It has been a long road to get to a point where wearing a facial mask is now optional.
Like most of the world, I too am suffering from pandemic fatigue. After watching the stock market drop 20%, housing prices skyrocket, inflation go through the roof, new car price sticker shock and the cost of food and college tuition go up, it would be great to go to a live concert as a way to unwind.
Alas, this too seems to have priced people out.
In February, Beyoncé announced her fist World Tour in six years. There was only one catch: you had to be a Beehive member or a Citi credit card holder in order to get your tickets through Ticketmaster in the presale, if you wanted a chance to secure your spot.
If you were not previously a Beehive fan club member prior to tickets going on sale, then you were out of luck as you could not sign up just to get in on the presale.
However, you could apply and get approved for Citibank credit card, but there are no guarantees there.
Basically, you had to be a person of considerable means to get concert tickets. Either through internet access or good credit.
According to the United Nations, an estimated 37 per cent of the world’s population – or 2.9 billion people – have still never, ever used the Internet.
And then there are those that are not the best off financially and lack good credit scores.
According to the FDIC, an estimated 4.5 percent of U.S. households (approximately 5.9 million) were “unbanked” in 2021, meaning that no one in the household had a checking or savings account at a bank or credit union.
There are many people who do not have credit cards, let alone with just one issuer. This means that billions of people had no way to buy concert tickets. Only those with means were able to do so in the presale.
And for those with means, you would not believe the lengths they were willing to go through to get them. Some even bought tickets out of the state or even the country to get access to them cheaper.
It is also hard to get tickets after the presale as the Beyoncé concert had a lottery system. If you did not get an access code, after winning the lottery, then you were sh*t out of luck.
Getting concert tickets are starting to be harder than getting into college.
If you wait until after the presale, most tickets are gone.
Snatched up by the folks that could get access and then resold for a higher price. There were tickets going for as high as $9,800 on sites like StubHub and Vivid Seats.
I can’t even imagine paying anywhere close to $10,000 to go to a three-hour concert. That’s just insane! This is a one-night only event.
There were even tickets that were ranging for $500 all the way up to $3,500 for VIP. That is more than many folks are even paying for their mortgages across the country. There is no way to justify spending that type of money on one item or experience, if you truly do not have the resources.
Money like that could be used for down payments or closing costs on houses.
It is becoming more expensive to go see your favorite artist. Concert tickets are starting to become another status symbol and only for millionaires.
My suggestion is to create a fun savings account so that you have funds readily available when you do want to go to concerts, sporting events or travel. Do not put this on credit. You could wind up paying for this expense for years just to have fun for a few hours.
My advice: skip anything that puts you into debt, even concerts. Better to have your financial house in order than having fun. The fun will come after the money is in your bank account and not when its on empty.
“All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.” ― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan
Trust is a five-letter word. A word that is small in size, but whose meaning is of monumental importance.
Today on Greenbacks Magnet we are spilling the tea and reading the tea leaves on the topic of personal finance.
Somewhat like Jalen and Jacoby do on their podcast.
This is a no-holds barred conversation about getting your fiscal house in order.
If I had a podcast right now, I have several friends or family members that could be my partner on this magic carpet ride. Aladdin had Princess Jasmine. Jordan had Scottie Pippen. Keenan had Kel. Barack has Michelle. Oprah has Gayle. Key had Peele. Batman has Robin. Kermit the Frog has Miss Piggy. Jalen has Jacoby.
Having a partner just makes things more fun.
I ask my significant other all the time, “Are you gonna back me up?! Are you gonna be the pip to my Gladys?!” I need people with good character that I can trust around me.
It’s like my man Shakespeare says, “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” ― William Shakespeare, All’s Well That Ends Well
Trusting people with your money comes with huge financial risks! And I notice it is more risk than reward. You have to be on top of things when it comes to your money.
So today, I am going to give you some real stories of private conversations I have been in, eavesdropped on, and stood witness to in hopes it might help you more easily navigate these hostile fiscal waters out here in these mean streets.
I’m doing it Jalen Rose and David Jacoby style for those of you ESPN fans out there, you know what I’m talking about.
I want you to trust my advice, and me but I also want you to verify it.
Let’s get started and dive right in.
In the spirit of Jalen and Jacoby:
Got to give the people…
Give the people what?
What they want!
What do they want?
Current events! They want you to spit that hot fire!
And in this blogs case FIRE is Financial Independence, Retire Early!
That is a famous quote uttered by former President Ronald Reagan during the Cold War.
He was a former Hollywood actor turned politician, which was unheard of at the time in 1981. My how times have changed.
Reagan also gave us Reaganomics, also known as Voodoo Economics, it works as crazy as it sounds. Voodoo (magic) is French in origin and hails from Louisiana around the 1700’s, which is before the Louisiana Purchase between the United States and France, negotiated by President Thomas Jefferson and Napoleon in 1803.
Therefore, the term Voodoo Economics simply means magic economics or finances (magic money).
There goes that Peter Pan quote I put at the top circling back to us as magic money is like pixie dust! It just doesn’t exist! In my mind, this is like creating money or great finances out of thin air.
It’s kind of how 50 Cent said he owed $8 million worth of Bitcoin when he owed nothing and created $8 million of wealth for himself in the eyes of his followers on Instagram because we are all just, and I roll my eyes as I type this, “living for the Gram.” I discuss fifty and the Gram on this post.
According to, Reaganomics is this in that “the simple answer: when the outcome is essential and matters more than the relationship, use “trust, but verify.” When the relationship matters more than any single outcome, don’t use it.” Basically, if you are unsure of how to proceed in making a decision where the outcome can be life-changing, then do your research to uncover the facts before saying yes.
In my opinion, that means reviewing credit reports before walking down the aisle.
Why should I commit to someone with four felonies, two bankruptcies, a property lien and $50,000 of back taxes owed to the IRS without knowing what I am getting myself into. You would be surprised what you uncover with a simple credit report.
A woman has a right to say no or change her mind about marriage all the way until the time she is in front of the minister. It’s cool to trust your partner when they say they paid off that Neiman Marcus credit card, but request that copy of the credit report baby to verify.
Reaganomics, or Reaganism, refers to the economic policies promoted by U.S. President Ronald Reagan during the 1980s.
The economic policies of the former US president Ronald Reagan, associated especially with the reduction of taxes and the promotion of unrestricted free-market activity. “the claim that cutting taxes generates more revenue was a key element of Reaganomics”
When looking up Voodoo Economics this pops up in the search: an economic policy perceived as being unrealistic and ill-advised, in particular a policy of maintaining or increasing levels of public spending while reducing taxation. “as governor, he put into practice the same voodoo economics that he would later impose on the country as president”
I will give it to you in layman’s terms, give more to the rich and their gains of money and benefits should also find it’s way down to everyone else.
It’s the reverse of Robinhood’s theory of taking from the rich and giving to the poor, by instead giving to the rich. There you have it. I just gave you the premise of Trickle-down Economics.
Great question. Trickle-down economics, also called trickle-down theory, refers to the economic proposition that taxes on businesses and the wealthy in society should be reduced as a means to stimulate business investment in the short term and benefit society at large in the long term.
According to writer Kimberly Amadeo, Trickle–down economics is a theory that claims benefits for the wealthy trickle down to everyone else. These benefits are tax cuts on businesses, high-income earners, capital gains, and dividends. … All of this expansion will trickle down to workers.
I don’t know about that.
When I look to my left on the West Coast, I see massive homelessness.
When I look to my right on the East Coast, I see wage stagnation.
Taxes got cut, but people are in even more debt. When the top 10% of the richest American households own 84% of the stock market wealth in the country something is terribly askew.
I call gentle bullshit on all this record stock market gains that is causing the country to grow wealth for all.
It seems more that instead of lifting all boats to prosperity for 99% of the population, stocks are lifting a few yachts of the 1%.
In the illustrious words of Sheldon Cooper, pardon me, I mean Dr. Cooper, this is a bunch of hokum. I mean the term even has the word trick in it. Hello?
I have seen stuff you would not believe people have done when it comes to their money.
I saw a couple of government workers deciding to take on an $800,000 mortgage. Don’t ask me why. After 30 years of payments, they will have paid $1.6 million for a pile of bricks they are never at because they are always at work. Then the husband loses his job and they lose the house!
If you do not have $1.6 million in retirement or other assets, then you cannot afford or should not buy a home for three-quarters of a million.
Since, many college students see their friends take out loans to fund spring break trips they feel they are entitled to do it too! I actually knew someone who got a boob job and paid off a car with a student loan refund.
I hear tons of people say they are never going to retire, can’t afford college, and will work forever but no one wants to downsize their $400,000 mortgage. If they want it, they get it. How you ask? Do what the neighbors did and take out a HELOC.
I’m about to spill that tea so don’t blink or you might miss it!
Overheard around an office watercooler.
“I owe $100,000 in back property taxes to the IRS.”
“I am in $25,000 worth of credit card debt. I am on a fixed income. My granddaughter was supposed to use my credit card for a one-time charge to pay her auto insurance when she got a new car and then I found out she never stopped it and I paid for the whole year! When I asked her for the money back she said she didn’t have it and then told me about all the bills she has.”
A male-exotic dancer told me, “I strip because I don’t make enough at my job to live on that.”
The guy who can’t pay his child support who owns a Range Rover and house is constantly in danger of foreclosure.
A beauty salon owner who confided in me. Her child support payment is $25 a month and the father keeps quitting his job so he don’t have to pay it! At the tender age of 25, she also decided to lease a beauty shop and buy a home. She said, “It’s like paying two mortgages.”
Another friend.
“I would rather struggle today and get my forever home, than buy a starter home and have a smaller home and have to move.”
A cousin.
“I can’t make too much or they will take me off Section 8 housing.”
Just FYI, many safety net programs do not allow you to make too much or have too much in savings or assets. If you have more than $2,000 in checking, you could lose all income assistance benefits and NEVER be able to get back on. Essentially, keeping the poor trapped in a cycle of poverty.
There is a saying. Control your money; control your life. When you know how money works life is easy. When you don’t, life is hard.
I read every book I can get my hands on about finance. I have learned about taxes, insurance, stocks, real estate, and entrepreneurship.
Here are a couple books I have read that changed my money mindset.
I stopped getting personal loans. It took me years to pay off a $20,000 personal loan. I took that $333 monthly payments and started saving money.
I once had a $448.65 car payment. I paid off the car and started investing that money.
I started studying the stock market.
I cut out buying clothes and all shopping and stared saving over $8,000 a year. I canceled subscriptions. Maybe Jillian Michaels may want to do the same as on her Instagram, cause you know we are all “living for the Gram,” she stated she would like to figure out how “like to get my American Express bill down.”
I only spend on things I love and I cut spending mercilessly on the things I don’t.
I transferred over $84,000 out of multiple stock funds and placed my bet on one 500 index fund.
I write money milestones.
The goal is to be a 401(k) millionaire.
By investing over 25% of my income into things like the VFINX, VFIAX, or VTSAX, I can make this dream a reality.
Milestone number one was $100,000 in Mr. Market. I hit that marker and kept on climbing.
The money starts accumulating faster like a freaking avalanche once you have that first $100k. The next stop was $200,000.
Then I started making my way to a quarter million.
I estimated that once you hit $250,000, then you can get to millionaire status in 14.5 to 23.5 years with a 6% or above interest rate. And that is without adding another dime.
Once you get to one-quarter of a million, the other three-quarters are not too far behind.
If you could invest $20,000 a year including employer match, you could be a millionaire in 10 years with a 10% return with a principal investment start of $250,000.
That first $100,000 is your capital to a better future. It plants the seed money from which the rest of the harvest will grow.
Dropping dimes used to mean putting a dime in a payphone to connect with someone.
Now it is used more figuratively than literally as in giving some knowledge in this case.
The reason I invest most of my money in index funds is this piece of advice from Warren Buffet.
He instructed the trustee in charge of his estate to invest 90 percent of his money into the S&P 500 for his wife after he dies.
Warren Buffet is worth $81 billion. Most of his wealth came after the age of 50. Buffet gained 99% of his wealth after 50. That 1% of his wealth took 50 years to build, the other $80 billion too like 25 years or less than half the time it took to get the first billion.
He had to create companies, invest, graduate from Columbia, start businesses, and save the excess for 50 years to create the other 99% of his wealth!
In farming, like 99% of the crop comes from just 2% of the seeds that survive. Every time you invest your money, you are sowing seeds for your future self.
In a book I read, they state three of their truths about money. She stated, “the Scarcity Mind- set taught me the three lessons that would eventually turn me into a millionaire:
Money is the most important thing in the world. Money is worth sacrificing for. Money is even worth bleeding for.
Around this time last year, a bride decided that she should have her dream wedding to the tune of $46,000 USD or $60,000 CAD. A young Canadian woman had a severe sense of entitlement and decided the heck with streamers, rice, and a DJ she wanted the grandest wedding of all.
In what world should anyone have to PAY for YOU to get married! That was your decision not mine. Why should guests have to pay $1,500 to watch you eat cake and dance off beat to My Endless Love? This is insane!
I realize the average cost of a wedding is between $30,000 and $45,000 which in many parts of the country is the cost of a college degree, but is it worth it? Regardless, of your answer when did it become the responsibility of wedding guests to pay for it?
This woman sounds like she has been watching too much of the Kardashian’s. They have the means to pay for their shindigs, she doesn’t. Either change the channel or stop guzzling the Kardashian Kool-Aid because this type of behavior is persona non grata (unwelcome).
The bride actually cancelled the wedding and left her now ex-fiance because guests wouldn’t pony up the money. What does she think this is?
Even CEO’s, senators, movie stars and Beyonce pay for their own parties! If you want someone else to foot the bill, then I suggest you sign a Nike deal as big as the $1 billion one that LeBron did or find a way to turn your wedding into a conference or business meeting and write it off on your taxes!
She at one point said,
“What is $1,000? What is $1,500? Clearly not a lot. It would be quite manageable and within budget.”
Really?!!! Many people have still not recovered from the financial crisis of 2008. The savings rate in America is hovering around less than 5 percent. And many are unable to save for retirement with around 30 percent of Americans having $0 in savings or for retirement.
Since when is a wedding more of a priority than putting food on the table. If I’m writing a check for something, I PREFER to give it to the needy and not the greedy.
Notice how easy it was for her to say the word budget to everyone else except HERSELF.
And at one point she did admit that she wanted to be a kardashian for a day.
Some potential attendees that paid up and then actually came to their senses asked for their money back. The not-soon-to-be bride said no to giving back their deposits until they pay her back for her emotional distress.
At this point, friends and relationships are ruined and destroyed. All over money.
This is my suggestion. If you would like to get married, please set up a budget and not a Go Fund Me. Then stick to it. No wedding or amount of money is worth losing relationships with friends and family.
Money will flow in and out of your lives but good friends and loving family are priceless.
Full Disclosure: This is Part 2 in a 2-part collaborative post with fellow blogger Dr. Breathe Easy Finance This Part 2 is written by yours truly 😉
All artists collaborate sometimes.
I’ll give you some examples.
Drake and Lil Wayne.
Marvel ComicsThe Avengers. It destroyed the box office this past weekend. It just made 1.2 billion at the global box office. So you see, amazing things happen when people collaborate.
Now he has passed the baton over to me and I gladly accept like we are team USA . Like Usain Bolt just handed over the baton. I hear the shouts coming from the stands. Screaming U.S.A..U.S.A!!!! 🤣
We are Personal Finance Bloggers. We will not be overshadowed by some french fires and ketchup! You know why? Because financial literacy is too important. The cream not ketchup rises to the top! Like those bullies said in Race For Your Life Charlie Brown, We’re #1!!!! We are out here to help people improve the quality of their financial lives. See my post of Life Lessons From Race For Your Life Charlie Brown
So we got together and decided to tag team it like Macho Man Randy Savage and The Ultimate Warrior.
So without further ado. Here it is for your reading pleasure. I give you Financial Lessons from asking, Do You Want Fries With That?!!
I know what you’re thinking? What type of article title is this? But just stay with me.
Another personal finance blogger, like myself, saw a post online of a video of someone eating a French fry. It got 23,000 views. He shared his thoughts about it on Twitter.
He said in the finance community we get nowhere near as many views. His response to that, was that his next post would be titled, “12 Financial Lessons from Eating Ketchup.”
I replied to that tweet, in response to his, that I would complement his post and call mine “Financial Lessons from asking, Do You Want Fries With That?
He thought I was joking. Surely, you jest!
I was oh so serious. As you see, when it comes to money, I don’t joke.
In the illustrious words of Miss Piggy, “Moi,” that’s (“me”) in French, Moi means business. Sorry, had to throw in a French word since we are talking about French fries.
You see that, I just gave you an origin story. Similar to how Marvel Studios gave you X-Men Origins Wolverine.
I will be slicing through the mysteries of money faster than the Wolverine can bring out those claws and the same way Michonne uses that Ninja sword on the Walking Dead.
This blog talks money, but we also like to have fun. We about to have as much fun up in here as if we were going to a U2 concert!
Now that you know how this post got its origins, let’s dive right in!
Financial Lesson One: Hard work builds character
You will find no arrogance here.
I like to live a simple life. More Tom Welling in Smallville less Paris Hilton in The Simple Life.
Fun Fact: I got to meet and take a selfie with Tom Welling at Awesome Con in DC. He was a down-to-earth guy. More on my adventures at Awesome Con to come later in another post 😉
I am no better than anyone else, but I am always just as good.
I have said before in various blog posts, that I am not too good for anything. I am always willing to work. I’ve been a cashier, waitress, and an operator. I prefer to work two jobs if I can. I would spend and live off of one and bank the other. See my post Lipstick Confessions: Confessions Of A Teenage Waitress
The idea is not to live forever, it is to create something that will. – Andy Warhol
I’m back with another blast from the past. This time I’m taking you back to 1985 with The Heavenly Kid.
The movie poster image says: In Life & Love, We’re All Just Winging It.
However, in the real world “WINGING IT” isn’t going to cut it.
Anything you want, you are going to have to work for and pursue it. You must devise a plan, write it down, determine a strategy, chart a course, set sail, and execute that plan until you reach the finish line.
One of my favorite films from the 80’s was this gem. The movie had a kick ass soundtrack too!
What I really loved about The Heavenly Kid (THK) is that in the end what mattered most was people and not things.
Take a walk with memory down memory lane. You will not be sorry you came along.
Pinky promise.?
I pinky promise you.
The synopsis is as follows: A hip guardian angel named Bobby Fantana, who died in a car race in the 60s, reluctantly agrees to watch over lonely 80s high schooler Lenny Barnes who needs guidance on how to become cool.
This is how it all went down.
A young greaser-type rebel, challenges Joe Barnes (Mark Metcalf) to a game of chicken for making a pass at his girlfriend Emily (Jane Kaczmarek). Bobby wins the race easily when Joe dives out of his car, but Bobby is unable to get out of the car in time due to his bracelet getting caught on the gearshift. He dies as his car plummets over the cliff into a fiery wreck.
I know this is some sad sh*t, but it does get better.
Although, Bobby is no longer with us there is still some good he can do.
He wakes up aboard a speeding train, which stops at a station housing a huge escalator going up into a bright white light, which one of the attendants refers to as “Uptown”. Bobby is denied entry, and Rafferty (Richard Mulligan) appears and explains that he isn’t considered ready yet and needs to carry out an assignment in order to earn his ticket Uptown.
That train is hilarious. Basically, it is like some form of purgatory, but without any maliciousness. After what seemed like an eternity and many years in limbo, Bobby is finally given his assignment: he is to return to Earth and act as a guardian angel and friend for Lenny Barnes (Jason Gedrick), a promising high school student who is constantly picked on in school, particularly by school bullies Fred Gallo (Stephen Gregory) and Bill McIntyre (Beau Dremann).
The one and only Jason Gedrick.
Iron Eagle 1986 young hero
However, Bobby is instructed that he is only allowed to reveal himself to Lenny and nobody else.
Ooh, plot thickens.
Basically, Bobby is not allowed to enter heaven but has to stay in one of the lower levels or downtown until he has worked enough as an guardian angel in order to deserve paradise. Like all good things, you have to earn it first.
Get out the popcorn, it’s going to be a good read.
When Bobby meets Lenny he is for lack of a better word; a nerd.
Just for flare. I am providing one of my favorite meet and greet handshakes of all time. By my favorite WWE wrestler Mach Man Randy Savage with Hulk Hogan. Now he had style and oozed confidence!
And not the Steve Urkel type, but a kid that just has no confidence. Bobby is about to help him change that.
The first time he sees Lenny he is being picked on by a bunch of jerks from his high school. He notices that the “kid has no confidence cause he’s got no style.” Truer words had not been spoken.
I will not ever forget being teased in school. It only made me stronger. I remember thinking this is bull$#%t! I’m only here to get an education. I’m not here for you or your approval!
All people cared about were looks and popularity. I was like there has to be more to life than they way you LOOK!
I decided to ignore them and hit the books and the gym. I found an upperclassman that was willing to do my hair anytime I wanted, then I worked on having impeccably flawless hygiene and appearance.
I felt this. Just like Regine Hunter (Kim Fields) in Living Single.
I was like Beyonce in that b*tch! I WOKE UP LIKE THIS!
All the bullying and teasing stopped REAL QUICK.
That is why I focus so much on my health, education, and building wealth. And it paid off in spades. I own a home, have multiple retirement accounts, I have over $100,000 in just 1 index fund and I own a bunch of those! Thanks Jack Bogle for creating the first index fund in 1975 with Vanguard.
I’m not the only one that has been teased in school. Lots of folks have. I recently saw an interview with William Zabka (Johnny from The Karate Kid) while he was promoting Cobra Kai with Ralph Macchio.
When asked about bullying he said he hates it. There are 3 core people involved in bullying: the bully, the one being bullied, and the witness. Go tell an adult or someone you trust what is going on. Speak up. No one knows unless you tell them. Don’t be afraid to stand up, say something or defend yourself. Remember that bullying is only a season; it is not your whole life. This too shall pass. It is not permanent; it is only temporary. At the time, it seems like your whole world because in that moment it is, but you will grow up an this will end. Yes, he said all of that. He played the bully in a movie. That is fiction. In real life (IRL), he is anti-bullying.
In addition, I remember hearing Jillian Michael tell her story. She was chubby and overweight. The kids were relentless in their teasing. Once she started training in martial arts she said the teasing dried up like prunes and stopped real quick. Therefore, if you want to do anything in this life, the first thing you have to do after making sure you are safe, dry, and feed is to build up some confidence. It can change your life faster than just about anything.
How do you get it? Create a safe place and space for yourself to be who you are, but also to have a clean and neat appearance.
Coco Chanel once said the fastest way to change your appearance is to never underestimate the value of fresh-shaped eyebrows, clean glowing skin and a good haircut.
Basically, focus on hair, teeth, and skin.
You do this by drinking water, exercising, and eating well.
The End.
As far as clothing goes, just do the basics. You are in high school for goodness sakes! All you need are jeans, t-shirts, sweaters, and sneakers.
For the ladies, some fitted tops, jeans, skirts, dresses and heels. A nice blazer and black leather jacket are staples along with nude heels and black pumps. A little black dress is always great to have.
And most important, nothing too TRENDY! Styles change quick. They change so fast that styles have already changed while I was typing this sentence on this post!
Stick to regular staples and basic solid colors and you will never go wrong. Remember that red is the color of confidence.
Also, that you are your biggest cheerleader. You have to believe in yourself or otherwise no one else will. Find a way to build up your confidence and you will go a lot further along in your life.
That’s just my $0.02 cents. Smooches 💋
Lenny has a crush on a girl named Sharon who is the most beautiful and popular girl of the class. He was totally obsessed.
But she does not even notice him until Bobby helps Lenny change his image and boosts his confidence. By doing this Bobby dresses Lenny up making him a playboy and tough guy so that he gets what he wants although Bobby knows that this is not the best.
Lenny spent so much time obsessing over Sharon that the girl that really liked him wasn’t even in his eyesight, but was right in front of him in his friend Melissa (Nancy Valen).
Look we have all been there. Young love. Sometimes it goes unrequited. You will love again. I promise you. Like a friend told Romeo, during the infamous feud between the Montague’s and the Capulets), he must move on from Juliet, there are other beauties.
Shakespeare had that right. Nothing lasts forever. You must be willing to move on once you have done all you can. Did you do your best? Alright then, move on. Time heals all wounds and this includes a broken heart.
Now let’s talk money.
Don’t sped money like a drunken sailor.
Once you start earning some income, put some money aside. Even if it is only $5 dollars a week! This will get you in the habit of saving.
They say the niches are in riches. If that is so, then saving is the niche to building lasting wealth.
I started with nothing and slowly built what I have. First, I was saving $1 a day. Then it was $50 a month. I slowly started bumping it up every chance I got. Got a raise. Save it. Got a windfall. Save it. Can’t just let that money sit. Money can’t be idle.
Money must be invested and it has to keep circulating. Spend on what you need. If there is excess, then you can buy luxuries, but not before you have earned the money first. Learn it. Live it. Love it.
I finally started doing $150 a month and then doubled that. I started reading more on saving and figured “What the heck?” just cut out the crap, stop spending and save.
That is when I leap frogged from saving $3,600 a year to $5,000, $8,000, $10,000 and then $13,333. I sold, stop buying, or earned more and saved. From sacrifice comes great things. Get it. Got it. Good.
One of my favorite scenes in the film was the shopping scene. Bobby takes Lenny shopping for new clothes. This boosts his confidence.
In addition, he builds Lenny a car. Now that he has a new set of wheels and fancy clothes, he is ready to take on the world.
I am all for new clothes and buying things you need. Lenny needed to burn those clothes he had or donate them (waste not want not). They made him sad and lonely. He went from geek to chic. And his attitude along with it. However, they only got what he needed. No $5,000 Rolex, or $700 sneakers. Enough for the kid to get by and feel good.
That is what I do. That is how I was able to save thousands in annual clothing expenses and bank that money.
He was also economical in how he got a car. They went to a junkyard and put it together from all the spare parts lying around. No $500 car note there, which is the average that Americans are paying. Stop trying to impress people with your fancy gadgets.
Take a note from 50 Cent’s playbook. When in doubt: sell. Here is a cautionary tale.
Therefore, he is paying $840,000 a year for his manse. He hasn’t even eaten yet! No gas was put in the Hummer (fill in any fancy car name here) and no food was put in the fridge. And don’t forget health insurance. That’s all got to be paid. In 9 years, 50 Cent will have paid over $7.5 million just to do nothing but sit on the sofa in his house! This 19 bedroom manse had no purpose other than to impress people. No one NEEDS 19 bedrooms unless they are running a bed and breakfast. Matter of fact, having a 10,000 or more square ft home is like having a small hotel. I’ll pass.
Bobby later finds out that Lenny’s mother is his former girlfriend who has married another guy. Although not being allowed he makes himself visible to her…
and after some additional situations take place Lenny is challenged to a chicken race at the local quarry by Fred, Sharon’s former boyfriend. Having been told by Rafferty that Lenny will die just as Bobby did earlier, Bobby offers to trade his own chance to move Uptown (essentially, his own immortal soul) to save Lenny’s life. He vows to give up his soul. A selfless act indeed.
This unknowingly earns Bobby a trip to Heaven or “uptown” as the movie refers to it. Rafferty explains to Bobby that he had learned to love and value someone more than himself, and that is how one earned a ticket Uptown.
There are going to be times in this life when you will have to chose what matters most to you. What do you value? I remember hearing the Osmonds father (yes, those Osmonds of Donnie and Marie fame) tell his children: faith, family, then career.
I pick my investments based on what I value most: freedom. The freedom to choose what I do with my life and my time.
Money is infinite, but time is not. Once it’s gone, it is gone forever.
That is why I only do what excites me. You only get one life. One shot. One chance. I suggest we all do what Eminem says, ” You better lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow This opportunity comes once in a lifetime.” I agree wholeheartedly.
If you like this post, then check out the film The Heavenly Kid. Because life and you money are too important to “just wing it.”
“Success isn’t always about ‘Greatness’, it’s about
consistency. Consistent, hard work gains success. Greatness will come.” –
Dwayne Johnson
Well unless you have been living under a Rock, then you have
heard of the name Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.
One of the most successful wrestlers to come out of the WWE of all time.
The Rock is an inspiration to millions with his good
attitude, humility, and great sense of humor. One of the hardest working men in
show business today.
If there is a movies coming out, then The Rock either
auditioned for, saw the script, produced, or is starring in it. I mean the guy
has a movie coming out like every two weeks!
He recently made headlines in January 2019 for not getting
cast in Crazy Rich Asians?!!
As he worked with the film’s director, Jon M. Chu, in the 2013 sci-fi action film “G.I. Joe: Retaliation,” with Bruce Willis.
Regardless, The Rock isn’t low on cash by any means.
He has an estimated net worth of over $150 Million.
On my continued journey toward studying the self-made, the
man du jour is Dwayne Johnson.
Full Disclosure: I located numerous interviews, read magazine articles, and reporting on The Rock. One of the best came from Wonderwall.
So here we go.
Get your popcorn ready cause this is a long one.
I’m about to open up The Rock’s wallet and give you a peek
Let’s smell what The Rock is cookin’ in his bank books shall we?
Dwayne Johnson, was born in California on May 2, 1972. Although he grew up poor in Hawaii, he is now one of the richest men in Hollywood, but the poverty he faced during his childhood is never far from his mind.
Case in point, On Thanksgiving 2017, The Rock revealed in a lengthy Instagram post that “there was a time back in ’87 when we couldn’t even afford Thanksgiving dinner and [were] praying someone would invite us over their house to eat.”
Due to his father’s work as a professional wrestler, the
family was constantly in flux and bouncing around from place to place.
Wrestling is in The Rock’s blood.
Wrestling is actually the Johnson family business — his
father Rocky Johnson was a star in the 1970s and ’80s, while his Samoan
grandfather Peter Maivia was famous in the 1960s.
As his mother was unable to keep a steady job because of this, they went through hard times.
In another IG post, in May 2015, the wrestler-actor revealed on Instagram that “when I was 14yrs old we were evicted out of our apartment in Hawaii ’cause we couldn’t afford the $180 per week rent.”
In 2014, he told The Hollywood Reporter that a week before
they were evicted, he watched his mother’s car get repossessed. He reportedly
added to her troubles by joining a theft ring that targeted affluent stores in
In addition, he stated in another interview that they were
so broke that his mother doesn’t remember walking out into incoming traffic
before he pushed her out of the way.
It was at that moment he decided to make changes in his life. He said to himself, “What can I do with these two hands?” That is when he decided to start working out.
“The successful men I knew were men who built their bodies.” – The Rock
He also stated while growing up people thought he was a girl and that they referred to him as one “all the time.”
“I’ll never, ever be full. I’ll always be hungry. Obviously,
I’m not talking about food.
Growing up, I had nothing for such a long time.” – The Rock
The Rock is now one the biggest movie stars in the world.
But before the A-list super-stardom and even before his WWE debut, Dwayne
Johnson was just a guy that was down on his luck.
He decided that he wanted to play football. He worked
tirelessly and gave everything he had to the sport. His hard work paid off.
Johnson was a promising football prospect and received
offers from many Division I collegiate programs. After finishing high school in
Pennsylvania, he went on to play college football. He decided on a full
scholarship from the University of Miami, playing defensive tackle. In 1991, he
was on the Miami Hurricanes’ national championship team.
The 6-foot-5, 290-pound Johnson started only once, appearing
in 39 games with a total of 77 tackles and 4.25 sacks. With muscles on top of
muscles, he was a sight to behold. He was a physical specimen from Day 1.
It was once quoted about The Rock, “He was a
jack-of-all-trades, but only a master at wrasslin’.
Ed Orgeron, University of Miami defensive line coach
(1989-1992), once had this to say about The Rock.
“His uncle was Jimmy Snuka, he came from a wrestling
family. So we knew about that.
“I remember one-day walking off the field, he hadn’t
had a good day and I said something like, ‘You know, Dwayne, you should just
become a wrestler.'”
Warren Sapp, NFL pro football 2013 Hall of Famer, said this of
playing football with The Rock.
“So we used to joke with him by saying, ‘When you get
done with football, you’re going to go into wrestling, right?’
“And he’d say: ‘Damn right, bitch.’
Everyone always had the same thing to say about Johnson, he
was charismatic, humble, and down-to-earth.
The Rock would go on to complete a bachelor of general studies degree. But his football career was coming to an end around the same time his academic career did.
“1995. $7 Bucks In My Pocket. I Knew Two Things: I’m Broke
As Hell and One Day I Won’t Be” – The Rock
In 1995, Dwayne Johnson signed with the Canadian Football
League’s Calgary Stampeders at a yearly salary of $35,000. According to The
Hollywood Reporter, after just two months, he got knocked down to the practice
team, which paid just $250 a week.
That had to hurt!
During that time, he reportedly shared a two-bedroom
apartment with three other players, “eating ramen noodles and spaghetti
and sleeping on a filthy mattress he had found ditched outside a
pay-by-the-hour sex motel,” wrote THR. When he was cut from the team not
long after that, he had just $7 to his name.
This is when he decided to become a wrestler. He begged his
father to show him the ropes. Get it 😉
Dwayne Johnson made his WWE debut in 1996, becoming the first third-generation wrestler in the league. (His father, Rocky Johnson, and his maternal grandfather, Peter Maivia, were both professional wrestlers.) He quickly became one of the sport’s biggest stars. According to Fortune, during his second year in the WWE, The Rock made enough money to accomplish a childhood dream: He bought his first Rolex. (He smashed the $35,000 timepiece in the ring just a week later.)
I mean, wow!
“When You Walk Up To Opportunity’s Door: Don’t Knock It.
Kick That Bitch In, Smile and Introduce Yourself” – The Rock
Dwayne Johnson officially transitioned to Hollywood in 1999,
the year he played a version of his father, wrestler Rocky Johnson, on
“That ’70s Show,” where he got to act out with Topher Grace as Eric
The following year, he channeled his wrestling alter ego
(complete with cocked eyebrow) to portray an alien gladiator on an episode of
“Star Trek: Voyager.” A month later, he hosted “Saturday Night
Live” for the first time. Each of these television appearances — as well
as a few others — helped him prove his acting chops and win fans outside of
the wrestling world.
The people’s champ was becoming the acting champ.
Things started really moving steadily from there for The
In 2000, Dwayne Johnson released his memoir “The Rock Says…,” which debuted at No. 1 on The New York Times bestseller list.
Keep in mind, Writing isn’t generally a high-paying
gig—unless you happen to be the top-selling author.
Fun Fact: While this gains the coveted “NYT BESTSELLER” status for the authors, it doesn’t net a lot of money. There are weeks in the year where you can make the NYT list with as few as a couple of thousand sales.
According to Career Trend, Given the royalties of a standard
contract, an author selling 20,000 books priced at $25 would earn $65,625 the
first week on the “New York Times” best-seller list. This is not
quite the millions superstar authors bank, but if the book continues to sell,
these earnings add up to an impressive income.
Then The Rock hit pay dirt. He booked a starring role in a major Hollywood film.
In 2001, Dwayne Johnson made his feature-film debut as The Scorpion King in “The Mummy Returns.” He reportedly banked $500K for his brief appearance in the action-adventure sequel to 1999’s “The Mummy.” His work in the film was so popular, he scored his own spinoff.
The Road To Success and Greatness Is Always Paved With
Consistent Hard Work. Outwork Your Competitors, Be Authentic And Above All
Else. Chase Your Greatness” – The Rock
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson rose to fame thanks to his exploits in the pro wrestling ring and got his first big break in the movie business as the Scorpion King in 2001’s “The Mummy Returns.”
He holds the Guinness World Record for highest paid for a
movie debut, as he received a $5 million-dollar paycheck for his role.
In 2004, Dwayne Johnson left the WWE to focus on his Hollywood acting career. The following year, he earned raves for his performance as a gay cowboy bodyguard and aspiring actor in “Be Cool.” Further signaling his transition from professional wrestler to serious actor, he was credited as Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson instead of just “The Rock” for his work in 2006’s “Gridiron Gang.” With 2008’s “Get Smart” — at the urging of his agents at CAA — he officially changed his stage name to Dwayne Johnson.
CAA, short for Creative Artists Agency, is also one of the
biggest entertainment agencies in the world.
“I Like To Use The Hard Times in The Past, To Motivate Me
Today” – The Rock
In 2006, Dwayne Johnson and then-wife Dany Garcia, who fell
in love while they were students at the University of Miami, donated $2 million
to their alma mater to help fund a renovation to the school’s alumni center. In
2007, they donated $1 million to the college’s Football Facilities Renovation
Fund, which was reportedly the largest donation ever from a former student to
the university’s athletic department. The University of Miami renamed their
football locker room in his honor: It’s now the Dwayne “The Rock”
Johnson Football Locker Room.
If that is not karma coming full circle, then I do not know what is! From getting cut from a football team to having a university athletic department named after you. Totally badass!!!
In 2008, Dwayne Johnson and college sweetheart Dany Garcia
divorced after 10 years of marriage and one daughter, Simone. The same year
they split romantically, Dany became her ex’s manager. “I was already
deeply involved with his agents, I was already commenting on scripts. It was a
very natural conversation, where he just said to me, ‘I would love for you to
do this full-time,'” she told Marie Claire in 2017.
In 2010, Dwyane Johnson portrayed star police officer Christopher Danson in “The Other Guys.” He reportedly earned $9 million for his role in the action-comedy…. even though (spoiler alert!) his character gets killed off just 15 minutes into the movie.
Dwayne Johnson executive produced the 2010 documentary
“Racing Dreams.” The film, which centers around young drivers chasing
the kart racing championship title, marked The Rock’s debut as a producer.
I mean, does this guy ever stop working?!!! Now he’s a
In 2011, Dwayne Johnson parted ways with CAA, whose agents
had urged him to distance himself from the wrestling world. He signed with WME
and legendary agent Ari Emanuel (on whom Jeremy Piven’s “Entourage”
alter ego, Ari Gold, is based), and officially returned to the WWE that
You see that. He trusted his instincts and listed to himself, not just the advice of his management team. Others may help you along your journey, but ultimately you make the final decision. ALWAYS!!!
He appeared in a number of big WWE events over the course of
the next few years and, according to some reports, banked $3.5 million per year
for his efforts. Apparently, he was worth every penny: “We set
pay-per-view buy-rate records and attendance records each time,” he gushed
to Fortune of his big return to the WWE. In April 2016, the league confirmed
that WrestleMania 32 set a new attendance record for the WWE with 101,763 fans
in the crowd at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas.
Would you look at that?
Setting records. Smacking down candy asses. Being eye candy.
Raising eyebrows and rising paychecks.
That is my description of The Rock!!
“Let Actions Do Your Talkin For You, (Unless You’re Telling A Good Dirty Joke)”
In an Essence magazine article, he was asked what he was wearing while talking over the phone. His answer: A thong. Backwards. 🤣Your boy has got jokes!!!
The Rock is now taking life a quarter mile at a time.
In April 2011, Dwayne Johnson made his film-franchise debut as Luke Hobbs in “Fast Five.” At the time, the fifth installment in the “Fast & Furious” franchise had the top opening weekend of any film ever to open in the month of April, though that record has since been beat. He went on to appear in the next three films in the series and has become such a fan favorite that he and Jason Statham scored their very own spin-off movie, “Hobbs and Shaw,” which is scheduled for release in the summer of 2019.
In 2012, Dwayne Johnson and ex-wife Dany Garcia co-founded their own production company, Seven Bucks Productions — a nod to that time the wrestler-actor found himself with just $7 to his name after getting the boot from the Canadian Football League. The company has produced several of The Rock’s recent films including “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle,” “Baywatch,” “Rampage” and “Skyscraper” as well as the TV shows “Ballers,” “The Hero” and “Wake Up Call.”
One of my personal favorite television shows I have ever
seen The Rock do was the show “Wake Up Call.”
Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson: At 23, I Had Only $7 In My Pocket
— Then I Turned My Life Around
According to Business Insider, “In TNT’s new show “Wake Up Call,” Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson lends a helping hand to everyday people who are facing enormous challenges in their lives. From dysfunctional homes and dead-beat dads to sports teams that don’t gel and businesses struggling to survive.”
Dwayne Johnson starred in a commercial for the “Got Milk?” campaign that debuted during the Super Bowl on Feb. 3, 2013. He appeared in more advertisements for the campaign later that year.
He’s steady cashing them checks!!!💰 Cha ching! 😂
Dwayne Johnson made his reality TV debut on the TNT
competition series “The Hero” in June 2013. He hosted all eight
episodes of the short-lived show. The following year, The Rock returned to the
network with the eight-episode series “Wake Up Call,” which tracked
his efforts to help average Americans transform their lives. His third stab at
reality TV, “The Titan Games,” is scheduled to debut on NBC in
January 2019. According to an official synopsis, the competition series (which
is in the vein of “American Gladiatiors”) is inspired by the
wrestler-actor’s “desire to motivate global audiences to reach their potential
both mentally and physically.” Hopefully it fares better than its
You can say that again. He’s been cancelled more times than checks!
“Blood, Sweat and Respect. First Two You Give, Last One You
Earn” – The Rock
According to Fortune, movies in which Dwayne Johnson appeared made $1.3 billion at the worldwide box office in 2013 — more than any other actor that year. To be fair, he starred in four movies that debuted in 2013: “Snitch,” “G.I. Joe: Retaliation,” “Pain & Gain” and “Fast & Furious 6” (pictured).
My absolute favorite film in The Fast and The Furious franchise is Fast Five. It earned over $500 million in box office receipts. It set the stage for the billion-dollar franchise. This was a huge record at the time in 2011 for the film and The Rock most certainly helped put butts in those theater seats!
In 2014, The Rock starred in Hercules. It was a big budget film that cost $100 million USD to make. It grossed over $244 million at the box office, but was not the money maker studios would have liked.
To be fair, I saw the film. I thought it was excellent.
Solid performances by The Rock and the whole cast. My absolute favorite was Ingrid
Bolsø Berdal. She was outstanding in the film. She was the Legolas of the film.
You know the role that made Orlando Bloom famous in The Lord of the Rings
You know how it goes: “One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the Darkness bind them.”
Or DC Comic Universe’s The Arrow.
Like Jennifer Lawrence in The Hunger Games, she too uses a bow and arrow. You know it is always the coolest party people that use the infamous bow and arrow and that is because it takes REAL skill.
“With Drive And A Bit Of Talent, You Can Move Mountains” –
The Rock
In May 2015, Dwayne Johnson starred as a rescue helicopter pilot in “San Andreas.” He reportedly banked $25 million — the biggest paycheck of his career so far — for his role in the disaster flick. There are reports that the box office hit will get a sequel, though no moves have been made yet on the project.
Alas, as of this writing, it doesn’t look like the movie
pulled in enough dough to make that happen.
“Ballers” debuted on HBO in June 2015. According
to Variety, Dwayne Johnson makes $650K per episode of the series — more than
any other actor makes on TV aside from the five main stars of “The Big
Bang Theory,” who each bank $900K per episode of the CBS sitcom.
As of this writing, The Big Bang Theory (TBBT), will be
ending and going off the air in Spring 2019. This stems from Jim Parsons’
decision to leave the series at the end of the season if the show were to be
renewed for a thirteenth season. The series will conclude with an hour long
finale consisting of two back-to-back episodes on May 16, 2019.
In October 2015, Dwayne Johnson announced that he’d signed on to promote Ford’s service departments. Since then, he’s appeared in several ad campaigns for the motor company.
In November 2015, Dwayne Johnson reportedly donated $1,500 to a shelter puppy who’d been named after him. The 4-month-old pooch required expensive medical treatment for a heart murmur.
“Success at anything will always come down to this: Focus &
Effort, and we control both.” – The Rock
The tattoos are beliefs of his ancestors from his father’s side and mothers sides. His black culture, his Samoan culture, all cumulates in a belief that the spirit of his ancestors is protecting his family. These tattoos represent great struggle and about overcoming them.
The tattoo on his body comes down to 3 things; his family, protection of his family, and about having a true warrior spirit forever.
Dwayne Johnson launched his partnership with Under Armour in January 2016. The first item from his collaboration with the athletic brand, a duffle bag, sold out within 24 hours. Since then, he’s released everything from clothes and wireless headphones to sneakers through his Project Rock collection for Under Armour. On May 28, 2018, The Rock’s Project Rock 1 shoes for Under Armour sold out in 30 minutes.
Remember in my last post, when I talked about Taylor Swift putting Apple iTunes on blast about free music? No? That’s ok. Here’s the link 😉
Well, now The Rock is working with Apple.
In May 2016, Dwayne Johnson launched an iPhone app, The Rock Clock, that’s essentially an alarm clock that wakes up users with exclusive inspirational video messages from the actor-wrestler. Users can also sync their alarms with The Rock’s so that they too can rise and shine at 4 a.m. every day to start their daily fitness routines. “Our goal was create a free, direct, uncomplicated, cool, motivating app to help us all get after our goals every morning,” the superstar explained on Instagram.
And remember this? iPhone 7 | The Rock x Siri Dominate the Day | Apple. If you look closely, you will see that fannie pack pic of him while he ‘s driving the Lyft car!!! 😂And in the video his manager calls him DJ. I would love an uncle DJ that can treat me to an ice cream anytime!
In July 2016, Dwayne Johnson launched his own YouTube
channel. Original series on the channel include the cooking show “What The
Rock Is Cooking” and “Millennials: The Musical,” a collaboration
with “Moana” co-star Lin-Manuel Miranda.
In January 2017, Dwayne Johnson launched Seven Bucks Digital
Studios, a branch of his Seven Bucks Productions focusing on developing new
original online content.
In April 2017, Dwayne Johnson returned to the role of Luke Hobbs in “The Fate of the Furious.” The eighth installment in the beloved “Fast & Furious” franchise opened worldwide to more than $541 million. At the time, it was the largest global opening of any film ever. (“Avengers: Infinity War” broke the record the following year.)
In July 2017, Dwayne Johnson starred in an ad campaign for
Apple’s iPhone 7 and Siri titled “The Rock x Siri Dominate The Day.”
In September 2017, Dwayne Johnson and ex-wife Dany Garcia
launched Seven Bucks Creative, a creative ad agency within their production
company, Seven Bucks Productions. In March 2018, the company released its first
campaign: two videos promoting The Rock’s Project Rock collection for Under
Armour, naturally!
In December 2017, Dwayne Johnson headlined “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle.” The reboot of the original 1995 family action flick “Jumanji” was a surprise sleeper hit, becoming Sony’s highest grossing film of all time domestically. It trucked along at the box office for months, becoming the first movie since 1998’s “Titanic” to open in December and top the box office in February. All in all, the film was so successful, Sony ordered another installment in the series for late 2019.
In February 2018, before writer-director Rawson Marshall Thurber had even penned a script, Universal and Legendary teamed up to win a bidding war for “Red Notice,” which Rawson describes as “a big international heist picture, that is tonally in the vein of ‘Ocean’s 11’ meets ‘True Lies’ by the way of ‘Thomas Crown Affair.'” The two studios agreed to finance the film at $160 million based on a pitch meeting and the fact that Dwayne Johnson is attached to star. (According to Deadline, the deal is the largest for a studio movie in Hollywood so far this year.) The Rock will reportedly bank $22 million plus backend to play “an Interpol agent who is tasked with catching the most wanted art thief in the world.”
In mid-July 2018, Forbes released its list of the world’s 100 highest paid entertainers. Dwayne Johnson came in at No. 5 behind Floyd Mayweather, George Clooney, Kylie Jenner and Judge Judy. “The former wrestler tallied the highest ever acting take-home in Celebrity 100 history, thanks to giant upfront paychecks and a cut of profits on blockbusters including ‘Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle.’ A huge social following allows him to negotiate an extra seven figures atop his standard contract for promotion, helping nearly double his 2017 earnings,” wrote Forbes. So how much exactly he is taking home in 2018? A whopping $124 million.
At this point, he is making money hand over fist. Just genius right there with his negotiations. I have no words.
Dwayne Johnson’s generosity is practically legendary. In
late July 2018, he took to Instagram to share a video of himself surprising his
longtime stunt double (and cousin) Tanoai Reed with a new truck. “Not only
does Tanoai represent our family and my career with relentless commitment and passion.
He also represents an entire Hollywood stunt community that is truly the
backbone of our business,” The Rock wrote in the caption. Giving thanks
where it’s due? That’s good business! Over the years, the wrestler-actor also
bought a Lamborghini Gallardo for one of his cousins, a Cadillac Escalade for
his dad, a Cadillac truck for his mom, a Honda Civic for another cousin, a
Lexus SUV for yet another cousin, a Ford F-150 for an uncle and another Ford
pickup truck for his longtime housekeeper.
As of August 2018, Dwayne Johnson is the most followed male
entertainer on Instagram with 112 million followers.
As of this writing, he now has over 136 million followers on
Instagram. He is the king of Insta!!!! He is the undisputed, follower for
follower, heavyweight champ of IG!
Two snaps for you Dwayne!!! You Rock!!
He’s the seventh-most
followed celebrity behind Selena Gomez, soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo, Ariana
Grande, Beyonce, Kim Kardashian West and Kylie Jenner. According to Forbes, The
Rock “insists on a separate seven-figure social media fee” for every
movie in which he appears.” Basically, his social media accounts are worth
millions in marketing and advertising dollars.
And that ladies and gentleman is how The Rock built his empire.
Here is his formula: Blood, Sweat, and Respect + Hard work and Consistency = Success.