The internet is truly amazing. My blog has been featured on some pretty awesome sites in the financial community. Here is the growing list:
A Gen Xer who grew her savings from $50k to $350k in 10 years shares the FIRE methods she’s using to get to $1 million – Business Insider
A Gen Xer who grew her savings from $50k to $350k in 10 years shares the FIRE methods she’s using to get to $1 million – Yahoo Finance
How I went from $5k to a six-figure 401(k) in 6 years – Camp Fire Finance
American homes are now $1,100 per month storage units – Camp Fire Finance
Money advice 10 personal finance bloggers told me – The Money Mix
How being an outlier can make you rich – The Money Mix
Forget casinos, bet on yourself – The Money Mix
A Christmas Carol: Lessons in Finance, Business, and Life – The Money Mix
Money advice from Gossip Girl – The Money Mix
American Homes are $1,100 per month storage units – The Financial Diet
Don’t take money too personal – The Money Mix

Blogger Confessions of Greenbacks Magnet – Think Save Retire

Finding FI Interview # 15: Stacking Greenbacks Towards FI – Financially Alert
If you would like to contact me, please drop me a line and I will respond to your email 😉
Or hit me up at:
Twitter: @mjp2520
Facebook: facebook.com/greenbacksmagnet1/