Tag Archives: Atari

5 Money Lessons From Maniac Mansion

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For those of you out there that grew up in the in the 90’s, then you may remember a video game by the name of Maniac Mansion.

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It was released on October 5, 1987 on multiple platforms such as Apple II, Atari and Nintendo to much fanfare and critical acclaim and was developed by the man who created Luke Skywalker and the Star Wars franchise, George Lucas, through Lucasfilm Games.

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This was long before the iphone was released to worldwide sensation back in 2007, which was developed by another pioneer, Steve Jobs of Apple.

See my post How Being An Outlier Can Make You Rich

What I absolutely loved about this game was the character development. They were so much fun. Interacting with Weird Ed and Edna and the tentacles was a riot!

Even how the characters spoke to each other was hilarious. Let me provide you with this example.

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However, as with anything, you have to look below the surface and take a deeper look. Therefore, I wrote this post focusing on the financial aspects of this game in regards to how you can relate money to the world around you. Even a video game.

And do not even get me started on the price of games today! Growing up we thought $60 a pop for one game was outrageous! Boy, were we wrong.

Today, you can spend $80 or more for a subscription to play your Playstation or Xbox console. Another subscription! Come off it marketing departments across America! You know people can’t afford to barely buy toilet paper out here, let alone video game subscriptions!

Don’t believe me?

When the longest government shutdown in United Sates history, it lasted 35 days, happened people were in line at soup kitchens!

Missing one check caused people absolute panic. And I don’t mean at the disco! One lady said that she was down to $1.26 in her checking account; that was all the money she had and she didn’t know what she was going to do.

You see back in the good old days, you would go to the store, buy an item, do the transaction one time, and like Cinderella’s fairy Godmother’s would say, “bibbidi-bobbidi-boo” and you owed the thing free and clear as the transaction was done, over, finito. 

See my post America Is The Land Of Subscriptions

This post will show you how to save money, get rich, and maybe decide to put a down payment on some property, but it doesn’t have to be a mansion. So here we go.

5 Money and Life Lessons from Maniac Mansion

But first… What is Maniac Mansion?

Maniac Mansion is a 1987 graphic adventure video game developed and published by Lucasfilm Games.

It follows teenage protagonist Dave Miller as he attempts to rescue his girlfriend from a mad scientist, whose mind has been enslaved by a sentient meteor. The player uses a point-and-click interface to guide Dave and two of his six playable friends through the scientist’s mansion while solving puzzles and avoiding dangers. Gameplay is non-linear, and the game must be completed in different ways based on the player’s choice of characters.


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It has been over twenty years since a mysterious purple meteor came hurtling out of the sky and made a large crater in the front lawn of a large Victorian mansion belonging to the Edison family. Dr. Fred, his wife Nurse Edna, and their son Weird Ed were reclusive people who left the house very rarely, but the meteor’s arrival brought about a strange change in Dr. Fred. Now, a local cheerleader has vanished without a trace. Dave, her boyfriend, has gathered a few of his close comrades on a mission to invade the mansion and save Sandy!

However, if we just focus on the part about the mansion…basically, big homes costs big bucks! For fun, I looked up the cost of Victorian homes.

The Main House at Skywalker Ranch inspired the design of Maniac Mansion‘s setting, which is reported to have cost self-made millionaire George Lucas around $100 million dollars.

A large white house with black roofing in front of green hills and forests.
The Skywalker Ranch
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So unless you are onstage with your two friends Kelly and Michelle or creating the next new franchise, you may want to stick with buying a home you can afford.

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Let’s not forget that property taxes are forever! If you can’t pay your taxes, you can still lose your home, even if you own it free and clear.

Taxes are an ongoing expense to owning a home.

Let us not forget that even celebrities have to sell homes for unforeseen reasons and sometimes at a loss.

It was reported that Johnny Depp was suing his management company for $25 million and in the court filing it detailed his spending at at $2 million- a-month! He had considerable property holdings and it was also reported that he was advised to sell a family home located in Paris, France or something along those lines and possibly at a loss at that!

Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson was also recently in the news as his Connecticut manse was costing him $70,000-a-month to maintain. That basically is the cost of running a small boutique hotel or miniature bed-and-breakfast. He ended up selling the property at a loss, he paid $4.1 million and sold at $2.3 million, to stop paying the exorbitant cost of owning the place.

Lastly, Mary J. Blige was reported to own a couple mansion-style properties in New Jersey that were unable to be rented. You read that right. She is paying for properties that are uninhabitable, costing her money every single month night and day, and collecting no rent on the properties. In her divorce filing, she was reported to make over $300,000 a month so it is unclear why exactly these properties are unable to be renovated and sold without a closer look at her financial records and proper accounting.

The reason I refuse to buy a big home is because they along with cars can be wealth suckers.

Doing the math, if you buy a $350,000 at a 5% interest rate and take 30 years to pay it off it will cost you around $700,000! Or a $500,000 home could cost you $1,000,000. Yes, twice what you bought the home for.

And most people are working to pay for this behemoth, fancy vacations, and expensive nights on the town with bottle service meaning they are not even home enough to enjoy paying double the cost of it!

See my post American Homes Are $1,100 Per Month Storage Units


All good things come in time. Building wealth is no exception to the rule.

I started out with a toothbrush, a bag of clothes, and some books.

Now I have a home, paid off vehicle, stocks, investments, and even more books. The point I’m trying to make here is that you accumulate money and things over time. You may not have everything you want right now, but keep working.

Never let yesterday use up too much of today. – Will Rogers

If you are working towards something, the don’t stop or quit for anything. I turned a $450 car payment into $100,000. It took like a decade.

Come to think of it, it usually takes people 10 years or more to perfect whatever it is their doing so you may as well chill out.

The humorist Will Rogers (1879-1935) once told a young John Wayne some sound and simple advice. I will share it with you here.

After John Wayne (1907-1979) complained for a full 10-15 minutes of why he wasn’t being paid more to act on film, he asked Will Rogers what he should do? Will Rogers replied, “Well kid, are you working?” To which, John Wayne replied, “yes.” Then Will Rogers says, “keep working.” And then proceeds to walk away.

So my reply to anyone who wants something NOW, “have patience.” This is me NOW moving on to the next paragraph and lesson in this post, which is my equivalent to Will Rogers walking away. I have given you all the advice you need on that topic. Moving on.


One of the best things about the game are the characters. Each have different looks, mannerisms, ways of speaking, talents and abilities. This is part of what makes the game so much fun.

Dave is on a mission. To save his girlfriend Sandy. But he can’t do it alone. He brings along his friends to help him out and watch his back.

This is also sound advice if you want to build a fortune and an empire. Nobody does it alone. Eventually you will need to work with bankers, lawyers, businesses, investment professional, and tax attorneys.

It is always best to make friends than enemies as you never know when it is the next time you will see someone again.

When you are climbing that corporate ladder, those same people you tried to step on on the way up, you may see them again on the way down.

Hopefully, you offered them a piece of the pie instead of one to the face.

Mark Cuban said some great business advice in that if you start a company, then make sure your employees have some stock options invested in it as part of their compensation. That way if the company is successful and gets sold then the employees make money too.

This does two things: 1) eliminates wealth inequality (many of Mark Cuban’s former employees, 300 out of 330, became millions); and 2) encourages people to pay it forward through philanthropy and spend money that gets circulated back into the economy.


In the game, if you get caught snooping around the mansion, then you are sen t to the dungeon.

The game is notorious for constantly getting you thrown in the dungeon by almost every member of the household if you are seen.

Fortunately, the game has a cheat in which you can get the dungeon key and let yourself and others that have been captured out of the dungeon. Without this trick in the game, you are toast.

Speaking of toast, avocado toast is not causing millennial’s to be broke. It is the ever escalating cost of education, housing, and healthcare that makes it harder to save.

All wealth building starts with saving. Period. A good cash reserves is a must. Here is a tip for you. Pros have cash. Amateurs do not. Pros are not under any kind of financial pressure. They remove the pressure and make rational decisions because they have money in the bank. Only amateurs allow pressure to get to them. Remove much of the pressure in your life by having cash reserves.

I recommend that being $10,000 or more in savings. That is how you are able to rescue yourself from being trapped in a financial dungeon. Just have cash.


The video game Maniac Mansion has 5 possible endings. Depending on what players you chose to play and what actions you take.

The game allows you to have 3 characters for game play out of about 6. These are the people that have your back in case things should go wrong.

In addition, their different talents and unique abilities allow each kid to be an asset to the team. You must too do this in life. You must have back up…plans that is.

For example, I try to keep a minimum of 2-3 months or more of savings in the bank at ALL TIMES! Then I ramped it up to a goal of $10,000.

In addition, if you can save $233,000 in your 401(k), then you do not have to add another cent! After 20 years, with a return rate of 8 percent, you will have $1,001,857.35 in your retirement account. That’s Plan A. Cant’t envision making that happen? Then go to plan B. Save $168,000 in your 401(k), then do not add another penny. After 25 years, with a return rate of 8 percent, you will have $1,001,358.03 in your retirement account.

Are you starting to get the idea?

You can move the finish line and change your actions according to what is happening in your life, but keep the goal. If necessary, you can have a Plan A, B, C, D, etc. The point is to make it so that you are always moving forward by planning ahead.

Just like you have to do when playing Maniac Mansion.

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So let’s get out there, have some fun, and start saving!

Precious Stones of Wisdom: Life Lessons from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

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Train yourself to let go of the things you fear to lose. – George Lucas

If you have ever seen any of the Indiana Jones films, then you know they are all full of action and adventure.

However, my absolute favorite in the film franchise is Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

There had some jaw dropping moments throughout the entire film.

They take you on the joyride of a lifetime in 120 minutes!

You get to see Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) at one of his most defining moments in his career. As well as, watch him put the well-being of people ahead of money and things.

The series was created from the mind of Star Wars creator George Lucas and directed by Steven Spielberg.  

Now let’s go back to 1984! No legwarmers required! 😂

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The film was released on May 8, 1984. Adventure sequel extraordinaire. The film went on to gross $333.1 million dollars at the box office.

My favorite number is 3. That is one of the 3 reasons I chose to start saving $13,333 a year.

See my post

Halle Berry on Success and Failure: Why She and I Continue To Save So Much

Here is the synopsis of the film.

Intrepid archaeologist Indiana Jones, on the trail of fortune and glory in Old Shanghai, is ricocheted into a dangerous adventure in India. With his faithful companion Short Round (Jonathan Ke Quan) and nightclub singer Willie Scott (Kate Capshaw), Indie goes in search of the magical Sankara stone, and uncovers an ancient evil which threatens all who come into contact with it.

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The second of the George Lucas/Steven Spielberg Indiana Jones epics is set a year or so before the events in Raiders of the Lost Ark (1984). After a brief brouhaha involving a precious vial and a wild ride down a raging Himalyan river, Indy (Harrison Ford) gets down to the problem at hand: retrieving a precious gem and several kidnapped young boys on behalf of a remote East Indian village.

His companions this time around include a dimbulbed, easily frightened nightclub chanteuse, and a feisty 12-year-old kid named Short Round. Throughout, the plot takes second place to the thrills, which include a harrowing rollercoaster ride in an abandoned mineshaft and Indy’s rescue of the heroine from a ritual sacrifice.

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In the beginning of the film, Indiana instructs his companion to stay out of the light and follow his steps exactly behind him.

Of course, the man gets greedy and this ends in a Mortal Kombat style fatality.

Here is Indiana Jones the Atari game.

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Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Atari  screenshot photo

And here is Mortal Kombat.

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If you truly want to be successful, you must learn to listen to those that are more knowledgeable than you are.

That is why I listen to and read the shareholder letters of Warren Buffet.

He says stay away from debt and ALWAYS have cash reserves.

This simplistic and basic money advice is why his company Berkshire Hathaway has the most expensive stock on the NYSE at over $300,000!

According to The Motely Fool, one takeaway from the annual shareholder letter (which are excellent reading sources for learning about investing and life) is the following: At the end of 2018, Berkshire Hathaway had nearly $112 billion of cash and equivalents on its balance sheet, officially consisting of $30.4 billion in cash and $81.5 billion in short-term Treasuries.

You must have cash if you are to build wealth.

See my post Forget Simon, Do What Buffet Says


There is a scene in the film where our hero is poisoned. But, there is a cure.

The anecdote is rolling around on the floor and so are millions of dollars in diamonds in a small jewelry bag.

Willie comes across the anecdote while trying to find the diamonds. Instead of casually dismissing it as many might have, she picks it up and puts it in a safe place. This ultimately saves Indiana’s life.

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There are times in your life when you will have to choose: right or left.

I prefer to choose the path of least resistance but also the one that will help the most people.

Remember: The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

In The Wrath of Khan (1982), Spock says, “Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” Captain Kirk answers, “Or the one.” This sets up a pivotal scene near the end of the film.

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Speaking of Star Trek, I read William Shatner’s book Live Long and… which was pretty good.

He says to spend the money on the living. No expensive funerals or caskets. Pay for what you want in cash and if you don’t have the money, then you can’t afford it.

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Indiana comes across another archaeologist that steals his stone he just risked his life to get!

Instead of trying to fight for it, he lets the man take it. While the man is distracted with his patting himself on the back and his own vanity, Indiana makes a run for it! And keeps his life long enough to fight another day.

The same rules apply when buying stocks or spending money.

If the risk is too high for you, then sell. You will sleep better at night. Forget trying to get you money back. That is like gambling in Vegas.

Or if you just so happen to come across someone in a nice suit and briefcase that promises to double your money, pass.

There is no such thing as guarantees. All risk involves possible losses. That is why you do your homework and take calculated risks.

If it sounds too good to be true, RUN!!!

In the book called Winning the Money Game: Lessons Learned from the Financial Fouls of Pro Athletes by Adonal Foyle. He was an NBA player who describes the things he says while playing in the league in regards to how other athletes dealt with financial management or lack thereof.

He that said you should learn the basics of money and that you should rule your money or money will rule you. He saw many people lose homes, cars, wives, and careers.

In addition, he said you should audit anyone who comes into contact with your money. That includes family. Even your MOM!!! Shocking right???

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See my post More Money More Problems


One of the absolute best scenes in the film is the dinner scene.

I will not give too much away, but let’s just say the room is full of snakes! LITERALLY!

They say health equals wealth.

Let’s say you are investing for the long-term (as you should be!). Then in order to realize those gains, you must live long enough to see them.

That requires you to eat your three square meals, lots of fruits, nuts, berries, leafy greens and veggies. In addition, drink mostly water and tea.

This will alleviate 90% of ailments that are associated with poor diet.

Food is not for taste; it is for nutrition.   

And please, no smoking.

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Can’t stand exercise? Find a fun or simple activity such as bowling, walking, or dancing. Done.

See my post Health Really Does Equal Wealth


Indy sees that children need his help. He does not turn his back on them. He helps them.

They are more precious than any stone.

People were always more important to him than things or money.

See my post Generosity Can Go A Long Way

You want to help someone in need?

Read to the elderly.

Start a book club.

Volunteer to be a troop leader like Phyllis Nefler in Troop Beverly Hills.

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Donate to college scholarship funds.

The point is to get involved.  

You are powerful. More powerful than you know.

One person can change and lift all tides.

Case in point, the late Senator John McCain voted against the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. That vote saved MILLIONS from losing healthcare coverage! One man. One voice. One vote.

I’m just saying.