Around this time last year, a bride decided that she should have her dream wedding to the tune of $46,000 USD or $60,000 CAD. A young Canadian woman had a severe sense of entitlement and decided the heck with streamers, rice, and a DJ she wanted the grandest wedding of all.
I’m going to label and file this under the list of one of the most ridiculous delusions of grandeur that I have ever heard. She was told by a psychic that she should have a destination wedding that would only cost her $60,000. When only 8 guests RSVP’d for the shakedown…I mean wedding she had a public meltdown on social media.

In what world should anyone have to PAY for YOU to get married! That was your decision not mine. Why should guests have to pay $1,500 to watch you eat cake and dance off beat to My Endless Love? This is insane!

I realize the average cost of a wedding is between $30,000 and $45,000 which in many parts of the country is the cost of a college degree, but is it worth it? Regardless, of your answer when did it become the responsibility of wedding guests to pay for it?
This woman sounds like she has been watching too much of the Kardashian’s. They have the means to pay for their shindigs, she doesn’t. Either change the channel or stop guzzling the Kardashian Kool-Aid because this type of behavior is persona non grata (unwelcome).
The bride actually cancelled the wedding and left her now ex-fiance because guests wouldn’t pony up the money. What does she think this is?

Even CEO’s, senators, movie stars and Beyonce pay for their own parties! If you want someone else to foot the bill, then I suggest you sign a Nike deal as big as the $1 billion one that LeBron did or find a way to turn your wedding into a conference or business meeting and write it off on your taxes!
She at one point said,
“What is $1,000? What is $1,500? Clearly not a lot. It would be quite manageable and within budget.”

Really?!!! Many people have still not recovered from the financial crisis of 2008. The savings rate in America is hovering around less than 5 percent. And many are unable to save for retirement with around 30 percent of Americans having $0 in savings or for retirement.
Since when is a wedding more of a priority than putting food on the table. If I’m writing a check for something, I PREFER to give it to the needy and not the greedy.
Notice how easy it was for her to say the word budget to everyone else except HERSELF.

And at one point she did admit that she wanted to be a kardashian for a day.

Some potential attendees that paid up and then actually came to their senses asked for their money back. The not-soon-to-be bride said no to giving back their deposits until they pay her back for her emotional distress.

At this point, friends and relationships are ruined and destroyed. All over money.
This is my suggestion. If you would like to get married, please set up a budget and not a Go Fund Me. Then stick to it. No wedding or amount of money is worth losing relationships with friends and family.
Money will flow in and out of your lives but good friends and loving family are priceless.