Tag Archives: Dow Jones

Smarter Than The Average Bear Market

Bear, Grizzly Bear, Brown Bear, Zoo

Please excuse the clickety-clack of my keyboard while I type ferociously thus, breaking the eloquent silence of God and nature.

As I write this the U.S. is in the midst of a global health pandemic. The Coronavirus has caused worldwide panic the likes of which I have never seen.

What is being labeled as Black Monday 2020, March 9, the Dow’s worst single-day point drop in U.S. market history. A record $20.2 billion has been pulled from stocks on March 13, the largest daily outflow ever.

This is different from the financial crisis of 2008-09, as it was a mortgage crisis not a health crisis then, but this is now what will likely lead to a financial and housing crisis. The economy has gone into a recession.

There were 3.3 million unemployment applications submitted last week alone. They are estimating 3.5 million submissions next week.

Over 500,000 workers across the hospitality, retail, and restaurant sectors have been furloughed indefinitely.

Store shelves are bare and low on necessities. Milk, bread, and eggs are some of the first items to go. Toilet paper is now the currency of the realm.

Schools, churches, libraries and hair salons are closed. It is pretty certain that millions of small businesses will close and never open their doors again.

Many large retailers may become insolvent and close their doors permanently.

Rent strikes are popping up all over the country in response to stay-at-home and shelter-in-place orders from state governors. However, it is April 1st and the rent is due.

As all of this is going on around me, I have to make a judgment call.

My hand is hovering over the buy button in my 401(k) account. My inner voice is saying go for it. You did the math. You did like financial blogger FIREcracker said and I mathed shit up! I knew I could come out ahead when the markets rebound. Stocks are on sale. I’m going down to the mat with the bear market. I’ve been here before and come back up every time. I take a deep breath and hit submit.

I have now bought over a hundred shares of various stocks as of March 31. Before, the market started crashing I transferred over $84,000 out of multiple stock funds and placed my bet on one Vanguard 500 index fund over the last two years. Why you ask? I’m taking my cues from a historical data approach and a sprinkle of Buffet wisdom.

Back in 2013, in a letter to shareholders, Buffet gave a piece of advice to the trustee of his estate after he passes, “wife’s inheritance has been told to put 90% of her money into a stock index fund and 10% into short-term government bonds.”

A portfolio set for a 90/10 allocation over a period from 1900-2014 had a fail rate of 2.3%. That means a success rate of 97.7%! Therefore, I am not scared.

Others are panicking, but I choose to keep a cool head. My investing advice is sprinkle some Buffet on it. It’s the wild west out here. I could place a huge bet and get my wings clipped like Icarus for traveling too close to the fire of the market. After all, it is a fire sale on stocks going on right now.

However, I can’t let fear stop me. I have weighed the risks. And decided to take those calculated risks.

You see I have 100 years of stock market knowledge behind me. Past results do not guarantee future results, but whenever history turns it backs on the market, then during the rally the market turns it back on you.

Those who do not feed the beast are later consumed by it. Financial literacy has been my guiding light in these dark times we suddenly found ourselves in.

I have been thrown in a cave with the bear market, but like Yogi, I have learned to be smarter than the average bear.

Some of you may be surprised that I am using Yogi Bear as inspiration to invest, but let’s not forget he always seemed to outsmart Ranger Smith and get that coveted picnic basket.

Yogi Bear - Wikipedia
Image from Wikipedia

Therefore, fear will not take me under for I have knowledge my friends. And knowledge is the slayer of fear. While Buffy slays vampires, I slay market gyrations.

I like to take Buffet’s advice to bet on America. He says, “From a standing start 240 years ago — a span of time less than triple my days on earth — Americans have combined human ingenuity, a market system, a tide of talented and ambitious immigrants, and the rule of law to deliver abundance beyond any dreams of our forefathers.”

Yes, indeed America has.

That is incredible growth for a country that was just started with 13 original colonies in 1607 to become the biggest economy in the world, as other civilizations are far older than America.

It must have felt the same way for Neal Armstrong when he took those first steps on the moon for mankind in 1968.

That is incredible growth to go from walking on the ground, to the rocket, to the moon considering less than 70 years ago man had just learned how to fly in a little place called Kitty Hawk.

And when I threw open my personal finance go-to book, it looks as if I am not the only one who calls on the sage advice of the finance world’s Obi-Wan.

I found that financial blogger J.D. Roth of Get Rich Slowly also listens to the man they call “The Oracle of Omaha” Warren Buffet.

Here is an excerpt from the 2009 New York Times best-selling book I Will Teach You to be Rich: No Guilt. No Excuses. No BS. Just a 6-Week Program That Works by Ramit Sethi. The blog post was titled: HOW TO WRESTLE WITH A BEAR—AND WIN Why I’m Not Worried About the Economy.

Wall Street is fear-stricken it will have banks and businesses go under and lose countless millions in the process.

Main Street is panicked that it can’t make rent to pay Wall Street.

When Wall Street head honcho and real estate billionaire Thomas Barrack Jr. speaks of commercial mortgages being on the brink of collapse, you spark panic all around you.

Mr. Barrack of Colony Capital predicts a “domino effect” of catastrophic economic consequences without prompt action to keep borrowers from defaulting.

I know that may keep some people on the bench, but I prefer to keep swinging for the fences.

You’ll never get a hit from the dugout.

Millionaires are made of Teflon. They keep betting when the house is cleaning up. They just keep on swinging. You miss 100% of every shot you don’t take.

I once remember reading that millionaire’s know they are made by saving ten bucks at a time.

Pundits are instilling fear when they should be telling long-term investors to stay the course. The wealthy know better. They keep investing because that’s what winners do.

Millionaires are smarter than the average bear.

Don’t Let The Coronavirus Stop You From Investing

Coronavirus, Virus, Mouth Guard

If you were part of the millions who lost a small fortune in the 2008-2009 financial crisis, then this Coronvirus fear and stock market shocks should be a cakewalk for you.

It felt just like this a decade ago, but it lasted for like 15 months.

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But I’m here to tell you, “Don’t panic.” Since the Great Depression, America has survived World War II, The Cuban Missile Crisis, SARS, 9/11, and the Great Financial Crisis.

As Annie once sang: The sun will come out Tomorrow Bet your bottom dollar That tomorrow There’ll be sun!

We will get through this. You just have to buckle up and get through the ride like any rollercoaster; it has to come to an end.

Markets dropped 1,100 points on Thursday. That just means stocks are on sale.

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I’m strolling down the stock market isles grabbing everything I can get my hands on.

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This isn’t the time to hide. Stay and fight for your 401(k). It’s the time to run to the nearest online brokerage and scoop up some stocks on sale.

Berkshire Hathaway is sitting on $100 Billion cash just waiting for another 2008-2009 so they can get those deals.

Nobody wants to pay $3,000 for one share of the S&P when you can get it for cheaper.

So go out there and find some bargains!


Fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.” – Warren Buffet

I once read a story about a famous investor who in 1939, when World War II began in Europe, the 26-year-old investor borrowed $10,000 and bought 100 shares each in 104 companies that were selling at $1 a share or less, including 34 in bankruptcy.

A few years later, he made large profits on 100 of the companies; four turned out to be worthless.

This became the foundation for his $13 Billion global growth fund and the start of his road to wealth. He did not let fear stop him. His own the world philosophy made him a billionaire.

Sir Templeton looked fear in the face and marched ahead anyway.

Trust your gut and don’t make any decisions unless you know what you want to do. Fear is no place to make decisions from.

When you are coming from a place of great loss, you don’t sell the house, cut your hair, or make any big decisions until you are back in a place of control over your emotions. At least, that is what all the books say.

Same rules apply when investing. Buy when you are knowledgeable and ready. Not scared.

Knowledge is the slayer of fear.


I could tell you what you should buy. The gurus and financial pundits will tell you that you should invest in this or that, blah, blah, blah, etc. etc.

Well here at Greenbacks Magnet, we keep it simple.

Just buy a good quality total index fund and keep it moving.

Studies have shown that no one can time the market. If you put 25 random stocks on a dartboard, you could do no worse than an active fund manager could by throwing darts to pick your investments.

It’s like the flip of a coin. 50/50 odds or worse. Tails you lose. Heads the house wins.

If you buy the whole market, you are bound to get some winners in there.


They say face masks are being bought up all over the world.

The mark up is getting unbelievable as some places are charging three times the normal going rate.

The surgeon general says masks are only good for those already infected to not continue to spread the virus.

Those that are healthy are wasting their money because a mask will not stop them from catching it.

Therefore, instead of wasting money on overpriced masks just invest in the company that makes them. They are making a killing right now!

Increase your wealth portfolio and put on your fiscal facemask for your future generations.

Your future self will thank you for investing that money.

A Look Behind the Man and the Mohawk: An Interview with Budgets are Sexy

Image: Budgets are Sexy

Boys tell stories ’bout the man. Say I never struggled, wasn’t hungry, yeah, I doubt it – Drake, Started From The Bottom

So, who is the man behind the mohawk?

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Well, you’re about to find out.

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Just who he is.

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But first…

A shout out to all things hearts and flowers. Valentine’s Day is coming!

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Valentine’s Day!!!

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Dean: Where am I going?
Sam: Dean, it’s Valentine Day. Your favorite holiday, remember? I mean, what do you always call it – uh, Unattached Drifter Christmas?😂

Q: What did cavemen give their wives on Valentine’s Day?
A: Lots of ughs and kisses.

As you can see, J. Money is all about the love.

And so this joke is for just for you J$.

Q: What did the calculator say to the pencil on Valentine’s Day?
A: You can always count on me.

Okay. All jokes and kidding aside.

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Who are we talking with today about the sorted topic of coin? Blogger extraordinaire J. Money of Budgets Are Sexy

Sometimes I am two people. Johnny is the nice one. Cash causes all the trouble. They fight. – Johnny Cash

Let’s find out the man behind the money and the mohawk?

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Let’s not waste any time. We’re diving right into the interview.


GBM Miriam: It was great meeting the one and only J. Money at FinCon 18 in Orlando. Congrats, on being an 11-time Plutus Award winner for your blog Budgets are Sexy. You can see more about what others are saying about his blog on his press page. The accolades are well-deserved. I even included him on my list of Money advice that 10 Bloggers told me blog post! That’s because J$ does not hold anything back when it comes to talking money.

Imagine my surprise to meet the man I had been following along to and reading his stuff for the past several years.

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He was extremely nice and down-to-earth. One of the friendliest guys I have ever met!!!

He never ceases to amaze me with his sheer enthusiasm for life, unbridled passion for what he does, his unmatched love of talking all things money, and incredible charisma and good vibes is almost like nothing I have ever felt!

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It was so great to meet him. He is just awesome to be around. You can never feel bad around J$. I dare you. He’s just too friendly and cool.

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I had to reach out and ask for an interview.


This is how it feels to meet J$.

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Fun Fact: Both Carl Weathers and Schwarzenegger have starred in films with Sly Stallone. Carl Weathers had famously done Rocky just a few years before he did this film, Predator, with Ah-nuld!

For those who don’t already know the award winning blogger.

Like Jay Z said, “allow me to re-introduce myself.” 


1. What prompted you to start a blog about money? Why are budgets sexy?

I fell in love with the community after searching for tips back in 2007 when I bought a house with no money down and no budget whatsoever (*gasp*). I was entranced by how real and RAW people were online – especially those sharing their net worths! – and after a while I thought I’d jump into the ring myself and have a little fun… Had no idea it would completely change my life, and my finances, over a decade later!

I came up with the “budgets are sexy” concept around the time Justin Timberlake’s “I’m bringing sexy back” song was charting, and thought it went well together since budgets essentially gives you the one thing that we all strive for – confidence. The confidence to know where your money’s been, the confidence to know where you’re money’s going, and then of course the confidence it gives you within just knowing you’re on top of the game! And how sexy is that??

So, you just decided to toss your hat into the ring! Wow. That’s it. Just jump out there. Well, that’s awesome.

You only live once, that’s the motto…YOLO – Drake, The Motto

I guess you really did take YOLO to heart. ❤👍

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Well, alright! 👌

GBM Miriam: I read the Financial Diet by Chelsea Fagen and was pleasantly surprised to see you were featured in it!! Congrats!!!

2. Any favorite finance books? How come? 

My top 3 favorites are:

  • “I Will Teach You To Be Rich” by Ramit Sethi (good for action taking and funny as hell)
  • “The Automatic Millionaire” by David Bach (also good for action taking)
  • “The Millionaire Next Door” by Thomas J. Stanley and and William D. Danko. (good for your *mind!*)

I also love “Essentialism” by Greg McKeown, which isn’t a finance book, but more of a lifestyle/career one which heavily influences what I spend my time on, and more importantly – what I don’t.

GBM Miriam: On your blog it states: “A personal finance blog that won’t put you to sleep.” – Benjamin Franklin

Great! Because I liked to be entertained. I don’t want to be put to sleep! I want to talk money and have some fun. They say, give the people what they want.

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I thought that quote on Franklin was pretty funny because I did a blog post on the how the 13 virtues of Benjamin Franklin can make you rich. I am a huge fan of his and that is why I like the Disney film National Treasure so much as it has B. Franklin all over it!

Are you a fan of Ben Franklin?

3. What are you reading right now? What’s on your night stand? 

I’m reading a lot of books on the history of my hometown, which I’m told is even more boring than finances 😉 There’s also a book on Benjamin Franklin that a reader mailed me – “Franklin’s Thrift: The Lost History of an American Virtue” – as he knew I’m a big fan of his habits.

Success is having to worry about every damn thing in the world, except money. – Johnny Cash

4. One thing people may not know about you?

I have mild O.C.D. as well as A.D.H.D., and I also hate public speaking… which sucks, because you could really grow an empire in this field if you love getting in front of a crowd! Here’s an awesome article I just came across btw for anyone else who suffers from “reading O.C.D.” (It’s a thing!) –> How I Overcame My Reading OCD

Started from the bottom, now we’re here. – Drake

GBM Miriam: I read online that you managed to amass $400,000 in 7 years. That’s no small feat.

I try to think positive. Write down my goals (cause you know, it’s all about the power of the pen). Visualize what I want and say my affirmations to make things come to fruition.

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But what about you? How’d you do it?

5. What’s in your wallet? How did you start building wealth? 

I’m super minimalist with my wallet (it’s actually a money clip), and I only keep a credit card in it, my debit card, and then cold hard cash along with my drivers license. Although now I realize your question is more about my proverbial wallet isn’t it? Haha…

For that I max out all my retirement accounts every year using Vanguard index funds, or more specifically – the VTSAX fund (I keep my investing simple too!). Went from $50,000 to $800,000+ by mainly doing that, along with of course cutting back and finding other avenues of income along the way… 

GBM Miriam: I appreciate that honesty right there. Thanks for keeping it 💯!!

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Just like the post you did called The Red Wedding of Net Worth Reports : $842,180.92 [Down $60,000! The Worst to Date]

You just put it out there. And that’s awesome. I need all the transparency I can get right now with the Dow Jones base jumping every other week.

I almost started to Birdbox myself like Sandra Bullock and only look at the stock market blindfolded, but then I thought to just go ahead and look at it, as it’s better to just rip a band-aid off.

Alright, it’s time for the bonus round.

My favorite part of every interview here on Greenbacks Magnet!!!

Bonus Questions (pick any of the questions from the top or below that you want to answer) 

7. What’s your favorite ’80s and/or ’90s jam? What’s on your ipod? Would you let us hook up your ‘Recently Played’ list on Spotify to our office speakers?

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Haha… I love old school rap, mixed in with a little pop and folk music for good measure. You could hook up my iPod Nano if you wanted (remember that one???) but it’s stuck in the 2000’s as I rarely download anything and tend to stick to the radio or vinyl… I love me some Johnny Cash or Chuck Berry action!

Chuck Berry huh? Anyone remember the film Back to the Future?

Well, here is Marty doing a cover of the 1958 Chuck Berry song Johnny B. Goode. Enjoy!

8. What would your autobiography be called? 

“Normal Guy Gets Lucky and Can’t Believe He Writes Down His Thoughts For a Living”

GBM Miriam: I love that title! That’s really funny, but sooooo accurate.

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9. If you found a lottery ticket that ends up winning $2 million. What would you do? 

Pay the taxes on it, spend $10,000 lavishly on friends and family, and then probably bank the rest into Vanguard funds and keep going about my business…

GBM Miriam: Smart move. Pay those taxes.

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In a weird way I actually DON’T wanna win the lottery as I want to see if I can hit financial freedom *on my own*. Not that I’d turn it down if I won, but I’d probably have to stop blogging since everyone would just assume it was the lottery that brought me to this place and write me off, haha… I already feel like I won the lottery anyways as you can tell from my autobiography! 😉

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If you notice we go from 9 to 12, that is because out of 15 (more or less) interview questions, all guests can answer whatever ones interest them the most. Skipping a few questions we move right along.

In the illustrious words of Pauly Shore, “let’s keep on cruisin’.”

12. Do you consider Monopoly to be a game that you play with friends or enemies?

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FRIENDS!! Why would you play it with enemies??? The only real problem with Monopoly is finding people who will actually *finish the game* with you since everyone bails after only like 30 mins!! The worst!!

13. If you could steal credit for any great piece of art, song, film, book etc which one would you claim?

GBM Miriam: Personally, I would want the Campbell Soup Cans by Andy Warhol.

Image result for Campbell's Soup Cans

Painted around 1962, one painting (of the 32 cans he painted, which the canvases are on display at the Modern Museum of Art in New York) went on to fetch a record-breaking amount for an American artist of $11.8 at Christie’s auction house in May 2006. I do love some Campbell’s chicken noodle soup.

Andy Warhol also said, “the goal isn’t to live forever. It is to create something that does.” It is one of the reasons I chose to start a blog.

BAS J$: I’m gonna take the lame way out and say I wouldn’t steal anyone’s as I hate it when my stuff gets copped. Plus — I already suffer from Impostor Syndrome  just being *myself*, so there’s no way I could pull off being someone else even if I wanted to! 🙂

14. Which animal would make the best type of president if the animal kingdom ever rises up and takes over?

Unicorns? I don’t know anyone who hates them, and we sure do need some magic up in here to fix our world!! 🦄🦄🦄

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Image result for the last unicorn the skull gif

15. When it comes to making tea which answer most applies to you?

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a) I am the patron saint of tea, tea for everyone!

b) I’m not a one man Starbucks. Every man for himself.

c) I’ve only got two hands- so first come, first served.


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– J$

GBM Miriam: As there was only three options, J. Money decided to do a write in answer. As any boss would.

What I should have asked. And figured would be a coffee drinker’s answer.

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Image result for coffee in an iv gif

Well, that brings us to the end of this interview. This was a fun post and I hope a good time was had by all.

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GBM Miriam: Thank you J. Money for stopping by!! I am sure we will see each other again at the next money meets media conference as FinCon19 is coming to DC! That’s right in our neck of the woods. 😉

BAS J$: thanks again for having me! fun and creative questions 👍🙏

Want more straight forward money advice from Budgets Are Sexy?

Find him on his  website or stalk him on Instagram and connect with him on Twitter at @BudgetsAreSexy 

The one-tweet financial plan

Twitter, Screen, Social, Phone

“Before you speak, listen. Before you write, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you invest, investigate. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try. Before you retire, save. Before you die, give.” — William A. Ward

That’s right folks. Step right up. Don’t be shy.

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I’m about to simplify your life. Your financial life anyway. A one-tweet financial plan is the way to go.

You see that quote at the start of this blog post.

There, I just gave it to you in the quote stated above. The end.

Just kidding. But seriously, it is in the quote above. I will just expand upon it.

Warning this post is full of tweets! But lots of information. Stay with me! 😉

Keyboard, Hand, Tweet, Twitter, Computer


A financial plan that is 240 characters or less and can be sent out in a tweet.

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I know what you’re thinking. Yeah, right. Well, since seeing is believing I will show you exactly what I mean.

Here is my one-tweet financial plan.

And due to the recent government shutdown, I have also created a one-tweet financial plan government shutdown edition. 😉 It’s kind of like how they created the Scrabble game deluxe. You take an already good thing and then just expand upon it and make it even better.

I also like to think ahead to the future and plan for my taxes. You need to save today because the future gets more expensive. What costs a $1 today will cost $1.25 in the future. Plan ahead.

Speaking of Scrabble…


It is one of the best qualities you can have. Being a good listener can lead to lasting marriages, better employment, and happier relationships.

You see #2 there. @mjp2520. Yes, that’s me. 😉

I started reading about personal finance and attending seminars or conferences long before I started writing and tweeting about it. Coming from a place of experience and information gives you a different point of view (POV). That POV can make you an expert in your field. Never underestimate the power of just listening and observing.


I want you to write down your goals, thoughts, wants, needs, and desires. Like I said before, seeing is believing. Think before you act.

There is nothing wrong with moving slowly or with caution. However, that does not give you the right to move like a turtle. First, think. Then act and move expeditiously once a decision has been made. Move quick. Make haste. Do not overthink it. This can lead to analysis paralysis.

Moving slowly does allow you to more clearly see the path ahead. But once you see it, I want you to run toward your goal. Not walk. RUN!


You have to earn money to save it. It is just that simple.

I was in debt up to my eyeballs. However, I did not toss my hands in the air and say who cares as I will be in debt forever. Nope. Not me. I chipped away at my debt. Then, I slowly started to have savings. I emerged from the debt cocoon I was in and became a soon to be debt-free butterfly.

I found ways to get rid of my debt. By any means necessary. It didn’t matter if I had to sell items, save my change, get 0% deals on every item I purchased, or stop buying chewing gum just to save a buck.

Once the debt started going away, I had tons of disposable income. Go figure.


I cannot stress this enough. Investing can be the difference between you being one of the haves or have nots. I hate to break it to you, but the top earners invest.

Investing is a long game.

I read the wealthy invest up to 20 percent or more of their income each and every year.

The 1 percent are making a killing in the stock market. And you can too.

When I decided I was going to be rich, I turned my attention toward investing. If you want to know where Greenbacks Magnet is investing, then check out my post below. 😉

See my post How I turned a $450 car payment into $100,000

Here are some of my tweets on some good investment books to read.

The wealthy also read A LOT!!!

According to Grant Cardone, CEO’s read 60 books and attend 6 conferences a year. The average person reads less than one book a year. I read that in the 10X Rule.

Read the 10x rule. Took his advice. Set 10x goals and do 10x more action. It worked. Many thanks! Went from saving $10 to $10k a year. #OBSESSED


Yes, like the Maroon 5 song. Wait.

Anything worth having is worth the wait.

You know all those overnight success stories you hear? Well, those are garbage. It takes years of hard work, persistence, determination and sacrifice to get anywhere worth going.

All those bands you hear about or people you see on television. They were honing their craft long before records executives starting signing them to deals.

Gene Simmons said he was going from gig to gig in an old van living off hot dogs with his bandmates in KISS.

Pat Benatar left her job as a bank teller to start working as a singing waitress making $4,000 a month before she hit it big.

You know their names now, but there was a time they were broke and unknown.

Success comes from doing not luck. And the toiling to make that success happen, can take years or even decades. So, prepare yourself.

Don’t be like Beetlejuice. Remember that scene in the movie where he took his number and was impatient. It was hilarious. One of Michael Keaton’s most memorable roles.

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The point is that you have to be patient. I do not mean wait forever. I just mean that all good things do take some amount of time.

Don’t be so quick to judge or criticize others, before you know the full story.

“I praise loudly. I blame softly.” – Catherine II, Catherine the Great

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They say it’s divine.

“Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.” – Oscar Wilde

And I make sure to forgive. I always forgive, once.

See my post A Christmas Carol: Lessons in Finance, Business, and Life


Don’t be a quitter. Try first. You will never know if you have got the goods to make it, unless you get out there and do it. Do something. Don’t just wait to be discovered. Get out there and meet people. Shake some hands. Knock down some doors. Make some phone calls. Just try.


This one thing can change your life. Saving. It is the start of all things to come. The act alone is a reflection of who you are and what you value.

The foundation for all your future wealth is derived from this word and your ability to do it.

See my post How Millennial Money inspired me to start saving $13,333.06 a year


You give as a way to reach back and help those that come after you. It is a way to show your gratitude for all the things those that came before you have done.

There was a time there was no stock market. Or anesthesia. 😮

Let’s take a little walk down Wall Street.

The NYSE celebrated its 200th anniversary in 1992. Wall Street started under a tree in 1792 with commodities.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) was founded in 1896 with only 12 industrial stocks. Those 12 companies: American Cotton Oil, American Sugar, American Tobacco, Chicago Gas, Distilling & Cattle Feeding, General Electric, Laclede Gas, National Lead, North American, Tennessee Coal and Iron, U.S. Leather and U.S. Rubber. 

My how things have changed. None of those stocks are now part of the DJIA.

The good thing about indexes is that unlike individual stocks, when things go south and a business performs badly or goes under, it is culled. That’s right. They remove it from the DJIA and replace it with another business. Usually one that is performing well. That is the reason you invest in indexes. For the protection against a business going out of business and you losing your shirt!

General Electric (GE) is the only member of the Dow Jones Industrial Average that has been in the index since it’s beginning in 1896. It is being taken out and replaced by Walgreens (WBA) as reported of July 2018. That’s a 122-year run.

They have made it easier for you to invest now than 100 years ago.

Dale Carnegie had to ask his mother to mortgage the house so that he could invest the funds in stocks that he knew. That was how he built his fortune. Remember to invest in what you know.  Earn a fortune and then give it away.

Giving is one of the best ways to be philanthropic.

Remember that part in the movie Troy where Achilles asks his mother if he should go to Troy. And she says to him only if he wants his name to be remembered and live on throughout the ages.

Giving is a way to have immortality.

Case in point, Ms. Oseola McCarty inspired many others to donate to charity as well after she donated her life savings of $150,000 to a college in 1995. How’s that for a swan song? One of the biggest donors she inspired: Media Magnate and Mogul Ted Turner.

So why is it even noteworthy when Oseola McCarty, an elderly woman, donates $150,000 to the University of Southern Mississippi? In the case of Ms. McCarty, it is the heart behind the gift, and the lifetime of effort that went into it. For her act of kindness, she was awarded the Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor and got to ring the stock market opening bell.

How about that for recognition in helping others? And she asked nothing for herself or in return. These things were given to her for her charitable contribution to society.

Giving is passed down from generation to generation.

So, if you want to be immortal and have your memory live on forever, one word: give.

Want to know more. Tweet me. I’ll be at @mjp2520 

Xoxo Miriam Joy AKA Greenbacks Magnet 💋