Tag Archives: Andy Warhol

Just Winging It: Heavenly Money Advice From The Heavenly Kid

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The idea is not to live forever, it is to create something that will. – Andy Warhol

I’m back with another blast from the past. This time I’m taking you back to 1985 with The Heavenly Kid.

The movie poster image says: In Life & Love, We’re All Just Winging It.

However, in the real world “WINGING IT” isn’t going to cut it.

Anything you want, you are going to have to work for and pursue it. You must devise a plan, write it down, determine a strategy, chart a course, set sail, and execute that plan until you reach the finish line.

See my post on Nike founder Phil Knight

One of my favorite films from the 80’s was this gem. The movie had a kick ass soundtrack too!

What I really loved about The Heavenly Kid (THK) is that in the end what mattered most was people and not things.

Take a walk with memory down memory lane. You will not be sorry you came along.

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Pinky promise.?

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I pinky promise you.

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The synopsis is as follows: A hip guardian angel named Bobby Fantana, who died in a car race in the 60s, reluctantly agrees to watch over lonely 80s high schooler Lenny Barnes who needs guidance on how to become cool.

This is how it all went down.

A young greaser-type rebel, challenges Joe Barnes (Mark Metcalf) to a game of chicken for making a pass at his girlfriend Emily (Jane Kaczmarek). Bobby wins the race easily when Joe dives out of his car, but Bobby is unable to get out of the car in time due to his bracelet getting caught on the gearshift. He dies as his car plummets over the cliff into a fiery wreck.

I know this is some sad sh*t, but it does get better.

Although, Bobby is no longer with us there is still some good he can do.

He wakes up aboard a speeding train, which stops at a station housing a huge escalator going up into a bright white light, which one of the attendants refers to as “Uptown”. Bobby is denied entry, and Rafferty (Richard Mulligan) appears and explains that he isn’t considered ready yet and needs to carry out an assignment in order to earn his ticket Uptown.

That train is hilarious. Basically, it is like some form of purgatory, but without any maliciousness. After what seemed like an eternity and many years in limbo, Bobby is finally given his assignment: he is to return to Earth and act as a guardian angel and friend for Lenny Barnes (Jason Gedrick), a promising high school student who is constantly picked on in school, particularly by school bullies Fred Gallo (Stephen Gregory) and Bill McIntyre (Beau Dremann).

The one and only Jason Gedrick.

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Iron Eagle 1986 young hero
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However, Bobby is instructed that he is only allowed to reveal himself to Lenny and nobody else.

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Ooh, plot thickens.

Basically, Bobby is not allowed to enter heaven but has to stay in one of the lower levels or downtown until he has worked enough as an guardian angel in order to deserve paradise. Like all good things, you have to earn it first.

Get out the popcorn, it’s going to be a good read.


When Bobby meets Lenny he is for lack of a better word; a nerd.

Just for flare. I am providing one of my favorite meet and greet handshakes of all time. By my favorite WWE wrestler Mach Man Randy Savage with Hulk Hogan. Now he had style and oozed confidence!

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And not the Steve Urkel type, but a kid that just has no confidence. Bobby is about to help him change that.

The first time he sees Lenny he is being picked on by a bunch of jerks from his high school. He notices that the “kid has no confidence cause he’s got no style.” Truer words had not been spoken.

I will not ever forget being teased in school. It only made me stronger. I remember thinking this is bull$#%t! I’m only here to get an education. I’m not here for you or your approval!

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All people cared about were looks and popularity. I was like there has to be more to life than they way you LOOK!

I decided to ignore them and hit the books and the gym. I found an upperclassman that was willing to do my hair anytime I wanted, then I worked on having impeccably flawless hygiene and appearance.

I felt this. Just like Regine Hunter (Kim Fields) in Living Single.

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I was like Beyonce in that b*tch! I WOKE UP LIKE THIS!

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All the bullying and teasing stopped REAL QUICK.

That is why I focus so much on my health, education, and building wealth. And it paid off in spades. I own a home, have multiple retirement accounts, I have over $100,000 in just 1 index fund and I own a bunch of those! Thanks Jack Bogle for creating the first index fund in 1975 with Vanguard.

I’m not the only one that has been teased in school. Lots of folks have. I recently saw an interview with William Zabka (Johnny from The Karate Kid) while he was promoting Cobra Kai with Ralph Macchio.

When asked about bullying he said he hates it. There are 3 core people involved in bullying: the bully, the one being bullied, and the witness. Go tell an adult or someone you trust what is going on. Speak up. No one knows unless you tell them. Don’t be afraid to stand up, say something or defend yourself. Remember that bullying is only a season; it is not your whole life. This too shall pass. It is not permanent; it is only temporary. At the time, it seems like your whole world because in that moment it is, but you will grow up an this will end. Yes, he said all of that. He played the bully in a movie. That is fiction. In real life (IRL), he is anti-bullying.

In addition, I remember hearing Jillian Michael tell her story. She was chubby and overweight. The kids were relentless in their teasing. Once she started training in martial arts she said the teasing dried up like prunes and stopped real quick. Therefore, if you want to do anything in this life, the first thing you have to do after making sure you are safe, dry, and feed is to build up some confidence. It can change your life faster than just about anything.

How do you get it? Create a safe place and space for yourself to be who you are, but also to have a clean and neat appearance.

Coco Chanel once said the fastest way to change your appearance is to never underestimate the value of fresh-shaped eyebrows, clean glowing skin and a good haircut.

Basically, focus on hair, teeth, and skin.

You do this by drinking water, exercising, and eating well.

The End.

As far as clothing goes, just do the basics. You are in high school for goodness sakes! All you need are jeans, t-shirts, sweaters, and sneakers.

For the ladies, some fitted tops, jeans, skirts, dresses and heels. A nice blazer and black leather jacket are staples along with nude heels and black pumps. A little black dress is always great to have.

And most important, nothing too TRENDY! Styles change quick. They change so fast that styles have already changed while I was typing this sentence on this post!

Stick to regular staples and basic solid colors and you will never go wrong. Remember that red is the color of confidence.

Also, that you are your biggest cheerleader. You have to believe in yourself or otherwise no one else will. Find a way to build up your confidence and you will go a lot further along in your life.

That’s just my $0.02 cents. Smooches 💋

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Lenny has a crush on a girl named Sharon who is the most beautiful and popular girl of the class. He was totally obsessed.

But she does not even notice him until Bobby helps Lenny change his image and boosts his confidence. By doing this Bobby dresses Lenny up making him a playboy and tough guy so that he gets what he wants although Bobby knows that this is not the best. 

Lenny spent so much time obsessing over Sharon that the girl that really liked him wasn’t even in his eyesight, but was right in front of him in his friend Melissa (Nancy Valen).

Look we have all been there. Young love. Sometimes it goes unrequited. You will love again. I promise you. Like a friend told Romeo, during the infamous feud between the Montague’s and the Capulets), he must move on from Juliet, there are other beauties.

Shakespeare had that right. Nothing lasts forever. You must be willing to move on once you have done all you can. Did you do your best? Alright then, move on. Time heals all wounds and this includes a broken heart.

Now let’s talk money.

Don’t sped money like a drunken sailor.

Once you start earning some income, put some money aside. Even if it is only $5 dollars a week! This will get you in the habit of saving.

They say the niches are in riches. If that is so, then saving is the niche to building lasting wealth.

I started with nothing and slowly built what I have. First, I was saving $1 a day. Then it was $50 a month. I slowly started bumping it up every chance I got. Got a raise. Save it. Got a windfall. Save it. Can’t just let that money sit. Money can’t be idle.

See my post Money Lessons I Learned from Scrooge McDuck

Money must be invested and it has to keep circulating. Spend on what you need. If there is excess, then you can buy luxuries, but not before you have earned the money first. Learn it. Live it. Love it.

I finally started doing $150 a month and then doubled that. I started reading more on saving and figured “What the heck?” just cut out the crap, stop spending and save.

That is when I leap frogged from saving $3,600 a year to $5,000, $8,000, $10,000 and then $13,333. I sold, stop buying, or earned more and saved. From sacrifice comes great things. Get it. Got it. Good.


One of my favorite scenes in the film was the shopping scene. Bobby takes Lenny shopping for new clothes. This boosts his confidence.

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In addition, he builds Lenny a car. Now that he has a new set of wheels and fancy clothes, he is ready to take on the world.

I am all for new clothes and buying things you need. Lenny needed to burn those clothes he had or donate them (waste not want not). They made him sad and lonely. He went from geek to chic. And his attitude along with it. However, they only got what he needed. No $5,000 Rolex, or $700 sneakers. Enough for the kid to get by and feel good.

See my post Shoe Game Is Not For The Frugal At Heart

That is what I do. That is how I was able to save thousands in annual clothing expenses and bank that money.

He was also economical in how he got a car. They went to a junkyard and put it together from all the spare parts lying around. No $500 car note there, which is the average that Americans are paying. Stop trying to impress people with your fancy gadgets.

Take a note from 50 Cent’s playbook. When in doubt: sell. Here is a cautionary tale.

Curtis 50 Cent Jackson recently sold his Connecticut mansion for $2.9 million. That is an 84% loss as he paid $4.1 million for the place in 2003. The reason he sold: money The place was a money pit. It cost a whopping $70,000 a month to maintain the property!

Therefore, he is paying $840,000 a year for his manse. He hasn’t even eaten yet! No gas was put in the Hummer (fill in any fancy car name here) and no food was put in the fridge. And don’t forget health insurance. That’s all got to be paid. In 9 years, 50 Cent will have paid over $7.5 million just to do nothing but sit on the sofa in his house! This 19 bedroom manse had no purpose other than to impress people. No one NEEDS 19 bedrooms unless they are running a bed and breakfast. Matter of fact, having a 10,000 or more square ft home is like having a small hotel. I’ll pass.


Bobby later finds out that Lenny’s mother is his former girlfriend who has married another guy. Although not being allowed he makes himself visible to her…

and after some additional situations take place Lenny is challenged to a chicken race at the local quarry by Fred, Sharon’s former boyfriend. Having been told by Rafferty that Lenny will die just as Bobby did earlier, Bobby offers to trade his own chance to move Uptown (essentially, his own immortal soul) to save Lenny’s life.  He vows to give up his soul. A selfless act indeed.  

This unknowingly earns Bobby a trip to Heaven or “uptown” as the movie refers to it. Rafferty explains to Bobby that he had learned to love and value someone more than himself, and that is how one earned a ticket Uptown.

There are going to be times in this life when you will have to chose what matters most to you. What do you value? I remember hearing the Osmonds father (yes, those Osmonds of Donnie and Marie fame) tell his children: faith, family, then career.

I pick my investments based on what I value most: freedom. The freedom to choose what I do with my life and my time.

Money is infinite, but time is not. Once it’s gone, it is gone forever.

That is why I only do what excites me. You only get one life. One shot. One chance. I suggest we all do what Eminem says, ” You better lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow This opportunity comes once in a lifetime.” I agree wholeheartedly.

If you like this post, then check out the film The Heavenly Kid. Because life and you money are too important to “just wing it.”

A Look Behind the Man and the Mohawk: An Interview with Budgets are Sexy

Image: Budgets are Sexy

Boys tell stories ’bout the man. Say I never struggled, wasn’t hungry, yeah, I doubt it – Drake, Started From The Bottom

So, who is the man behind the mohawk?

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Well, you’re about to find out.

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Just who he is.

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But first…

A shout out to all things hearts and flowers. Valentine’s Day is coming!

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Valentine’s Day!!!

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Dean: Where am I going?
Sam: Dean, it’s Valentine Day. Your favorite holiday, remember? I mean, what do you always call it – uh, Unattached Drifter Christmas?😂

Q: What did cavemen give their wives on Valentine’s Day?
A: Lots of ughs and kisses.

As you can see, J. Money is all about the love.

And so this joke is for just for you J$.

Q: What did the calculator say to the pencil on Valentine’s Day?
A: You can always count on me.

Okay. All jokes and kidding aside.

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Who are we talking with today about the sorted topic of coin? Blogger extraordinaire J. Money of Budgets Are Sexy

Sometimes I am two people. Johnny is the nice one. Cash causes all the trouble. They fight. – Johnny Cash

Let’s find out the man behind the money and the mohawk?

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Let’s not waste any time. We’re diving right into the interview.


GBM Miriam: It was great meeting the one and only J. Money at FinCon 18 in Orlando. Congrats, on being an 11-time Plutus Award winner for your blog Budgets are Sexy. You can see more about what others are saying about his blog on his press page. The accolades are well-deserved. I even included him on my list of Money advice that 10 Bloggers told me blog post! That’s because J$ does not hold anything back when it comes to talking money.

Imagine my surprise to meet the man I had been following along to and reading his stuff for the past several years.

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He was extremely nice and down-to-earth. One of the friendliest guys I have ever met!!!

He never ceases to amaze me with his sheer enthusiasm for life, unbridled passion for what he does, his unmatched love of talking all things money, and incredible charisma and good vibes is almost like nothing I have ever felt!

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It was so great to meet him. He is just awesome to be around. You can never feel bad around J$. I dare you. He’s just too friendly and cool.

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I had to reach out and ask for an interview.


This is how it feels to meet J$.

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Fun Fact: Both Carl Weathers and Schwarzenegger have starred in films with Sly Stallone. Carl Weathers had famously done Rocky just a few years before he did this film, Predator, with Ah-nuld!

For those who don’t already know the award winning blogger.

Like Jay Z said, “allow me to re-introduce myself.” 


1. What prompted you to start a blog about money? Why are budgets sexy?

I fell in love with the community after searching for tips back in 2007 when I bought a house with no money down and no budget whatsoever (*gasp*). I was entranced by how real and RAW people were online – especially those sharing their net worths! – and after a while I thought I’d jump into the ring myself and have a little fun… Had no idea it would completely change my life, and my finances, over a decade later!

I came up with the “budgets are sexy” concept around the time Justin Timberlake’s “I’m bringing sexy back” song was charting, and thought it went well together since budgets essentially gives you the one thing that we all strive for – confidence. The confidence to know where your money’s been, the confidence to know where you’re money’s going, and then of course the confidence it gives you within just knowing you’re on top of the game! And how sexy is that??

So, you just decided to toss your hat into the ring! Wow. That’s it. Just jump out there. Well, that’s awesome.

You only live once, that’s the motto…YOLO – Drake, The Motto

I guess you really did take YOLO to heart. ❤👍

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Well, alright! 👌

GBM Miriam: I read the Financial Diet by Chelsea Fagen and was pleasantly surprised to see you were featured in it!! Congrats!!!

2. Any favorite finance books? How come? 

My top 3 favorites are:

  • “I Will Teach You To Be Rich” by Ramit Sethi (good for action taking and funny as hell)
  • “The Automatic Millionaire” by David Bach (also good for action taking)
  • “The Millionaire Next Door” by Thomas J. Stanley and and William D. Danko. (good for your *mind!*)

I also love “Essentialism” by Greg McKeown, which isn’t a finance book, but more of a lifestyle/career one which heavily influences what I spend my time on, and more importantly – what I don’t.

GBM Miriam: On your blog it states: “A personal finance blog that won’t put you to sleep.” – Benjamin Franklin

Great! Because I liked to be entertained. I don’t want to be put to sleep! I want to talk money and have some fun. They say, give the people what they want.

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I thought that quote on Franklin was pretty funny because I did a blog post on the how the 13 virtues of Benjamin Franklin can make you rich. I am a huge fan of his and that is why I like the Disney film National Treasure so much as it has B. Franklin all over it!

Are you a fan of Ben Franklin?

3. What are you reading right now? What’s on your night stand? 

I’m reading a lot of books on the history of my hometown, which I’m told is even more boring than finances 😉 There’s also a book on Benjamin Franklin that a reader mailed me – “Franklin’s Thrift: The Lost History of an American Virtue” – as he knew I’m a big fan of his habits.

Success is having to worry about every damn thing in the world, except money. – Johnny Cash

4. One thing people may not know about you?

I have mild O.C.D. as well as A.D.H.D., and I also hate public speaking… which sucks, because you could really grow an empire in this field if you love getting in front of a crowd! Here’s an awesome article I just came across btw for anyone else who suffers from “reading O.C.D.” (It’s a thing!) –> How I Overcame My Reading OCD

Started from the bottom, now we’re here. – Drake

GBM Miriam: I read online that you managed to amass $400,000 in 7 years. That’s no small feat.

I try to think positive. Write down my goals (cause you know, it’s all about the power of the pen). Visualize what I want and say my affirmations to make things come to fruition.

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But what about you? How’d you do it?

5. What’s in your wallet? How did you start building wealth? 

I’m super minimalist with my wallet (it’s actually a money clip), and I only keep a credit card in it, my debit card, and then cold hard cash along with my drivers license. Although now I realize your question is more about my proverbial wallet isn’t it? Haha…

For that I max out all my retirement accounts every year using Vanguard index funds, or more specifically – the VTSAX fund (I keep my investing simple too!). Went from $50,000 to $800,000+ by mainly doing that, along with of course cutting back and finding other avenues of income along the way… 

GBM Miriam: I appreciate that honesty right there. Thanks for keeping it 💯!!

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Just like the post you did called The Red Wedding of Net Worth Reports : $842,180.92 [Down $60,000! The Worst to Date]

You just put it out there. And that’s awesome. I need all the transparency I can get right now with the Dow Jones base jumping every other week.

I almost started to Birdbox myself like Sandra Bullock and only look at the stock market blindfolded, but then I thought to just go ahead and look at it, as it’s better to just rip a band-aid off.

Alright, it’s time for the bonus round.

My favorite part of every interview here on Greenbacks Magnet!!!

Bonus Questions (pick any of the questions from the top or below that you want to answer) 

7. What’s your favorite ’80s and/or ’90s jam? What’s on your ipod? Would you let us hook up your ‘Recently Played’ list on Spotify to our office speakers?

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Haha… I love old school rap, mixed in with a little pop and folk music for good measure. You could hook up my iPod Nano if you wanted (remember that one???) but it’s stuck in the 2000’s as I rarely download anything and tend to stick to the radio or vinyl… I love me some Johnny Cash or Chuck Berry action!

Chuck Berry huh? Anyone remember the film Back to the Future?

Well, here is Marty doing a cover of the 1958 Chuck Berry song Johnny B. Goode. Enjoy!

8. What would your autobiography be called? 

“Normal Guy Gets Lucky and Can’t Believe He Writes Down His Thoughts For a Living”

GBM Miriam: I love that title! That’s really funny, but sooooo accurate.

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9. If you found a lottery ticket that ends up winning $2 million. What would you do? 

Pay the taxes on it, spend $10,000 lavishly on friends and family, and then probably bank the rest into Vanguard funds and keep going about my business…

GBM Miriam: Smart move. Pay those taxes.

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In a weird way I actually DON’T wanna win the lottery as I want to see if I can hit financial freedom *on my own*. Not that I’d turn it down if I won, but I’d probably have to stop blogging since everyone would just assume it was the lottery that brought me to this place and write me off, haha… I already feel like I won the lottery anyways as you can tell from my autobiography! 😉

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If you notice we go from 9 to 12, that is because out of 15 (more or less) interview questions, all guests can answer whatever ones interest them the most. Skipping a few questions we move right along.

In the illustrious words of Pauly Shore, “let’s keep on cruisin’.”

12. Do you consider Monopoly to be a game that you play with friends or enemies?

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FRIENDS!! Why would you play it with enemies??? The only real problem with Monopoly is finding people who will actually *finish the game* with you since everyone bails after only like 30 mins!! The worst!!

13. If you could steal credit for any great piece of art, song, film, book etc which one would you claim?

GBM Miriam: Personally, I would want the Campbell Soup Cans by Andy Warhol.

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Painted around 1962, one painting (of the 32 cans he painted, which the canvases are on display at the Modern Museum of Art in New York) went on to fetch a record-breaking amount for an American artist of $11.8 at Christie’s auction house in May 2006. I do love some Campbell’s chicken noodle soup.

Andy Warhol also said, “the goal isn’t to live forever. It is to create something that does.” It is one of the reasons I chose to start a blog.

BAS J$: I’m gonna take the lame way out and say I wouldn’t steal anyone’s as I hate it when my stuff gets copped. Plus — I already suffer from Impostor Syndrome  just being *myself*, so there’s no way I could pull off being someone else even if I wanted to! 🙂

14. Which animal would make the best type of president if the animal kingdom ever rises up and takes over?

Unicorns? I don’t know anyone who hates them, and we sure do need some magic up in here to fix our world!! 🦄🦄🦄

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Image result for the last unicorn the skull gif

15. When it comes to making tea which answer most applies to you?

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a) I am the patron saint of tea, tea for everyone!

b) I’m not a one man Starbucks. Every man for himself.

c) I’ve only got two hands- so first come, first served.


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– J$

GBM Miriam: As there was only three options, J. Money decided to do a write in answer. As any boss would.

What I should have asked. And figured would be a coffee drinker’s answer.

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Well, that brings us to the end of this interview. This was a fun post and I hope a good time was had by all.

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GBM Miriam: Thank you J. Money for stopping by!! I am sure we will see each other again at the next money meets media conference as FinCon19 is coming to DC! That’s right in our neck of the woods. 😉

BAS J$: thanks again for having me! fun and creative questions 👍🙏

Want more straight forward money advice from Budgets Are Sexy?

Find him on his  website or stalk him on Instagram and connect with him on Twitter at @BudgetsAreSexy 

How Arnold Schwarzenegger Totally Recalls making $20 million-dollar paychecks

Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. – Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of the biggest movies stars in the world. His iconic roles in The Terminator, Predator, Total Recall, and True Lies are just some of his hit Hollywood blockbuster movies. During the 80’s and 90’s he raked in big bucks at the box office and cashed in big paychecks at the bank as a result.

In my quest to study the self-made, I decided to read up on the “Governator” himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

I actually mentioned Arnold in a couple posts I wrote, Forget casinos, bet on yourself and Money Lessons I learned from Jay Leno.  Now, I am going to talk about how he became self-made.

Arnold wrote his autobiography, written in 2012, entitled, “Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story.” Clocking in at 656 pages long, it is a massive read. I actually completed this undertaking last December 2017. It took me 3 weeks to finish reading from cover to cover. In the book, Mr. Schwarzenegger actually lists his paychecks for his hit films. At one point, he was making $20 million per film.

How did he do it? There is only one word to describe it: unbelievably.

Here is his story.


The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it, as long as you really believe 100 percent. – Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger was born on July 30, 1947, in Thal, Styria, Austria. His father, Gustav Schwarzenegger, served in World War II. Arnold’s mother, Aurelia, was working at a local shop when she spotted his father in uniform. That was all it took for her to fall for him as she loved a man in uniform. I must admit, so did I.

His parents married on October 20, 1945. His mother was 15 years younger than his father as she was 23. They were strict disciplinarians. Arnold said in Austria the rod was not spared if a child was disobedient. In the book, he said his father would make him and his brother earn their breakfast by doing pushups or sit-ups.  His father believed that the way to fix any problem was through discipline.


Arnold was an average student but, was popular and well-liked for his boundless energy, humor, and cheerfulness. He started playing sports and picked up his first barbell at age 14. He decided that bodybuilding would be his career. His deep interest in the sport took up almost all his spare time. At one point, he even broke into the local gym when it was closed and began to lift weights for a couple hours just to get in his workout.

Money was tight growing up. There was no inside plumbing or bathroom. They fetched water to bathe from a local well and one of the highlights of his youth was getting a refrigerator, where he said they would marvel at the opening and closing of the fridge door. When going shopping his mother only used cash and never bought anything other than the essentials.

Austrians believed in conformity and were not allowed to be individuals. However, Arnold had different plans. He was considered a rebel because he wanted to move to America and be rich. He stated he wanted to be somebody. Due to his rebellious tendencies and other issues, Arnold was never close to his father as his favorite was Arnold’s brother. However, he had a close relationship with his mother until her death.

A chance meeting at his bodybuilding coaches house would change his life. Arnold, in 1966, met bodybuilder and movie star Reg Park, his idol, and he went on to become his mentor. Schwarzenegger decided he would not only be a body builder, but also a movie star, just like Reg Park.


Training gives us an outlet for suppressed energies created by stress and thus tones the spirit just as exercise conditions the body. – Arnold Schwarzenegger 

Arnold would work out almost every day. Lifting weights became an obsession. He would break into the gym on weekends when it was closed and work out.

He couldn’t stand to miss a workout. Arnold has said he couldn’t even look himself in the mirror, if he missed a workout. That is dedication. This was 1961. By 1965, all Austrian males, at the age of 18, are required to fulfill one year of military service, but Arnold had other plans.


While in basic training, Arnold learned he was able to eat meat every day. Growing up, his mother had a garden where she would grow vegetables so she could feed her family on a tight budget. They rarely ate meat. Once he was able to get protein on the daily, he was constantly growing out of his uniforms. He went up a size every month and required a new uniform several times.

During his service, he learned basic tank mechanics, almost wreaked one by not putting it in park, and learned to ride a motorcycle. He said those skills would later serve him well while doing the Terminator and other films. Arnold learned to become pretty fearless. He was scared, but he would push ahead anyway.

During his time in the military, a Junior Mr. Europe Contest came up. He went AWOL and served a week in military prison because he chose to attend. But Arnold won that title.

He later received a job offer to work and train in a gym as a bodybuilder. He used this information and his past transgressions to convince the military to release him and he received an honorable discharge. That competition in Europe made him famous and the Mr. Universe title was his ticket to America-the land of opportunity, where he felt he could become rich.


Arnold was happy to leave Austria as he had been telling people for many years as a kid he was going to America, but no one believed in his dreams. But the day came in October of 1968, when he was headed to California to train at the infamous Gold’s Gym in Venice, Los Angeles. He could barely speak English, but at the age of 21, was going to America to live and work.

Arnold was able to get a role in a film in 1969, “”Hercules in New York”, which paid him $12,000. He continued to train from 1970-1974 non-stop. In 1970, he won his first of seven, Mr. Olympia titles.


In the 1970s, Arnold is enrolled in college throughout the decade. He bounced around to several taking math, English, science, and eventually earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Superior in 1979. It took about 10 years, but finally he had his college degree.

He also stated in the book he would write down his goals on an index card at the start of every new year.

At one time in his life, he met Pope John Paul II in 1983, they talked about workouts. The pope rose daily at 5 a.m. in order to stick to his regimen. It was something like 300 push-ups. If he could do it, this book says, you can do it, too. This is where I got the idea to start my daily fitness routine. I, personally, like boxing.


All roads not only lead to Rome, but in Arnold’s case also to Hollywood, California.


Arnold also competed in the Olympics and won the title of Mr. Olympia 3 times. After the 1971-74 competitions, in 1975, filmmakers convinced him to do the bodybuilding film Pumping Iron.


The worst thing I can be is the same as everybody else. I hate that. – Arnold Schwarzenegger 

Arnold is big into frugality. He saved every dime he could from any winnings he made while competing. When he first got to America, he had $27,000. That is the equivalent of $173,000 (adjusted for inflation) in 2017. His motto was turn every dollar into two.

Arnold invested his money in real estate. He researched for 3 years and worked with an agent before finally setting his sights on putting a down payment on his four-unit apartment building at the cost of $214,000. Then he sold the building the next year for $360,000. Then immediately put his profits into a new 12 unit building. He did this to avoid the huge tax bills of his profits.

The Los Angeles real estate market was booming. You could make $100k profit in just a year or two.

Arnold then bought a 36 unit building, followed by a 100 unit building. Within about 10 years, Arnold Schwarzenegger was a real estate tycoon and millionaire.

This was close to 7-8 years before he would become a bankable Hollywood action star. He was able to be pickier and choose plum movie roles because he did not have to take any role that came his way. He always believed in going to the top. Go where its empty and you can chart your own path. He aimed to be the leading man.


“The idea is not to live forever, it is to create something that will.” ― Andy Warhol.

After small roles in various film and television, he was offered the lead in his breakthrough film role of Conan the Barbarian in 1982. The movie was a hit.

Love the painted look.

Then he starred in the sequel, Conan the Destroyer, in 1984.

For me life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer. – Arnold Schwarzenegger 

Arnold got to meet and work with lots of people. He feels that building relationships is key to having a successful, happy, and fulfilled life. Some of those people include, Linda Hamilton, Sharon Stone, Michael Ironside, Vanessa Williams, and the late Andy Warhol.


I’ll be back. – Arnold’s famous line as The Terminator

Arnold was offered a role in a film where there is a futuristic war between man and machines. At the meeting, with Gale Anne Hurd (The Walking Dead) and James Cameron (Avatar), he was convinced that the role of the T1 was pivotal, if the film was to be a success.

He was right. Listen to Ah-nuld! I just watched the film a few weeks ago. It still holds up.

Here’s one of my favorite scenes from the film; it’s Kyle Reese, played by actor Michael Biehn. He did an incredible job as he also did in the film Aliens.

Arnold Money Lesson: When Arnold met his future wife, Maria Shriver, he accidentally left his wallet at home. She had to write him a check for $70, to pay his train ticket home. He paid her back and wrote her a thank you note. In addition, he learned a valuable lesson. Always have cash. From that moment on, he would carry $1000 cash and a high or no limit credit card. He learned the motto of this blog, that cash is king.

He then decided to do a film by new first time director, Jim Cameron, called The Terminator.  It went on to gross $80 million and Arnold was officially a bonafide movie star.

Fun Fact: Arnold likes to tell jokes. He decided early on that his films should include quips that are memorable one-liners and catchphrases.  Like this, “Hasta la vista, baby” — Terminator 2: Judgment Day.

I actually heard that same phrase in a Jody Whatley song Looking For A New Love from her self-titled 1987 album. That was 4 years before T2.


“Money doesn’t make you happy. I now have $50 million, but I was just as happy when I had $48 million.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

From there it just keeps getting better. He’s a hit factory and the paychecks got bigger and bigger. Arnold made $250,000 for Conan and $360,000 for Conan 2. Then took a pay cut for The Terminator, at $75,000.  Arnold earned $1.5 million for 1985’s Commando, $3 million for 1987’s Predator and $8 million for 1988’s Red Heat. Bang, bang, bang! That’s all money in the bank.

He hit the deca-million ($10 million USD) paycheck mark with Total Recall in 1990. Then made $15 million for Terminator 2 and True Lies. Arnold eventually hit a $20 million-dollar payday in 1996 with Eraser. Yes, that’s US Dollars!

Source: themovietimes.com

He is estimated to have a net worth around $400 million dollars.

And there you have it.

At the end of the book, he also listed Arnold’s Rules for Success.

Here is Arnold talking Life’s 6 Rules during the Governor’s 2009 USC Commencement Address. He said be unique, be a maverick. Maybe even an outlier?

How being an outlier can make you rich

So let’s recap…

  • Start with a dream
  • Write it down
  • Say out loud what you want to do or be
  • Work hard
  • Break the rules, not the law
  • Don’t be afraid to fail
  • Exercise
  • Weight lifting builds muscles and confidence
  • Trust yourself
  • Ignore the naysayers
  • Save and invest
  • Real estate can make you a fortune
  • Financial independence equals freedom
  • Give something back
  • Turn every dollar into two