Then I stop. I come upon a door. Not the infamous Red Door in Insidious. But a Black Door. It has a sign on it. The sign says Freedom.
I reach my hand out to open it and then…the dream ends.
However, when I open my eyes, I realize this dream could actually come to fruition. This dream can come true.
It was just like Cinderella said, “If you keep on believing; The dream that you wish will come true.”
My retirement numbers showing across my computer screen read $404,069. I was inching ever so closer to my starting goal of $500,000.
A part of me was jumping for joy. I knew this was a pretty good amount of savings to have in retirement as my research showed me less than 10% retire with $500k.
According to the 2022 Survey of Consumer Finances, only 9% of American households have saved at least $500,000 for retirement. The average retirement savings across all families is $333,940, and the median is $87,000.
In addition, Ramit Sethi, in a recent episode of his podcast told a couple that had $468,000 saved between the two of them would be more than fine and were set up for retirement.
I’m only one person. So I figured I was doing pretty well.
The sleepless nights of lying awake thinking about how I’m going to pay the bills was over. I was earning enough to put away over $1,000 a month in my retirement accounts.
I had a family that cared about me.
I was able to take vacations to the beach.
And like that scene in The Summer I Turned Pretty when Susan says, “if you are lucky to be able to spend a day at the beach, you are lucky enough.”
But another part of me was sad, that my $500k journey was ending.
At one point, I was brown bagging my lunch 5 days a week, counting my spare change, eating brown bananas, studying up to 5 hours a day about personal finance and clipping coupons.
I longed to be free.
I wanted to go back to the days I slept in until noon, spent the day reading on the couch during lazy weekends like I did when I was a kid. Alas, it did not seem meant to be.
However, one day I came across a blog called Mr. 1500 Days. This was probably 8 years ago in 2016. He said he wanted a different life for himself instead of retiring in his 60s and so he set out to retire with $1M in 1500 days.
I thought to myself, I want the same thing. Freedom. No get-rich-quick schemes. Just good old-fashioned investing.
Do you want to retire in your 70s or live it up and retire in the Bahamas when you’re 44?
I knew I wanted the second option. So, I had to figure out a way to invest more money.
The simplest route was to pay off my car. I was spending hundreds of dollars a month on that gas guzzler SUV to the tune of $450. Instead of paying the bank, why not invest in my future self?
I felt I heard Eminem on my shoulder saying you only get one shot! You get one life. There are no do-overs! This is not a dress rehearsal. This is real. And if you want your dreams to become reality, then you have to start sacrificing now.
Debbie Allen’s famous 1982 speech in Fame always plays in my head.
I just kept thinking to myself that I had a dollar and a dream to make myself some cream. I was gonna have to fight for my freedom. Fight to be free from consumerism and instead conserve my money. So I cam up with a plan. Get to $500K in 500 days.
From here to $500,000
Here are the stats:
Money in the stock market: $402,714
Money in my brokerage accounts: $1,355
So, I have $404,069 and need to get to $500,000 and I am giving myself 500 days, or a little over a year. I’m going to assume my average return rate of 13.9%. I’ll also be contributing between $1,100 -$1,333/month towards my investments.
Total Savings in US Dollars (The breakdown of interest)
Future Value (13.90%)
Total Contributions
Year 0
Year 1
Year 2 (500 Days)
So, actually over $500,000. I expect to be able to increase the amount I put in per month over time by at least 1% minimum per year.
Sure, I could run into some hurdles along the way. I could have a loss of income or the stock market could crash. It makes me no difference. No matter what happens or how many different curveballs come my way and plans I have to make, I will keep the goal.
For those of you out there that grew up in the in the 90’s, then you may remember a video game by the name of Maniac Mansion.
It was released on October 5, 1987 on multiple platforms such as Apple II, Atari and Nintendo to much fanfare and critical acclaim and was developed by the man who created Luke Skywalker and the Star Wars franchise, George Lucas, through Lucasfilm Games.
This was long before the iphone was released to worldwide sensation back in 2007, which was developed by another pioneer, Steve Jobs of Apple.
What I absolutely loved about this game was the character development. They were so much fun. Interacting with Weird Ed and Edna and the tentacles was a riot!
Even how the characters spoke to each other was hilarious. Let me provide you with this example.
However, as with anything, you have to look below the surface and take a deeper look. Therefore, I wrote this post focusing on the financial aspects of this game in regards to how you can relate money to the world around you. Even a video game.
And do not even get me started on the price of games today! Growing up we thought $60 a pop for one game was outrageous! Boy, were we wrong.
Today, you can spend $80 or more for a subscription to play your Playstation or Xbox console. Another subscription! Come off it marketing departments across America! You know people can’t afford to barely buy toilet paper out here, let alone video game subscriptions!
Don’t believe me?
When the longest government shutdown in United Sates history, it lasted 35 days, happened people were in line at soup kitchens!
Missing one check caused people absolute panic. And I don’t mean at the disco! One lady said that she was down to $1.26 in her checking account; that was all the money she had and she didn’t know what she was going to do.
You see back in the good old days, you would go to the store, buy an item, do the transaction one time, and like Cinderella’s fairy Godmother’s would say, “bibbidi-bobbidi-boo” and you owed the thing free and clear as the transaction was done, over, finito.
This post will show you how to save money, get rich, and maybe decide to put a down payment on some property, but it doesn’t have to be a mansion. So here we go.
5 Money and Life Lessons from Maniac Mansion
But first… What is Maniac Mansion?
Maniac Mansion is a 1987 graphic adventure video game developed and published by Lucasfilm Games.
It follows teenage protagonist Dave Miller as he attempts to rescue his girlfriend from a mad scientist, whose mind has been enslaved by a sentient meteor. The player uses a point-and-click interface to guide Dave and two of his six playable friends through the scientist’s mansion while solving puzzles and avoiding dangers. Gameplay is non-linear, and the game must be completed in different ways based on the player’s choice of characters.
It has been over twenty years since a mysterious purple meteor came hurtling out of the sky and made a large crater in the front lawn of a large Victorian mansion belonging to the Edison family. Dr. Fred, his wife Nurse Edna, and their son Weird Ed were reclusive people who left the house very rarely, but the meteor’s arrival brought about a strange change in Dr. Fred. Now, a local cheerleader has vanished without a trace. Dave, her boyfriend, has gathered a few of his close comrades on a mission to invade the mansion and save Sandy!
However, if we just focus on the part about the mansion…basically, big homes costs big bucks! For fun, I looked up the cost of Victorian homes.
The Main House at Skywalker Ranch inspired the design of Maniac Mansion‘s setting, which is reported to have cost self-made millionaire George Lucas around $100 million dollars.
The Skywalker Ranch
So unless you are onstage with your two friends Kelly and Michelle or creating the next new franchise, you may want to stick with buying a home you can afford.
Let’s not forget that property taxes are forever! If you can’t pay your taxes, you can still lose your home, even if you own it free and clear.
Taxes are an ongoing expense to owning a home.
Let us not forget that even celebrities have to sell homes for unforeseen reasons and sometimes at a loss.
It was reported that Johnny Depp was suing his management company for $25 million and in the court filing it detailed his spending at at $2 million- a-month! He had considerable property holdings and it was also reported that he was advised to sell a family home located in Paris, France or something along those lines and possibly at a loss at that!
Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson was also recently in the news as his Connecticut manse was costing him $70,000-a-month to maintain. That basically is the cost of running a small boutique hotel or miniature bed-and-breakfast. He ended up selling the property at a loss, he paid $4.1 million and sold at $2.3 million, to stop paying the exorbitant cost of owning the place.
Lastly, Mary J. Blige was reported to own a couple mansion-style properties in New Jersey that were unable to be rented. You read that right. She is paying for properties that are uninhabitable, costing her money every single month night and day, and collecting no rent on the properties. In her divorce filing, she was reported to make over $300,000 a month so it is unclear why exactly these properties are unable to be renovated and sold without a closer look at her financial records and proper accounting.
The reason I refuse to buy a big home is because they along with cars can be wealth suckers.
Doing the math, if you buy a $350,000 at a 5% interest rate and take 30 years to pay it off it will cost you around $700,000! Or a $500,000 home could cost you $1,000,000. Yes, twice what you bought the home for.
And most people are working to pay for this behemoth, fancy vacations, and expensive nights on the town with bottle service meaning they are not even home enough to enjoy paying double the cost of it!
All good things come in time. Building wealth is no exception to the rule.
I started out with a toothbrush, a bag of clothes, and some books.
Now I have a home, paid off vehicle, stocks, investments, and even more books. The point I’m trying to make here is that you accumulate money and things over time. You may not have everything you want right now, but keep working.
Never let yesterday use up too much of today. – Will Rogers
If you are working towards something, the don’t stop or quit for anything. I turned a $450 car payment into $100,000. It took like a decade.
Come to think of it, it usually takes people 10 years or more to perfect whatever it is their doing so you may as well chill out.
The humorist Will Rogers (1879-1935) once told a young John Wayne some sound and simple advice. I will share it with you here.
After John Wayne (1907-1979) complained for a full 10-15 minutes of why he wasn’t being paid more to act on film, he asked Will Rogers what he should do? Will Rogers replied, “Well kid, are you working?” To which, John Wayne replied, “yes.” Then Will Rogers says, “keep working.” And then proceeds to walk away.
So my reply to anyone who wants something NOW, “have patience.” This is me NOW moving on to the next paragraph and lesson in this post, which is my equivalent to Will Rogers walking away. I have given you all the advice you need on that topic. Moving on.
One of the best things about the game are the characters. Each have different looks, mannerisms, ways of speaking, talents and abilities. This is part of what makes the game so much fun.
Dave is on a mission. To save his girlfriend Sandy. But he can’t do it alone. He brings along his friends to help him out and watch his back.
This is also sound advice if you want to build a fortune and an empire. Nobody does it alone. Eventually you will need to work with bankers, lawyers, businesses, investment professional, and tax attorneys.
It is always best to make friends than enemies as you never know when it is the next time you will see someone again.
When you are climbing that corporate ladder, those same people you tried to step on on the way up, you may see them again on the way down.
Hopefully, you offered them a piece of the pie instead of one to the face.
Mark Cuban said some great business advice in that if you start a company, then make sure your employees have some stock options invested in it as part of their compensation. That way if the company is successful and gets sold then the employees make money too.
This does two things: 1) eliminates wealth inequality (many of Mark Cuban’s former employees, 300 out of 330, became millions); and 2) encourages people to pay it forward through philanthropy and spend money that gets circulated back into the economy.
In the game, if you get caught snooping around the mansion, then you are sen t to the dungeon.
The game is notorious for constantly getting you thrown in the dungeon by almost every member of the household if you are seen.
Fortunately, the game has a cheat in which you can get the dungeon key and let yourself and others that have been captured out of the dungeon. Without this trick in the game, you are toast.
Speaking of toast, avocado toast is not causing millennial’s to be broke. It is the ever escalating cost of education, housing, and healthcare that makes it harder to save.
All wealth building starts with saving. Period. A good cash reserves is a must. Here is a tip for you. Pros have cash. Amateurs do not. Pros are not under any kind of financial pressure. They remove the pressure and make rational decisions because they have money in the bank. Only amateurs allow pressure to get to them. Remove much of the pressure in your life by having cash reserves.
I recommend that being $10,000 or more in savings. That is how you are able to rescue yourself from being trapped in a financial dungeon. Just have cash.
The video game Maniac Mansion has 5 possible endings. Depending on what players you chose to play and what actions you take.
The game allows you to have 3 characters for game play out of about 6. These are the people that have your back in case things should go wrong.
In addition, their different talents and unique abilities allow each kid to be an asset to the team. You must too do this in life. You must have back up…plans that is.
For example, I try to keep a minimum of 2-3 months or more of savings in the bank at ALL TIMES! Then I ramped it up to a goal of $10,000.
In addition, if you can save $233,000 in your 401(k), then you do not have to add another cent! After 20 years, with a return rate of 8 percent, you will have $1,001,857.35 in your retirement account. That’s Plan A. Cant’t envision making that happen? Then go to plan B. Save $168,000 in your 401(k), then do not add another penny. After 25 years, with a return rate of 8 percent, you will have $1,001,358.03 in your retirement account.
Are you starting to get the idea?
You can move the finish line and change your actions according to what is happening in your life, but keep the goal. If necessary, you can have a Plan A, B, C, D, etc. The point is to make it so that you are always moving forward by planning ahead.
Just like you have to do when playing Maniac Mansion.
So let’s get out there, have some fun, and start saving!
If you grew up in the era of after school cartoons, then prepare to be nostalgic. This time I’m going back to 1995. Let’s get goofy… as in A Goofy Movie that is.
A Goofy Movie was released theatrically on April 7, 1995, by Walt Disney Pictures, and made $35 million at the box office.
A Goofy Movie is a 1995 animated musical comedy film produced by Disney MovieToons and Walt Disney Television Animation and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. The film is based on The Disney Afternoon television series Goof Troop created by Robert Taylor and Michael Peraza Jr. and acts as a follow-up to the show. It features the voices of Jason Marsden, Bill Farmer, Jim Cummings, Kellie Martin, Pauly Shore, Jenna von Oÿ, and Wallace Shawn.
Taking place a few years after the events of Goof Troop, A Goofy Movie follows Goofy and his son, Max, who is now in high school, and revolves around the father-son relationship between the two as Goofy takes Max on a fishing trip out of fear that Max is drifting away from him, unintentionally interfering with Max’s social life, particularly his relationship with Roxanne, his high school crush and dream girl. This movie also featured 2 songs by R&B singer and superstar Tevin Campbell.
The film was so much fun, uplifting, and family oriented that I had to give it some love her on my website. The movie just melts my heart 💖But first…What is Goof Troop?
Goof Troop bears similarity to several early-1950s Goofy cartoon shorts which depicted Goofy as a father to a mischievous red-haired son. Goofy, a single father, moves back to his hometown of Spoonerville with his son, Max. Their next door to Goofy’s high school friend: Pete and his family. His son P.J. (Pete Jr.) befriends Max. Max and P.J. become best friends and do practically everything together. A large portion of humor comes from the relatively normal Max’s personality sharply contrasting with his father.
And love the theme song by Phil Perry.
H-h-h-h-hit it! Like father, like son You’re always number one Best buddies, best pals (Yeah!) You always seem to work things out
Can’t you see you’re two of a kind? Looking for a real good time(Real good time) Report to the Goof Troop And we’ll always stick together (Yeah!) We’re the Goof Troop Best of friends forever
Now let’s talk about A Goofy Movie!
DREAMS ARE A WISH YOUR HEART MAKES AND ARE MEANT TO BE FULFILLED I love how the movie starts. Max ( Jason Marsden) is dreaming of his high school crush Roxanne ( Kellie Martin).
However, before his dream can come true he wakes up!
Fun Fact: A dream is a wish your heart makes is a song that’s in another Disney Film: Cinderella, which is from 1955. And I love Cinderella stories! See my post Money And Life Lessons I Learned From CBS Storybreak’s Yeh-Shen (A Chinese Cinderella Story)
I am all too familiar with having a dream.
Most people do not know this, but since I was a little girl I always had a dream to be rich. I just always knew that I did not want to worry more about money than helping people. Therefore, I figured out ways to live on less so that I could find ways to earn and save more.
First, I wrote down a plan. Second, I knew getting a good education was key so I went to an in-state, affordable college to lessen debt. Lastly, I refused to buy expensive or big ticket items i.e. $800,000 home, $70,000 vehicles, and $5,000 annual vacations.
I knew I needed my money to go to work for me. I needed to invest. So what’s it gonna be? 🤔 Real Estate? Stocks? Bonds? Mutual Funds? Art? Since stocks are more bang for my buck , as high-quality, dividend-paying stocks have proven to be the best way to make money over any twenty-year stretch of time or longer, I put my money in stocks.
My mission: To invest $100,000 in the stock market. Challenge accepted! Like Max, I had my work cut out for me.
MAKE A PLAN In the film, Max decides he’s tired of being looked over and makes a plan to change his fate. After today he sangs, things will be different.
Popular girl who ignores max. Pete, Max and Pauly Shore, err um I mean Bob, in An Extremely Goofy Movie picture image.
You got that right! Max dons the costume of his favorite popstar, Powerline (Tevin Campbell), and proceeds to perform the song “Stand Out” live in the school auditorium in front of the entire school. Talk about GUTS and going for the GLORY!
Me and Max are very similar indeed.
Back in 2016, after years of reading other bloggers and dreaming of becoming one myself, I decided to change my fate and destiny forever.
After reading a post by Financial Samuari on how to start a blog, I decide to throw my hat in the ring. And here I am today. After today I thought, my life will never be the same!
Reading so many books and blogs about money, I learned how to save and invest more and spend less. In order to reach my goal of $100,000, I cut back spending. I went from saving 13-15% of my income to about 41% of my income going towards savings and investments! Remember this: NO GUTS, NO GLORY!!!
Back to Max, he now has gotten the attention of his dream girl. And the attention of the entire school including an older high school girl, that Roxanne’s best friend Stacy ( Jenna von Oÿ) tells her to do what The All American Rejects says to do Move Along. I know that’s right!!!😂
See this, like me, Disney does fun facts too! 😉👍
As soon as he finds a way to make his dream a reality, his dad, Goofy (Bill Farmer), decides they are drifting apart and need to go on a fishing trip to bond (and teach his son the perfect cast like his father taught him). After all that work Max just put in, he did what any teenage boy on an adrenaline high would do… he fainted.
Fun Fact: Walt Disney is known for making animated films or shows as single-parent households in which the mother is missing. Think The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Ducktales, and A Goofy Movie. There was always a close bond between the father and his children. This reminds us how important it is for a father to be involved in his child’s life.
SECRETS AND LIES OR LOANS Max decided to lie to his father in order to fulfill yet another lie that he told his friends about going to go see the Powerline concert live. This deeply hurts his father.
In regards to loans, here’s a tip; do not invest borrowed funds. Invest cash only. Debt creates more debt. Cash creates more cash. It is just that simple.
FORTUNES FAVOR THE BOLD Max eventually comes clean to his dad and they agree together as a family to go to the concert. Father and son rocked it out!!!
This all happened because Max finally had the guts to tell his father the truth. He also comes clean to Roxanne and she rewards him with a kiss. Max no longer being ashamed or embarrassed by his father introduces him to his dream girl Roxanne. Max took a chance and a huge risk, but it paid off in the end.
So remember this: Don’t do the boring thing, do the exciting thing.
As for me, after I decided to start investing like crazy, I did hit my goal: $100,000!
Why $100,000 you ask?
Well, it’s like this. I did some research and found out how to build generational wealth over the long term. Investing is a long game. It takes decades to earn significant sums of interest.
Over 30 year time intervals, this is what can happen to money that is invested that earns 8% return.
Basically, invest and then do not add another penny to $10,000.
The First 30 years: $10,000 can turn into $100,000.
The Second 30 years: $100,000 turns into $1 million.
The Third 30 years: $1 million turns into 10 million.
The Fourth 30 years: $10 million turns into $104 million!
Therefore, you can turn small sums into vast fortunes over time.
That $100,000 is the golden ticket to prosperity my friends. Once you hit this milestone, your money starts to accumulate pretty fast.
That $100,00 can move mountains and turn small money pebbles into big money boulders! You just have to be bold enough to make a plan and execute it.
A dream may be a wish your heart makes, but a goal is a carefully crafted plan that is written down. So when in doubt, BE BOLD!
Earn the spotlight on your own merits. You’ll feel better. – Serena
I was reading a book when I decided to take a walk down memory lane and watch Gossip Girl on Netflix.
For those of you that may not know or remember the show, Gossip Girl was a show about privileged American socialite teens at an elite and exclusive academic prep school in Manhattan’s Upper East Side (UES); whose every move was texted out through an eblast via tips to an anonymous site called Gossip Girl.
What is Gossip Girl and what it does?
What’s the difference between gossip and scandal? So glad you asked, UES Forever. Anyone can commit a minor indiscretion and generate a day’s worth of buzz. But in order for gossip to birth a true scandal, it requires the right person to be in the wrong place. – Gossip Girl
Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip. – Will Rogers (1879-1935)
The show was on the WB, then the CW, and aired from September 19, 2007 through December 17, 2012. The show was narrated by Kristen Bell (as Gossip Girl). Scandals, scoops, and hemlines run amuck. The show may have had a serious lack of ethics, but it did make for some interesting television.
Gossip Girl is based on a popular book series of the same name written by Cecily von Ziegesar. The adapted television series in 2007 came about from the book series she started in 2002.
Gossip Girl will always have a special place in my heart.
It was in 2007 that I heard this line from the show: You know, Dad, there’s this thing called MySpace where you can post all of this information online. Save some trees, have a blog. – Dan Humphrey
It peaked my interest in blogging. Then, I started this one, Greenbacks Magnet, 9 years later.
Some of the dialogue may be a bit harsh in its tone and delivery, but there was some truth behind some of their words.
Gossip Girl likes to keep things classy and somewhat true. – Serena van der Woodsen played by Blake Lively
Serena is so grateful because she likes to see the best in people. I like to see the truth. – Blair
So, let’s get right into it.
You got me thinking. If my class is so important to you maybe I ought to make it worth your while. So for the next seven weeks it’s fewer models and martinis, more flow charts and footnotes.– Colin Forrestor played by Sam Page
Last month, on Thanksgiving Day, I decided to watch some Thanksgiving themed movies and television episodes. And I settled on watching Gossip Girl.
The series follows Upper East Siders throughout their never ending drama filled lives that is often self-inflicted. It Girl Serena van der Woodsen is centered around it all and is the star of the show. Her friends and family make up the rest of the cast.
One of my favorite scenes is actually from the first episode of the series. It was a face-off that was incredible between two young women and it set the tone for the show.
The 4 top-billed (in my opinion) and main cast includes the following:
Blake Lively as Serena van der Woodsen AKA S
Leighton Meester as Blair Waldorf AKA B
Chace Crawford as Nate Archibald AKA Golden Boy
Ed Westwick as Chuck Bass Always
If you pay close attention to their conversations, they are dropping some serious money gems.
These little nuggets of life and money wisdom, when interpreted and applied correctly, could transform lives and bank balances.
Let’s begin.
Never in my 16,982 hours of schooling have I ever been sentenced to detention. – Blair
Throughout the show, the main cast is always discussing their futures and going to college.
It was almost incessant in the amount of pretentious ponderings of how to be sartorially correct while interviewing for a top spot as a Yalie. And yes, that is a quite accurate assessment of the character known as Blair on the show.
Blair would look and act so innocent and demure like she couldn’t melt butter, but her stare and looks were as cold as ice. Very entertaining.
Here she goes on one of her tirades.
I am so a better fit for Yale than that Rory. – Blair
Now, she’s belittling and disparaging the character of one of my favorite shows Gilmore Girls.
But enough of the $50 words. Let’s talk about the rest of the show.
They attend the fictitious Constance Billard School for Girls and St. Jude School for Boys. In addition, throughout the show you may hear them casually drop names of other schools.
In the Gossip Girl (book series) — it contains the line “two little Sacred Heart girls in their cute red and white checked pinafores were walking an enormous black Rottweiler” on page 86 in the first novel of the series.
Many of the parents are part of high-society and are on boards of prestigious organizations, own businesses, and live in penthouses. They go to great parties, opening nights to the ballet, and fashion week.
You get the impression that these kids know to base their lives around money and making sure to earn piles of it is a must.
They are tireless paragons of poshness. The parties are lavish, the lifestyle is glamorous, and the fashion is couture and expensive. Makes for a great show.
What I noticed was that everyone in one way or another was working hard at trying to make their own way in the world apart from their rich and or famous families.
They chased their dreams relentlessly. Like a boss.
And made huge sacrifices to get what they wanted.
Great leaders only need three hours of sleep! – Blair
They worked, started or interned at major businesses, magazines, for fashion designers, newspapers, literary writers, politicians, and fashion houses.
You’re not likely to get or keep those gigs for long if you are playing around.
“When and if we end up together, it has to be as equals.” – Blair
Yes, indeed. Be independent.
Here’s my advice: Have a little faith, and if that doesn’t work, have a lot of mimosas.– Blair in the Wild Brunch Season 1 Episode 2
My family is really into waffles. – Jenny Humphrey sister of Dan Humphrey played by Taylor Momsen
If you want something, go get it. Have some faith in yourself. And good food and conversation go together. I have learned a lot about people when having lunch with them. It’s a great way to build relationships. My favorite meal is brunch. I too love waffles!
Their membership is so restricted, it makes Soho House look like a halfway house. – Blair
They say of you want to increase membership to something then increase the selection criteria.
The Ivy League have made this an art form. As you see on this show, even the wealthy were concerned about their college admissions. There was even some talk of donations to a school to get in. In the end, you see deep down, we all have our insecurities. Accept it, and move on.
I have learned that I am no better than anybody else, but I am always just as good.
You deserve someone who would move mountains for you if he had to. – Blair to Serena
Normal people don’t get an endless number of chances, no matter the situation. That’s just you. – Dan to Serena
I have heard people say that well-behaved women seldom make history. At least that is what Eleanor Roosevelt said. I guess you can take her word for it as her husband FDR made history.
“I have an idea for you: quit. Your boss is a bi*ch. Let’s go to lunch.”
I have actually done just that very thing. I quit a bad job. Got a better job. And never looked back.
“I’m not a stop along the way, I’m a destination.” – Blair
That line could be someone’s Bumble Bee bio. I call it sophisticated confidence.
“He ended up treating me like something he owned instead of something he earned.” -Blair
You’re worth more than a guest lecture fee, everyone knows that. – Dan to Serena
A man who own a tuxedo shows that he has the means and can afford to provide for his family – Blair in Belles Du Jour Season 4 Episode 1
One of my favorite lines from the show comes from none other than Nate Archibald while talking to Chuck Bass.
Excuse me? Where’s my boy? “Seal the deal.” “Tap that a$$.” “Money marries bigger money.”
Wow. Money marries bigger money. That’s kind of cold, but ok.
I could care less about his Bassets and probably he’s filtering his assets through some foreign government so I won’t know. – Blair on Chuck Bass.
S: So you hired escorts? B, you couldn’t just tell your mom you don’t have friends at NYU?
B: Prostitutes are people, too, and they have a lot of disposable income. – Serena and Blair
Yes, people are focused on income, A LOT.
Take a cue from them and subscribe to The Wall Street Journal, pick up Fortune, TIME, instead of a gossip magazine and follow financial experts on Twitter. Become a devoted student of money, and you can master the science of getting rich.
Jane Austen also so eloquently puts how much emphasis people put on income in two of her novels. And also how to treat others with or without money.
I know you disapprove of me, but can’t you at least do so in a tuxedo?– Lily van der Woodsen played by Kelly Rutherford
This show loves their tuxedos. And themed parties. Masquerade. Kiss on the Lips. You name it.
It is often said when you look good, you feel good. Well, I concur. You feel more confident as well.
I remember going to a job interview where some folks didn’t take it seriously. I wore a nice dress and some of the men wore suits while others wore jeans.
After I got hired and when I later started the job, I noticed on my first day that all the people that got hired were the ones that were well-dressed.
If you know one thing about GG, you know it’s all about the fashion.
The well-heeled wear nice heels. Blair was known for her love of headbands. People were always giving her grief about it.
Your era is over, and so is that headband. – Jenny
No headbands in college, okay? – Dan to Blair
Et tu, Dan?
SvdW was known for her fantastic sense of style.
And she had more loose interpretation of a school uniform than any person on the planet. The Tie Goddess. See for yourself.
S:Wow, and I thought college would be different from high school.
B:Who would want that? – Serena and Blair
These kids were not just applying to any colleges, but the Ivy League. They wanted to be HYPsters (Harvard, Yale, Princeton) or the like. What Blair called the Holy Trinity of colleges. Which are all expensive colleges. We are talking $50,000 USD per year or more.
It was a constant stressor of theirs during the shows first four seasons. Case in point, here is a list of the schools they were trying to get into or that their parents attended.
For instance, Serena wanted to go to Brown and that college and Harvard are where her parents went. Blair wanted Yale and Nate was considering UCLA over Dartmouth like his father. There was also talk of Columbia, Georgetown, and NYU on the show.
It just goes to show you that getting an education is still mighty important.
Serena van der Woodsen or SvdW for short – Brown University, Columbia University
SvdW parents attended – Harvard University and Brown University
Fun show Fact: SvdW dropped out of Brown at the last minute because she wanted to find herself and she felt that moving away to another city wouldn’t help her achieve that. The classic one-year hiatus otherwise known as the infamous gap year before entering college.
This is what Blair had to say to her about going there.
Your deductive-reasoning skills are perfect for a place like Brown. An enclave of trustafarians and children of celebrities who major in drum circles and semiotics, whatever that is. I can’t wait for you to come home next Thanksgiving a militant veganista, anemic and proud. – Blair
It left me speechless.
Blair Waldorf – Yale University, Columbia University, New York University (NYU), NYU – Tisch School of the Arts
Nate Archibald – Columbia University, Dartmouth
Chuck Bass – Columbia University
Dan Humphrey AKA Lonely Boy played by Penn Badgley – NYU
Vanessa Abrams played by Jessica Szohr – NYU
Eric van der Woodsen played by Connor Paolo – Sarah Lawrence
Some character’s shots at the sheepskin, in my opinion, and other honorable college mentions include:
I’m telling you, I learned everything I know about women from Judy Blume’s Forever. – Dan
According to List Challenges, “Gossip Girl” (2007 – 2012) : here is a listing of some of the favorite authors and books of the characters or simply the ones mentioned by them and showed along these 6 seasons, books studied in university, etc.
Many characters also name dropped or were caught reading well-known books by famous authors.
I love the Snowflake Ball. It reminds me of Anna Karenina, only by Anna Wintour. – Serena
Maybe if we become famous writers one day, they’ll publish [our letters] after we die, like Sartre and de Beauvoir. – Vanessa
They also liked to travel extensively. Especially, in Europe such as Paris, France. In addition, they speak more than one language such as French while in Paris.
Elliott’s the perfect mix of smart and fun: He speaks three languages, but he has a subscription to People magazine. – Eric
List of titles includes:
House of Mirth by Edith Wharton – read by Juliet Sharp played by Katie Cassidy
The Lorax by Dr. Suess – Mentioned by Dan
Colette by Gigi – Blair read this on a bench in Paris
Jane Austen books – Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Mansfield Park, Northanger Abbey, Persuasion
Charles Dickens novels – A Tale of Two Cities, A Christmas Carol, Oliver Twist, Les Grandes Espérances
C. S. Lewis books – The Chronicles of Narnia, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
William Shakespeare – Othello, Romeo and Juliet, MacBeth, Henry V, Hamlet, King Lear
A few other famous works, Rabbit Redux by John Updike, Cyrano De Bergerac by Edmond Rostand, Les Liaisons Dangereuses, The Crucible (Arthur Miller), Wuthering Heights (Emily Bronte), I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Dr. Maya Angelou, The Art of War, The Crucible (Arthur Miller), Madame Bovary, The Old Man and the Sea (Ernest Hemingway), The Beautiful and Damned (F. Scott Fitzgerald), Cinderella (Charles Perrault),The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, Faust, In Cold Blood by Truman Capote, Anna Karenina by Tolstoy, Walden, The Great Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald), and Beloved by Toni Morrison.
There, I have just given you a reading list that every good high school student or Ivy League hopeful should have. Some of which I have read. My favorite author is Jane Austen. A close second is Louisa May Alcott, as I just love Little Women and the 1994 film starring Winona Ryder. But Austen’s Sense and Sensibility (1995) just amazes me every time. That along with Pride and Prejudice (2005) and Emma (1996).
The rich seem to be highly educated. They also tend to get ahead in life. Therefore, be well-read.
However, these trust fund babies did end up leaving college and higher education after a while to set out for their own fortunes in the real world.
For people like us a college degree is just an accessory. – Chuck
So, this too let’s you know that it is not always about what you know, but who you know.
You never know who you may run into at expensive coffee shops, libraries, restaurants, college, and hotels like the Palace in New York.
So, go build up those relationships.
Just to clarify, I do think you deserve to be with someone who makes you happy. – Dan
True words indeed.
I read, like, five self-help blogs on how to turn friends into lovers. Yes, they used that word. – Dan
Come on, Cece’s heart pumps secrets and gin. – Dan
And there was lots of secrets on this show. Relationships and secrets were everywhere.
Sex is meaningful, like art. And you don’t rush art.– Dan
All great things are built or done slowly.
If you watched this show, then you may remember the season 3 episode with Lady Gaga. Here is her take on relationships that is so Blair Waldorf.
“Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you’re wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn’t love you anymore.” ― Lady Gaga
Settling down means death. Less sex, more silence. – Blair on marriage
Blair also had some of the best lines on the show. EVERY. SINGLE. EPISODE.
Case in point, check this out.
And she actually said this too.
That’s the thing. You need to be cold to be queen. Anne Boleyn thought only with her heart, and she got her head chopped off. So her daughter Elizabeth made a vow never to marry a man. She married a country. Forget boys. Keep your eye on the prize, Jenny Humphrey. You can’t make people love you, but you can make them fear you. For what it’s worth, you’re my queen. I choose you. – Blair
As, I am a history buff and studied up on Queen Elizabeth I of England, my mouth fell open when she said this.
Check it out here.
And I am not the only one who feels she should get some praise for her talented banter.
C: It’s a facility for the disturbed or addicted.
B: You must have your own wing.
C: You don’t get enough credit for your wit.
– Chuck and Blair
If you go back with an uncertain heart, there will be drama and disaster for all. – Blair
You better believe it. In life and relationships, to be successful, you have to commit.
B:Love me?
– Blair and Chuck
They were the best characters on the show, in my humble opinion. The two of them together was gold. Take a look for yourself.
But ultimately, I have learned that love is what we are all looking for.
Trouble is moving in, and it’s looking to make the Upper East Side it’s bi*ch.– Gossip Girl
You would think that folks in tuxedos and ball gowns are the happiest, but these people seemed so unhappy.
Happiness can’t be measured in things. It comes from having the things that really matter like people who love you for who you are.
Doing the right thing takes courage and strength. At least that’s what I’ve heard. – Blair
Well, I hope you had fun going down memory lane with me and I will bid you adieu in the best possible way to end this post.
“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” Chinese Proverb
“What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others.” Confucius
Anyone out there that has been reading my blog, you can probably tell by now that I am a big fan of cartoons. I even named my blog after a scene in one. See my Meet Miriam page for more on how I came up with the name Greenbacks Magnet.
Anyhow, if you grew up in the 80s or 90s, then you may remember a Saturday morning anthology television show that aired on the CBS network called: CBS Storybreak.
It originally aired from 1985 to 1987 and was hosted by none other than Captain Kangaroo, Mr. Bob Keeshan.
Each episode was 30 minutes long and retold a beloved children’s story in animated adaptations.
It was later rebroadcast from 1993 to 1994 and was again returned to air in reruns in 1997 to 1998. This time it was hosted by actor Malcolm Jamal-Warner.
My favorite episode of the series was entitled, “Yeh-Shen: A Cinderella Story From China.”
Yeh-Shen is a Chinese fairy tale that is similar to the European Cinderella story.
The one adapted on the anthology series, Yeh-Shen: A Cinderella Story From China, retold by Ai-Ling Louie and illustrated by Ed Young, is a well-known children’s picture book adaptation of the fairy tale, which was originally published in 1982.
If you are unfamiliar with the story or the animated series, a kind soul uploaded it to YouTube, and I have linked it here for you to see.
Fast Fact: One of the voices in this 1985 animated anthology of Yeh-Shen, was played by actress Emily Kuroda. She played Mrs. Kim on Gilmore Girls.
Mrs. Kim ran a tight ship, but was hilarious.
And Gilmore Girls happens to be one of my favorite shows. I want this website to be the Gilmore Girls of blogs, as there will be enough pop culture references in here to make your head spin, but that, like Lorelai and Rory, is how my mind works.
Now let’s get to the story.
“I believe that virtue shows quite as well in rags and patches as she does in purple and fine linen.” – Charles Dickens
Yeh-Shen always kept a neat and clean appearance. She kept her place in the home tidy. She also told the truth. And always acted with dignity and grace. People noticed, including nobility. And not just any noble, A King. Ursula said it best, starting at 1:02 minutes.
I learned to keep a clean appearance at all times and take very good care of myself. I regularly get exercise, read, brush my teeth, and eat my three square meals a day. And people notice, including my partner. My appearance is one of the things that attracted my boyfriend to me.
Yeh-Shen’s only friend is a fish named Gold Eyes. He is a spirit that is there to look out for her, that was sent by her mother, as a way for her to look after her beyond the grave.
Gold Eyes always helped Yeh-Shen. He would assist her with her laundry, give her food and advice, or provide anything else she needed help with.
She would share her meager breakfast with him, even though she had so little for herself. She was a good and kind person and a dear friend. In return, Gold Eyes held her in high regard and was always there for her in return. He tells her she deserves better and one day will have it.
From this, I learned how important friendship is. True friends are there in good times and bad.
It’s like Oprah Winfrey said, “Everyone wants to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.”
However, there is no shame in being poor.
Upon the death of her parents, Ye-Shen is poor. She becomes a lowly servant to her stepmother and her daughter. No matter the amount of work placed upon her, she does her duties, and does them well.
It didn’t matter how hard Yeh-Shen worked or how obedient she was. She was treated badly simply because she was poor.
A man in town even looked her over because he said he was looking for a beautiful wife and not a pretty servant.
From this, I learned two things: (1) A job worth doing is worth doing well, and (2) do all you can to change your station in life. You may be born into poverty, but only you can determine if you remain that way forever.
Might I suggest reading biographies and books about money. And get your education. A good one.
Every time someone spoke to Ye-Shen, she spoke elegantly and courteously. No disrespect. People remembered and appreciated that about her.
Those manners got her far. She was able to escape trouble, punishment, and land the attention of a handsome noble from minding her manners.
Her stepsister did not want Yeh-Shen to go to the festival because that is where people go to find a husband or wife. She said, “she couldn’t handle that type of competition.”
In addition, when she finds out about Yeh-Shen’s fish, she tells her mother, who then gets rid of him. In the end, it turned out to be fortuitous for Yeh-Shen.
Do not focus so much on others. Mind your own business. Run your own race. You could be getting yourself together and becoming your own success, if you focus less on what others are doing.
In the show, her stepsister repeats this phrase after her mother tells her she wants to hear positive thinking and not any negative thinking, “I will find a husband, I will be a bride.”
To this day, I practice my affirmations. I actually learned this from Yeh-Shen. I reject negative thinking and focus on being positive. Optimism gets results. Negativity does not.
When the stepmother learns of Yeh-Shen’s talking fish she decides to get rid of him. Leaving Yeh-Shen all alone.
Those who are unhappy, don’t want to be alone in their unhappiness. It is your job to get away from them. They will only drag you down.
Gold Eyes turns into magical bones. He tells Yeh-Shen not to despair, as this was his fate. He is still there with her, even though only in spirit.
Like Doris Day said, “Que será, será, Whatever will be, will be, The future’s not ours to see.”
You cannot control what is meant to be, but you can control your actions and how you respond to others. Stay in control. Have a cool head. Control your emotions, control your life.
Gold Eyes tells Yeh-Shen that he must repay her kindness. Her stepmother would feed her very little. Therefore, Gold Eyes would provide huge meals for her as a way to compensate for this slight.
Even after all they put her through, she asked Gold Eyes if she should share with her stepmother and sister. He replies by telling her, “Did they share me with you? No. This gift is from me to you.”
He says to her that she can ask for something more, but she says, “this is all I need.”
Being nice has its rewards. I always repay a kindness. However, there is a thing as being too nice. You have to set limits and boundaries with people. In addition, you must also stand up for yourself. You can be nice, but don’t be anybody’s fool. Also, only take what you need. No need to be greedy.
Throughout the entire episode, she is repeatedly reprimanded, punished, neglected, scolded, and insulted. She never responds to this.
Sometimes you have to be man or woman enough to walk away. You must pick your battles. Live to fight another day. Move on.
When Gold Eyes tells her she deserves more and that they should not treat her so bad she says she knows. But she was an orphan and they gave her a home.
He offers to do her chores for her, but she says she does not mind doing manual labor, for now. She hopes to find a husband (her true love) at the festival. He concedes and tells her if that is her destiny so be it.
She is offered the world on a silver platter and turns it down. She wants to make her own future on her terms. It is best to keep your head down and work. You must give to get. That is just how the universe and karma works.
She helps her stepsister get ready for the festival. After, she is done, she says she must get herself ready and asks if it is still alright for her to go, as her stepmother promised.
Her stepmother breaks her promise. She tells Yeh-Shen she can go to the next one, or the ones after, but this this one for this year. Yeh-Shen was looking forward to that festival all year. Hope was thoroughly dashed. Yes, this can happen in life.
When her family leaves to go to the festival, Gold Eyes tells her she should go. She says she has nothing to wear. He then magically turns his bones into golden slippers, which transforms her plain clothes into a gorgeous dress. She disobeys her stepmother and leaves to go to the festival.
In life, there is a time to act. You must decide if you are going to break the rules. And if you are, you better make sure it’s for a good reason.
At the festival, her family sees the man referred to as The Handsomest One. She then gives a toothy smile and he scowls at her. It was hilarious.
Her mother then says your supposed to charm not scare him. She then goes on to say, “Let’s try the not handsome, but rich crowd.” Come on, really?
Then enter Yeh-Shen all dolled up. Yeh-Shen, who is usually demure, looks confident and sophisticated. A far cry from the reserved creature you are used to seeing in this episode.
Her mother remarks that, “There is the prize winner. She will get the handsomest, richest husband.” She says to her unmarried daughter, “Why can’t you look like that?” Who smartly remarks, “because I was born from you.” Her mother then pinches her.
Oh yea, for a drama it also has quite a bit of comedy. It’s a dramedy for sure.
When Yeh-Shen walks her stepsister says that she had hot nothing to do all day, but take dancing lessons and be pampered. Come on. Hating like that will give you wrinkles unmarried daughter.
It doesn’t matter how nice you are or what you do for people. Some people just are some haters! Ignore them. They hate us, cause they ain’t us. I say don’t hate, congratulate. Figure what they doing so you can see what makes them so successful and find the secret recipe, so you can copy it.
At the festival, she runs away and loses one of the gold slippers. A man finds it and sells it to the merchant. The merchant then gives it as a gift to the King.
The gold slipper is referred to as priceless. And it is. Rare indeed. When something is priceless, you don’t just give it away to anyone. The merchant gave it to someone he felt was worthy.
The King feels that the slipper must belong to someone of great beauty and wealth. He decides to find the owner. Who just so happens to be Yeh-Shen; who is also looking for a golden slipper.
If something is lost, then you may decide to return it to its owner. However, do not think that it will come with a reward or be some fairy tale, happy ending. All that glitters may not be gold. In this case, the owner was a poor, orphaned, peasant girl. But there is more to her than people can see.
Yeh-Shen asks around town to find the other slipper She finds a man who sold it to the merchant. He then tells her he gave it as gift to the King. She says she must acquire it from the King. The merchant tells her to go to palace to go try it on. She says, “Thank you sir, I shall.”
If you want something, go and get it. Sitting on your laurels has never helped anyone.
Yeh-Shen waits in line all day to try on the slipper, but is denied. She then tries to take it. The palace guards accuse her of trying to steal it. They called her a girl in rags. She tells them the slipper belongs to her friend, a dead fish, as the slipper design is like the scales of a fish. They lock her in the dungeon.
First, if she had been a woman of nobility, she would not have been treated this way. To be poor is not a crime. However, if you want to be heard, you must ask the right way.
Second, you cannot even look as if you are attempting to steal something. There is a saying that, if you’ll lie, you’ll steal and if you’ll steal, you’ll kill. Do not even give people a reason to think that.
The King says to have her released in the morning. A guard tells her in a curt tone to get out and stay away. She merely bows.
Like in the Karate Kid (1984), there is a time to show mercy. A tense situation arises between an adult and a teen. And they needed an adult at the wheel. Mr. Miyagi was that adult.
And for those who do not know Mr. Miyagi, this is for you. Please do not be like that kid on that episode of Supernatural.
For those of you who do not know or may not remember, here is the scene of Mr. Miyagi teaching Daniel son another life lesson.
Better than any tinder app could do, the results of this match are written in the stars. Slide left, I mean right. Don’t want to make that mistake.
The King sets a trap to leave the slipper unattended so Yeh-Shen will take it and he will then follow her to see what she does and why it’s so important to her. That’s smart.
And pretty slick, if you ask me. Reminds me of that scene in Hackers (1995).
They wait. She takes the slipper. They follow.
Anything worth having is worth the wait.
After getting the slipper back, her step family find her out. Her stepmother is happy to have a matching pair of gold slippers. She says their fortune is made and their ticket out of the cave. She will sell to the King.
You do not own and cannot sell what is not rightfully yours.
The King stops the squabbling between Yeh-Shen and her stepmother. She tells him she is no thief. She needs to have the slippers together so that her friend can go return to the pond of his forefathers.
Sounds crazy, I know. However, when in doubt, tell the truth.
The problem with playing games is that you get hurt too. – Common (actor, rapper, entrepreneur)
She tells the King who she is. No more games or pretending.
He asked. She answered. Tell people who you are.
The King asks her, “What are these slippers to you?” She says they belong to her friend. Explains her story to the king.
That’s right. Tell people your story. Share what you are trying to do. You will be surprised how much people are willing to help you when you are doing the right thing. Also, when you know the truth, then you can deal with it.
The King tells her if that is what she must do with the slippers, then do so. He then says “but first, place them on your feet.”
She obliges and transforms back into the woman seen at the festival that day in the beautiful dress.
The look on her stepmother and stepsister faces are priceless!!!
The King could have decided not to believe her, but he listened. Do the right thing because it is the right thing to do and not for any prize or reward. Doing the right thing is its own reward.
Gold Eyes magically appears as a spirit and thanks Yeh-Shen. All secrets are now revealed. He tells her now he can go. As her dreams are about to come true.
If you are meant to have it, no one can stop you from your destiny.
The truth is out, now you can deal with it.
Her stepmother tells her that the clothing that Gold Eyes gave Yeh-Shen belongs to her because she is her guardian.
The King says no as she is a free person. She must then step aside.
The King says, “Your friend, the mystical fish has brought you into my life for a reason.” He then steps up to the plate, wasting no more time and asks for her hand in marriage. She says yes.
The show ends by letting the audience know to visit your local library or book store. Book recommendations are provided by the Library of Congress. If you like this tale, then read Cinderella by The Brothers Grimm.
I, myself, am a huge fan of the fairy tales. I like Hans Christian Anderson and the Grimm Brothers. Particularly, the Grimm Fairy Tale Classics cartoon, but that’s another story.
“It is so liberating to really know what I want, what truly makes me happy, what I will not tolerate. I have learned that it is no one else’s job to take care of me but me.” – Beyoncé
Many of you may have heard of the FIRE movement (financial independence, retire early). However, what some of you may not know is that there are different ways to FIRE.
Let’s explore some of those ways shall we.
According to Camp Fire Finance, the elevator pitch for FIRE is this, “When your investments generate enough money to cover your annual expenses you’re financially independent (FI). At that point work is optional and you can retire early (RE) if you want to.”
Basically, you have more than enough money coming in to stop working. Usually, this requires anywhere from $1 million to $5 million dollars depending on what you want or need to spend to maintain your lifestyle or that of the one you dream of having.
For example, if you decide you want to withdraw at least $80,000 a year, you would need to have a $2-million-dollar portfolio.
“Don’t focus on getting to $1 million; focus on getting to $2 million.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger
I heard that little gem when Mr. Schwarzenegger was doing a radio interview.
So, one word: invest.
Property, stocks, art, and stamps can all help you build your net worth.
“Market crashes are the best times to buy,” he said. “When Walmart has a sale, everybody would run in to buy. But when the stock market has a sale, or the real estate market has a sale, everybody runs away. That’s why there’s a difference between rich and poor today because they don’t know a good thing when they see one.” – Robert Kiyosaki quoted from a MarketWatch interview
Do not focus on your income; focus on your net worth.
Earning a high income means nothing, if you spend it all. If you make $85,000, but spend $86,000 you’re in the red. You can blow through just about any paycheck.
The pursuit of financial freedom takes work and time. I thought this post from Apathy Ends, hit the nail on the financial head on why people are not rich, yet. See my post on Patience is the key to wealth.
I will never forget that episode of America’s Next Top Model (ANTM) when Ms. J was teaching the girls how to walk down the runway. He was fierce and determined. What he got from the girls was gentle and undetermined or undefined and lazy.
He commented to them, while slapping his hands together, with one palm face up against the other hand palm down for emphasis: “I want you to walk like you’re selling it and the rent is due tomorrow.”
I could think of no better way to tell someone that is how you approach your money and your life’s work. Either be all in or don’t do it at all. Passion is what separates the have’s from the have not’s. And in that case, it was a $100,000 prize and modeling contract.
Get a financial education. Learn all you can about money. Make a plan or a budget for your money, but make it sexy. I know for some people talking about interest rates puts them to sleep, but how about we think of the subject differently and come at it from another angle.
I went to a meetup in DC and heard J. Money of BudgetsareSexy say this, “Do you want to learn how to balance a check book? Boring. Or do you want to learn how to save a million dollars?” WHAT?!!!
Did you also know reducing your 401(k) investment fee by 1% can provide you with 10 years of income? Shocking? Yes, I know. I can teach you how to save $1 million and keep $100,000!
Now, those things sound sexy and exciting. Yes, please tell me more.
Once you have a question. Start looking for answers.
“I can never be safe; I always try and go against the grain. As soon as I accomplish one thing, I just set a higher goal. That’s how I’ve gotten to where I am.” – Beyoncé
If your annual expenses are $55,000 a year, then you need $1.375 million to retire (55,000 x 25) and then this should last you for the next 25 years.
The formula used to calculate your 25 years of expenses is this (expenses x 25 years).
Estimate your FIRE number.
You want more money to retire on? Like Beyoncé says, set a higher goal.
For $100,000 in income, you would need a $2.5-million-dollar portfolio to generate that kind of cash.
“Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.” – Casey Kasem
The 3% rule refers to your withdrawal rate: the annual percentage amount you can safely withdraw from your investment portfolio when you retire.
This allows you to touch your interest earned at a slower pace. Since, you are withdrawing 3% instead of 4%. Meaning your draw down the principal more slowly, if ever. The more you have squirreled away and the less you take, you may not even touch the principal at all.
I know that is really shooting for the stars, but that really is the goal. You never want to touch principal. That way, you live only off the interest forever!
I got this chart from doing another online search and the best I came across was from the blog Financially Alert.
“‘Enough’ is what it takes to not worry about the bills.”
“‘A lot’ is enough that you never have to worry about working again.”
“‘F you’ money means you can rent a jet to go wherever you want, whenever you want, and no party is out of reach.”
“‘F everyone’ money means you can have your favorite band in your backyard, not care how much it costs, and lend them your jet to get there.”
We’re not talking about rich; talking about wealthy. Chris Rock once said, “Shaquille O’Neal is rich. The guy who pays his salary is wealthy.” He also said comfort is the poison. Too much of it can slow down your progress on the road to wealth. All I mean is to stay hungry. I’m just saying there are different levels of wealth.
“Focus on all four of your net worth factors: increasing your income, increasing your savings, increasing your investment returns, and decreasing your cost of living by simplifying your lifestyle.” – T. Harv Eker
Simple math can help you retire rich.
Unfortunately, many people think of math as a foreign language and say it’s too hard to learn.
In my experience, to build wealth you need to know addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication. And that’s about it.
More control and satisfaction over how you spend your time and money. Finding something you love to do and are passionate about is life changing and fulfilling. What you want is…FREEDOM. Waste less money and work with what you’ve got. Do more with what you have.
What do you want out of life? Write it down. Go seek answers. They say seek and you shall find.
According to Mr. Money Mustache, you should focus more on you than your bank account. Get wiser and healthier so you can increase your probability to get wealthier. My favorite quote of his is this: “Salads and barbells every day.” Become your best self with hard work, dedication, and consistency. Be the Boss.
According to an article by Physician on Fire (POF), called What is fatFIRE?, a Facebook group defined FIRE as the following:
FIRE = Financial Independence. Retire Early.
leanFIRE = FIRE on a shoestring budget.
fatFIRE = FIRE on a generous budget.
Most aspiring to fatFIRE have a target of $2.5 Million or more or the equivalent annual budget of $100,000 or more based on a 4% withdrawal rate.
I found a breakdown of the terms financially speaking on Miniafi on the difference between lean and fat FIRE under the title So Many Terms!
I break it down like this:
LEAN FIRE = $1 million dollar or less portfolio
FIRE = $1.25 to 2-million-dollar portfolio
FAT FIRE = $2.5 million dollar or more portfolio
FIRE is about having enough passive income flows to never work again or to decrease the amount of time you spend doing work you don’t want to do and increasing it on the work you do want to do.