Had to take a break to batten down the hatches and get things under control at the home front.
Like many other folks out here, I had to stop everything and readjust to life in the pandemic.
March 13, 2020 will go down as a day in infamy.
It went from getting up and going about my day to lock everything down, close up shop, HIDE the wife, HIDE the kids, and LOCK THE DOORS!
Who would have thought that this would still be wreaking havoc on so many of our daily lives almost a year later?
The year 2020 sink into the abyss.
While the fat cats on Wall Street got richer, many of the regular working stiff got the shaft. I ain’t here to put anyone down. I’m here to lift people up.
I want to get you to the places where you want to go. So I am going to show you how the rich are doing it. I know that talking about building wealth during a pandemic may seem callous, but know this, one day the pandemic will end.
And if you are tired of living hand-to-mouth and paycheck-to-paycheck, then you better listen up. I’m trying to change your money mindset to one of sheer hope and abundance dammit!
I feel like Kanye and his song Jesus Walks when he rapped the lyrics,” I ain’t here to argue about his facial features. I’m here to convert atheist’s into believers.” Many will doubt me. But some will listen. And to those that do, your life will change.
I have so many posts on ice that I didn’t even know where to start. So I figured I would just dive right in.
My 5-step plan for surviving COVID.
Number One you need shelter.
If you are beefing or in any type of conflict with your roommates or partner, now is the time to kiss and make up.
This cannot be over-stressed that you need a roof over you head. I saw a ton of chatter online about people not knowing they need to sign a form and submit it to their landlord to stop any possible eviction due to limited funds or no income.
Reach out to local housing authorities, neighbors, 7 on your side or even your Congressman if it will help you. If you can’t afford an apartment, see if you can rent a room. This is top priority. You cannot stay safe without 4 walls and a roof.
Number Two you need food.
Whether it is a local grocery store, Instacart, or a food pantry, doesn’t really matter. You must have food to live.
Stock up on fruits, veggies, milk, bread, and eggs. Anything that helps you make a quick meal. You just need to survive this.
This too shall pass.
Number three you get the household in order.
Forget putting water in the pool, watering the grass, or landscaping.
You have to conserve everything.
You never know when a freak storm or accident could make things more difficult. So limit and cut any unnecessary spending and home maintenance.
Number four you need an emergency fund.
Don’t kid yourself into thinking the government or unemployment is going to save you. It’s not.
Any place you can pull resources from do it!
Even if you do cash advances on a credit card, a cash-out home refinance, or personal loan.
Money is the only legal tender with which to pay bills.
My suggestion is to have a minimum of $5k at all times just in case.
Number five keep stacking that dough.
If you are one of the lucky ones that still have a job or are working from home (about 30 million Americans lost jobs), then you have something to work with.
Keep contributing to your retirement and savings accounts. Do not stop. This fund will be what allows you to one day retire.
Don’t slack now, if you do not have to.
I’ll leave you with this tidbit.
The stock market has averaged over 11 percent from 1975 to 2015.
Over those 40 years, the stock market has minted many millionaires. You could be one of them, as long as you keep stacking and stay the course.
And if you need motivation, tweet me. I’ll be @mjp2520 on twitter.
My number one goal was always to get $100,000 into a 401(k) for as long as I can remember. I picked this number because the first 4100k is the hardest.
Keeping in mind that I started at ground zero, I feel good that I at least have a goal to shot for. I was aiming for the stars but who cares right? I wanted to see more 0s in my bank account.
So, let’s dive right in.
Cash Savings: I was still working on building up my cash reserves to reach my goal $2,500. This is the start of my rainy day fund.
Roth IRA: I just opened this account up in June of that year. I started with contributing $50 a month.
403b: I got this account last year in 2010 when I got my new job. I’m so happy to have the matching contributions! Hopefully, I can put in $5,500 per year!
So there you have it. I am giving you a peek inside the finances of a future blogger. This is lonngg before I started beefing up my savings and investments to 40% of my income. More to come in the next several months on my net worth updates.
I took a much needed hiatus for the last few weeks to come to terms with the new world order of life during the COVID-19 lockdown.
I did the usual. Stockpiled water, canned goods, cereal, and toilet paper.
Now I’m back.
If this blog could talk, I am sure it would have asked me this question.
After making sure I had food, water, and medicine to stay physically healthy, my mind started wondering about my fiscal health.
Then I thought, shouldn’t people also be making sure they are staying not only safe, but also financially solvent during the pandemic.
Much like Angela Chase (Claire Danes) was constantly obsessing about her crush Jordan Catalano (Jared Leto) in My So-Called Life (MSCL), I would find myself constantly obsessing over my finances.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the show, My So-Called Life is an American teen drama television series from the 90’s that aired on ABC and then in reruns on MTV for years after it ended with only one season.
The plot surrounded a young 15-year-old girl that spent much of her time trying to figure out life and navigate being on the cusp on adulthood. The cast also just recently did a virtual reunion and reunited back together in 2020.
Now, back to my story.
I needed a fiscal safety net and plan in place that would allow me to weather and fiscal storm, including the coronavirus.
With over 33 million people filing for unemployment, I needed to shore up my resources.
My So-Called Finances needed my full attention. I was up for the undertaking.
Many of my lessons about money started when I was very young. I knew it was very important to have money so that you could take care of yourself and your family.
I got in the habit of saving when I was only three years old. That habit hasn’t changed. I have technically always been a saver.
However, along the way, I got lost. Kind of the same way that Alice did in Wonderland.
I too found myself in a maze of things I did not understand. I needed those signs like Alice got.
You know the ones. They said things like; Drink me.
By high school, I was an angst ridden teen with a penchant for spending. Then it hit me. Maybe I should start reading about this money stuff.
My 401(k) would be my new boyfriend.
As, time went on, I started obsessing about retirement. The hand-to-mouth existence dd not appeal to me.
I thought about what the heroine, Angela, in MSCL would do. She would probably start reading a book and asking a friend for advice.
I knew the same way Amy March did in Little Women that I would not be pauper.
Fun Fact: Claire Danes also starred as Beth in the 1994 adaption of the book.
Therefore, I had to change some things. They say the first step to solving a problem is admitting that you have one. It hurt to see that low bank balance, but it had to be done. To know where you are going, you have to know where you are.
The first step was to set a goal. If I had something to aim for, then I had a purpose. The goal: A one million-dollar 401(k).
The Tools to Succeed 1. Learn skills to sell for money You need the skills to become Financially Independent (FI).
I wanted to be fiscally savvy. Therefore, I had to read. Angela started off the show reading the book, The Diary of Anne Frank.
I started my FI journey reading a Kiplinger magazine. Then from there, I started watching the Suze Orman show. I knew I didn’t want to sit at a desk for 12 years only to end up sitting at a desk for another 40. I needed a plan. Being able to escape the rat race sooner rather than later appealed to me.
I started devouring personal finance books and blogs. Some of my personal favorites are The Automatic Millionaire, The Millionaire Next Door and I Will Teach You to be Rich. Then you have to decide on a path. I chose passive investing.
That turned on the light-bulb for me. Wealth building is about action.
Building wealth would take time, sacrifice, and work.
Some people choose to start a business, become doctors, lawyers, actors, musicians, consultants, chefs or to make their fortune. I would get mine by investing.
I still needed a career to get paid. So, I found an employer to buy time form me and I equally willing to sell time to them. You can work in the public or private sector.
You can get further up the income ladder by gaining skills in the public sector and then selling them at a markup in the private sector to arbitrage your valuable skill assets.
I picked a job in finance. Once I got that job offer, I made the choice to start investing ASAP.
The 401(k) offers a maximum contribution of $19,000 and the IRA (Traditional or Roth) offers a max of $6,000. That is a total of $25,000 annually. I got my start with 6% and a match of 3%. Then, I slowly started working my way up by increasing my contributions by 1% a year.
2. Passive strategies There are two strategies here: A. Live below your means (LBYM); B. work smarter not harder.
Your employer wants to make more off of you than they pay you. Your work will not go unrewarded, but will be under-rewarded. Therefore, it is your job to invest in yourself by saving for your retirement.
You must save enough to start earning large amounts of interest off your principal investment.
3. Accumulation phase Your job here is to start contributing as much as you can to your 401(k).
After, saving a 6-month emergency fund so you are no longer living paycheck-to-paycheck, start putting in every dollar you can into your accounts. Save until it hurts. Even if all you can afford is $50 a month. Save something. This will eventually become your own personal ATM.
It will be like a vending machine. You step up, put in your request, and the machine hands you what you want.
The RMD has now gone from 70.5 to 72. Therefore, you can let your money ride on the interest gravy train for an additional 1.5 years. On a million-dollar portfolio, that would mean an additional $105,000 with a 7% rate of return.
Building up your assets. I started with $5 and then went on to my first $100,000 and beyond. It can be done.
4. Passively build a sizable investment pool Find ways to earn income.
This can be with royalties from writing a book, collecting rent on rental properties, or renting out your parking space.
The goal is to trade time up front to build an income stream that with essentially last forever. Then you can kick back and relax.
If you have to sell 40 hours a week or the sum of 2,080 a year, you should get something out of the deal. Simple math can change your life.
I knew that one-million could spit off $50,000 of income forever with a 5% return. I just had to get there first. When I got to the point where my next money milestone was going to be $300,000, I knew I was on to something.
Why invest so much money? It’s simple. The answer is freedom.
Free from worry over how to pay bills, over how you spend your time, and quality of life.
Money equals power.
Money lets you be more confident.
Debt consumes as it only takes from you and gives you nothing.
The way to build your confidence is through positive experiences. Paying off debt then saving and investing that money will give you that. This in turn will build your self-esteem.
My favorite scene in MSCL was the one in the episode titled, “self-esteem.”
Confidence is key my friends. It attracts things to you. In Angela’s case, it was Jordan. Oops. I meant to say Jordan Catalano. For some reason on that show, he could never just be Jordan.
So, you see in the end, that you can get what you want. You just have to be patient, ask for it, and work for it. They say ask and you shall receive. Try it. I did.
Please excuse the clickety-clack of my keyboard while I type ferociously thus, breaking the eloquent silence of God and nature.
As I write this the U.S. is in the midst of a global health pandemic. The Coronavirus has caused worldwide panic the likes of which I have never seen.
What is being labeled as Black Monday 2020, March 9, the Dow’s worst single-day point drop in U.S. market history. A record $20.2 billion has been pulled from stocks on March 13, the largest daily outflow ever.
This is different from the financial crisis of 2008-09, as it was a mortgage crisis not a health crisis then, but this is now what will likely lead to a financial and housing crisis. The economy has gone into a recession.
There were 3.3 million unemployment applications submitted last week alone. They are estimating 3.5 million submissions next week.
Over 500,000 workers across the hospitality, retail, and restaurant sectors have been furloughed indefinitely.
Store shelves are bare and low on necessities. Milk, bread, and eggs are some of the first items to go. Toilet paper is now the currency of the realm.
Schools, churches, libraries and hair salons are closed. It is pretty certain that millions of small businesses will close and never open their doors again.
Many large retailers may become insolvent and close their doors permanently.
Rent strikes are popping up all over the country in response to stay-at-home and shelter-in-place orders from state governors. However, it is April 1st and the rent is due.
As all of this is going on around me, I have to make a judgment call.
My hand is hovering over the buy button in my 401(k) account. My inner voice is saying go for it. You did the math. You did like financial blogger FIREcracker said and I mathed shit up! I knew I could come out ahead when the markets rebound. Stocks are on sale. I’m going down to the mat with the bear market. I’ve been here before and come back up every time. I take a deep breath and hit submit.
I have now bought over a hundred shares of various stocks as of March 31. Before, the market started crashing I transferred over $84,000 out of multiple stock funds and placed my bet on one Vanguard 500 index fund over the last two years. Why you ask? I’m taking my cues from a historical data approach and a sprinkle of Buffet wisdom.
Back in 2013, in a letter to shareholders, Buffet gave a piece of advice to the trustee of his estate after he passes, “wife’s inheritance has been told to put 90% of her money into a stock index fund and 10% into short-term government bonds.”
A portfolio set for a 90/10 allocation over a period from 1900-2014 had a fail rate of 2.3%. That means a success rate of 97.7%! Therefore, I am not scared.
Others are panicking, but I choose to keep a cool head. My investing advice is sprinkle some Buffet on it. It’s the wild west out here. I could place a huge bet and get my wings clipped like Icarus for traveling too close to the fire of the market. After all, it is a fire sale on stocks going on right now.
However, I can’t let fear stop me. I have weighed the risks. And decided to take those calculated risks.
You see I have 100 years of stock market knowledge behind me. Past results do not guarantee future results, but whenever history turns it backs on the market, then during the rally the market turns it back on you.
Those who do not feed the beast are later consumed by it. Financial literacy has been my guiding light in these dark times we suddenly found ourselves in.
I have been thrown in a cave with the bear market, but like Yogi, I have learned to be smarter than the average bear.
Some of you may be surprised that I am using Yogi Bear as inspiration to invest, but let’s not forget he always seemed to outsmart Ranger Smith and get that coveted picnic basket.
Image from Wikipedia
Therefore, fear will not take me under for I have knowledge my friends. And knowledge is the slayer of fear. While Buffy slays vampires, I slay market gyrations.
I like to take Buffet’s advice to bet on America. He says, “From a standing start 240 years ago — a span of time less than triple my days on earth — Americans have combined human ingenuity, a market system, a tide of talented and ambitious immigrants, and the rule of law to deliver abundance beyond any dreams of our forefathers.”
Yes, indeed America has.
That is incredible growth for a country that was just started with 13 original colonies in 1607 to become the biggest economy in the world, as other civilizations are far older than America.
It must have felt the same way for Neal Armstrong when he took those first steps on the moon for mankind in 1968.
That is incredible growth to go from walking on the ground, to the rocket, to the moon considering less than 70 years ago man had just learned how to fly in a little place called Kitty Hawk.
And when I threw open my personal finance go-to book, it looks as if I am not the only one who calls on the sage advice of the finance world’s Obi-Wan.
I found that financial blogger J.D. Roth of Get Rich Slowly also listens to the man they call “The Oracle of Omaha” Warren Buffet.
Here is an excerpt from the 2009 New York Times best-selling book I Will Teach You to be Rich: No Guilt. No Excuses. No BS. Just a 6-Week Program That Works by Ramit Sethi. The blog post was titled: HOW TO WRESTLE WITH A BEAR—AND WIN Why I’m Not Worried About the Economy.
Wall Street is fear-stricken it will have banks and businesses go under and lose countless millions in the process.
Main Street is panicked that it can’t make rent to pay Wall Street.
When Wall Street head honcho and real estate billionaire Thomas Barrack Jr. speaks of commercial mortgages being on the brink of collapse, you spark panic all around you.
Mr. Barrack of Colony Capital predicts a “domino effect” of catastrophic economic consequences without prompt action to keep borrowers from defaulting.
I know that may keep some people on the bench, but I prefer to keep swinging for the fences.
You’ll never get a hit from the dugout.
Millionaires are made of Teflon. They keep betting when the house is cleaning up. They just keep on swinging. You miss 100% of every shot you don’t take.
I once remember reading that millionaire’s know they are made by saving ten bucks at a time.
Pundits are instilling fear when they should be telling long-term investors to stay the course. The wealthy know better. They keep investing because that’s what winners do.
Here is Suze Orman’s FIRE protection gear: $5 million dollars to retire early. Really? Do tell. Care to elaborate. Absolutely.
It was around late 2018 that I heard talk of Suze Orman’s thoughts on the FIRE movement.
The rumblings in the financial blogsphere was that when Suze was asked her opinion about the FIRE movement on the Paula Pant podcast Afford Anything and she says, “I hate it, I hate it, I hate it.”
Suze told Paula Pant that $2 million isn’t enough for early retirement. At a 4 percent withdrawal rate, that’s $80,000 per year, which she says isn’t enough to protect you “when the floods come.”
“If you only have a few hundred thousand, or a million, or two million dollars, I’m here to tell you … if a catastrophe happens, if something happens, what are you going to do? You are going to burn up alive.”
The “Suze Slapdown” of ’18 was coined. And I thought watching WWE Smackdown was tough. Whew! They ain’t got nothing on Suze when it comes to laying the smackdown on finances.
She made headlines for saying that people who buy a daily latte are “peeing $1 million down the drain as you are drinking that coffee.” On Suze’s watch, spending at Starbucks SBUX is a no-no.
Let’s not drop out of corporate America on a whim and stop working. Get back to work.
Check out the tweet below that 2020 Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders tweeted out last year to see what I mean.
Wealthy TV "experts" are shaming millennials for buying coffee and avocado toast. But young people are broke because they’re drowning in debt and low wages.
The ruling class wants to divide the young and old to distract us from an economy that’s rigged for the richest 1%. pic.twitter.com/v4LCNpoExU
Suze Orman’s the sky is falling attitude about retiring early is not so far-fetched now during the coronavirus.
For anyone who isn’t up to speed on the FIRE acronym, it stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early. I am all for Financial Independence (FI).
This is me. Financial Independence: count me in!
Retire Early: slow down tito!
The focus of FIRE is to retire early by stopping the corporate grind and ending the rat race in your 30s or 40s, and not 55 or 65.
However, I am not yet ready to be put out to pasture. Luckily, other leaders in the FIRE movement gave some clarification and said that FIRE is not about stopping work, but finding your passion and earning passive income streams that keeps the money flowing.
The goal is to live life On. Your. Terms. So, I thought to myself okay. I can live with that.
Saving 25 times your current income and then retiring before age 40 without continuing to make money is risky.
The notion is that you can then afford to live off of your savings by limiting your withdrawals to just 4% of your assets each year.
Meaning if you earn $75,000 a year, then you need to save about $1.9 million before walking away from work. Money that was supposed to last starting from age 65, now has to starting from age 35.
The millennial had caught the FIRE bug and she was looking to hang it up within two years.
“Well, how much money do you have?” Orman asked. “Two or three million?”
“A million?”
Yes, but with some debt.
“Really?” Orman could only shake her head.
“Don’t talk to me about it. If that’s what you want to do, go ahead. But 40 years from now, I hope you remember everything I’ve said.”— Suze Orman, on retiring in your 20s
According to Suze, “time is the most important ingredient in your financial recipe.”
As financial blogger Mr. Money Mustache put it bluntly: “In the interview, Suze Orman goes on and on about what might go wrong, and how you need an incredible amount of money saved to protect you, just in case. But this thinking is completely backwards – money will not cure your fear, as megamillionaire Suze proves so clearly. Most high-income people are still within just a few paychecks of insolvency, because it is possible to blow almost any paycheck, simply by adding or upgrading more cars, houses, and vacations. Physical health FIRST: Salads and barbells every day, no goddamned excuses.”
Real estate financial expert and FIRE member Coach Carson posted some great advice on Suze’s opinion: “As Paula said after the interview, we should all make a practice of listening deeply to others (especially if you disagree). If you can reserve judgment temporarily, you can always learn something.”
Coach Carson says time not money is the most precious thing we have. The biggest regret is time wasted when people are on their deathbed. People do not wish they worked more or spent more time in that cubicle or corner office.
Very true. Washington Post financial columnist, Michelle Singletary, also weighed in on the interview. She says “let’s also put this debate in perspective. Many people aren’t saving enough to retire at all – early or late.”
I remember when my portfolio hit $100,000. It took half the time to get the next $100,000 and zoom to $200,000. Next stop, $250,000. That’s right a quarter of a million.
Then I was looking to moving on up like The Jeffersons to the tune of $300,000, $400,000, $500,000 and beyond. I only move forwards. I never look backwards. I could still work for another 30 years if I want to. Without putting in another penny, if I let this money ride I could have between $1 million and $2.6 million dollars. And that is if I stop investing. There is no way I am doing that.
I live for today. I live in the moment. I stop and smell the roses. I enjoy the present, but save like I am going to live forever.
Stop worrying about the world ending today. It’s already tomorrow in Australia. – Charles M. Schulz, creator of the Peanuts
I like to plan in advance. I have a plan to create a plan.
“If plan A doesn’t work, the alphabet has 25 more letters – 204 if you’re in Japan.”― Claire Cook, Seven Year Switch
If I want something, then I go get if. I get off my duff and go make it happen. Don’t complain. Go do something about it. To quote Mindy Kaling, “We are all just a treadmill and six laser hair removal treatments from being Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively.”
Ask for credit when you don’t need it. Credit dries up like tears in a recession. That’s just my two cents. Back in the 2008-09 recession, they cut my credit lines in half. Overnight *poof* half my credit limits were gone. Like a puff of smoke.
The thing is that work gives us something to do. It lets humans be productive.
If you have $1.5 million at age 65, you have a much shorter retirement to spend on versus at 37.
What really makes the difference is that by age 55-60 many people are empty nesters, own a home, and already own most of their possessions.
You have a lot less things to buy because you have what you need already.
When you are 35, you may still have no kids, are just starting, or have a young family. You have costs that are still rising like inflation.
Empty nesters are not worried about paying for college. Its paid for. That’s in their rear-view. Juniors 529 is spent.
If you are still raising kids, it is likely you will need a decent income and a job. Kids cost…a lot. Most people are still buying homes, cars and having kids well into their 40s these days.
One of the biggest expenses that a job helps subsidize is healthcare.
Financial blogger Financial Samurai puts this into perspective: “Just know that once you get to your target number, you might find that your needs have changed. Life is unpredictable. A job helps you subsidize health care costs that are increasingly becoming a racket IMO, but it would help reduce our $2,380/month health care bill. However, I am grateful for every day.”
You want to retire early. Here is what Suze has to say.
Orman: “It would have to be in the millions . . . You need at least $5 million, $6 million.” (She later says $10 million to account for taxes.)
FIRE proponents fired back at Orman that she has it all wrong.
Really? When a government shutdown causes people to be in soup kitchen lines, then I beg to differ. Here were some of the things I read online during the 35-day government shutdown last year:
“I only have $1.06 in my bank account. I don’t know what I am going to do.”
“I can’t pay my bills.”
“I can’t afford groceries.”
“I’m scared I won’t be able to pay my rent or mortgage.”
“I can’t miss one paycheck.”
Not even one check? Even I try to keep a minimum of $10,000 in the bank at all times in savings. Just in case sh*t happens. I need that rainy day fund because when it rains it pours. Keeping a 3-6 month rainy day fund is what helps me sleep at night.
My 1-tweet financial plan government #shutdown edition. 😉
1. Save a 9-month emergency fund 2. Instead of maxing Roth IRA use extra funds for your rainy day fund 3. Do not get any student loans 4. Do not buy a new car, home, or go on vacation until rainy day acct 100% funded pic.twitter.com/Xmslbml3qC
Now to be fair, the FIRE movement is about saving and investing your money. The more, the better. If you are practicing FIRE, then, in theory, you should be able to weather any storm.
Meanwhile, Orman isn’t sweating her emergence as somewhat of a villain in the FIRE community.
Now that COVID-19 has swept across the globe, it looks as if Suze may have been on to something when she always says, “hope for the best, but always plan for the worst.”
On one of her most recent podcasts she stated that a lot of her advice on saving that eight-month emergency fund has come to roost. She now thinks you need a 3-year emergency fund.
I have always been more about FI than RE because no matter what happens in this world, I know one thing to be sure; you will always need money in the bank.
Now I’m going to sign off on this post the same way Suze Orman ended her show on CNBC every night, “now you stay safe.”
There was a time when Comcast was known primarily as a cable provider.
Well they can now add media conglomerate to that list, while they skip down the street all the way to the bank to make those deposits.
Disney had better watch out!
Executives at Comcast began courting a merger between itself and NBC Universal, creating a $30 billion dollar behemoth. This was during the 2009 financial crisis.
Remember folks, fortunes are made in recessions. *Cough, cough.* Ahem, like the one we are in now.
By 2011, regulators granted Comcast permission to buy NBC, with a 51% stake in the company and the option of gaining the controlling interest from GE Capital in 2013 in order to sweep the pool.
Disney and Comcast are now playing in the same media juggernaut sandlot. Capitalism at its finest.
Comcast, the No. 1 provider of video and residential Internet service in the United States, already had about 23 million subscribers at the time of the deal.
Comcast now has ownership of tons of cable channels and movies, as well as the rights to those shows; assets that include NBC broadcast stations, cable channels like Bravo, USA and E!, the Universal movie studio as well as theme parks among other assets.
Here are some of the big brands it owns.
NBC Universal Television
NBC is home and resting place to some of the biggest shows on television.
The most commercially successful television show of all time is also included in their list of favorites; Seinfeld, the show about nothing. However, they lost streaming rights in a $500 million bidding war with Netflix and then again to HBO.
Regardless, the most streamed shows on Netflix were The Office, Friends, and Parks and Recreation, Netflix will have none of these shows in 2020, but NBC owns control of all except Friends.
The Emmy contender This is Us is also on its rooster along with a catalog that is comprised of a wide range of classic sitcoms, reboots of classic sitcoms, new original shows, and a library of films from Universal Pictures.
Universal Pictures
It is the oldest surviving film studio in the United States.
In March 2013, Comcast bought the remaining 49% of NBC Universal for $16.7 billion.
It’s film library includes Jurassic Park, Back to the Future, and the multi-billion dollar, box-office record breaker The Fast and the Furious Franchise. I can hear the cash register now. Cha-ching.
Universal Parks & Resorts
As they are always trying to give Disney a run for their money, Comcast also owns the Universal theme parks.
With locations spanning across the globe: Orlando, FL, Singapore, Japan, and Hollywood.
In 2017, approximately 49,458,000 guests visited Universal Studios theme parks, making it the third-largest amusement park operator in the world. Its major competitors are only Disney and Six Flags.
To put this in perspective, the country of Canada has a total population of 35,000,000. That means every year, the equivalent of entire the population of Canada descends down to visit their theme parks annually.
In addition, they also own the rights to display characters and images at their parks such as The Transformers, Chucky, and others.
I got up close and personal with them when I went to Universal Studios in Orlando. No doubt about it. Comcast is making a mint.
E! Entertainment Television
Comcast now owns shows like Keeping Up with the Kardashians and E! News.
As of January 2016, E! is available to 92.4 million households in the United States.
The network acquired its main competitor, the Financial News Network, a move which expanded both its distribution and its workforce.
Cablevision subsequently sold its stake to NBC, giving NBC sole ownership.
As of February 2015, CNBC is available to approximately 93,623,000 pay television households (80.4% of households with television) in the United States.
In 2007, the network was ranked as the 19th most valuable cable channel in the United States, worth roughly $4 billion.
CNBC is the world leader in business news and real-time financial market coverage.
The rest of Comcast
It has even more major brands in its portfolio, but you get the idea. Comcast is making money hand over fist. If you are a cable provider guppy, then watch out, because Comcast is the shark.