Do you want a million dollars? Ask for it!

Life is a negotiation – Louisa May Alcott

Growing your net worth from $0 to $1 million takes time. First, you have to ask for what you want. It starts at the negotiation table.

The sorted topic of coin. Everybody needs it, but those that really want it ask for it.

Ask for what you want. Anything at all. That includes money.

It may not be easy, but you have to negotiate.

It is the only way to get the best deal for you.

You know your worth, so don’t accept anything less.

Speak up to be heard.

Always be reaching. Never settle.


A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That’s why they don’t get what they want. – Madonna

Remember that piano scene in Sex and the City where the piano player kept saying, “one more time for the cheap seats in the back.”

Well, that is real advice.

No one can hear you if you whisper. You have to shout. If you do not speak up on your own behalf, no one will.

Believe me, prince charming or princess darling isn’t coming.

It’s like that part in The Lord of the Rings where Gandalf shouts, “fight for your lives.”

I say that to myself all the time. Do it like your life depends on it. Whatever it is, make it count. Finish strong.

Like that voice in Mortal Kombat used to say, “fight hard.”

Either that or die trying.


Better to live one year as a tiger, then a hundred as sheep. – Madonna

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been called a rebel.

For standing up for myself. For voicing my opinion. The list goes on and on.

I think back on that scene in Troy. To fight back.

To fight back when people attack me? Dog has that kind of courage.

If you want something, then you better be willing to go to bat for it.

I have asked or negotiated for better pay, grades, food, clothing, a deal on a house, fees, and interest rates.

I’m a lioness. I’m like Miley Cyrus says, “I can’t be tamed.”

I like to go for the gold, but I’m not ashamed to get silver or bronze.

Now when people say no, I only hear yes to my dreams.


I stand for freedom of expression, doing what you believe in, and going after your dreams. – Madonna

Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

You know the saying…only makes you stronger. Well, it’s true.

I will never forget those hard times being picked on as a kid.

I heard Jillian Michaels say she was bullied and teased relentlessly until she started taking martial arts. She says then the bullying stopped real quick.

I just focused on my studies. And my dreams. Just ignored everyone and everything. I was laser-focused.

I maintained good grades, a well-kept appearance, good manners, strong work ethic and a no nonsense attitude. The teasing stopped real quick.

It truly has paid off. As I have done the following:

  • Completed my education
  • Paid off debt
  • Learned how to invest and build wealth
  • Traveled more
  • Maintain my health
  • Took martial arts
  • Became a writer by starting a blog

I just did what I believed in.  And I believed in myself. I just trusted my instincts. I picked a path and didn’t look back.

Things may not have always worked out the way I wanted, but I was never standing still. The needle of my life was always moving forward.


Don’t you ever let a soul in the world tell you that you can’t be exactly who you are. – Lady Gaga

What do you want?

Be specific.

I’ll give you an example.

I plan to have enough money to retire in 13 years.

Be more specific. No problem.

By May 5, 2031, I plan to have enough money in savings and investments to retire from full-time work forever.

And that is not a wish, but a goal. This is real.

I am planning for that date. Right now.

Will I retire? I don’t know. However, I still plan to have the option to do so.

Scrooge McDuck said no man is poor who can do what he wants every once in a while.

Madonna said, “Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another.”

Warrant Buffet decided at age 10, after going on a trip to the NYSE, this planted the idea in his young head to organize his life around money.

You are the person in charge of your destiny. Never forget it.


The mind is the greatest weapon. – Rambo

Oh, it is. If you have ever seen an episode of MacGyver or been in a tight situation and talked yourself out of it, there’s your proof right there.

I have noticed that math and science are great skills for analytical thinking. Great subjects to study in school or to use to prepare for a career.

In the 2004 film Ray, Jamie Foxx plays Ray Charles and is told the way to get a better deal is to ask for one.

Don’t be afraid to ask for more.

My mother taught me that.

She says all people can do is say yes or no.

In the movie, the man says to Ray you think pennies you get pennies, you think dollars you get dollars.

That was just by changing your mindset.

When I think now, I always think in millions.

For instance, it will take approximately 20-30 years to build a million-dollar investment portfolio depending on how much you save and the interest rate. Investing $10k a year at a 8% interest rate will net you $1,000,000 within 28.55 years.

You just have to decide.

Do you want thousands or millions? You think millions, then you get millions.

If you ask for it and are turned down, then use your mind to find a way to create this reality.

Legally, of course.

Introducing the $100,000 bottle of water

This $100,000 bottle of water costs as much as a house in some parts of the country. Heck, even the world!

Thirsty? Well, this bottle of H20 will only cost you $100 grand. You heard me. $100k! Yes, that’s USD.

That’s the most expensive sip of water I have ever heard.

What if I accidentally spill it? Oh, to perish the thought!

I was sure it was a joke. Like how Jokey the Smurf brings you a present and then you find out it’s a gag gift. You know, something like that.

I can’t even fathom parting with that much cash for something you could get for free out the tap at home or at any restaurant.

Who are the marketing geniuses who thought of this? Who is the target market? What are the demographics?

Who in their right mind would pay $100k for some water?!!


Fine. I’ll bite. Who are they?

I guess you could say this water is targeted at a high-end clientele. Those that have pockets so deep, that smacking down that type of scratch is no problem, as all they have to do is whip out their Centurion Black Card. Swipe, sign, and done.

The company actually got rapper 2 Chainz and DJ Diplo to taste the water. They have both sold millions of albums. So, sure you could market to them. Market to the affluent is a must at this price point.

If you don’t have to bat an eyelash at this type of transaction, then good for you.

The rest of us reasonable mere mortals are not buying it. Where did this water come from?  Is it magic water from the fountain of youth? Will it heal all maladies or whatever ailments you have. Basically, will it cure what ails you and eliminate the need for the ever increasing cost of healthcare?

Could I rub it and make 3 wishes?

Like in the show Gargoyles, this isn’t Aladdin’s lamp. All things have their limitations. Even the character called Puck agrees with me. Check it out 30 seconds in.

Water can quench your thirst, clean you, keep you healthy and alive, and that’s about it.


The company is called Beverly Water. They are located in Beverly Hills, California.  The water is called Beverly Hills 90H20. It is crafted spring water from the California Mountains.

Coined “The Most Expensive Bottle of Water in the World,” is clearly meant to entice people with deep pockets that this is a must have item.

Here is the description that I posted on their website:


“The Most Expensive Bottle of Water in the World”

Limited to only nine bottles in the world, the Diamond Edition of the Luxury Collection of Beverly Hills 9OH2O is the ultimate in water.  Designed by Jeweler to the Stars Mario Padilla, each exquisite bottle features a white gold cap set with over 600 G/VS white diamonds and over 250 black diamonds, totaling 14 carats.  Each bottle comes in a custom secured presentation case together with four engraved Baccarat crystal tumblers, and it is presented in person by renowned water sommelier Martin Riese at a private water tasting anywhere in the world.  In addition, the Diamond Collection package includes a one year supply of the Lifestyle Collection of Beverly Hills 9OH2O.


There is a video posted of 2 Chainz and Diplo getting a tasting of the water from a, get this, water sommelier. It turned out as expected. Neither care to buy $100k bottle of water. Why you ask? It’s simple. It’s just water!

After, introducing the water to the two gentlemen, which is housed in a massive case, you get the feeling something is seriously off here.

Then comes reality.


2 Chainz asked what everybody wants to know, “What are you paying $100,000 for?”

The white-gloved sommelier then points at the bottle cap.

You are not really paying for the water, but what the water comes in and with.

Which is a 14 real diamonds, 600 white ones, 250 black diamonds, and white gold.

For this diamond luxury experience, you’re getting the case, and 4 diamond baccarat glasses.

After I stopped laughing hysterically, I started reading the comments on the video.

The hands-down and absolute funniest part after watching the video is reading the comments section.


Here are just some of the comments I saw that popped out at me.

Imagine how disappointed you were if you paid $100k for this bottle thinking its vodka

MBA lesson right here

If you can convince someone to buy a bottle of water for $100k. You deserve that $100k.

I will put some tap water in a bottle and sell it for 500k!

Marketing and BS.

Ima stick with my Aquafina😂😂😂

I’m no mathematician, but that’s more than 2 chains.

For those who didnt catch it, you are not paying 100k for the water. You pay 100k for the Diamonds and the gold on the Cap.

The glasses the diamonds and the case cost 99,999 and the water 1$

0$ water … 100k bottle cap

Man, that water better have the power to cure all diseases for that kind of price. 100K seriously???

I better become a mermaid after taking a sip for 100k

100k for a bottle of water? That sh*t better bring Jesus and 2pac back.

Meanwhile in Flint, Michigan…

This water better come from the fountain of youth.

Bottle of air 2billion dollars

One person put my exact thoughts, as I described above, into an elegant rebuke of buying water this freaking expensive.

MadeInVolantis 2 years ago

For 100k that water better turn me 18 again. For 100k that water better cure my thirst forever. For 100k that water better wash me of my sins. For 100k that water better make me a million dollars back somehow.

Well said.

Basically, it’s a $100k jewel-encrusted capped bottle with water inside.

Let’s think about this for a second. What could you do with one hundred thousand dollars? I’m about to tell you.


You could do all types of things with that kind of money. These are just some suggestions.


  • Start a college fund for underprivileged kids
  • Put every dime in the market and get historical ROI average of 7%; be a millionaire in 30 years (there goes that million bucks the commenter above was talking about)
  • Start a business
  • Donate $1,000 to 100 charities
  • Donate $10,000 to 10 charities


  • Rent out a blimp over your old college campus, get $100,000 worth of ones and make it rain
  • Go to Vegas, rent out the Penthouse of an expensive hotel , and bet 10,000 on black
  • Get on a plane to Dubai, UAE, fly first class on the Emirates and visit every attraction
  • Visit Rome, Paris, China, London, and Australia just to get a keychain
  • Get back stage and front row passes to see your favorite artist in concert
  • Enter a professional poker tournament with a $10,000 buy-in
  • Walk up to anyone of the people collecting for the salvation army and give them a check for $25,000 (kind of like that scene in the movie Ghost)

Great scene. You will love it. No need to thank me for uploading it here.

If you have never seen the movie, then I highly recommend it.


  • Donate 10% to charity
  • Put a down payment on a piece of property
  • Pay off all or a large portion of your debt
  • Invest in the stock market like the S&P 500 index
  • Pay cash for college
  • Buy a car outright
  • Invest in your health

If you want to impress people, just show up to their events on-time and don’t complain.

And if you just so happen to get thirsty, stick with VOSS, Evian, or Deer Park. Can’t go wrong.

That’s just my $0.02, er ehh, I mean $100k money saving tip of the week.

Money advice I got from John Legend

Image Source: Getty

“It’s not wrong to be afraid.” John Legend

John Legend is a Grammy and Oscar Award winning musician. The singer-songwriter won his first Grammy Award with 2004’s Get Lifted. The album went platinum, thanks in large part to his hit single “Ordinary People.”

He was a child piano prodigy. He skipped two grades and graduated from high school at 16.

Legend stated he was offered admission into Harvard University and scholarships to Georgetown University and Morehouse College. Ultimately, he chose to go to the University of Pennsylvania, where he studied English with an emphasis on African American literature.

He sang in the church choir (which he joined at 7 and was leading it by 11), was head of the music department in his church, served as a music director in college and also worked as a wedding singer.

He has done numerous interviews in his career and much of the information in this post comes from them. I discuss multiple ones in this post.

John has an estimated net worth of $40 million dollars.

He did an interview with Katherine Schwarzenegger for her 2014 book I Just Graduated… Now What?: Honest Answers from Those Who Have Been There. You may recognize the last name. Yes, she is the daughter of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver (Kennedy).

For more information on her famous father, you can read my post How Arnold Schwarzenegger Totally Recalls making $20 million-dollar paychecks.

How Arnold Schwarzenegger Totally Recalls making $20 million-dollar paychecks

His advice in that book inspired me to work harder to pay off all my credit card debt and start massively saving. See my post How Millennial Money inspired me to start saving $13, 333.06 a year 

Here is some of what he had to say. (Not every word or quote is from her book, but numerous interviews) I highlight his advice in her book with KES (Ms. Schwarzenegger’s initials).  There they are (KES) on the board right behind her.

I really liked this book. So, I tweeted Ms. Schwarzenegger and told her so. She gave me a like. Thanks! I appreciated that. 👍😊


“I had followed the path that the Penn graduate was supposed to take, but I didn’t fall in love.” – John Legend

KES: John directed theater productions in school and performed in talent shows. He wanted to be a big star, but did not know the steps to get there. John said he had a fire in his belly.  No one was coming along to make him a star as he learned along the way. John had to put together a demo and have it produced by the right people. Anything that he was doing that wasn’t music, was going to be temporary.

After graduation, he switched gears (gave into peer pressure) and starting worked for the prestigious Boston Consulting Group, but would also perform in nightclubs in New York City.

Although, music is his first love, he worked a safe corporate job for three years while hustling to get his music off the ground. He received lots of rejections, but continued to side hustle as a musician playing anywhere he could.


Fear of failure stops too many people from doing things. It’s not wrong to be afraid, but you have to fight through fear to overcome it.” – John Legend quoted as saying this in Katherine’s book (KES)

Many of his friends became bankers and consultants so he did too. However, after following in their footsteps he found that was not meant for him. He was not cut out to be a consultant.

“I couldn’t shake my passion for music.” – John Legend

He made savvy moves to make his dream a reality. During the day he did PowerPoint presentations, but at night he wrote and performed music.

Fun Fact: While in college, Legend was introduced to Lauryn Hill by a friend. He played piano on Lauryn Hill’s “Everything Is Everything.” That was his first album appearance.


“I needed money. I lived in New York and had to pay my rent.”

KES: John didn’t have any financial support from his parents and he had student loans to pay back. He found that you could make good money in consulting.

He was rejected by all major labels. All the heads of these labels all turned him down.

KES: John paid his own way through college, racking up tons of student loans in the process. He had to deal with them after graduating college. He rolled the dice, took chances, and worked his butt off to follow his dreams, and never lost faith along the way.

Basically, he moonlighted his way to a music career.


Havin’ money’s not everything, not havin’ it is. – Kanye West

John’s big break came out of relationships he had made. A college roommate (which was Kanye’s cousin) introduced John to a music producer in Chicago named Kanye West.

KES: John would go to the studio straight from worked dressed in his business attire. He said he definitely stood out from the way everyone else was dressed in the studio. He ended up getting a manager and a lawyer that were also well-connected. This was in 2002.

If you want to be treated like an adult, you have to dress like one. – Diane Kruger (actress and star of National Treasure) See my post on the film. 

Money and Life Lessons I Learned from Disney’s film National Treasure

Through his collaboration with Yeezy, he was able to parlay that into a record deal. His first album was produced by Kanye. He got a deal with Sony.

That album would go on to earn eight Grammy nominations.

Years of toiling and hard work had paid off. It just goes to show, it’s not only what you know, it’s who you know. If you want to be taken serious, then you have to act like you do.


“When I got my first big check, I paid [my college loans] off. No more debt!” – John Legend

As you can see, his biggest earnings are from his music. It goes to show that passion can pay off big!

KES: John quit his job and started working part-time so he could focus more on his music. He struggled for a while, living on credit cards and skating by. Then he started making money touring with Kanye. In 2004, he got a deal with Columbia Records and when that happened he didn’t have to worry about money anymore. As soon as he got my record deal, he paid off all his student loans and credit card debt. He said no one ever told him about college loan debt and how to manage it.

Preaching to the choir here with not knowing how to manage debt. And in his case, that is literally speaking as he was in the church choir singing, which would become his meal ticket.


“I bought a place [in Manhattan]. I just bought some art—some abstract stuff—and some collages are coming too. A friend who works at MoMA is like my art consultant. I just wanted nice stuff that would hold value.” – John Legend

You should always invest and buy things that go up in value. It just makes sense.


“But that cool detachment only gets you so far. Passion gets you a lot further. It makes you a better entrepreneur, a better leader, a better philanthropist, a better friend, a better lover.” – John Legend

He chose to pursue his interest. This made him his fortune. I call it the House that was built on a piano. 😉

Just FYI: John Legend is a 10-time Grammy Award winner. He won an Oscar for the song Glory in the film Selma.

How Arnold Schwarzenegger Totally Recalls making $20 million-dollar paychecks

Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. – Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of the biggest movies stars in the world. His iconic roles in The Terminator, Predator, Total Recall, and True Lies are just some of his hit Hollywood blockbuster movies. During the 80’s and 90’s he raked in big bucks at the box office and cashed in big paychecks at the bank as a result.

In my quest to study the self-made, I decided to read up on the “Governator” himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

I actually mentioned Arnold in a couple posts I wrote, Forget casinos, bet on yourself and Money Lessons I learned from Jay Leno.  Now, I am going to talk about how he became self-made.

Arnold wrote his autobiography, written in 2012, entitled, “Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story.” Clocking in at 656 pages long, it is a massive read. I actually completed this undertaking last December 2017. It took me 3 weeks to finish reading from cover to cover. In the book, Mr. Schwarzenegger actually lists his paychecks for his hit films. At one point, he was making $20 million per film.

How did he do it? There is only one word to describe it: unbelievably.

Here is his story.


The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it, as long as you really believe 100 percent. – Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger was born on July 30, 1947, in Thal, Styria, Austria. His father, Gustav Schwarzenegger, served in World War II. Arnold’s mother, Aurelia, was working at a local shop when she spotted his father in uniform. That was all it took for her to fall for him as she loved a man in uniform. I must admit, so did I.

His parents married on October 20, 1945. His mother was 15 years younger than his father as she was 23. They were strict disciplinarians. Arnold said in Austria the rod was not spared if a child was disobedient. In the book, he said his father would make him and his brother earn their breakfast by doing pushups or sit-ups.  His father believed that the way to fix any problem was through discipline.


Arnold was an average student but, was popular and well-liked for his boundless energy, humor, and cheerfulness. He started playing sports and picked up his first barbell at age 14. He decided that bodybuilding would be his career. His deep interest in the sport took up almost all his spare time. At one point, he even broke into the local gym when it was closed and began to lift weights for a couple hours just to get in his workout.

Money was tight growing up. There was no inside plumbing or bathroom. They fetched water to bathe from a local well and one of the highlights of his youth was getting a refrigerator, where he said they would marvel at the opening and closing of the fridge door. When going shopping his mother only used cash and never bought anything other than the essentials.

Austrians believed in conformity and were not allowed to be individuals. However, Arnold had different plans. He was considered a rebel because he wanted to move to America and be rich. He stated he wanted to be somebody. Due to his rebellious tendencies and other issues, Arnold was never close to his father as his favorite was Arnold’s brother. However, he had a close relationship with his mother until her death.

A chance meeting at his bodybuilding coaches house would change his life. Arnold, in 1966, met bodybuilder and movie star Reg Park, his idol, and he went on to become his mentor. Schwarzenegger decided he would not only be a body builder, but also a movie star, just like Reg Park.


Training gives us an outlet for suppressed energies created by stress and thus tones the spirit just as exercise conditions the body. – Arnold Schwarzenegger 

Arnold would work out almost every day. Lifting weights became an obsession. He would break into the gym on weekends when it was closed and work out.

He couldn’t stand to miss a workout. Arnold has said he couldn’t even look himself in the mirror, if he missed a workout. That is dedication. This was 1961. By 1965, all Austrian males, at the age of 18, are required to fulfill one year of military service, but Arnold had other plans.


While in basic training, Arnold learned he was able to eat meat every day. Growing up, his mother had a garden where she would grow vegetables so she could feed her family on a tight budget. They rarely ate meat. Once he was able to get protein on the daily, he was constantly growing out of his uniforms. He went up a size every month and required a new uniform several times.

During his service, he learned basic tank mechanics, almost wreaked one by not putting it in park, and learned to ride a motorcycle. He said those skills would later serve him well while doing the Terminator and other films. Arnold learned to become pretty fearless. He was scared, but he would push ahead anyway.

During his time in the military, a Junior Mr. Europe Contest came up. He went AWOL and served a week in military prison because he chose to attend. But Arnold won that title.

He later received a job offer to work and train in a gym as a bodybuilder. He used this information and his past transgressions to convince the military to release him and he received an honorable discharge. That competition in Europe made him famous and the Mr. Universe title was his ticket to America-the land of opportunity, where he felt he could become rich.


Arnold was happy to leave Austria as he had been telling people for many years as a kid he was going to America, but no one believed in his dreams. But the day came in October of 1968, when he was headed to California to train at the infamous Gold’s Gym in Venice, Los Angeles. He could barely speak English, but at the age of 21, was going to America to live and work.

Arnold was able to get a role in a film in 1969, “”Hercules in New York”, which paid him $12,000. He continued to train from 1970-1974 non-stop. In 1970, he won his first of seven, Mr. Olympia titles.


In the 1970s, Arnold is enrolled in college throughout the decade. He bounced around to several taking math, English, science, and eventually earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Superior in 1979. It took about 10 years, but finally he had his college degree.

He also stated in the book he would write down his goals on an index card at the start of every new year.

At one time in his life, he met Pope John Paul II in 1983, they talked about workouts. The pope rose daily at 5 a.m. in order to stick to his regimen. It was something like 300 push-ups. If he could do it, this book says, you can do it, too. This is where I got the idea to start my daily fitness routine. I, personally, like boxing.


All roads not only lead to Rome, but in Arnold’s case also to Hollywood, California.


Arnold also competed in the Olympics and won the title of Mr. Olympia 3 times. After the 1971-74 competitions, in 1975, filmmakers convinced him to do the bodybuilding film Pumping Iron.


The worst thing I can be is the same as everybody else. I hate that. – Arnold Schwarzenegger 

Arnold is big into frugality. He saved every dime he could from any winnings he made while competing. When he first got to America, he had $27,000. That is the equivalent of $173,000 (adjusted for inflation) in 2017. His motto was turn every dollar into two.

Arnold invested his money in real estate. He researched for 3 years and worked with an agent before finally setting his sights on putting a down payment on his four-unit apartment building at the cost of $214,000. Then he sold the building the next year for $360,000. Then immediately put his profits into a new 12 unit building. He did this to avoid the huge tax bills of his profits.

The Los Angeles real estate market was booming. You could make $100k profit in just a year or two.

Arnold then bought a 36 unit building, followed by a 100 unit building. Within about 10 years, Arnold Schwarzenegger was a real estate tycoon and millionaire.

This was close to 7-8 years before he would become a bankable Hollywood action star. He was able to be pickier and choose plum movie roles because he did not have to take any role that came his way. He always believed in going to the top. Go where its empty and you can chart your own path. He aimed to be the leading man.


“The idea is not to live forever, it is to create something that will.” ― Andy Warhol.

After small roles in various film and television, he was offered the lead in his breakthrough film role of Conan the Barbarian in 1982. The movie was a hit.

Love the painted look.

Then he starred in the sequel, Conan the Destroyer, in 1984.

For me life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer. – Arnold Schwarzenegger 

Arnold got to meet and work with lots of people. He feels that building relationships is key to having a successful, happy, and fulfilled life. Some of those people include, Linda Hamilton, Sharon Stone, Michael Ironside, Vanessa Williams, and the late Andy Warhol.


I’ll be back. – Arnold’s famous line as The Terminator

Arnold was offered a role in a film where there is a futuristic war between man and machines. At the meeting, with Gale Anne Hurd (The Walking Dead) and James Cameron (Avatar), he was convinced that the role of the T1 was pivotal, if the film was to be a success.

He was right. Listen to Ah-nuld! I just watched the film a few weeks ago. It still holds up.

Here’s one of my favorite scenes from the film; it’s Kyle Reese, played by actor Michael Biehn. He did an incredible job as he also did in the film Aliens.

Arnold Money Lesson: When Arnold met his future wife, Maria Shriver, he accidentally left his wallet at home. She had to write him a check for $70, to pay his train ticket home. He paid her back and wrote her a thank you note. In addition, he learned a valuable lesson. Always have cash. From that moment on, he would carry $1000 cash and a high or no limit credit card. He learned the motto of this blog, that cash is king.

He then decided to do a film by new first time director, Jim Cameron, called The Terminator.  It went on to gross $80 million and Arnold was officially a bonafide movie star.

Fun Fact: Arnold likes to tell jokes. He decided early on that his films should include quips that are memorable one-liners and catchphrases.  Like this, “Hasta la vista, baby” — Terminator 2: Judgment Day.

I actually heard that same phrase in a Jody Whatley song Looking For A New Love from her self-titled 1987 album. That was 4 years before T2.


“Money doesn’t make you happy. I now have $50 million, but I was just as happy when I had $48 million.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

From there it just keeps getting better. He’s a hit factory and the paychecks got bigger and bigger. Arnold made $250,000 for Conan and $360,000 for Conan 2. Then took a pay cut for The Terminator, at $75,000.  Arnold earned $1.5 million for 1985’s Commando, $3 million for 1987’s Predator and $8 million for 1988’s Red Heat. Bang, bang, bang! That’s all money in the bank.

He hit the deca-million ($10 million USD) paycheck mark with Total Recall in 1990. Then made $15 million for Terminator 2 and True Lies. Arnold eventually hit a $20 million-dollar payday in 1996 with Eraser. Yes, that’s US Dollars!


He is estimated to have a net worth around $400 million dollars.

And there you have it.

At the end of the book, he also listed Arnold’s Rules for Success.

Here is Arnold talking Life’s 6 Rules during the Governor’s 2009 USC Commencement Address. He said be unique, be a maverick. Maybe even an outlier?

How being an outlier can make you rich

So let’s recap…

  • Start with a dream
  • Write it down
  • Say out loud what you want to do or be
  • Work hard
  • Break the rules, not the law
  • Don’t be afraid to fail
  • Exercise
  • Weight lifting builds muscles and confidence
  • Trust yourself
  • Ignore the naysayers
  • Save and invest
  • Real estate can make you a fortune
  • Financial independence equals freedom
  • Give something back
  • Turn every dollar into two

3 Money Lessons from Til Debt Do Us Part

“Money isn’t rocket science.” – Gail Vaz-Oxlade

Til Debt Do Us Part is a Canadian television series that follows couples that are going through financial crisis and financial expert, Gail Vaz-Oxlade, comes in to help the couple find solutions.

The series ran for over 100 episodes from 2005-2011. It also had a spin-off called Princess.   She teaches couples to go from red to black and gain control over their money.

The show would air right after the Suze Orman show during its run on CNBC. Read my post Dom Perignon Taste on a Budweiser Budget to see how it all went down on Suze’s show.


Money is the number #1 reason couples break up. She visits couples weekly and gives them challenges to help with their finances. Then at the end of each episode, after about 4 weeks, she awards the couple with up to $5,000 dollars to help them get out of debt.


By far the best part of the show, in my opinion, is when at the end of one month, Gail Vaz-Oxlade gives the couple a cheque for an amount up to $5,000, depending on their attitudes and how well they did during the challenges. Keep in mind, couples could get less and some have. One of the lowest amounts I have seen her give was $3,000, which is a 40% reduction of the prize money.

The show was so popular that a 52-Week Life Planner was released based on the television series and offers day-by-day, step-by-step strategies and tips for successfully managing household finances.

This reminds me of a Tom Holland interview he did for Spiderman talking about how Anthony Mackie always says, “cut the check.”

Let’s get back to Gail.

If you have never heard of the show Til Debt or can’t remember it, no worries, I will take you back down memory lane tonight.


“We feel good when our homes are bright and shiny, put a little elbow grease into your money and it’ll glisten too.” – Gail Vaz-Oxlade

Gail Vaz-Oxlade is a financial writer and was a columnist for numerous publications as a freelancer including Yahoo! Canada Finance.  She has helped people from high finance to low-income solve their money problems. Eventually, she became a television personality due to all of her work in finance and that is how the show Til Debt came into existence with her as the host.

She has written numerous books on the topic of finance. I have actually read one of her books called Debt-Free Forever.

Gail has a no-nonsense attitude when it comes to money. And that is what makes her so good at what she does.


“You can have everything you want. All you need is a plan. And how do we spell plan? B-U-D-G-E-T!” – Gail Vaz-Oxlade

Watching the show was very interesting. One recurring theme was the jars. Gail advocated for couples to live on cash.

Every single episode, you got cash jars. You would put in a certain dollar amount. When you spend, you write it down in the budget binder cause cash slips through our fingers easier than that snail did with Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.

Some couples were taking out cash at the ATM from their bank accounts or doing cash advances, which Gail said she could not track so we don’t know where the money went. When it’s gone, it’s gone. Without writing it down or keeping receipts, there is no other way to track cash. So, jars it is.


Gai loves cash and hates banks. She thinks they are bleeding people dry slowly with their interest and fees. Gail says banks are wolves in sheep’s clothing. The only way this will change is to teach financial literacy in school. I say start in elementary when they are old enough to start asking for a $1 lollipop, it’s time to start the finance lessons.

Check out my posts on banking.

Banking at Credit Unions versus Banks – The Great Debate

New Banking Rules: Clear a check payment in a day

Q&A with Lisa Servon:, Author of the Unbanking of America

This is the secret recipe to building wealth: You need to make more money and you need to spend less money.

Here are 3 lessons that Gail taught me: (1) both partners need to manage the money, (2) no retail therapy, and (3) debt repayment takes time.


  1. Do not have only one partner manage the finances.

“It’s not unusual for one person to assume the nitty-gritty of daily finances…. The problem is that when one person is excluded, or totally abdicates responsibility, it means the other can mess things up with no monitoring or grow resentful at always having to do the detail…. Taking turns managing the chequebook, and having regular conversations so that both of you are clear about what’s going on, means you’re both in the know and working to the same ends. It also means that one person doesn’t have to deal with all the crap, while the other merrily laughs off the stress and frustration with, ‘You’re managing the money, so this is your problem to deal with.’ (Yes, there are dopes who say this.)”

Always know what is happening with your money. I don’t care who signs the check and put it in the envelope. Just make sure you lick the stamp. Be involved. Ask questions. Don’t be in the dark.

It’s kind of like that scene in Charmed in the episode Be Careful What You Witch For. Remember that scene in the beginning, after the opening credits. I want you to be skeptical like Phoebe. Always know who you owe and how much. Nothing is for free.

The conversation went like this:

PhoebeI don’t get it you’ve been stuck in that bottle for two hundred years then someone finally sends you to us and you’ve no idea who licked the stamp? I find that very hard to believe.

Genie:What? I don’t get it you win the lotto and you’re asking for explanations?

Piper:Actually we’d like to know who to send the thank you note to.

Same conversation you should have with your partner, but about which creditor.  And winning the lotto, yeah right? Read my posts Forget casinos, bet on yourself and Mega Millions win or bust.


  1. Forget retail therapy

“Plastic is anesthetic — it dulls the pain, and then what happens is you just keep waiting for the next fake high.”

And don’t I know it. I had a huge shopping problem for years. It was done as a way to dull the pain of the things going on around me – low-income, working full-time, going to college – I was a mess!

I had some pretty terrible managers when I was younger too. All the stress was getting to me. I had to find a way to cope, but shopping was not it. As I got more mature, I found ways to de-stress that were cheaper or free.

I have said it before that credit is seductive and addictive. It should not be used to replace your emergency fund (liquid cash). However, if you do, be strategic and use credit wisely and sparingly.

How to get access to a $250,000 Emergency fund with $0 of your own cash

How Benjamin Franklin used 13 virtues to get rich 


“A goal without a deadline is just a dream.” – Gail Vaz-Oxlade

  1. Slow and steady is the way to repay debt.

“One step at a time. You are on your way. Expect challenges. Keep your goal where you can see it.”

You better believe it. If it took you 8 years to accumulate the debt, thinking you can pay it off in 3 months is delusional. See my post Getting out of debt one step at a time.

The good news is that once you recognize you have a problem with debt, then you can work on solutions. I have noticed that generally 2-3 years of cutting back and attacking debt is usually enough time to pay off most if not all of your consumer debt except the mortgage and student loans. After 5-7 years, the only debt left is usually the mortgage. That is a small price to pay for freedom.


I did a search online and found this synopsis of the show’s premise at It’s spot on.


Money can’t buy you love. But keeping love alive without money can be pretty tough. In fact, ninety percent of marriage breakups are due to money problems. And to get advice on how to manage money usually costs money! Til Debt Do Us Part, is a series that offers tough-love solutions to those willing to face their financial troubles head on. In each episode we meet a couple in crisis. Some are on the verge of bankruptcy, hounded by creditors or facing eviction. Others are just getting by, but in the midst of a personal meltdown or relationship breakdown because of money issues. With the sensitivity of a therapist and the toughness of a CFO, our host, renowned financial author and columnist, Gail Vaz-Oxlade reveals what she’s found in a couple’s finances – and then she’ll dig a little deeper. She asks some tough questions and then they’ll be forced to face reality. Where will it end if they continue on this rocky road? To get things back on track, Gail takes control of their finances …

This show was very eye-opening in how people managed their finances. Many did not have a clue what was coming in and going out. Gail would come in with her screen shots of the couples bank accounts and spending and give it to them straight.

Many times the wives would burst out in tears after seeing how much debt the family was actually in. Lots of couples were in over their heads. Some so deep in debt they had to consider selling their house, or worse, bankruptcy!

Some couples did not want to make any changes. Even though they were debt up to their eyeballs. These people needed to get their priorities straight. Much like Hermione, in Harry Potter.

Here is the show’s Intro and theme song along with a promo. This is just a taste, a light sampling, of what you are in store for with this show.

There are 2 episodes that stand out for me. They were called The Worst Family Ever and Love Affair with Luxury.


In the S03E13 entitled, “The worst family ever?” One couple were living in the wife’s family basement for about a couple of years. They spent with reckless abandon. Oh, the couple popped bottles night and day. Especially, after moving out and buying their own home for about $225,000. That’s not bad. What is bad is that they saved zero dollars while sponging off her parents.

That’s right. While mooching off the rents’ they saved $0. Not one dime. Even Scrooge McDuck saved his number one dime. See my post Money Lessons I Learned from Scrooge McDuck. Also, check out Why the Rents’ shouldn’t pay your rent.

Then, to make matters worse, they threw non-stop parties at their house for friends and family. This was obviously all to make themselves look good to friends and family. In Yoda speak, so concerned with appearances they are.

“Happy people don’t worry about what other people think about them.” – Gail Vaz-Oxlade


In addition, they expanded their family and had a son, but financially were unprepared for this. At one point, the wife was spending $1200 a month outfitting junior! I couldn’t believe it. What is she buying Versace onesies? Get real. A baby doesn’t care. They just want to be warm, feed, and dry.

This couple were overspending by the tune of $4,100 a month! Holy spending gone bonkers, Batman!

Fun Fact: For those of you unfamiliar with that Batman line, here is where it comes from. The Batman television series from the 1960’s. Batman was American live action television series, based on the DC comic book. It starred Adam West as the titular character and hero Batman and Burt Ward as his sidekick Robin.

It was also turned into a cartoon series. Here is Robin at his finest with his sayings. Hilarious!

I decided to post it so you won’t ever have to get the tongue lashing that Penny got from Sheldon on an episode of The Big Bang Theory about Batman at 2:48 into the video.

The Precious Fragmentation – Season 3, Episode 17
Aired March 8, 2010. One of my favorite episodes.

It was about The Lord of the Rings. Even Raj used a Holy Robin saying in there!

In this next video, Sheldon gives a fun fact to Raj. Now, you know where I get it from.

Now, back to the story.

The way the couple on the show  were able to overspend like that, drumroll please…the credit cards!

When Gail comes along they are so bad she tells them they have to sell the house. They flat out said they could not sell the house. Even though they are on the path to $1.3 million in debt and possible bankruptcy! Gail, at one point in the show, tells them they are the worst couple she has had on the show and that she had a few sleepless nights worrying about how to help them out of this situation. Coming from Gail, that’s scary.

The way it went down, it reminded me of that scene in The Chipmunk Adventure, when Jeanette and Eleanor was telling the Arabian prince that Brittany spends money like a drunken sailor and Brittany got mad. Hilarious. I just so happened to find the footage of that particular scene and the movie on YouTube. Hope you have fun watching! No need to thank me.  Like Dean Winchester says, “You’re Welcome.”


“Change brings challenges, learning, and a sense of New. Change is full of promise.”- Gail Vaz-Oxlade

In the S04E03 entitled, “Love Affair with Luxury,” which aired March 6, 2008, is the gold standard of delusions of grandeur when it comes to money management. The wife, Simone, is a champion shopper and a spendthrift who manages to make 53 shopping trips in a single month! That’s nuts. Even though she’s on maternity leave, a luxury car is next on her shopping list.

The only reason the couple is able to afford such luxuries is because they have each other’s incomes. The minute one person’s income is gone or reduced, i.e. disability or divorce, the whole house of cards comes tumbling down faster than the stock market has in the last 30 days.

Check out this post by BudgetsareSexy to see just how far down the stock market has gone in his The Red Wedding of Net Worth Reports.


I found the plot summary for the episode Love Affair with Luxury online at

Frank and Simone’s combined $110,000 annual income is currently curbed by Simone being on maternity leave. Simone is addicted to what she believes she needs to keep up appearances in every respect, which includes working out at the gym, and spending money on “stuff” for herself, such as clothes, getting beauty treatments of various kinds, and having a beautifully appointed house. A $125,000 new car is next on the list. Simone, however, states that she would never do anything that would place her family at risk. But Frank doesn’t realize he is just as guilty, spending money on his electronics, which includes six large television sets in their house of four people, including one infant. This spending has resulted in $55,000 in consumer debt so far. They constantly fight about money, something having to give if their marriage can overcome this issue. As such, Gail issues them challenges largely focusing on dealing with their root problem, namely their addiction to luxury, this focus which not only entails them doing the challenges, but understanding why she has issued these challenges.

At one point in the show she says, “we can finance $100,000 can’t we.” For a car no less! If you have ever read this blog, you know I can’t stand cars for the simple reason that they can keep you in debt forever. You could spend a couple hundred grand on cars in a lifetime. You know how much interest you could earn on $200,000! Here are just a few on my posts on my beef with car loans below.

If you want to be wealthy, drive a Ford 

Why not to own a $50,000 car on a $25,000 salary 

Life is good without a car payment 

A car and nothing more

Outrageous Loan Terms for Porsche that even the Rich can’t justify 


Money is a tool we use in the present to create the reality we want in the future. Learning about finance is a good start. Practicing good money habits and teaching your kids to understand the concepts of money – budgeting, saving, and spending – you help create their reality.

So, I want to always stay in control of your…I will now end this post in the last words of the Til Debt Do Us Part theme song, money, money, money, money, money, money, moneyyyy!

6 Money and Life Lessons I Learned from the film Mannequin

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” ― Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

Mannequin was a film released in 1987 starring Andrew McCarthy and Kim Cattrall. The story was about finding love and doing your passion. It was a feel good romantic-comedy (rom-com), that is memorable for its theme song Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now.

Mannequin Trailer


  1. Find your passion and get paid for it

The main character in the movie, aptly named Jonathan Switcher, as he was constantly switching jobs in the film. Kind of reminds me of John Ritter as Jack Tripper in Three’s Company, as his character was always tripping or falling. Ritter’s character also did lots of pratfalls (falling down) like Chevy Chase would do on Saturday Night Live for laughs as a sight gag dating back to the days of vaudeville.

Anywho, in the film Jonathan was really an artist at heart, but he just couldn’t find the right gig. Finally, as luck would have it, being nice and kind, is what got him his start.

He was walking when a little old lady (Estelle Getty, Sophia from Golden Girls) came into the path of a huge store sign that was falling. He pushed her out of the way and saved her life! She just so happened to be the owner of a major women’s department store and offered him a job on the spot.

This changes the course of his life.

Once she learns what he can do, she gives him a job as a window dresser. This is where his artistry skills come into play.  He finally found a way to make a living doing something he loved and was good at.  And people were willing to offer him good money. A competitor wanted to offer him big bucks for his skill by doubling his salary. He said he didn’t do it just for the money.

Turn your passion into your career. 

He kept his job where he was. This is where the movie truly begins.

Your Fired! Pick up your paycheck and get out of here.


  1. Compassion for others

Before getting his job as a window dresser, Jonathan had lost his job, his girlfriend (Roxy, played by Carole Davis), had no money, and was just sad and alone. All that changes when he starts dressing a Mannequin who comes to life!

Her name is Emmy. She says she saw him last night in the rain.  He looked so sad and lonely. So, she came back to life just for him.

Emmy Comes Alive


  1. Dance

It’s good exercise and fun. Singing also can help cure loneliness, sickness, and unhappiness.

So, like I once heard Toni Braxton say to her sistsers on Braxton Family Values, “Don’t be the fun police. Don’t be the fun po-po.” When you go out, have some fun. Don’t be a wallflower. Go out there on the dance floor and dance.

Good health is vital on the road to wealth. You don’t have to lift a ton of weights, but you do need to get moving.

So, sing and dance, will ya.

The absolute most fun and funniest scene in the movie was the dance scene. That is what dancing does, it brings you to life and in this film that means literally.

Dancing scene 


  1. Don’t steal

The men in the film are competitors to Switcher’s company. Once they find out about Emmy and her helping him make a name for himself as an in-demand window dresser, all hell breaks loose. They steal Emmy and then get arrested for it.

Do not steal. That’s all I have to say.


  1. Be nice

Jonathan was a nice guy, but he was nobody’s fool. His kindness to others was always reciprocated back to him. He was nice. Then he got a job offer. He was nice. Easily, he made a friend. He was nice. And found his true love.

Good things can happen when you are nice. Being nice attracts things to you. In this film, it was a job.

It’s like Mark Cuban says, “It’s always easier to be nice than to be a jerk. Don’t be a jerk.” So be nice.


  1. Real love is something worth waiting and fighting for

My favorite and best scene of the film was the ending where they get married while the song Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now by Starship is playing. This is the most memorable part of the movie. It was a good way to end the film. It was a great scene and it made you feel good. Jonathan had finally found true love with Emmy.

When she came on the scene she informed him that she wanted to escape a loveless marriage from 4000 years ago B.C. She waited to come back to life to find the right man. And she commented to him in the film that she was so glad she picked him. And they only had eyes for each other.

Window Wedding Scene

This life is unpredictable. There are only a few things that are worth fighting for. Love is definitely top of that list.

I remember this movie fondly. It still has a special place in my heart.

This movie is what inspired me to help little old ladies. I had to help a complete stranger get out of a chair at a hotel one time. It just so happened that she was alone and I saw her struggling to get up. I walked over and asked if he needed help getting up. She looked up at me in surprise and said yes.

It sure felt good to help someone in need.

I do it every chance I get. Helping people across the street. Answering questions. I try to tip pretty well.

You know, I just try to treat people the way I would like to be treated.

I am nobody’s doormat, but I try to help the little guys out.

So recap…

  1. Find your passion and get paid for it
  2. Have compassion for others
  3. Dance
  4. Don’t steal. Earn your keep. Work for what you want.
  5. Be Nice
  6. Anything worth having is worth the wait

Financial Freedom built attracting one dollar at a time