Tag Archives: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

Money Mayhem And Mishaps: Money Lessons From Adventures In Babysitting

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I have never been much of a babysitter. Looking back, I think it all started with seeing the sensational film called Adventures in Babysitting.

The film was released in theaters on July 3, 1987. I remember consonantly watching this movie on cable in the 90’s while growing up. Adventures in Babysitting (also known as A Night on the Town in certain countries) is a 1987 American comedy film written by David Simkins, directed by Chris Columbus (in his directorial debut), and starring Elisabeth Shue, Maia Brewton, Keith Coogan, Anthony Rapp, Penelope Ann Miller, Bradley Whitford, and brief cameos by blues singer/guitarist Albert Collins and singer-songwriter Southside Johnny Lyon.

Tonight we will talk about 5 lessons from the film that has stuck with me.

Why do I love this movie so much?

The sheer adrenaline rush of one long night of misadventures, a Thor reference, and nonstop chaos are what good 80’s movies are all about!

So put down that tub of Haagen Dazs ice cream and slice of pizza because I am about to take you on the babysitting ride and night of your life!!


Ah yes, the proverbial date night is a time-honored tradition that starts in puberty and goes all the way through the ages and well into marriage.

The movie starts when seventeen-year-old Chris Parker (Elisabeth Shue from The Karate Kid) get a call from her boyfriend (Bradley Whitford) that he has to cancel their date on their anniversary. What type of guy cancels on a girl on their anniversary? You will have to watch the movie to find out. Sorry no spoilers for that part here.

Opening credits

Speaking of date night, please do not get suckered into thinking you must impress the person you are with by picking up your date in a $50,000 BMW convertible, taking her to an expensive restaurant and buying equally expensive flowers.

For the right guy, I would settle for movie and a pizza. Just a small tip: Frugal couples tend to be the happiest couples. 😉

See my post Beamers, Benz, And Bentleys Or A GMC Truck?

Fun Fact: I got to meet the cast of The Karate Kid at AwesomeCon in DC this past April 2019. They were exactly as you would expect: Fabulous. Totally cool, easy to talk to, upbeat, and just decent human beings. I even got a photo taken with William Zabka and got Ralph Macchio to sign my photo of My Cousin Vinny! Are you sure about that 5 minutes?! 🤣

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As sure as I am that this post has 5 lessons!!

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Keep reading and find out! 😉

Instead of hanging out with her best friend Brenda (Penelope Ann Miller) her mother convinces her to babysit the Andersons’ daughter, 8-year-old Sara (Maia Brewton), while they attend a party in downtown Chicago.

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To which Chris replies, “I’m too old to babysit.” Honey, you ain’t seen nothing yet! 🤣

This was the worst babysitting gig on the planet. But Chris pulled through like a champ. Let’s see if you can keep up with the plot details.

Chris is set to babysit Sara. Her older brother, Fifteen-year-old Brad Anderson (Keith Coogan), has a massive crush on Chris. His friend Daryl (Anthony Rapp) comes by carrying his dad’s Playboy with a woman in it that looks just like Chris. Her best friend Brenda, who ran away to the bus station downtown because she just can’t take it anymore at home, calls her frantically from inside a phone booth (which doubles as a homeless man’s home) to come pick her up from downtown. They are in a race against time to get downtown before Brad and Sara’s parents get back.

And did I mention that on the way they get a flat tire, get a ride from a one-hooked truck driver whose wife is cheating on him so he pulls a gun on the guy while they’re in the car. And a car thief steals the Cadillac they are hiding in while they are still in it! All this is happening while she needs to get her mom’s station wagon towed and fixed. Oops, I meant to say her mom’s car! 🤣

She says that line throughout the entire film with suck shock and dismay that I laugh every time!

Hi-jinks ensue when you are the babysitter in this tale. So if anyone every recommends babysitting to me as a side hustle, no thanks. I’ll pass.

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Once Chris gets that phone call from Brenda, that’s when all hell breaks loose!!!

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Her mom’s car gets a flat, they are taken to a chop shop in a stolen car, escape from car thieves and then they enter a blues club where the band on stage won’t let them leave until they sing the blues.

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Daryl starts talking t a streetwalker but that gets cut short as they are being chased by the car thieves because they know where they are located so they hop on the Chicago L train and get put into the middle of a gang fight. One of the best scenes of the movie happens right here. Don’t F#*k with the babysitter! 🤣

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The list goes on and on. All the while Brenda is still stuck downtown having her own adventures.

Let’s start with the fact that Chris would not have had these issues had Brenda not chose to run away. This caused her mom’s car to get a flat on the freeway, her windshield to get shot out, and that would cost her $50 bucks!

They end up running into a fraternity party where Chris befriends a guy there played by actor George Newbern (voice of Ren in Pirates of Dark Water). Hearing of her plight he offers to donate $45 to her cause.

See my post Money and Life Lessons From The Pirates Of Dark Water

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Now that’s a real stand-up guy.

Sometimes you just got to be a pal.

This is truly where the term a friend in need is a friend in deed applies. He decided to help her out with no hesitation and asked for nothing in return.

This is the part in the film where I’m like “Ferris Bueller you’re my hero!” 🤣

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One of my favorite parts was when she said I will just use the money I have in my account to pay for everything, but when she looks at her checkbook she sees she doesn’t have enough.

So let this be a life lesson for you all out there; never leave home without cash and a credit card.

I learned this lesson from Arnold Schwarzenegger as he says he never leaves home without a credit card and at least $1,000 in cash just in case.

See my post on How Arnold Schwarzenegger Totally Recalls making $20 Million-Dollar Paychecks


Dan, the fraternity guy, drops the gang off at the garage.

She explains to the owner, a Thor look alike, much to the delight of Sara, she is $5 short. He refuses to give them the car until Sara offers up her Thor helmet as a peace offering and selfless gift. He then gives them their car.

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There are times when despite our best efforts we come up short.

However, like in the song Izzo (H.O.V.A.), JayZ said, “Plus if they was short with cheese I would work with them.”

Sometime you just got to help a brother out! Or in this case, a babysitter.

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After getting the car back, Chris spots her boyfriend in a restaurant with another girl. The gang goes in and confronts him.

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While the shenanigans with Mike ensues, Sara slips away and while looking at toys in a display window gets spotted by the car thieves.

Come on, Chris! You should have some sort of plan in case you and the kids get separated.

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She then runs to her parents building and scales the side while trying to get away from the thieves. Chris goes after her by climbing down the side of the building herself. Talk about going the extra mile!

From personal experience, I know how hard it is out here. You have to make a dollar out of fifteen cents!

But I am here to tell you, “Dearly beloved, we have gathered here today To get through this thing called life” and if the elevator tries to bring you down GO crazy!!! haha Thank you Prince for those inspiring words.

Because I thought Chris was insane for scaling a building, but hey, you do what you’ve got to do out here. Like Prince said in the song Let’s Go Crazy, “In this life, you’re on your own.”

In my own experience, I had to work at a gas station to pay the bills.

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It didn’t matter if I had to scrub toilets, sell hot dogs, or sell home security systems door-to-door (yes I did that too), I did what I had to do to survive.

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Wasn’t nothing going on but the rent and it’s due on the first!

You are too good for nothing when it comes to your family and finances.

You have to put food on the table.

Go get two jobs if you have too!!!

But you take care of your obligations.

My father always told me responsibilities first, fun later.

I also cold-called jobs to see about getting gigs.

That is how I ended up getting one selling cell phones. In addition, I met people that would end up becoming life long friends.

Doing what you have to do, rolling up your sleeves, and putting in the work always gets rewards.


They get Sara and the kids retrieve Brenda from the bus station and rush home, narrowly avoiding the Andersons on Interstate 290.

And Chris has everything taken care of right before Sara and Brad’s parents walk through the door.

As Chris says goodnight to the kids, Brad tells her he understands about her not returning his crush and that if they see each other at school the next day, it’s okay if she ignores him. But Chris smiles and tells him she doesn’t ignore her friends. Damn straight!!

As Chris is leaving, Dan arrives with one of Sara’s missing skates. He says he needs a babysitter and is disappointed when Chris says she is retired; he confesses the babysitter was for him. Chris decides that retirement can wait and gladly agrees to babysit Dan. Sara was delighted to see here missing skate and tells Chris to reward him with a kiss. With Sara’s encouragement, Chris and Dan kiss outside as Brad closes the blinds giving them some privacy.

Inadvertently, Chris got that kiss she wanted in the beginning of the film as the song was saying in the opening credits, but from another man instead of that jerk she dated.

The last lesson of the night; focus on your retirement.

Much like Chris came out of babysitting retirement, you too must not call it quits until you have made sure everything you need and want is in place.

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You are in a race against time my friends to get out of the rat race sooner rather than later and that can only happen if you plan ahead.

I used an online calculator and found that if you start at $0 and invest $8,500 for 30 years at an 8% return, you will have $1,039,939.88. That’s right, you will be a millionaire!

If you can save $20,000 a year, this includes an employer match as does the previous retirement example, you hit the seven-figure milestone in 20 years! You would be free to be you.

Now this is an adventure worth taking.

The retire early adventure.

Current Principal: $
Annual Addition: $
Years to grow:
Interest Rate:
Compound interest
1 time(s) annually
Make additions at start end of each compounding period

Future Value: $ 1,039,939.88

Range Rovers And Foreclosures

Range Rover, Car, Truck, Range, Rover

Here I am back again talking all things on four wheels. I’m talking about cars of course!

So I will say to you what they always like to say in Welcome Back Kotter’s theme song, “Welcome back!”

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And less like Agent Smith in The Matrix saying Welcome back.

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However, we did miss you.

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After my last post on on the price of luxury cars, it is time to bring you the sequel! Just like The Matrix Reloaded. This posts sequel is all about cars so Buckle Up!!!

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See my post Beamers, Benz, and Bentleys Or A GMC Truck

Why another post about cars you ask? Because apparently folks out here are still lining up at the dealership every summer ready to take on these 5, 6, 7, now 8 year car loans!

You read that right. Lenders are now allowing borrowers to repay car loans for 8 friggin’ years!

That is enough time to do the following:

1. Graduate from college twice, including graduate school

2. Get married

3. Watch all 14 seasons of Supernatural on Netflix

4. Have the President of the United States finish two-terms

5. Write the next great American novel (hey it’s possible as it took J.R.R. Tolkien 12 years to pen The Lord of the Rings) 😉

I am here to remind folks that cars will not make you look, feel, or be rich.

Hey, don’t get mad a t me. I am just the messenger. Like Loreali Gilmore, I am A Messenger, Nothing More. Please just take the letter Dean or in this case, just read this post. 😁🙏

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MAKE PEACE NOT CAR PAYMENTS You must make peace with your finances. It is the only way to come to terms with reality and set your sights on the bigger picture. You must choose a path. Rich or Broke. Never poor because poor is eternal.

All things are temporary. However, life is not short, it is long. And like Chris Rock said, “life is long especially, if you make the wrong decisions.”

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Therefore, I want you to make good financial decisions from the starting gate. Paying 8 year car payments is like going to war with your bank account. And you know here at Greenbacks Magnet, we are all about the love. So make peace not war. So I am here to tell you: BACK AWAY FROM THE CAR PAYMENTS SLOWLY, TURN AROUND, AND RUN AWAY!!! You need to stand on firm financial ground. Your financial footing has to be so good that not even the Big Bad Wolf could huff and puff and blow your finances over!

When you constantly have to worry about how to make the mortgage payments or paying for the Range, then you have a serious problem. No car is worth going into foreclosure over. Should the home get foreclosed are you prepared to live in that Range Rover? A car that luxurious should be parked in a driveway and not on a freeway off ramp. Paying a $700 car note is outrageous. Then again, so is paying a $6,000 mortgage. Both of these high fixed expenses could leave you in the poor house.

Tons of bankruptcy filings include not only credit card debt, but high mortgage payments and out-of-control luxury car notes! People, people please don’t forget what Ferris Bueller said about priorities!

A man with priorities so far out of whack doesn't deserve such a fine automobile.

RANGE ROVERS ARE OVER RED ROVER Why discuss and name my post about Range Rovers? Let me tell you a story and paint this picture for you. In the illustrious words of Sophia from Golden Girls, “picture this.” 🤣

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I have heard several separate stories about Range Rovers and the cost of ownership.

In one story, the owner had the car in the shop for an entire year because he could not pay the repair bill. That’s right. A car that you are still paying the payment for, including auto insurance is sitting in a repair shop.

Now how are you gonna be a number one stunna, if you can’t ride around in your car to impress all the people out there, while only having $100 in the bank? It’s like Birdaman said, “Ride Bentley’s ’round the city on buttons.” “I’m the # 1 stunna!”

Oh and why only $100 in the bank? because it took almost every dollar in your paycheck just to keep the car on the road. And speaking of keeping the car on the road…let’s talk about maintenance and repairs on a Range Rover.

If you didn’t already know, then let me be the first to tell you. Luxury cars are more expensive to repair. Why you ask? It’s simple. Luxury comes at a premium. You have to pay the cost to be the boss.

See my post Lipstick Confessions: Confessions Of A Teenage Waitress

Repairs will also cost you more for luxury models. The parts are more expensive and not easy to find and replace like American made cars, as repairs and upkeep are cheaper on these models. Why even buy a Range? That is because nobody wants to wear platinum Rolexes and canary diamonds while pushing a Honda!

However, if you drive that Honda for a decade and invest that $40,000 you spent on the Range, then you could have a million more in retirement in 35 years. That Range will be long gone by then. But you know what? If you have money to burn, then play on player or should I say drive on driver!

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In another story, I heard that a mechanic left a stable transit authority job with excellent benefits to go repair cars for the Range Rover dealership. When asked why he did it, he replied, “because I can make more money fixing Range Rovers because those cars are always in the shop.” What the F*ck!!! You spend enough to put a kid through college to get that car only to have it in the shop! Unbelievable. You would think with all the dough you had to drop to get that ride it would at least hold up better than a Rav-4 or Honda CRV.

SITTING PRETTY WITH MONEY IN THE BANK OR WITH YOUR CAR ON BRICKS I will end this post with some news I have heard from around the water-cooler and then some.

One lady told me that she didn’t know what her husband was going to do because his BMW was in the shop and he couldn’t afford the $8,000 to get it out! Holy crap! So you want luxury but you cannot actually afford luxury. Then it’s simple: Sell the car. Take the $15,000 check that Carmax will cut you for the trade-in, get you a Ford or Toyota for $6,000 and put the rest of that money to work in the stock market. That is how I turned my $450 car payment into over $100,000!

It is far more important to have money in the bank than a Range in the driveway or the repair shop. Put your money where your values are. Far more people are impressed by those than can afford to buy Range Rovers, but actually don’t. The most important thing you can do with your money after you earn it is to actually have and keep some of it in the bank.

The Capitalist Code by Ben Stein

The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want. – Ben Stein

Ben Stein is an economist and actor, who wrote a book in 2017, called The Capitalist Code: It Can Save Your Life and Make You Very Rich. He has an estimated net worth of over $5 million. So, I thought I would check his book out.

On my quest to follow the money, I have discovered lots of books, blogs, and information about money.

I have been told I am seriously into all things money. Friends sometimes call me “the money lady.” That’s fine with me. I take that as a compliment. There are much worse things to be called than that.

But, I get it. I do have a laser-like focus when it comes to getting things done. I can be a task-master. It comes naturally to me. I just can’t help it because I believe in finishing what I start.

I learned that lesson from one of my favorite childhood books Where the Red Fern Grows.

You could say I’m a bit obsessed with learning about money. However, it has served me well to know about personal finance. I have a six-figure retirement and save over 40 percent of my income. All that came from reading finance books!

That is how I came to find this book. It is a quick read as the book is on the small side at 146 pages in length. I knew the name Ben Stein, but I wanted to find out What is The Capitalist Code?

But first…


“I’m an economist by training. I don’t really work as an economist. I only worked briefly as an economist.”

There is a short bio description of him online at goodreads which states:

Jewish-American economic and political commentator, writer, actor and attorney. He gained early success as a speechwriter for American presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Later he entered the entertainment field and became an Emmy Award-winning actor, comedian, and game show host. He is famous for his monotonous yet humorous voice in acting.

For those who may not be that familiar with the name you may remember him from his self-titled television show, “Win Ben Stein’s Money” or from the film, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.

“As to a media personality, well that just happened in large measure because people found me amusing, and I did lots and lots of T.V. news interview shows.”

“It’s a great stretch for me to do my game show. It’s very hard. It’s not me at all. The only part that’s me is sort of when I’m sitting in the booth looking tormented. That’s the only part that’s the real me.”

In Ferris Bueller, he is actually discussing a real topic of the era. During the 1980’s, Reaganomics was also referred to as voodoo economics or trickle-down economics. I’ll give you more on this topic later, in a future post. 😉

Ben has written for publication’s such as Barron’s, The New York Times, Fortune, and the Wall Street Journal. And numerous financial books including this one.


By definition, an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. You will often hear it referred to as a free market or free enterprise.

Simply put, capitalism is a system of investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained by individuals and corporations instead of by state-owned means.  Participants privately own capital.

Ben says, “Free market capitalism is a fantastic wealth-producing system and allows individuals to amass wealth.”

In addition, “There is no freer, more diverse, and more equal opportunity employer than capitalism. . . If you can produce a large amount of excess over your costs, you get well paid. And if you produce very much more than you cost, you get rich.”

A free market of competition, not a central government or regulating body, dictates production levels and prices. True capitalism needs a competitive market because without competition, monopolies exist.

See my post in which I discuss monopolies for more information


“If there’s a recession, I’d buy stocks. That’s when you make money: when markets are spooked.”

His primary objection of this book, is to get people off the sidelines and into the market.

“The sad fact is that spending rises every year, no matter what people want or say they want.”

This book gives you the #1 simple thing you can start doing today to grow your wealth — thanks to this “rigged” system known as capitalism.

Anyone can do it. You don’t need to have a Harvard or Economics degree or be a financial expert.

Basically, he wants you to do this: Invest in the stock market.

It’s a way to own a tiny piece of a big business and minimize your risk. Your piece of the American financial pie.

More specifically: invest in an index fund of the S&P 500.

You’ll own a tiny piece of a bunch of businesses and you’ll have more money when it’s time to retire.

That is also Warren Buffet’s advice among others.

See my post below on stock ownership

Patience is the key to wealth 


“Trying to pick individual stocks is a trap. I can’t do it. Warren Buffett can, but hardly anyone else can beat the indexes over a long period of time.”

It’s easy to think of big business as morally bankrupt, but it isn’t, really. Business leadership can make poor/unethical decisions, but being big doesn’t make them inherently wicked, and being a small business doesn’t make it inherently virtuous.

“I agree that there are some bad apples on Wall Street. I spent about ten years exposing corporate and financial fraud for ‘Barron’s’ magazine and I found a lot to write about.”

If you want to know more about stocks, you can read numerous books and magazines on the topic such as Value Line, The Intelligent Investor, and anything by Jack Bogle.

The key point is this: Free market capitalism is an incredible machine for making wealth. Corporations “rain money” year after year. If you don’t participate, you are making a huge blunder. It doesn’t take a genius, but it does take a plan—a “little bit of knowledge and an even smaller amount of action.”


“The education system should teach us about money; it’s an incredibly big subject. I run into people all the time that don’t have the first clue of what they should do about money.”

Ben states the following about personal finance in America:

  • Most Americans have not inherited wealth or a successful business that could set them up for life
  • 80% of millennial’s have no plan whatsoever for retirement savings
  • Many Americans are saving NOTHING
  • The average person says they need about $50,000 per year for retirement; but only has savings to achieve 20% of that number
  • We live in a country where more than half the people couldn’t come up with $500 in cash today if they had a family emergency

Source: GoBanking


According to Ben, you need to save first, and then spend— automatically.

That’s similar advice that Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary says: “Don’t spend too much. Mostly save. Always invest.”

Barnes and Noble provides this overview of the book: harness the incredible power of the U.S. economy for enjoyment and security by being owners of profitable businesses-by consistent, conservative investment starting as young as possible in a diversified port- folio of stocks. Anyone can be a capitalist—and should be. All it takes is a little bit of knowledge and an even smaller amount of action. All it takes is The Capitalist Code.


“There is a clear, unequivocal, if generalized, connection between the amount of education that a man or woman achieves and the amount he or she earns.”

In the book, he shows what women can earn with a degree…

And men.

Agreed. I notice that the more education you have, the more informed decisions people tend to make.

Although, in my opinion, education is not an equalizer it does; however, provide you with increased opportunity, knowledge and exposure to scholarly information.

For most folks, a bachelor’s degree is enough. Particularly, from a reputable in-state public or private accredited institution.

I will never forget when I was reading Arnold Schwarzenegger’s biography when he saw a PhD professor driving up in an old, beat up car and he said to himself that if that is what an advanced degree gets you, then that guy was in the wrong career.


“You must arrange your life from the very get-go so that you are spending less than you earn.”

Yep. I have learned it is not what you make, but what you spend.

You can totally blow through $200,000 USD a year after taxes! Just keep buying big homes and expensive cars.


How should you invest?

“You don’t need to “play the market” and try to pick stocks. Just buying and holding index funds is a simple, effective method that beats money managers most of the time.”

How long should I hold onto stocks?

Hold onto these funds as long as possible.”

Should I sell as soon as I get a sizable gain?

“Take advantage of huge tax subsidies for deferring investment gains.”


“A highly disproportionate amount of the good things in life accrue to those who have financial capital. The easiest way is to own index funds.”

He states you must acquire wealth.

I too have read you must pursue wealth. You may not want to chase money, but sitting on your laurels won’t attract money and abundance to you. Wealth is something that is attracted to those that have beat inertia and exhibit exertion.

Well, there you have it.

Straight from the guy who is pretty focused on one-task himself as he continued to utter that famous line, Bueller? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller? 

Just like someone had pity on him and answered him in the movie, Mr. Stein has answered a lot of your money answers in his book. The code is capitalist. He has given you the key to unlock the secrets on how to build wealth. So, use his key. Because guess what? The secret is out!