Tag Archives: Gilmore Girls

The one-tweet financial plan

Twitter, Screen, Social, Phone

“Before you speak, listen. Before you write, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you invest, investigate. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try. Before you retire, save. Before you die, give.” — William A. Ward

That’s right folks. Step right up. Don’t be shy.

Image result for step right up don't be shy gif

I’m about to simplify your life. Your financial life anyway. A one-tweet financial plan is the way to go.

You see that quote at the start of this blog post.

There, I just gave it to you in the quote stated above. The end.

Just kidding. But seriously, it is in the quote above. I will just expand upon it.

Warning this post is full of tweets! But lots of information. Stay with me! 😉

Keyboard, Hand, Tweet, Twitter, Computer


A financial plan that is 240 characters or less and can be sent out in a tweet.

Related image

I know what you’re thinking. Yeah, right. Well, since seeing is believing I will show you exactly what I mean.

Here is my one-tweet financial plan.

And due to the recent government shutdown, I have also created a one-tweet financial plan government shutdown edition. 😉 It’s kind of like how they created the Scrabble game deluxe. You take an already good thing and then just expand upon it and make it even better.

I also like to think ahead to the future and plan for my taxes. You need to save today because the future gets more expensive. What costs a $1 today will cost $1.25 in the future. Plan ahead.

Speaking of Scrabble…


It is one of the best qualities you can have. Being a good listener can lead to lasting marriages, better employment, and happier relationships.

You see #2 there. @mjp2520. Yes, that’s me. 😉

I started reading about personal finance and attending seminars or conferences long before I started writing and tweeting about it. Coming from a place of experience and information gives you a different point of view (POV). That POV can make you an expert in your field. Never underestimate the power of just listening and observing.


I want you to write down your goals, thoughts, wants, needs, and desires. Like I said before, seeing is believing. Think before you act.

There is nothing wrong with moving slowly or with caution. However, that does not give you the right to move like a turtle. First, think. Then act and move expeditiously once a decision has been made. Move quick. Make haste. Do not overthink it. This can lead to analysis paralysis.

Moving slowly does allow you to more clearly see the path ahead. But once you see it, I want you to run toward your goal. Not walk. RUN!


You have to earn money to save it. It is just that simple.

I was in debt up to my eyeballs. However, I did not toss my hands in the air and say who cares as I will be in debt forever. Nope. Not me. I chipped away at my debt. Then, I slowly started to have savings. I emerged from the debt cocoon I was in and became a soon to be debt-free butterfly.

I found ways to get rid of my debt. By any means necessary. It didn’t matter if I had to sell items, save my change, get 0% deals on every item I purchased, or stop buying chewing gum just to save a buck.

Once the debt started going away, I had tons of disposable income. Go figure.


I cannot stress this enough. Investing can be the difference between you being one of the haves or have nots. I hate to break it to you, but the top earners invest.

Investing is a long game.

I read the wealthy invest up to 20 percent or more of their income each and every year.

The 1 percent are making a killing in the stock market. And you can too.

When I decided I was going to be rich, I turned my attention toward investing. If you want to know where Greenbacks Magnet is investing, then check out my post below. 😉

See my post How I turned a $450 car payment into $100,000

Here are some of my tweets on some good investment books to read.

The wealthy also read A LOT!!!

According to Grant Cardone, CEO’s read 60 books and attend 6 conferences a year. The average person reads less than one book a year. I read that in the 10X Rule.

Read the 10x rule. Took his advice. Set 10x goals and do 10x more action. It worked. Many thanks! Went from saving $10 to $10k a year. #OBSESSED


Yes, like the Maroon 5 song. Wait.

Anything worth having is worth the wait.

You know all those overnight success stories you hear? Well, those are garbage. It takes years of hard work, persistence, determination and sacrifice to get anywhere worth going.

All those bands you hear about or people you see on television. They were honing their craft long before records executives starting signing them to deals.

Gene Simmons said he was going from gig to gig in an old van living off hot dogs with his bandmates in KISS.

Pat Benatar left her job as a bank teller to start working as a singing waitress making $4,000 a month before she hit it big.

You know their names now, but there was a time they were broke and unknown.

Success comes from doing not luck. And the toiling to make that success happen, can take years or even decades. So, prepare yourself.

Don’t be like Beetlejuice. Remember that scene in the movie where he took his number and was impatient. It was hilarious. One of Michael Keaton’s most memorable roles.

Image result for beetlejuice number scene gif

The point is that you have to be patient. I do not mean wait forever. I just mean that all good things do take some amount of time.

Don’t be so quick to judge or criticize others, before you know the full story.

“I praise loudly. I blame softly.” – Catherine II, Catherine the Great

Image result for praise loudly catherine the great


They say it’s divine.

“Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.” – Oscar Wilde

And I make sure to forgive. I always forgive, once.

See my post A Christmas Carol: Lessons in Finance, Business, and Life


Don’t be a quitter. Try first. You will never know if you have got the goods to make it, unless you get out there and do it. Do something. Don’t just wait to be discovered. Get out there and meet people. Shake some hands. Knock down some doors. Make some phone calls. Just try.


This one thing can change your life. Saving. It is the start of all things to come. The act alone is a reflection of who you are and what you value.

The foundation for all your future wealth is derived from this word and your ability to do it.

See my post How Millennial Money inspired me to start saving $13,333.06 a year


You give as a way to reach back and help those that come after you. It is a way to show your gratitude for all the things those that came before you have done.

There was a time there was no stock market. Or anesthesia. 😮

Let’s take a little walk down Wall Street.

The NYSE celebrated its 200th anniversary in 1992. Wall Street started under a tree in 1792 with commodities.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) was founded in 1896 with only 12 industrial stocks. Those 12 companies: American Cotton Oil, American Sugar, American Tobacco, Chicago Gas, Distilling & Cattle Feeding, General Electric, Laclede Gas, National Lead, North American, Tennessee Coal and Iron, U.S. Leather and U.S. Rubber. 

My how things have changed. None of those stocks are now part of the DJIA.

The good thing about indexes is that unlike individual stocks, when things go south and a business performs badly or goes under, it is culled. That’s right. They remove it from the DJIA and replace it with another business. Usually one that is performing well. That is the reason you invest in indexes. For the protection against a business going out of business and you losing your shirt!

General Electric (GE) is the only member of the Dow Jones Industrial Average that has been in the index since it’s beginning in 1896. It is being taken out and replaced by Walgreens (WBA) as reported of July 2018. That’s a 122-year run.

They have made it easier for you to invest now than 100 years ago.

Dale Carnegie had to ask his mother to mortgage the house so that he could invest the funds in stocks that he knew. That was how he built his fortune. Remember to invest in what you know.  Earn a fortune and then give it away.

Giving is one of the best ways to be philanthropic.

Remember that part in the movie Troy where Achilles asks his mother if he should go to Troy. And she says to him only if he wants his name to be remembered and live on throughout the ages.

Giving is a way to have immortality.

Case in point, Ms. Oseola McCarty inspired many others to donate to charity as well after she donated her life savings of $150,000 to a college in 1995. How’s that for a swan song? One of the biggest donors she inspired: Media Magnate and Mogul Ted Turner.

So why is it even noteworthy when Oseola McCarty, an elderly woman, donates $150,000 to the University of Southern Mississippi? In the case of Ms. McCarty, it is the heart behind the gift, and the lifetime of effort that went into it. For her act of kindness, she was awarded the Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor and got to ring the stock market opening bell.

How about that for recognition in helping others? And she asked nothing for herself or in return. These things were given to her for her charitable contribution to society.

Giving is passed down from generation to generation.

So, if you want to be immortal and have your memory live on forever, one word: give.

Want to know more. Tweet me. I’ll be at @mjp2520 

Xoxo Miriam Joy AKA Greenbacks Magnet 💋

Name Brand Labels or Fat Stacks? You decide

Porsche. There is no substitute. – Tom Cruise, Risky Business

When I was growing up, I don’t remember caring about labels. It wasn’t about getting or giving expensive gifts. It was about being safe and warm.

Maybe, that is why to this day I still keep things until they fall apart because of the memories attached to them. Not to mention it’s cheaper.

Today, I have noticed a shift in kids. They are so focused on what’s on the outside that I feel that may begin to forget that it’s what’s on the inside that counts.

I know it’s cliché, but I do not want the next generation growing up thinking that they are less than because they don’t have on the expensive pair of shoes or have the hot new cell phone.  

In my opinion, the best gift you can give your kids is to not be a financial burden to them.

That means saying no to pricey things today, so that you can have the money necessary to live and enjoy life tomorrow.


Prada and Gucci and Dior, Oh My!

That sounds like something Carrie Bradshaw would say on Sex and the City.

See my post It’s a Suit, Tie, and High Heel City for more on Sex and the City

Following the diamond bricked road can be dangerous.

However, I hear more young people taking about incredibly expensive name brands and labels than in any other point in my life.

I, myself, am a little more like Rory from Gilmore Girls.

Things are not that important to me. I am perfectly fine with a good book. My parents did not spoil us.

In fact, we were encouraged to work and be thrifty. Our parents just were not buying it. It wasn’t really about the money; it was just not needed so our parents said no.

My father would always say that you have to learn to accept no just like you accept yes.

From him, I learned not to be spoiled or to spoil children.

Spoiled kids turn into rotten adults.

When you never hear the word no, you can get very upset.

Teaching young people today to be thankful and grateful for what they have is something that will be good for them to know and use throughout the rest of their lives.

Spending money does not always equate to happiness. It can make things easier, but it does not solve every problem. And in some ways, money can cause more problems.

See my post More money more everything including problems


I had a friend recently tell me she knew someone who had a kid that asked for Gucci boots for Christmas.

How do they even know about that?

And they want the real stuff.

Got some diamonds round my neck no fugazi – Future lyrics off the Streetz Calling album

Fugazi is just another word for fake.

I looked up the price of Gucci boots. The lowest price I found was $980. I have gone on vacations for less. After tax, you are paying $1,000 for one pair of boots! Absurd.

The only teenager that deserves a $1,000 pair of Gucci boots is on stage with her two friends Kelly and Michelle.

That money could be used for books for college or starting a fund for tuition.

You have to use your dollars wisely today or you may not have them when you need them tomorrow.


You could buy designer purses or expensive vacations. But those things are fleeting.

Especially, if you come back home to a stack of unopened and unpaid bills.

You are right back in the same situation before you left or bought that designer handbag. What sense does that make?

Who cares if you own a Tiffany bracelet if your rent check is late or worse yet, bounces!

Diamonds around your neck or wrist won’t keep you warm at night.

Things will not feed you, make you happy, or pay your rent.

However, having a passive income stream can.

Money that is working on your behalf is like the gift that keeps on giving.

A stock can be like a goose that lays a golden egg.

If you own a mutual fund comprised of hundreds of stocks, then you can receive dividends and interest on the money you invested.

With a return rate of 7 percent over 30 years, the following can happen to your invested money:

  • $1,000 can turn into $7,5000
  • $10,000 can turn into $75,000
  • $100,000 can turn into $750,000

And that is without adding another dime to your initial investment.

Think of how your money could grow if you added money annually.

If we add an additional $3,000 (that’s $250 a month) every year, we get the following:

  • $1,000 can turn into $300,000
  • $10,000 can turn into $400,000
  • $100,000 can turn into $1,000,000

You read that right. Start with an initial investment of $1,000. That pair of Gucci boots.

Putting away an additional $250 per month for 30 years can net you $1,000,000!


Basically, if you could forgo pricey labels, you could save and invest your way to a fortune.

For me, that is far more exciting than having some diamonds on my wrist.

While a diamond bracelet is nice to look at and pretty to hold, a stock is something that never gets old.

I tell people all the time to get the money first, then you can buy whatever you want.

Money in the bank or sitting in a brokerage account is far more valuable that getting the latest hot gadget.

Once the novelty wears off, all you are left with is another trinket or item that sits in your house and collects dust.

I know there is no substitute for quality.

What I ask you to really consider is opportunity cost? If this item will bring you long lasting happiness and prosperity?

If not, then you should focus on doing the things that will.

I am just a blogger.

I can only advise you.

It is up to you to decide.

Mega Millions win or bust

Here’s something to think about: How come you never see a headline like ‘Psychic Wins Lottery’? – Jay Leno

Are you feeling lucky? Well, do ya?

If so, well then playing the lotto might just be for you.

But like Katniss, the odds may not be ever in your favor.

It has about two weeks since the largest jackpot in Mega Millions history was won by a single ticket to the tune of $1.537 billion dollars!

All over the country it was Powerball and Mega Millions fever.

Everywhere I went people were talking about the lotto. Some people even tweeted about what they would do if they won.

I get it. You win the jackpot and your financial freedom. You’re on cloud nine.

However, you have to plan your escape from the rate race whether or not you win the lottery.

If you want to get rich, either by picking winning numbers or otherwise, you better learn quick how to manage a fortune.

Here’s why.


Are pretty slim.

According to Fortune magazine, the odds of winning the lottery are about one in 300 million. Considering that there are over 326 million Americans, that makes your odds quite small.

If you want to close this gap, you will have to increase your scope of numbers to play and play more often.

It’s not enough to do the kids birthdays or your anniversary. Going to have to get creative. You need the locker combination to your high school locker, your kids Xbox password, your great-aunt’s wedding date, and your first love’s old address. You know, something like that.

But all jokes aside, you will have to increase your range of numbers to increase your odds of winning.

In addition, you will have to play more often.

It has been well-documented that people who win the lottery once are likely to win it again.

The problem with this is that you also increase the amount of money you lose while playing the game.


Get rich or die tryin’. – 50 cent  

Did you know a high percentage of lottery winners end up broke? According to the National Endowment for Financial Education, 70 percent of lottery winners go broke.

I have a theory.

If you are unable to manage balancing your check book with $1k, then it is nearly impossible to do it with $1B.

I feel like it is.

But, if you saw  Justin Timberlake in The Social Network, you know he says, “you know what is cool? A billion dollars.”

They say the first million is the hardest. Well, try wrapping your head around a billion!

Even billionaire T. Boone Pickens thinks that it is too!

That’s a whole lot more zeroes you are working with. If you don’t know what PEMDAS stands for (Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally), you are in trouble.

You must first learn the rules of money, if you are to win the game. See my posts for more on how to build up your wealth knowledge bank.

Forget casinos, bet on yourself

The six ways to get rich

Money Lessons I learned from Scrooge McDuck

How Millennial Money inspire me to start saving $13,333.06 a year


“Using money you haven’t earned to buy things you don’t need to impress people you don’t like” – Robert Quillen

I have seen too many lottery winners go bankrupt. You win all that money just to go back to being broke! No, thanks.

Forget your friends and family telling you to spend. Do not inflate your lifestyle and then upgrade it even more after moving to that gated community in Beverly Hills. You do not need to outspend your neighbors.

3 Rich Habits of Millionaires

You can still drive a Honda. The kids can still get jobs. If you think that it is taking away an opportunity for someone else to work for a needed paycheck, then let junior volunteer.

That was the advice Fran gave Mr. Sheffield in The Nanny.   He wanted to teach his daughter about responsibility and the value of money. So, in S02E21 Maggie became a candy striper at a hospital.  Great advice.

Fun Fact: In the S02E08 of Gilmore Girls,  Rory gets in trouble at school. It just so happens that one of her schoolmates in that episode was none other than Mr. Sheffield’s youngest, Grace, played by actress Madeline Zima. You can see her in the blue sweater walking behind Rory in this clip.

My advice to anyone who comes into large sums of money whether by inheritance, large windfall, bonus, or lottery is to stay humble.

Read my posts for lessons on eating humble pie:

How Dave Grohl turned passion into profits

Money Lessons I learned from Aesop’s The Ants and the Grasshopper

Money and Life Lessons I learned from Mr. T

Life Lessons I learned from The Warriors

The Greatest Assets are people


You have to ask yourself after winning the lottery: How are you planning to manage all that cash?

You need a team to help you manage all that money. A circle of trust, like in Meet the Fockers.

I have a few suggestions.

  • Set up a trust to stay anonymous
  • Get a financial advisor
  • Hire an intermediary to answer requests for money on your behalf
  • Set a daily, monthly, annual spending limit
  • Hire an attorney
  • Take the lump sum
  • Create your own annuity with a spending budget
  • Hire a CPA
  • Learn how to manage money
  • Understand your tax liability


I would much prefer people spend their money wisely than to bet it on chance.

You could invest your money instead of throwing it down on the roulette table. If you are want to be a part owner of Caesar’s Palace, instead of merely placing bets at one, you can buy REIT’s or mutual funds.

Even better, you can buy index funds that includes hundreds of stocks that track a benchmark such as the S&P 500.

Every dollar you invest can possibly be turned into two or three dollars.

Source: familyfinancefavs.com

Not sure what all this is? No problem. Go down to your local library and ask for books on personal finance. You can also look up any words you are unfamiliar with online.

In addition, you can read blogs, listen to podcasts, join investing clubs, get a job in banking, take a few online finance courses, or ask friends and family for book recommendations.

Many books offer book recommendations in the appendix.

All you have to do is be willing to do some homework.

Trust me, it’s worth it.

When your one-day sitting on a beach in Hawaii, sipping cocktails and able to get up at noon just because.

Your future self will thank you.


How to navigate Universal Studios theme parks on a Budget and Like a Boss

If you read my FinCon18 recap, you know I went to Universal Studios during the conference.

I had to recharge my batteries. I was just so exhausted. I needed some me time.

Therefore, I purchased tickets online to go to Universal Island of Adventure and Universal Studios: Halloween Horror Nights 2018 or #HHN28.

Buying the tickets online is a good idea for Halloween Nights as they offer a discount online.

I got one ticket to go to either park for 1 day for $115. And For Halloween Nights, I got a Flex ticket for $81.99, which allowed me to go any night Sunday – Friday.

This ended up being a good idea because I was unable to go on a specific night (as you can buy a specific date ticket for cheaper $50-60).

I had an absolute ball. It was so much fun. This is the most fun I have ever had at a theme park.

Every hour something new would happen. I walked in circles around the park all night long. I had to finally force myself to leave because it was after midnight.

This is how I was able to do everything I want at Universal on a budget and have a blast!


First, I decided to wait until noon to go. I saw no reason to get there when the park opens because I knew I did not want to be there all day in the heat walking around.

After, I got dropped off by the Resort taxi, I went straight through CityWalk and when to the gate. I printed out my paper ticket, but was told I would need to get a park ticket because it was a digital ticket I had and needed to be on a device (cell phone).

I waited in line at customer service, which was oh so slow.

Finally, I got my turn and had to show photo ID. I then received both of my tickets to each park and was able to get into the park.

Park tip 1: To avoid this aggravation, simply download the ticket to your phone.


I got park maps of both the Adventure Park and Halloween Nights and mapped out a plan.

I would do this park for 6 hours from noon until about 630 pm when Halloween Nights started.

At that time, I would do the other park for Halloween for about 4-5 hours as it did not close until 2 am!

First, I got on the Incredible Hulk Coaster. It was so much fun. I had to use my ticket to open the locker for the ride.

Please note, you need to have pockets or a ticket holder to keep your ticket with you while on this ride because you need it to re-open the locker.

I was also able to go in the single rider lines. Since, no one wanted to ride single these were the shortest lines. Therefore, I was able to get on every ride in both parks within 5-20 minutes!!!

Park tip 1: Go in the single rider lines. They are faster and anyone can use them. You can still end up riding with all or most of your party on the ride, but without the long wait in line.


Then I walked over to Marvel Super Hero Island and got on the Spiderman 3-D ride.

While in line, I saw lots of people with lanyards and clear ticket holders around their necks.

I asked two gentlemen standing in line where they got it from. They said the front of the park, but I could buy one at stores around the park for about $10-12 bucks.

The first thing I did when I got off the ride was buy a lanyard. It cost me $10.65.

Park tip 1: Get the lanyard. You can tuck it inside your shirt while you ride. The holder keeps your tickets safe and dry from water rides.

Park tip 2: Put a credit card inside the ticket holder with your park ticket and then you can pay for food and locker rental without needing to carry your bag around the park.

Park tip 3: I asked if there was a place close by to get water and was informed that every place that offers food and drink provide free ice water. Including all the food stands or carts. Drink it! I asked like every hour for cold water.

Park tip 4: I also asked what the gentlemen were asking for when asking patrons if they could speak to them. She said it was a timeshare. They say it will be a 90 minute tour, but it turns into four hours. Stay away from these folks! It’s a high pressure sales pitch. Don’t fall for it.

On a side note: I did this before and they try to pressure you to buy all day. They ask for personal information. Don’t give it to them. They especially want your credit card or bank account number. Don’t do it!

I decided on a whim to sign up, but then looked these people up online before the tour. By sheer happenstance, I clicked on the reviews. They were horrible. So, I did what any sensible person would do. I backed out.

I called the salesperson 2 hours before my scheduled tour and said something came up.  The conversation went something like this:

ME: Hello. Good morning. Something has come up and I am not able to make the tour. I’m checking out my hotel and flying home ASAP. So, you can cancel the tour. Hope you have a good day.

SALESPERSON: (sad voice) No problem…they continue to talk, but I hang up.

I then immediately blocked that number and anyone that called from that out of state area code.

My gut instinct was that they would try to contact me and I had someone call me 3 times at the time I was supposed to be picked up for the tour.

Nope. I blew them off.

I kept the conversation short (per my phone it lasted 20 seconds) and controlled the entire situation.

Do I feel bad?  Absolutely not.  I followed phone etiquette. If you say goodbye, have a nice day or I’m hanging up now, it’s not hanging up on anyone, right?

My motto is sometimes you just have to be aggressive. Be, be aggressive. But I digress. Let’s get back to the fun.


I went on my third ride: Jurassic Park River Adventure.  It was not scary at all and the park is definitely family friendly as many of the rides were not thriller roller coasters, but still fun.

Then after, this ride I was tired. I took a break and got a grilled chicken salad from Captain America Diner. It cost $11.50.

Park tip 1: Take breaks after 2 or 3 rides. The sun and all the walking really wear you out.

Park tip 2: Wait at least an hour to an hour and a half to start riding again to give your food a chance to digest and body a chance to rest and recover from all the movement of the day.

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Hogsmeade

Next, I got on the Harry Potter ride. You can keep your stuff in the lockers they provide. You will need to place your index finger on the pad until it says remove finger and verified. Then you will be assigned a locker number.

Park tip 1: Some lockers ask you to create a six digit passcode for you to re-open your locker. Keep it simple so you remember.

This ride is decent. Great visuals. Lots of jerky movements.

The Lost Continent

I went to Poseidon’s Fury.   Waited in line for a while as they grouped all riders together. The ride was okay. Again, great visuals here and atmosphere.

After riding all the roller coasters I wanted, I decided to do the water rides.

Park tip 1: I suggest you do the water rides last. The other park does not have any. And the Volcano Bay park where it is nothing but water, think inner tubes and lazy river (no rides), you have to be bused to. No thanks.

Park tip 2: If you want to get wet, either do it during the day when the suns out or bring a change of clothes. And I mean a whole change of clothes including socks and undergarments as you are going to get soaked.

Park tip 3: Bring sandals to wear on water rides. I put my sneakers in the locker and did all the water rides in sandals so I wouldn’t have to walk around the park in wet sneakers!

Toon Lagoon

The last stop in this park for me.

I got on Dudley Do-Right’s Ripshaw Falls. You get pretty wet here. My pants were soaked but my hair and shirt were not too terrible. I even found a partner to ride with here.

Next up,  Popeye & Bluto’s Bilge Rat Barges.  YOU GET WET. Absolutely soaked, from head to toe.  They have waterfalls that just drench you. And oh yea, dryers cost $5 a cycle!

I had a blast, but it’s time to get to the real action. Halloween Nights!! Yea baby!!!

Universal Studios Florida

This is where the action is. Huge crowds have formed outside the park and everyone is buzzing to get inside. I walked over from Island Adventure in my wet clothes so I could take care of everything all at once while inside the park.

Once inside, I immediately make my way into the ladies and change clothes. Feeling refreshed. I go over to a locker at the front of the park, by the entrance and pay $10 for all day and unlimited access.

I also brought a thin strapped bag to wear over my clothes like a cross body that was similar to a fanny pack to walk the park hands-free. I was able put my cell phone, lip gloss, and any receipts into it.

Since, I kept my cell phone on me in this park, I texted myself the locker number that I stored all my stuff in at the front of the park to make sure I wouldn’t forget.  (small productivity hack there)

Park tip 1: They will let you ride with the fanny pack as long as it’s around your waist for all the rides I went on except Harry Potter.  Just FYI.

Then I was on my way. I was off to the next ride.


I rode the Revenge of the Mummy. It was pretty cool. It also had a surprise drop and was super creepy inside the dark caves. It was awesome!

Park tip 1: I played no games because I did not want to carry any prizes or spend unnecessary money on souvenirs. I just kept my park maps as one.

Park tip 2: Like with the other park, I zipped inside shops and cafes. I was in and out because if you stay too long, you will spend money.

San Francisco

I got on the Fast and the Furious. Prepare to wait for this one. It gives a long tour. However, the ride makes you feel like you’re a part of the action in the movie. So it’s not too bad.

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Diagon Alley.

This place is straight out of Hogwarts. It is really cool. I zoomed in and out of shops because again you will spend. That quiddich outfit or wizard uniform is pricey. The school uniform tie costs $30 bucks!

As I said above, you must put all items in a locker.

Then off you go. The ride is pretty cool. After every ride, it just so happens to exit into a shop of the character attraction you just got threw riding. A coincidence? I think not. Nope, I don’t need a wand to sit in my closet at home. I’m good.

World Expo

Men in Black (MIB) Alien attack. This is pretty fun. You shoot aliens. Just shoot everything!

Now, it’s gotten dark. All of the sudden chainsaw sounds are going off and people are in monster make-up and costumes. Zombies jump out at you and you get chased by people out of dark alleys. Let the fun begin!

I am also hungry. I go to Richter’s in San Francisco and get a grilled chicken sandwich for; you guessed it, another $11.50 like my lunch salad. And a small sundae from Ben & Jerry’s for $8 dollars! I bought no drink as water was free everywhere.

I walk around and take my customary break of at least one hour before riding.

At this point, the park is in full swing. The Killer Clowns from Outer Space are walking around, people are on stilts in full costume, and lighted jack-o-lanterns are hanging from the trees.

A life size Chucky from the movie Child’s Play box is in the middle of the street and inside is Chucky! He is talking to the crowd. It was one of the most bizarre things to see, but it sure was cool. He drew the largest crowd.

Every hour the park gets wilder, crazier, more fun, and crowded. It was sheer pleasure.

Sights and  sounds were everywhere. In every corner, there was something going on. I just kept walking in circles to see what would happen next. They just kept adding characters and shows.

An impromptu performance on the front stage started right before midnight of dancers doing the choreography in Michael Jackson’s thriller while the song played.

I took a short video of the performance. In this short clip, you could feel the energy of the park. It was crackling. It was electric. It was live. People were laughing, joking, dancing in the streets and just having a good time.

Imagine being in this energy for 6 hours like I was. It was the most fun I have ever had at a theme park hands down. Universal does Halloween big!!

I also got my face painted. So much fun. People kept walking up to me asking for help. They thought I worked there! But I guess when you’re wearing all black and costume makeup that can happen.


This was another short line and the singles line was super short.

Park tip 1: Do not waste your money on a fast pass. You can get on most rides within 20 minutes.

Park tip 2: Pay attention to the monitors throughout the park. They tell you the wait times of rides.

Transformers were my favorite ride at the park. So, I guess I saved the best for last. It was like being in the movie with them. It was just so much fun and so cool.

Do not pass this ride up as I almost did. I thought it was going to be kind of slow like the other 3-D rides, but I was wrong.  This ride was more than meets the eye!




I walk over to the lockers and get my stuff out. I head over to voodoo donut, but the line is wrapped around the corner so I leave and catch a cab back to the resort.

Park tip 1: There is a pick up and drop off area at the park. This includes cabs, Uber, and Lfyt. Cabs are also available all day at the park like an airport.

I get back to the hotel by about 1 am. I am fully recharged. I head up for bed. As I headed into my last day of FinCon, I felt like Rory Gilmore in the season 5 episode of Gilmore Girls, You Jump, I jump Jack, in ominous paratus, that’s Latin for “ready for all things.”

Well, that is the end of my Universal Studios adventure. Hope you had fun and thanks for coming along for the ride (pun intended).