovers!!!! So I wrote a post about having a financial facelift. 😉
Whatever you do, financially or otherwise…Own it!!!
I made it out of living paycheck-to-paycheck woohoo!!! I appreciate all the support from the personal finance blogger community. 💖Especially in doing interviews like this one. 😉 xoxo 💋 I feel the love. I felt just like Mulan. The finance community definitely made a man I mean blogger out of me. 🤣
Bonus Questions (pick any of the questions from the top or below that you want to answer)
6. Any life or money lessons from a favorite movie or TV show you would like to share?
TV loves to glamorize our consumer culture. While it’s fun to watch shows like Million Dollar Listing, the reality is that happiness is controlled by us individually and doesn’t required luxury items.
How can you use your money to make the biggest positive impact on your family and friends?
Well said Michael. 👏 And excellent question.
Embarrassment of riches book portrait of Scrooge McDuck and his nephews.
GBM Miriam: I have learned to not focus on having privilege, but on doing things that help myself, my family and my community. A lesson Cher (Alicia Silverstone) started to learn as the film Clueless progressed.
While shopping with her friend Dionne (Stacey Dash), she started feeling like there was more to life than shopping, like helping others. 😉
7. If you found a lottery ticket that ends up winning $2.5 million. What would you do?
After giving a chunk to charity, I’d buy a McDonald’s franchise! Who wouldn’t want a french fry cash machine??
16. What was your best MacGyver moment?
I recently was doing a video and couldn’t ad-lib the content to save my life. So, I started researching ways to help me create a better video. I stumbled upon teleprompters and was like, OMG that’s it!The problem though is that teleprompters start at $200 and go up from there. I didn’t feel like making that kind of investment for a single video, so I put on my MacGyver hat and built my own. I used an 8×10 frame from Walmart, a cheap 3 ring binder, some cork-board from Dollar Tree, and electric tape from Home Depot… total costs to build it – $12.84.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with MacGyver, here is some background info.
Angus “Mac” MacGyver is the title character and the protagonist in the TV series MacGyver. He is played by Richard Dean Anderson in the 1985 original series. Lucas Till portrays a younger version of MacGyver in the 2016 reboot. In both portrayals MacGyver is shown to possess a genius-level intellect; proficiency in multiple languages; superb engineering skills; excellent knowledge of applied physics; military training in bomb disposal techniques and a preference for non-lethal resolutions to conflicts. The hit television series MacGyver, which lasted from 1985 to 1992 and was highly successful throughout its seven-year run.
The character Angus MacGyver, also known as just MacGyver or Mac, was an optimistic action hero who was notable for using a Swiss Army knife instead of a firearm as his tool of choice.Young war hero Angus `Mac’ MacGyver has an extraordinary knack for unconventional problem solving and an extensive bank of scientific knowledge that he believes can best be put to use saving lives, both of which come in handy when he creates a clandestine organization within the United States government to tackle high-risk missions around the world. Working under the sponsorship of the Department of External Affairs, MacGyver quietly prevents disasters.
The character is portrayed as a non-violent problem solver and typically eschews the use of guns. Even in cases where he must resort to physical violence, or when his improvised devices are used to attack hostile opponents, he is always doing so in self-defense and, if possible, subduing or disabling rather than killing.
MacGyver is passionate about social causes, having on several occasions volunteered to help the less-privileged, showing a particular affinity for – and connection with – children. For example, he is shown to be a “big brother”, conducts hearing research at a school for deaf children, and helps out in a mountain excursion for delinquent youths.He strives to protect the environment and endangered species such as eagles, the black rhino,and wolves It was also established that he became a vegetarian at an unspecified date during the series run.
MacGyver’s persistence and the improvisational nature of his plans make him difficult to thwart, as his nemesis Murdoc pointed out, because not even MacGyver himself knows what he is going to do next. Unlike stereotypical “macho” or stoic action heroes, MacGyver exhibits grief in the face of tragedies, open fear in perilous situations, and shows pain after a fight. A sensitive character, Mac has a tendency to blame himself for personal losses and tragedies. He usually carries duct tape, chewing gum, a Timex watch, strike-anywhere matches, a flashlight, and an ID card. Yes, that’s what he uses to get out of every near death situation.
In short, he’s awesome.
17. How would you sell hot coco in Florida?
I’d add some ice and throw it in my vitamix for the perfect blended frozen hot coco!
Oh yea. As cool as ice!! 🤣
Thank you for stopping by Greenbacks Magnet!!!!
Hope you enjoyed this latest blogger interview. I try to keep it 💯here and help people improve the quality of their financial lives. Thank you for reading.
GBM Miriam: Thank you Michael for treating us all for an inside look to becoming financially alert. You’ve been a great guest!
Want more financial wake up calls from Michael. Follow him on Twitter and read his blog at Financially Alert.
“We shall see the crumbs of bread… and they will show us our way home again.” – Hansel and Gretel by the Brothers Grimm, 1812
Breadcrumbs are a series of connected pieces of information or evidence. People often refer to money as bread. The Grimm Brothers used breadcrumbs in their fairy-tale Hansel and Gretel for the protagonists to find their way.
Money gems are being dropped everywhere. If you look hard
enough. You can only find what you are looking for. So, look no further.
Greenbacks Magnet is about to show you where to look. Just follow the
money…breadcrumbs that is.
But first, who are the Brothers Grimm?
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
“Some men are born to good luck: all they do or try to do
comes right—all that falls to them is so much gain—all their geese are
swans—all their cards are trumps—toss them which way you will, they will
always, like poor puss, alight upon their legs, and only move on so much the
faster. The world may very likely not always think of them as they think of
themselves, but what care they for the world? what can it know about the
matter?” ― The Brothers Grimm, The Complete Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales
The Brothers Grimm Jacob and Wilhelm, were German academics,
linguists, and authors who together collected and published folklore during the
19th century. They are best known for the publication of their works titled Grimm’s Fairy Tales in 1812. The book
contains 209 tales collected by the Brothers Grimm.
Some of their most famous tales include: Rapunzel,
Cinderella, The Valiant Little Tailor, Snow White and Red Rose, Briar-Rose,
King Thrushbeard, How Six Men Got On in the World, Rumpelstiltskin, Bearskin,
The Dancing Princesses (The Worn-Out Dancing Shoes), The Four Skillful
Brothers, and Hansel and Gretel.
My absolute favorite is Bearskin. A close second is the
Twelve Dancing Princesses. Both tales had flair and a lot of truth in them. The
antagonist in Bearskin reminds me Smeagol from The Lord of the Rings film, but that’s another story.
It has been so long since I have seen these tales, but I have never forgotten them and their theme of morality. I still use these stories as reminders to help others and do the right thing. For your entertainment, I have uploaded the videos from the Grimms’ Fairy Tales Classics from the late 1980’s. The show also ran reruns in the 1990’s.
The Worn-Out Dancing Shoes
The University of Pittsburgh has an online Grimm Brothers’ Home Page where you can read their classic tales. However, be forewarned that their stories did not always have the Happy Endings you are used to hearing in the more modern versions and retelling of the stories. They are, for lack of a better word, grimmer. Very different from another world-famous fairy tales author Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875). One of his most notable works was The Little Mermaid. It was turned into a Disney film in 1989 and is also my favorite Disney movie.
The original movie poster A picture worth a thousand words
One of the best scenes in the movie
I digress, let’s get back to the real reason for this post, the television show Grimm.
Opening: “There once was a man who lived a life so strange, it had to be true. Only he could see what no one else can—the darkness inside, the real monster within, and he’s the one who must stop them. This is his calling. This is his duty. This is the life of a Grimm.“
Grimm opening credits with his introduction
Grimm is an American fantasy police procedural drama television series that aired on NBC from October 28, 2011 to March 31, 2017, for 123 episodes, over six seasons.
The story followed the journey of a Portland police homicide detective by the name of Nick Burkhardt (played by David Giuntoli), who is a Grimm. A Grimm keeps the peace and world order between humanity and the supernatural, which are called Wesen.
Nick Burkhardt played by David Giuntoli
What made this show so great was not so much just the title character, but all the characters who played his friends around him. This is one of the first and only shows where I have ever seen the supporting cast be just as important as the main character.
One of the best guest stars on the show was Martin Meisner played by Damien Puckler.
Meisner in action. Jaime Ray Newman as Angelina was the other best guest star on the show. Angelina presented herself as a passionate and violent Femme Fatale, dressing in leather and provocative clothes, riding a Harley-Davidson motorcycle and she was always ready to fight.
Just a taste of what her character is like on the show. Very fiery and combative. A fighter.
Jaime Ray Newman episode.
Hilarious.The Grimm cast
The show was also at times very funny. In addition, whenever the Grimm was discovered by Wesen, they would morph into their true selves and this made every episode fun, surprising, and unique.
The supporting cast consisted of the following actors: Russell Hornsby, Bitsie Tulloch, Silas Weir Mitchell, Sasha Roiz, Reggie Lee, Bree Turner, and Claire Coffee. The shows fight scenes were amazing. And the shows themes of the constant testing of morality was ever-present and consistent throughout the show just like that of the Grimm Fairy Tales. Each episode also started off with a quote from one of the Brothers Grimm fairy tales and let you know what that episode would be about.
The very first opening show quote. October 28, 2011.
Series opening credits
Love the intro music. It really gets your heart pumping. And the show is just as it appears.
“When words fail music speaks. – Hans Christian Andersen
In the opening scene of the Pilot espisode, The Eurhythmics Song Sweet Dreams is playing. This song ultimately led them to solve a case they were working on. When interrogating him they got nothing. It wasn’t what the perp said, it was what he sang or hummed. Gotta love music.
Hank: What’s that song?
Nick: Sweet Dreams.
Hank: Eurythmics. One of their better. [sings] “Sweet
dreams are made of these. Who am I to disagree…?”
Opening quote:
“I am impelled not to squeak like a grateful and frightened mouse, but to
roar….” – Of Man and Mouse, Grimm, Season 1, episode 9
As you know career choice is very important, it can mean the
difference of having wealth and abundance or starvation and penury. And no
wants a Dickensian existence of poverty. So, choose wisely.
Get the education and training you need to succeed. However, I say do so affordably. It behooves you to do so. You could be stuck depending on others for their help and expertise when you’re in a pinch. Such as the likes of Monroe as Nick’s reluctant informant.
The Grimm diary
Monroe: What did you just get the books tonight?
Nick: You know about the books?
Another episode, like many…
Nick: Monroe, I need your help.
“What am I, your personal Grimmopedia?” – Monroe to Nick
I say do all you can to depend on self. You will always have
your own back. Otherwise, you have to depend on others for their help to remain
relevant in the workforce.
Monroe: Hello?
Nick: Hey, it’s Nick?
Monroe: How did you get my new cell phone?!
Nick: Are you kidding me? I’m a cop.
Too funny.
And don’t put all your money in the company stock.
It could go bankrupt and you could end up with nothing. Worse yet, people could leave you to clean up their mess or you could be left holding the bag. One word: Enron.
Do not walk, run down to your HR department and make sure they offer investments other than stock options mostly in their firm. Demand to have more options if you don’t. If not, open a Roth IRA and pick funds outside your company. Be aggressive. It’s your money dammit.
I think of myself like Brad Pitt said in the movie Troy, “We are lions.”
I am a lioness. I go for the gold. If one thing does not work, I get to work finding another way or pick another path.
To be successful, you must adapt. Like the Navy Seals were
taught in that movie Heartbreak Ridge; Navy SEALs Learn To Adapt, Improvise and
Overcome. Special Forces (United States Army) has a motto: De Oppresso Liber.
Which is Latin for “to free from oppression” or “to liberate the
oppressed.” The United States Navy Seals mottos are: “The Only Easy
Day Was Yesterday”, “It Pays to be a Winner.” Seeing a theme
Your greatest asset is your mind and your ability to work.
Earning is what will help you build wealth. You cannot save money, if you have
no money.
You know who else agrees with me? Rambo. Check out the scene for yourself here.
Sylvester Stallone as John Rambo “I always believed that the mind is the best weapon”
Although, a fictional character, Rambo was trained in
Guerilla warfare. His objective was to win. However, he still had a moral
obligation to help others and he did. In life people make choices, he made his.
You will have to decide for yourself what is important to you because when it
is, you will find a way.
Below are the careers of the cast of characters on the show
and their median salaries according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,
Payscale, or Glassdoor, which are the following:
Nick Burkhart – Detective ($65,860)
Hank (Nick’s partner played by Russell Hornsby) – Detective (65,860)
Wu (played by Reggie Lee) – Sergeant ($69,685)
Juliette (played by Bitsie Tulloch) – Veterinarian ($106,770)
Monroe (Nick’s right-hand man played by Silas Weir Mitchell)
– Woodworker ($30,192)
Sean Renard (Nick and Hank’s police captain played by Sasha
Roiz) – Captain ($80,593)
Rosalee (Monroe’s wife played by Bree Turner) – Retail shop store
owner ($38,000)
Adalind Schade (played by Claire Coffee) – Lawyer ($114,000)
The infamous trailer.
“One feather is of no use to me, I must have the whole
bird.” ― Jacob Grimm, The Complete Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales
According to the book The
Millionaire Next Door, 80-86% of millionaires in America are self-made. Most
wealth is earned. Meaning less than 20% inherit their wealth. This is down from
a high of 50% or more who did so around the early 1900’s.
In the show, his aunt comes to visit to pass down to him his birthright. A trailer full of artifacts, heirlooms, and antiques that are priceless as they are irreplaceable and is full of Grimm and Wesen lore. It comes in handy throughout the series. And don’t forget the key.
This shows that what a family member does in the past can be
of significant value to their loved ones in the future. Work hard today to help
your future generations tomorrow. Case in point, Nick was always consulting
with the books in the trailer as a guide to help him in the show. Without the
books, he would have been lost. Had he been left to fend for himself, there could
have been dire consequences.
However, in the present day, most people are not receiving
large inheritances at all, if any. You are better off figuring out a profession
prior to even starting college. You can look for one that pays well such as
business, accounting, and engineering or are of interest to you.
“Hansel took his little sister by the hand, and followed the
pebbles which shone like newly-coined silver pieces, and showed them the way.” ―
Jacob Grimm, Grimm’s Fairy Tales: Complete Edition & Over 200 Fairy Tales
Take a look around you. Who do you see doing well? Study what they study. Read what they read. Find out what they are doing? But make sure its legit and legal.
What products are selling like hotcakes off the shelves?
Invest in that company.
I’m sure you catch my drift.
Look for clues. Success leaves clues.
Opening quote:
“‘No,’ said the King. I’d rather die than place you in such great danger
as you must meet with in your journey.” – The Water of Life, Grimm Brothers
from the Grimm episode The
One episode showed Adalind meeting with a lawyer about her
mother’s estate. Not only did her mother had no assets, but she hadn’t paid her
taxes in like six years. In addition, her storage unit was only paid up to the
end of the month. After, that her stuff would be auctioned off or thrown away. This
is all too common nowadays.
Like I said before, most people do not receive inheritances
and if they do, it is not likely to be more than a few thousand dollars. You
are better off working to build your own fortune. Then it will not matter what
other people do with their money.
Opening quote:
“For me there are neither locks nor bolts, whatsoever I desire is
mine.” – The Master Thief, Grimm Brothers
Another episode showed that more artifacts were found that belonged to a Grimm in Europe. When Monroe’s uncle offered to sell it to Nick he asked for something like $250,000. Nick didn’t have that kind of money. Especially, on a cop’s salary. That’s a lot of money.
Monroe said that to his uncle. He said that was his price
and left.
Not being able to get your hands on a significant amount of
cash fairly quickly is a way to miss out on opportunities. You should always
have liquid cash in savings or a stash you can tap for emergencies. I started
my emergency fund with $25. My rainy day fund now consists of me saving over
$14,000 a year. I learned how important having a money stash from the fictional
character Scrooge McDuck.
Opening quote:
“It is not light that we need, but fire.” – Season 5, episode 1, The Grimm Identity
Lots of fight sequences happen at Nick’s house. So many that Monroe told Nick he should move.
I gave Monroe the slow clap. I had been thinking that very thing for like 2 seasons. Too many people knew where he lived.
There are times when jobs dry up. Factories and businesses
close. Like they said in the old days: Go West, young man! Or There’s gold in
them there hills! That lit a fire under mens a$$es to move with a sense of
To get a fresh start, you may need to move. Move where the
jobs are.
Starting a business? Move where capital is plentiful and
free flowing.
The operative word: Move.
Opening quote: “Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen, nobody knows my sorrow.”
One of my favorite characters in the show was none other than Teresa “Trubel” Rubel played by Jacqueline Toboni.
She was a runaway that would be taken in by Nick. She is also a Grimm. The show got a whole lot more interesting and fun when she came along.
“Nobody Knows the Trubel I’ve Seen” is the 19th episode of season 3. It aired on April 25, 2014. This is Trubel’s first appearance on the show.
Throughout her time on the show, money was a constant stressor of hers.
For instance, she did some of the following:
Stole a pair of boots
Stayed in cheap motels
Asked for money for food
Did not want to take handouts
In another episode, she helped stop an illegal teen
shoplifting ring. She herself was basically living in foster homes and on the
streets until she met Nick. One of my favorite scenes was when she stole that
pair of boots. It was very slick.
Well, we have come to the end of this post. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. There was nothing like this show.
@mistergiuntoli I finally saw the last episode of Grimm. I just love the camaraderie on the show. Especially, you and Trouble. The chemistry between you too was great. I miss Hank saying: where are we supposed to be? Then its down the uh I mean Wesen hole.