Full Disclosure: This is Part 2 in a 2-part collaborative post with fellow blogger Dr. Breathe Easy Finance This Part 2 is written by yours truly 😉
All artists collaborate sometimes.
I’ll give you some examples.
Drake and Lil Wayne.
Marvel Comics The Avengers. It destroyed the box office this past weekend. It just made 1.2 billion at the global box office. So you see, amazing things happen when people collaborate.
Linkin Park and Jay Z.
Jay Z and Beyoncé .
See my post on How Beyoncé And Jay Z Became A $1 billion couple
Well guess what?
Personal Finance Bloggers collaborate too!
Your girl Greenbacks Magnet and Dr. Breathe Easy Finance are tag teaming it!
You read his post on 3 Financial Financial Lessons From Eating Ketchup.
Now he has passed the baton over to me and I gladly accept like we are team USA . Like Usain Bolt just handed over the baton. I hear the shouts coming from the stands. Screaming U.S.A..U.S.A!!!! 🤣

We are Personal Finance Bloggers. We will not be overshadowed by some french fires and ketchup! You know why? Because financial literacy is too important. The cream not ketchup rises to the top! Like those bullies said in Race For Your Life Charlie Brown, We’re #1!!!! We are out here to help people improve the quality of their financial lives. See my post of Life Lessons From Race For Your Life Charlie Brown

So we got together and decided to tag team it like Macho Man Randy Savage and The Ultimate Warrior.
So without further ado. Here it is for your reading pleasure. I give you Financial Lessons from asking, Do You Want Fries With That?!!
I know what you’re thinking? What type of article title is this? But just stay with me.
Another personal finance blogger, like myself, saw a post online of a video of someone eating a French fry. It got 23,000 views. He shared his thoughts about it on Twitter.
He said in the finance community we get nowhere near as many views. His response to that, was that his next post would be titled, “12 Financial Lessons from Eating Ketchup.”
I replied to that tweet, in response to his, that I would complement his post and call mine “Financial Lessons from asking, Do You Want Fries With That?
He thought I was joking. Surely, you jest!
I was oh so serious. As you see, when it comes to money, I don’t joke.
In the illustrious words of Miss Piggy, “Moi,” that’s (“me”) in French, Moi means business. Sorry, had to throw in a French word since we are talking about French fries.

You see that, I just gave you an origin story. Similar to how Marvel Studios gave you X-Men Origins Wolverine.

I will be slicing through the mysteries of money faster than the Wolverine can bring out those claws and the same way Michonne uses that Ninja sword on the Walking Dead.
This blog talks money, but we also like to have fun. We about to have as much fun up in here as if we were going to a U2 concert!
Now that you know how this post got its origins, let’s dive right in!
Financial Lesson One: Hard work builds character
You will find no arrogance here.
I like to live a simple life. More Tom Welling in Smallville less Paris Hilton in The Simple Life.
Fun Fact: I got to meet and take a selfie with Tom Welling at Awesome Con in DC. He was a down-to-earth guy. More on my adventures at Awesome Con to come later in another post 😉

I am no better than anyone else, but I am always just as good.
I have said before in various blog posts, that I am not too good for anything. I am always willing to work. I’ve been a cashier, waitress, and an operator. I prefer to work two jobs if I can. I would spend and live off of one and bank the other. See my post Lipstick Confessions: Confessions Of A Teenage Waitress
Which one should you bank?
The larger paycheck of course.
See my posts
Money Lessons I Learned From Jay Leno
Money Advice I Got From John Legend
Your work ethic and habits determines your financial fate more than just about anything else.
My habit of saving allowed me to stop living paycheck-to-paycheck.
Within one year’s time, I went from saving $3500 a year to $13,333 a year.
See my post on Why Halle Berry And I Continue To Save So Much
Habits can make you RICH!
Financial Lesson Two: There is a psychology to dealing with people
People require FINESSE!
If you work in a field where you have to have constant direct contact with customers, you have to mentally prepare yourself.
Clean uniform. Check. Good attitude. Check. Smile on my face. Check.
Serving food is a hard job. Very stressful. I had to find ways to decompress.
It really helped counting my tips at the end of the night.
Read books, practice gratitude, exercise, or meditate.
You do whatever you have to do to make it through your day and SAVE MONEY!!!
Financial Lesson Three: Have an exit strategy
If you do not want to be slinging hash all day as your career, then you need to have an end game in mind.
While I was working as a food server, I was still applying to other jobs. I kept an up-to-date resume at all times!
I even had a date that I planned to leave. BE SPECIFIC. And write it down.
You tend to achieve goals when you put it on paper.
My biggest lesson from asking, Do You Want Fries With That? The same lesson they teach you on day one when becoming a waitress: WRITE. IT. DOWN.