“People say that money is not the key to happiness, but I always figured if you have enough money, you can have a key made.”― Joan Rivers
Joan Rivers was a comedic force to be reckoned with, but it didn’t start out that way. She was born in 1933. Her parents were immigrants and even though her father was a medical doctor, he was more frugal than her upwardly mobile mother wanted.
Joan’s attitude toward money was shaped early. She saw that men managed the finances and women were financially dependent on their husbands. It would be many years later before Joan would learn that is a grave financial mistake.
On my quest to study the self-made, I decided to look into the life of Joan Rivers. I was not disappointed. You can also read some of my other posts on celebrities and money.
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Joan wound up in $37 Million dollars of debt at the age of 54. Her grueling and formidable work ethic is the only thing that saved her from poverty. At the time of her passing, at the age of 81, Joan Rivers was estimated to be worth $150 Million.
Here is her story.
I succeeded by saying what everyone else is thinking. –Joan Rivers
Joan was the vice president of her high school drama club. She graduated from Barnard College in 1954 in Literature. She worked numerous jobs to support herself. Joan was a writer, tour guide, and fashion consultant.
Joan was quick-witted, very sharp, and had a penetrating and original intelligence that was like none other. A female comic was a hard living, but that is the life she chose. Her gift of gab became her meal ticket.

Joan Rivers once said that she liked the comedy business and being a comedienne. This job had nothing to do with race, wealth, privilege, your background, religion, or gender. Either you have talent or you don’t.
For a decade, Joan couldn’t really catch much of a break. She did learn that comedy was her gift. Even without the support of her parents, she continued her grind and gift of gags. This work ethic finally paid off in 1965. After 3 years and 7 auditions, she booked the Johnny Carson show.

There was no stopping her now.
I hate housework! You make the beds, you do the dishes and six months later you have to start all over again.
I wish I had a twin, so I could know what I’d look like without plastic surgery.
Women should look good. Work on yourselves. Education? I spit on education. No man is ever going to put his hand up your dress looking for a library card.

From 1965-1986, all Joan did was WORK! She wrote jokes, movie and television scripts, made guest appearances on television shows, did stand-up comedy gigs, and directed film.
If the job came with a paycheck, Joan did it. She was fearless and took on every paying gig that came her way. She even won a Grammy Award for Best Comedy Album in in 1983.
She hit the big time when, in 1986, Fox Television Network gave her a late night talk show, The Late Show Starring Joan Rivers, making Rivers the first woman to have her own late-night talk show on a major network.
However, unbelievable tragedy struck. She and her husband were fired from the show and following his death that same year, she learned she was in debt to the tune of $37 Million!
Broke, alone, and jobless for once in her life, Joan was without words. However, she did what she knows best; she went back to work.
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is God’s gift, that’s why we call it the present.
I was a financial idiot.
Others may be smarter than you and know how to manage your money better, but you care more.
It was in 1989, The Joan Rivers Show, which ran for five seasons, put Joan back on the map and in the driver’s seat of her financial life.
Joan designed a jewelry line, clothing and beauty products and sold them on QVC. She said that she had bills to pay as to the reason to become a celebrity entrepreneur selling products on QVC. By the time of her death, sales of her products exceeded $1 billion!

During this time in the 1990’s, Joan wrote best-selling books, hosted television shows and won an Emmy!
Joan had charted her own path to success and financial security.
Don’t follow any advice, no matter how good, until you feel as deeply in your spirit as you think in your mind that the counsel is wise.
One of my favorite stand-up comedians is Chris Rock. I once saw an interview where he said Joan was an underrated comic.
On another interview, this is what Chris Rock said:
You think she’s better than Robin Williams?
Yeah, well, put it this way, she could definitely follow him. That’s it. You as a reporter might go one way or the other. But put a bunch of comedians in a room and go, “Okay, who’s going to have a good set?” Who could Joan Rivers NOT follow? You’re not going to come up with anybody’s name. There’s literally no one in the world Joan Rivers couldn’t follow and blow off the stage.
It’s problematic to label her a female comedian?
You know, she did do a lot for women, but she did a lot for comedy. Please! A lot of my style is Joan Rivers. A lot! But, you know, nobody would ever say that because we don’t look alike. She’s one of the greatest to ever live!
What do you mean a lot of your style is Joan Rivers?
I mean, just watch me on any awards show telling jokes about celebrities. Who started that shit? Joan Rivers! [Laughs.]
Joan continued her grueling work schedule in the 2000’s.
The comedian hosted E!’s “Live from the Red Carpet” from 1996 to 2004 and later became a co-host on E!’s “Fashion Police,” which premiered in 2002. She did this with her daughter Melissa Rivers.
Joan was hilarious on this show. Remember that one time she tried to give Kelly Osbourne dating advice. You don’t? No problem. I found someone on Twitter who stays well-informed on all things fashion.
Joan insisted she date an older man.
Kelly Osbourne: “I don’t want old balls, Joan.”
Joan: “Old balls roll to Tiffany’s.” 😂
In 2009, she won “The Celebrity Apprentice.” Then starred in “Joan & Melissa: Joan Knows Best?” and constantly toured doing comedy gigs and guest starring on television shows.

Some of Joan’s best jokes were about money. She made a mint off of telling jokes about wealth. Smart lady!
I don’t exercise. If God had wanted me to bend over, he would have put diamonds on the floor.
The first time I see a jogger smiling, I’ll consider it.
Every woman in this room tonight: Think like a second wife. You grab and you take. You grab and you take. And when you die, whatever you got out of him you have buried on you. If the next bitch wants it, make her dig for it. 😂
I’ll write for Hitler for $500
“Elle says she and Dakota are ‘normal sisters’ who just go to school and play together…In their six-hundred-room mansion on the island they own.”
Joan even joked about marriage and divorce. Nothing was off limits!
“Half of all marriages end in divorce—and then there are the really unhappy ones.”
“I would never get married again. Never, absolutely not – but for 10 carats, maybe.” 😁😂
That reminds me of a hilarious joke I remember from the late Robin Williams.

He said: Divorce is expensive. I used to joke they were going to call it “all the money”, but they changed it to “alimony”. It’s ripping your heart out through your wallet.
She wrote 13 best-selling books. Her work calendar was FULL! She had gigs lined up for months.
Joan said that for her a calendar full of gigs equals happiness.
I saw in one television documentary about her that she would write all her jokes down and put them in a large file cabinet with toms of tiny draws to house her wit. She said at her age, people forget things, and that includes jokes so she writes them down.

Her biggest money-maker was her QVC royalties. At the time of her passing, it was reported that she was earning as much as $50 million per year!
She enjoyed a lavish lifestyle. She has a Penthouse in Manhattan reportedly worth $35 million, antique furniture, rare books and other assets of valuable such as diamond jewelry and artwork.
When asked why she works so much as she can retire rich, she replied that she wanted to live lavish and opulently. She did not want to cut back. She wanted to enjoy creature comforts, spend her wealth, and help and support others with it. Working allowed her to do that.
Not bad for a woman who nobody though would make it. Underestimated, underrated, undervalued, and unappreciated in every way. But in the end, the duckling turned into a beautiful swan.
A very rich one.
So, cheers to you Ms. Joan Rivers. Joan may be gone but she’s still getting applause.
And when it comes to finances, from me she is getting a standing ovation.