Category Archives: Wealth

Money And Greek Myths: Lessons From Clash Of The Titans

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Attitude is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than what people do or say. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. – W. C. Fields

That quote from W.C. Fields could not more accurately describe this film. The Gods of Olympus rule the world of man. And those who disobey or hurt others are punished.

I have learned that my attitude dictates everything around me including my ability to build wealth. A positive attitude can move mountains.

See my post Money and Life Lessons I Learned from CBS Srorybreak’s Yeh-Shen

This mythical tale of Perseus, son of Zeus, and his quest for the ‘fair’ Andromeda,  Clash of the Titans was released on June 12, 1981.

Why is Greek mythology important?

Greek mythology is the body of myths originally told by the ancient Greeks. These stories concern the origin and the nature of the world, the lives and activities of deities, heroes, and mythological creatures, and the origins and significance of the ancient Greeks‘ own cult and ritual practices.

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Clash of the Titans is a 1981 British-American heroic fantasy adventure film directed by Desmond Davis and written by Beverley Cross which retells the Greek mythological story of Perseus. It stars Harry Hamlin, Judi Bowker, Burgess Meredith, Maggie Smith and Laurence Olivier. The film features the final work of stop motion visual effects artist Ray Harryhausen.

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Review for the film with an excellent synopsis from IMBD # 8 from 2004. 

In the Mount Olympus, Zeus (Laurence Olivier) destroyed the city Argus with the Titan Kraken to punish King Acrisius (Donald Houston) that sentenced his daughter Danae (Vida Taylor) and her son with Zeus Perseus to death in the sea. Zeus orders Poseidon to save them and Perseus grows up in a paradisiacal island with his mother.

Years later, Zeus punishes Calibos (Neil McCarthy), the evil son of the goddess Thetis (Maggie Smith) and fiancé of Princess Andromeda (Judi Bowker), turning him into a monster doomed to live in the swamps.

The vindictive Thetis curses Andromeda with a spell and every suitor should solve a riddle; otherwise he would be sentenced to the bonfire. Further, she brings Perseus (Harry Hamlin) while sleeping half-naked to the City of Jopa but Zeus gives magical helmet, shield and sword to his son for self-protection.

When Perseus sees Andromeda, he falls in love with her and uses the magic outfits and Pegasus to discover the answer of the riddle with Calibos.

But Thetis dooms Andromeda to be sacrificed to the Kraken otherwise the City of Jopa and the inhabitants will be destroyed by the Titan. Perseus now has to defeat Medusa and the Kraken to save his beloved princess.

The saga of Perseus, the mortal son of Zeus, and the intrigue among the Gods of Olympus, is brilliant presented in this magnificent film. The delightful story is supported by an outstanding international cast, with names such as Laurence Olivier, Burgess Meredith, Maggie Smith and Ursula Andress, and by fantastic special effects, considering this is a 1981 movie. The golden mechanical owl Buba is hilarious and responsible for some of the best moments in this film. This epic is a wonderful and highly recommended entertainment for the whole family. I do not recall how many times I have had the pleasure of watching this film.


Zeus watches over everyone in Mount Olympus. Especially, that of his children and those of the other Gods, many of whom have children with mortals.

It has become known that Thetis’ son Calibos, who has been spoiled and given every advantage in life, is cold and callous. He abuses and hurts others. For this, Zeus punishes him. His son Perseus, who was given none of those advantages or indulgences of Calibos, is punished by Thetis in retaliation and dropped in the middle of their war between each other.

I found it very interesting that Zeus was willing to punish Calibos for being inhumane and uncivilized. He let the punishment fit the crime.

This is a reminder that life is not fair and no deed goes unnoticed, good or bad.

You should live your life like it will hit the front page of every newspaper. Best to eat humble pie than be served a dish that is best served cold.


Being in power means you can make things happen. If you read the stories of Napoleon Bonaparte, The War of the Roses, Winston Churchill, or any leader or influencer you will find a theme.

Success leaves clues.

Regardless, of whether or not you are born into wealth, it is your job to manage all that you have. This is done by controlling your thoughts and actions.

Did you know that most generational wealth is gone within three generations?

According to MarketWatch, about seven in 10 wealthy families lose their fortune by the second generation, according to a study of more than 3,200 high-net worth families by the Williams Group wealth consultancy. By the third generation that number has jumped to 90%.

That means the parents and grandparents make the money, and the children and grandchildren spend it.

After doing some more research, I discovered the following:

  • If you earn more than $34,000 per year, you are in the top 1 percent globally.
  • Most wealth is not inherited. You have to work for your meal. There is no FREE LUNCH.
  • According to the book The Millionaire Next Door, most millionaires are worth between $1 million to $5 million.

See my post the Top 1% of income worldwide

In the film, Zeus provides Perseus with incredible weapons that are magical to protect him. This would not have been possible if his father did not have access to those things.

The reason you want to have financial independence is because you can protect yourself and your loved ones.


Perseus gets sent to Jopa where Calibos ex-fiance is cursed by his mother Thetis. He decides to find out the answer to the riddle so that he may marry the princess Andromeda.

One of my favorite parts of the film right here. Perseus was smart in the way he found the answer. This is what you are supposed to do in life. Find a goal. Make a plan. Execute. Same rules apply to personal finance.

I set a goal of saving first 10% of my income. Then it kept growing from there. I set the following savings goals:

  • Save 15% of my income
  • Save 20% of my income
  • Save 25% of my income
  • Save 30% of my income
  • Save 35% of my income
  • Save 40% of my income
  • Save 45% of my income
  • Save 50% of my income ➡this is my next goal 💰😉


If you cannot be a good winner, there is no way you can be a good loser. – Halle Berry

See my post on Halle Berry and success

After Perseus defeats Calibos, he spares his life only if he lifts the cure on Andromeda and he agrees.

He then goes to demand his mother seek out vengeance on Perseus. This is wrong. Perseus won in a fair fight with hand-to-hand combat. However, his mother does what he asks. Thereby putting Perseus on another quest to yet again save Andromeda and risking his life in the process although he committed no crime. He must now face Medusa.

Justice or Revenge

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the Gorgon Medusa


Knowing what your needs versus wants are is how you will achieve your goals.

Perseus must face Medusa in order to save Andromeda.

Who is Medusa?

In Greek mythology, Medusa was a monster, a Gorgon, generally described as a winged human female with living venomous snakes in place of hair. Those who gazed upon her face would turn to stone.

What is the legend of Medusa? In later myths (mainly in Ovid) Medusa was the only Gorgon to possess snake locks, because they were a punishment from Athena. In a late version of the Medusa myth, related by the Roman poet Ovid (Metamorphoses 4.770), Medusa was originally a ravishingly beautiful maiden, “the jealous aspiration of many suitors.” Accordingly, Ovid relates that the once beautiful mortal was punished by Athena with a hideous appearance and loathsome snakes for hair for having been in Athena’s temple and being pursued by Poseidon.

Simply put, she was punished for being too beautiful.

In the film, Perseus only did what is absolutely necessary. Veering off course, even just a little could spell disaster. Same goes for wealth building.


Perseus wins.

Zeus declares:

No more trials against Perseus for he has confronted them and he has won.

The gods predict that Perseus and Andromeda will live happily, rule wisely, and produce children, and Zeus forbids the other gods to pursue vengeance against them. Zeus commands, “I forbid any revenge against Perseus.” He has triumphed and he shall be rewarded.

The constellations of Perseus, Andromeda, Pegasus, and Cassiopeia are created in their honor.

I feel that like Perseus, I have been underestimated.

It took many years to achieve the goals I had set for myself. Some of which I am still working towards. And as one is crossed off the list, others are added. However, as I once told my sister, I had my back against the wall and was down but not out.

It took every ounce of energy and willpower I had, but I started taking control of my financial life and never looked back.

All those times of wondering how I would pay the bills, get to the end of the month before getting through the end of the money, and living check to check was no more.

I had prevailed against every obstacle, trial and tribulation, and test that had come up against me. There would be no more trials of continuing to go into debt against me. For I had triumphed and I had won!

I hope you enjoyed this post. I had to travel all the way back to 1981, but you have to admit that it is a great story and a spectacular adventure.

Well Greenbacks Magnets, that wraps up another post. Until next time.

The Simple Path to Wealth Book Review

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There is brilliance in simplicity. – Bruce Lee

Recently, I began reading the book The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins.

The book originated with letters to his daughter about financing.

On my path towards financial freedom, I have decided to read the books of other Personal Financial Bloggers.   

The book du jour: The Simple Path to Wealth.

Do you believe in coincidence?

I don’t believe in coincidence. I think that all things work together for good. – Kathie Lee Gifford

“I do not believe in meaningless coincidences. I believe every coincidence is a message, a clue about a particular facet of our lives that requires our attention.” – Deepak Chopra

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Well, it just so happened that the last finance blogger I interviewed for this website was Dave of Accidental FIRE called: Accidentally Wealthy on Purpose.

In that interview, he informed me that his favorite personal finance book was The Simple Path by JL Collins.

I mean what are the odds that I would be reading that EXACT BOOK at that EXACT MOMENT. 😲 Pretty slim that is for sure.

I too thought the book was pretty good and gives some sound financial advice.

I even tweeted out that advice directly from the book. And to my surprise JL Collins gave me a like. I appreciated that! 😉

After, doing that interview and sending the tweet and the getting a like form the author, I decided that I must do a book review on this book. Why? I feel that if you see something three times (3x), then it must be for a reason. They say things happen in three’s. So I went with it!  

Let’s get to it!

Drum roll please.

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The Simple Path to Wealth: Your Road Map to Financial Independence and a Rich, Free Life


He has been an investor since 1975. In 2011, he wrote a series of letters to his daughter about money and investing; which morphed into and led to this book.

Welcome inside the mind of the man who started the infamous Stock Series on his blog.

The foreword of his book was by Mr. Money Mustache.

Serious praise for the book:

“Let’s face it: Most investment books are boring. Dull. Uninspired. This book brings managing your money to life.” – Paula Pant, Afford Anything

“The media claim stock investing is no better than gambling. Collins cuts through the crap. He demonstrates a simple level-headed way to wealth that will lead you to a richer life.” – J.D. Roth, Founder Money Boss and Get Rich Slowly

I have to agree wholeheartedly with J.D. Roth’s assessment. I also got to meet him at FinCon. Nice guy 😉

See my post on FinCon

FinCon 18: The Recap From Your Friendly Neighborhood Greenbacks Magnet Part I and Part II

After reading the book, it was really eye-opening. One of the simplest approaches to investing and building wealth that I have ever read and I read A LOT!

My library card is on fire!!!   😂

Now let me tell you why I feel that way about the book.


There is no free lunch. tweet

There is no such thing as E-Z financing. Credit cards come with enormous interest rates. If you look on credit card statements today, it will give you two numbers.

One is how long it will take to pay off your balance paying the minimum amount.

The other is how long it will take before your balance is paid in full after three years.

Knowing that you can be paying off that sweater from last year until your kids are ready to graduate from college should scare most straight to the path of cash only!

Debt causes too many constraints and limits personal and financial freedom.

Paying a $10 minimum on a $300 balance is a sure fire way to the poor house.

If you owe more than 5% interest on any debt, then get rid of it ASAP. And forget all these consolidation loans and balance transfers. That’s like robbing Peter to pay Paul. Just work on steadily paying off the one with the most interest and then continue until all the debt is gone.

Then make being debt free last forever.


We all need it.

You know why? Because sh*t happens, that’s why.

What happens if you chip a tooth, get hit by an uninsured motorist, and the basement floods all in the same week?

You have to pay to handle of these situations. If nothing else, an insurance deductible; which can run into the thousands as house flooding can be a deductible as high as $5,000!

I previously wrote on F you money in a blog post called How Do You Play With FIRE?

Here is part of that post here for your convenience.

My blog post from the Mark Cuban on F-U Money blog post


Only you can decide how much money is enough. However, if we go by Rockefeller, enough is always a little more. Basically, how much money is enough?

For purposes of simplicity, we will use the examples of enough money given by billionaire Mark Cuban.

Mark Cuban on enough money:

“‘Enough’ is what it takes to not worry about the bills.”

“‘A lot’ is enough that you never have to worry about working again.”

“‘F you’ money means you can rent a jet to go wherever you want, whenever you want, and no party is out of reach.”

“‘F everyone’ money means you can have your favorite band in your backyard, not care how much it costs, and lend them your jet to get there.”

We’re not talking about rich; talking about wealthy. Chris Rock once said, “Shaquille O’Neal is rich. The guy who pays his salary is wealthy.”

He also said comfort is the poison. Too much of it can slow down your progress on the road to wealth. All I mean is to stay hungry. I’m just saying there are different levels of wealth.

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So trust me when I say you need F-U Money.


Coco Chanel — ‘Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.’

Jack Bogle founded the Vanguard Group in 1974.

Mr. Bogle created the first S & P 500 index fund. Due to its immensely low fees because the investors own Vanguard and not some company or board of directors that want to please shareholders, this book advises an investment in the VTSAX at Vanguard.

JL Collins advice: Invest in index funds with Vanguard and keep what is yours.

I concur.

I need all my coins. I want ALL of my MONEY! I aim to keep as much of it as possible. I’m almost as bad as Scrooge McDuck. Almost.

See my post on Money Lessons I Learned From Scrooge McDuck

Remember that episode of Ducktales when Fenton Crackshell was counting all of Scrooge’s money that he dumped into the lake in “Liquid Assets Part 1.”  That’s me! 🤣

Ducktales - Liquid2

Ducktales - Liquid8
Ducktales - Liquid9

This total stock market fund holds the entire U.S. stock market fund; which includes about 3,700 stocks.  As most of these companies are worldwide and involved in international markets, you only need this one fund. Simple right? 😉

And it is comprised of 80% of all the top funds in the S & P 500, so no need to diversify as you already have it here.

If that did not convince you, the maybe the best stock-picker of all time can: Warren Buffet.

He owns the company Berkshire Hathaway (stock symbols; BRK.A and BRK.B)

See my posts

Forget Simon, Do What Buffet Says

How I Used The Buffet 25 Strategy to Walk The Talk

Money And Chocolate

Don’t Take Money Too Personal

Patience Is The Key To Wealth

3 Rich Habits Of Millionaires

Do You Want A Million Dollars? Ask For It!

In the 2013 Berkshire Hathaway annual shareholder letter, Buffet advised the following:

“What I advise here is essentially identical to certain instructions I’ve laid out in my will. One bequest provides that cash will be delivered to a trustee for my wife’s benefit. My advice to the trustee could not be more simple: Put 10% of the cash in short-term government bonds and 90% in a very low-cost S&P 500 index fund. (I suggest Vanguard’s.)”

I am a Vanguard and Berkshire Hathaway investor and I approve this message. 😉

Have you recently wrote a book? Are you looking for a review? Do you want to be Greenback’d? Tweet me. I’ll be here @mjp2520

Jennifer Lopez: From Jenny from the block to JLO and $100 Million

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“You have to fight for the things you want.” – Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez is a quadruple threat: actress, singer, dancer, and producer.

It was recently reported earlier this month that in March 2019 she got engaged to former MLB phenom Alex Rodriguez (A-Rod).

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Jenny from the Bronx has parlayed her talent into major coin.

Her estimated net worth is over $300 million.

Insider reported it as high as $400 million!

So how did Jenny from the block earn her wealth?

Well, you are about to find out.

As you may know, I am on a mission: financial freedom.

Therefore, I started to study the self-made.

How did they get so wealthy? What did they do? What do they do with their 24 hours we are given in a single day?

Today we talk all things J to the L-O! Hello!

Let’s go!!!


Jennifer Lynn Lopez was born on July 24, 1969 in Castle Hill, New York City. Growing up in the Bronx with her parents and siblings she watched how hard her parents worked to make a living as Puerto Ricans living in the richest country in the world.

She knew that she had a responsibility to do well because her parents gave and sacrificed so much.

She was quoted in an interview as saying, “I had to do well. I couldn’t let them (her parents) down.”

Jennifer says she was always training for something. And dance become her go to activity.


In 1991, Lopez began appearing as a Fly Girl dancer on In Living Color, where she remained a regular until she decided to pursue an acting career in 1993.

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These are HER lyric from “Jenny from the Block.” Let J. LO tell you her story.

From In Living Color and movie scripts

To On the 6 to J. Lo to this headline clips

I stayed grounded as the amounts roll in

I’m real, I thought I told you

I really been on Oprah

That’s just me

Nothin phony, don’t hate on me

What you get is what you see

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If you have ever seen the Janet Jackson video “That’s the way love Goes,” then you will see a young Jennifer Lopez dancing and talking to Janet. She performed as a dancer for her while as pursuing her dreams of acting.

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I love the lyrics to that song and how it starts out.

Like a moth to a flame

Burned by the fire

My love is blind

Can’t you see my desire

That’s the way love goes

So you could say like a moth to a flame, J. LO gravitated towards acting. Haha

You also may remember her dancing with Puffy or P. Diddy, as he goes by now, in the music video “Been Around The World.” That was in 1997. Haven’t seen it. No problem.

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JLoThis 1997 music video  Puff Daddy Been Around The World

I have the footage right here thanks to Youtube 😉 Enjoy!

Jennifer Lopez HOT Dance Scene With P Diddy


In 1995, the world lost Tejano music’s biggest star Selena Quintanilla. Due to widespread reports of unknown causes of events that surfaced, her family decided to tell the world her story. That became the 1997 film Selena.

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A story of a girl who had the spirit to believe in a dream and the courage to make it come true.

Movie poster reads: A story of a girl who had the spirit to believe in a dream and the courage to make it come true.

The film that made Jennifer Lopez a star: Selena.

Released in Summer 1997. Based on the life of Tejano superstar Selena.

In 1997, Lopez played the title character of Selena Quintanilla-Pérez in Warner Bros. “Selena.” Lopez was 28 years old when she portrayed the late singer.

After an intense media frenzy, auditions for the role of Selena sparked applications from about 20,000 Latinas from around the globe, one woman was selected that stood out from the bunch: Jennifer Lopez.

The role of a lifetime was won to play Mexican-American music star Selena.

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People Magazine

Jennifer Lopez Reflects on Selena Quintanilla and Where She’d Be Now: ‘She Was a Star’

Jennifer Lopez in the film playing Selena.

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Fun Fact: People Espanol was started because of Selena.

The real J. LO. She too likes to wear white.

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Jennifer Lopez as Selena.

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Jennifer Lopez wearing Selena’s iconic red lipstick in the film Selena

Fun Fact: Selena favorite lipstick was Brick by Chanel, she did her own makeup and her favorite shoe store was Payless. Favorite pizza: Pizza Hut thin crust double pepperoni.

One of my favorite scenes from the film.

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jennifer lopez selena GIF

If you watch Selena perform, you not she is doing tons of cardio.

Fun Fact: Selena would walk around her neighborhood EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

And don’t take no crap from anyone.

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The real Selena Quintanilla Tejano singer and superstar

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The album that put her on the map. Selena Live!

Nominated for a GRAMMY in 1994
Selena Live! Best Mexican/American Album

Selena won her first career GRAMMY for Best Mexican-American Album for Live at the 36th GRAMMY Awards in 1994, marking the first time a female Tejano artist won the category.

She was gone less than a year later.

Awards/Accomplishments. In 1987, Selena became a spokesperson for Coca-Cola. Selena won the Tejano Music Award for Best Female Vocalist running every through 1986 to 1996. Received 8 awards at Lo Nuestro Awards, 34 Tejano Music Awards, Kuno’s People’s Choice award, and first Tejano artist to win a Grammy.

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Always smiling, laughing, and joking around. That was Selena.

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So full of life and light
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Selena Quintanilla 1971-1995 May she forever Rest In Peace.

The movie Selena would make Jennifer Lopez one of the highest paid Latina’s in film.

Many have reported that she is the highest-paid Latina film actress in history.

It was estimated that she received a $1 million payday for the film.

Her life and BANK ACCOUNT has never been the same.


Just keep your head down and work. Success comes when you work harder than everybody else. – Jennifer Lopez

After wrapping the film, Jennifer Lopez decided her next ambition would be recording an album. She set her sights on making this goal happen.

She got a record deal and worked with music super producer Tommy Mottola of Sony.

In an interview she said that people did not believe in her project; therefore, she had to put some of her own money into it.

You get what you give. What you put into things is what you get out of them. – Jennifer Lopez

That pet project would become her first album: On the 6.  

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As reported by Insider, Lopez’s debut single “If You Had My Love” was released in May 1999, and it immediately landed on the Billboard charts. In fact, “If You Had My Love” became the first debut single to top the Billboard Hot 100 since Britney Spears’ “…Baby One More Time” a mere four months earlier.

One month later in June, her debut album “On the 6” was released, effectively solidifying Lopez’s status as a Latin pop artist. Certified by the RIAA, “On the 6” is 3x platinum, selling 3.42 million units worldwide.

She never looked back.


When Jennifer Lopez was at her peak, in 1999-2002, she was deigning clothes, singing, dancing, performing, acting, starring in hit films, on the cover of magazines, and putting out perfume fragrances.

The iconic green Versace dress! GRAMMYs 1999.

Caused a sensation and put her on the top of the map. Every news outlet had a picture of THAT dress! A great way to get people talking about you, if they weren’t already.

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Caused a sensation

One of the things that sticks out was when she started going by the name J. LO. She put out an L.P. of the same name. She said her mother loved that name and would say it over and over…J. LO J. LO.

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However, what made her a household name was the infamous video with Ja Rule “I’m Real” that was in constant rotation on MTV and BET Total Request Live (TRL).

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Fun Fact: Jennifer Lopez Says She Personally Chose That Juicy Couture Tracksuit for Her 2001 “I’m Real” Video with Ja Rule

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I’m Real video

Here is the video just in case you have not seen it.

She also did the song “Ain’t it Funny.” Again featuring her partner in crime (of making sweet music that is) Ja Rule. Together this pair made magic happen. They just had great chemistry when working together.

Ain’t it funny dropped off the J. LO album on June 20, 2001.

Here are some lyrics for you.

J to the L-O


Well now you know where I got that from, which I state at the beginning of this post. 😉

Here is the chorus

Ain’t it funny

Baby that you want me, when you had me

Love is crazy, I’m glad I can smile and say

Ain’t it funny

Then came “Jenny from the Block.” This song dropped on September 26, 2002.  One of her HOTTEST music videos! If you had no idea what she was capable or of who she was, then this video stopped all doubts.

The lyrics go like this.

Don’t be fooled by the rocks that I got

I’m still, I’m still Jenny from the block

Love my life and my public

Put God first

Then can’t forget to stay real

To me it’s like breathing

Ah yes, she says to stay real or I’m real in this song. An obvious reference to her song I’m real with Ja Rule. 😉

Here is the chorus.

Don’t be fooled by the rocks that I got

I’m still, I’m still Jenny from the block

Used to have a little, now I have a lot

No matter where I go, I know where I came from (from the Bronx!)

Check it out here.

JLo pictured in her 2002 music video Jenny from the Block

Unlike her previous studio albums: On the 6 (1999) and J.Lo (2001), Lopez had a more “hands-on” role on This Is Me… Then. The 2002 album also had more of an adult-R&B sound. Musically, majority of the songs on This Is Me… Then were lyrically “dedicated” to her relationship with then-fiancé, actor Ben Affleck.

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All I have video 2002 featuring LL Cool J

The Age newspaper said the album was a “declaration” of love for Affleck.

The many looks of J. LO.

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J. LO is Pretty in Pink.

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 During an interview, Lopez said “I wrote a lot of songs inspired, in a way, by what I was going through at the time that this album was being made, and he [Affleck] was definitely a big part of that.”

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MTV VMA 2002

Magazine Covers of Jennifer Lopez.

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JLO $100 Million Woman
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“I have to work, for my soul.” – Jennifer Lopez

Nearly two decades since the release of “On the Six,” Lopez has dropped seven more albums, and has a ninth album slated for release this year.

Lopez has embarked on five tours, and that has undoubtedly added to her net worth. Her first tour, aptly titled “Let’s Get Loud” was in 2001 and she walked away with a reported $765,000 in earnings, according to Money Nation.

The bank balances keep rising as her star does.

Lopez has earned an estimated $90 million for appearing on the big screen, according to Celebrity Net Worth.

She was also a judge on “American Idol” for three years. At a reported $12 million per season, according to Billboard, that’s an impressive $36 million for serving as a mentor to well, the next Jennifer Lopez.

J. Lo is also a business maven.

Just like Rihanna.

See my post Rihanna from music maven to mogul

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Aside from her musical and acting talents, Lopez is also a savy businesswoman. In 1998, she founded her clothing line that currently sells swimwear, eyewear, and fragrances. In 2004, her brand earned $300 million in revenue, making J. Lo the 19th richest person under 40, according to Fortune.

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A decade later, in 2012, J. Lo set out for her first worldwide tour, the Dance Again World Tour. After 78 shows, this would be Lopez’s highest-earning tour, and she pocketed $50,362,300, according to Money Nation.

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If you look at the difference in her first tour in 2001 and her one in 2012 ($765,000 to $50,362,300), you will notice it took over a decade to earn this type of money.

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Angel Eyes 2002

What does that tell me?

That building wealth TAKES TIME.

It took me 6 years to go from saving $1 a day to $50 a month to $15,000 a year!

I make a goal and then chart a course to get there no matter how long it takes.

Just like Jennifer Lopez.

Between her current residency in Las Vegas and worldwide clothing line, J. Lo is hardly short on funds.

On January 20, 2016, she debuted at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino her “All I Have” residency, dazzling fans with sequined pieces and elaborate sets.

On August 13, her shows reached an incredible milestone: $1 million in ticket sales, the highest grossing show in Planet Hollywood’s history, according to Billboard.

Between June 2016-June 2017, Lopez made $38 million dollars, consequently landing her at the #11 spot on Forbes’ Highest-Paid Female Celebrities of 2017. She’s also already made an estimated $47 million in 2018, according to Forbes.

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Jennifer Lopez performing with Pitbull
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Given her newly announced acting project, anticipated 9th album and a just-released makeup line, Jennifer Lopez will likely only see her cash flow increase.

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All I have to say about JLO is this: Veni, vidi, vici. Latin translation: “I came; I saw; I conquered.”

Well Jennifer Lopez came, saw, and conquered show business.

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In the illustrious words, and famous favorite saying of Selena: “You go girl.”

I have learned a lot from Jennifer Lopez. That with hard work, drive, passion, determination, consistency, and persistence you can achieve great things.

However, what I have learned most of all…is that she is still Jenny from the Block. 😉

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For more posts I have written about the self-made you can check out my other posts

Dwayne Johnson: The Rock Solid and The Fast and The Furious Way To Make Millions

Halle Berry on success and failure: Why She and I Continue To Save So Much

Halle Berry on success and failure: Why She and I Continue To Save So Much

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Beauty is not just physical. – Halle Berry

I agree that beauty is not just physical. Beauty has many forms, and I feel that confidence, self-respect, and loving yourself are some of them.

These are some other beautiful things to behold:

  • A child at play; while living in a safe neighborhood.
  • Reading a book on a beach at 1 o’clock in the afternoon.
  • Taking a nap in a hammock.
  • Walking in Central Park.
  • Seeing the sun come up while vacationing on the lake.
  • Seeing the sunset on the beach.

However, all of those beautiful things, albeit free; still cost money to be able to do and enjoy them.

Many of these things require that you have some form of prosperity or relative financial cushion to enjoy creature comforts that can easily be taken for granted such as taking a nap in the afternoon beyond the age of five.

Instead of having some semblance of wealth, you will need to actually have a few coins in the bank in order to have any sort of comfort EVER.

That being said, I had to stop and think. Why Do I Save So Much?

I remember reading an article in which they decided to pose this similar type of question to Academy Award winning actress Halle Berry who is worth an estimated $80 million.

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She answered that the reason she saves is because she knows the business she is in (showbiz) this Hollywood stint may all come to an end one day. Specifically, she says that she saves because she never knows “when this trip will end.” And that she wants to have enough savings to make sure she is secure, comfortable, and financially independent when the paychecks stop pouring in and the fame starts to wane. In addition, she carries tons of life insurance.

I too carry tons of life insurance!

If it’s good enough for Halle, then it’s good enough for me.

Halle is a saver.

Here is why I am a saver too.


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When I was a kid, my mother told me that if you could not be a good loser, then there’s no way you could be a good winner. – Halle Berry

There’s a place in me that can really relate to being the underdog. – Halle Berry

I always had to prove myself through my actions. Be a cheerleader. Be class president. Be the editor of the newspaper. – Halle Berry

By the time I left school, I had a lot of tenacity. – Halle Berry

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If you think money will change who you are, then think again. Money just gives us a bigger stage to project who we already are.

Will Smith said it best: “Money and success don’t change people; they merely amplify what is already there.”

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Many people may not know this but Halle Berry was elected Homecoming or Prom Queen at her high school. It was predominantly white. Not believing that she had won, the other contestant asked for a recount. Halle agreed. Halle won again. She demanded another recount. Halle refused. Halle then graciously accepted her crown.

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If you think about that, you can see from a young age that Halle has always had to work for what she’s got. Being PRETTY is not enough!

I actually was on my school newspaper. It was one of the only times in high school that I did not feel like I was being judged and I had some say in what was going on around me. I too have always had to prove MYSELF!

I get it. No one believes what they can’t see. Seeing is believing.

However, I was actually working towards my goals – buying a home, getting a bachelor’s, finishing a Master’s – all tangible things that people can observe my actions and see me doing such as studying, house shopping, and walking across the stage to accept my diploma.

It was not until AFTER I had done all those things that people started to take me more seriously and show me SOME RESPECT!!

It just would have been nice to get a little more of it while I was the UNDERDOG and working towards MY GOALS with people around me that had WAY MORE PRIVILEGE.

I paid WAY LESS than $50,000 for a degree.

I paid WAY LESS than $1 million for a home.

I did that because I knew what I could afford and that I didn’t want to be in debt forever.

I wanted freedom. And that doesn’t come cheap. You have to EARN your freedom through work.


Career is important, but nothing really supersedes my roles as a mother. – Halle Berry

I never wanted to be a model. My modelling career was nothing but a stepping stone to my acting career and that’s all I ever saw it as. A pointless rock in the river that has to be stepped on in order to get to the meaningful oasis of acting. – Halle Berry

Throughout my career I have been talked out of things I wanted to do, and when I look back, I think I should have followed my instincts. – Halle Berry

What’s the worst that can happen? If it doesn’t do well I can put on my big girl panties, deal with it and move on. – Halle Berry

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I have learned that having a CAREER and not just a JOB is important.

A job is what you do to pay the bills.

A career is what you do when you have passion for something and can skip to work.

I decided at the age of 15 to get my degree as a STEPPING STONE towards a career. I ended up working in Financial services which is right up my alley as you can tell from this blog. 😉

However, I have mostly done the things I wanted to do and rarely let myself get talked out of those things. Maybe that is why I am so happy.

The secret to happiness: Do the things that make you happy and don’t do the things that make you unhappy. The End.

No matter what. Good or Bad. MOVE ON. Keep moving forward. It’s like Ariana Grande says, “thank you, next.”

I knew if I wanted to make more than minimum wage that I had to get some skills or education. Not knowing what trade to do I went for the degree. I knew not to just drift or stand still.

I didn’t want to end up at 35 with no savings, no home, no family, and no decent job.

I had no shame working as waitress to make ends meet until I could do better. I was making about $2.39 an hour plus tips.  

Now I’m making and saving more than 40% of my income.

All things come in time.


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Let me tell you something – being thought of as a beautiful woman has spared me nothing in life. No heartache, no trouble. Love has been difficult. Beauty is essentially meaningless and it is always transitory. – Halle Berry

While being called beautiful is extremely flattering, I would much rather be noticed for my work as an actress. – Halle Berry

A person’s self-esteem has nothing to do with how she looks. – Halle Berry

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Your preaching to the choir. Tell me something I don’t know. Beauty is transitory alright meaning it is not permanent. CORRECT.

As you age, you will change. It is inevitable. So you need to be able to do something more than stand still, look pretty, and to quote Miss Congeniality, “be on stage with nothing to do but convert oxygen into carbon dioxide.” Haha

So enjoy your life! And pass me some more pizza 😂

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The first step is clearly defining what it is you’re after, because without knowing that, you’ll never get it. – Halle Berry

If you set out to do something and you give it your all and it doesn’t work out, be willing to modify your goal slightly. Have the ability to look in another direction. A small shift could guide you to the real purposes of your life. – Halle Berry

There have been so many people who have said to me, ‘You can’t do that,’ but I’ve had an innate belief that they were wrong. Be unwavering and relentless in your approach. – Halle Berry

I’m not afraid of portraying anything on-screen. – Halle Berry

I’m just going to live my life and be who I am. – Halle Berry

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If you are a wrestling fan, then you have heard of the moniker BE FEARLESS from the Bella Twins.

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And that is how you should live your life. Be fearless. Be relentless in your pursuits. But always try to do the right thing.

During an interview for the cover of the April issue of InStyle, which hit the Internet on March 12, Ciara said, “If you want to get somewhere in life, you’ve got to have a compass. You’ve got to know where you really want to get to.”

I have a pretty strong professional and Morale Compass. I try to, like Spike Lee says, “Do the right thing.”

If you read my last post on The Rock, then you know that being who you are can get you far in this world, but nothing happens without a dint of hard work.

See my post on The Rock

Academy Award winning actress Catherine Zeta-Jones said in the book Rise and Grind that she informed her parents at a young age she wanted to be an actress. They did not approve until she got them an appointment with her school guidance counselor.

They informed her parents that Catherine would never be satisfied with being an accountant as she is too artsy. Let her PURSUE her passion. Since Catherine was a good child and student, they agreed to let her pursue her dreams and would support her!

At that point my mouth drops open. You could hear crickets and a pen drop. I could not believe it. All that from a conversation. WELL DONE! Never underestimate the power of your words.


I see women in their 30s getting plastic surgery, pulling this up and tucking that back. It’s like a slippery slope – once you start you pull one thing one way and then you think, ‘Oh my God, I’ve got to do the other side.’ – Halle Berry

I’m not sad at all about turning 40. – Halle Berry

I’m not a fanatic about exercising. For me, it’s about moderation and balance. – Halle Berry

I think I am at my best when my hair is short. It’s easier to take care of and more of who I am. Women are conditioned to think we need long hair. – Halle Berry

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I think it’s always best to be who you are. – Halle Berry

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Be who you are.

If you ever saw the 1997 movie Selena starring Jennifer Lopez, then you may remember the scene where Abraham Quintanilla (played by James Edward Olmos) says that he learned a very important lesson in life, which is that you have to be who you are.

That is not just wisdom in old age talk. That is the TRUTH.

Everything  have that was GOOD came from me being WHO I AM. Whatever you do or whomever you are…OWN IT!!!!


Don’t take yourself too seriously. Know when to laugh at yourself, and find a way to laugh at obstacles that inevitably present themselves. – Halle Berry

I know I’m only one human being and I’m only making one tiny contribution and it’s nothing more than that. – Halle Berry

I think there’s a certain level of trust that I have with women. I’ve always been honest, even when I haven’t had good times in my life or my movie bombed or I’ve had great success. I’ve owned up to all of it. – Halle Berry

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People win Oscars, and then it seems like they fall off the planet. And that’s partly because a huge expectation walks in the room and sits right down on top of your head. The moment I won the Oscar, I felt the teardown the very next day. – Halle Berry

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I repeat, whatever you do…OWN IT!

I’m told that I am sassy and dominating. I take that as the compliment I know it is supposed to be. 😉

Well this sassy Miss started doing the following with her money:

Savings Year Monthly Savings Amount End of Year Total Savings
2013 $50 $600
2014 $100 $1200
2015 $150 $1800
2016 $250 $3000
2017 $333 $3996
2018 $1,111.04 $13,333.06
2019* $1,211.09 $14,533.06

As of this writing, I am on track to save $15,000 for 2019.

I have already set a saving goal of $16,000 for 2020.

I always look to the future because it is coming one day after all. So I set savings goals for the coming years of 2021-2025 of $17,000+ each and every year. My ultimate goal is to save $20,000-$25,000 each year. That would allow me to save $100,000 every 4 to 5 years.

I also believe in donating money to good and charitable causes like Halle.  

This is what Halle told MainStreet: ‘Many people utilize charitable giving as a great tax write off, and it is. But more than that, for me, charitable giving is a financial investment in the human spirit. When we invest in each other, we invest in ourselves. There is no single investment that I have pursued that has brought a greater return, than helping someone who needs it.’

Well said, Ms. Berry.

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So now you know why I save so much and how much I save.

And why you should too.  

Dwayne Johnson: The Rock Solid and The Fast and The Furious Way To Make Millions

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“Success isn’t always about ‘Greatness’, it’s about consistency. Consistent, hard work gains success. Greatness will come.” – Dwayne Johnson

Well unless you have been living under a Rock, then you have heard of the name Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

One of the most successful wrestlers to come out of the WWE of all time.

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The Rock is an inspiration to millions with his good attitude, humility, and great sense of humor. One of the hardest working men in show business today.

If there is a movies coming out, then The Rock either auditioned for, saw the script, produced, or is starring in it. I mean the guy has a movie coming out like every two weeks!

He recently made headlines in January 2019 for not getting cast in Crazy Rich Asians?!!

As he worked with the film’s director, Jon M. Chu, in the 2013 sci-fi action film “G.I. Joe: Retaliation,” with Bruce Willis.

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Regardless, The Rock isn’t low on cash by any means.

He has an estimated net worth of over $150 Million.

On my continued journey toward studying the self-made, the man du jour is Dwayne Johnson.

Full Disclosure: I located numerous interviews, read magazine articles, and reporting on The Rock. One of the best came from Wonderwall.

So here we go.

Get your popcorn ready cause this is a long one.

I’m about to open up The Rock’s wallet and give you a peek inside.  

Let’s smell what The Rock is cookin’ in his bank books shall we?


Dwayne Johnson, was born in California on May 2, 1972. Although he grew up poor in Hawaii, he is now one of the richest men in Hollywood, but the poverty he faced during his childhood is never far from his mind.

Case in point, On Thanksgiving 2017, The Rock revealed in a lengthy Instagram post that “there was a time back in ’87 when we couldn’t even afford Thanksgiving dinner and [were] praying someone would invite us over their house to eat.”

Due to his father’s work as a professional wrestler, the family was constantly in flux and bouncing around from place to place.

Wrestling is in The Rock’s blood.

Wrestling is actually the Johnson family business — his father Rocky Johnson was a star in the 1970s and ’80s, while his Samoan grandfather Peter Maivia was famous in the 1960s.

As his mother was unable to keep a steady job because of this, they went through hard times.


In another IG post, in May 2015, the wrestler-actor revealed on Instagram that “when I was 14yrs old we were evicted out of our apartment in Hawaii ’cause we couldn’t afford the $180 per week rent.”

In 2014, he told The Hollywood Reporter that a week before they were evicted, he watched his mother’s car get repossessed. He reportedly added to her troubles by joining a theft ring that targeted affluent stores in Waikiki.

In addition, he stated in another interview that they were so broke that his mother doesn’t remember walking out into incoming traffic before he pushed her out of the way.

It was at that moment he decided to make changes in his life. He said to himself, “What can I do with these two hands?” That is when he decided to start working out.

“The successful men I knew were men who built their bodies.” – The Rock

He also stated while growing up people thought he was a girl and that they referred to him as one “all the time.”


“I’ll never, ever be full. I’ll always be hungry. Obviously, I’m not talking about food.

Growing up, I had nothing for such a long time.” – The Rock

The Rock is now one the biggest movie stars in the world. But before the A-list super-stardom and even before his WWE debut, Dwayne Johnson was just a guy that was down on his luck.

He decided that he wanted to play football. He worked tirelessly and gave everything he had to the sport. His hard work paid off.

Johnson was a promising football prospect and received offers from many Division I collegiate programs. After finishing high school in Pennsylvania, he went on to play college football. He decided on a full scholarship from the University of Miami, playing defensive tackle. In 1991, he was on the Miami Hurricanes’ national championship team.

The 6-foot-5, 290-pound Johnson started only once, appearing in 39 games with a total of 77 tackles and 4.25 sacks. With muscles on top of muscles, he was a sight to behold. He was a physical specimen from Day 1.

It was once quoted about The Rock, “He was a jack-of-all-trades, but only a master at wrasslin’.

Ed Orgeron, University of Miami defensive line coach (1989-1992), once had this to say about The Rock.

“His uncle was Jimmy Snuka, he came from a wrestling family. So we knew about that.

“I remember one-day walking off the field, he hadn’t had a good day and I said something like, ‘You know, Dwayne, you should just become a wrestler.'”

Warren Sapp, NFL pro football 2013 Hall of Famer, said this of playing football with The Rock.

“So we used to joke with him by saying, ‘When you get done with football, you’re going to go into wrestling, right?’

“And he’d say: ‘Damn right, bitch.’

Everyone always had the same thing to say about Johnson, he was charismatic, humble, and down-to-earth.

The Rock would go on to complete a bachelor of general studies degree. But his football career was coming to an end around the same time his academic career did.


“1995. $7 Bucks In My Pocket. I Knew Two Things: I’m Broke As Hell and One Day I Won’t Be” – The Rock

In 1995, Dwayne Johnson signed with the Canadian Football League’s Calgary Stampeders at a yearly salary of $35,000. According to The Hollywood Reporter, after just two months, he got knocked down to the practice team, which paid just $250 a week.

That had to hurt!

During that time, he reportedly shared a two-bedroom apartment with three other players, “eating ramen noodles and spaghetti and sleeping on a filthy mattress he had found ditched outside a pay-by-the-hour sex motel,” wrote THR. When he was cut from the team not long after that, he had just $7 to his name.

This is when he decided to become a wrestler. He begged his father to show him the ropes. Get it 😉

Dwayne Johnson made his WWE debut in 1996, becoming the first third-generation wrestler in the league. (His father, Rocky Johnson, and his maternal grandfather, Peter Maivia, were both professional wrestlers.) He quickly became one of the sport’s biggest stars. According to Fortune, during his second year in the WWE, The Rock made enough money to accomplish a childhood dream: He bought his first Rolex. (He smashed the $35,000 timepiece in the ring just a week later.)

I mean, wow!

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“When You Walk Up To Opportunity’s Door: Don’t Knock It. Kick That Bitch In, Smile and Introduce Yourself” – The Rock

Dwayne Johnson officially transitioned to Hollywood in 1999, the year he played a version of his father, wrestler Rocky Johnson, on “That ’70s Show,” where he got to act out with Topher Grace as Eric Forman.

The following year, he channeled his wrestling alter ego (complete with cocked eyebrow) to portray an alien gladiator on an episode of “Star Trek: Voyager.” A month later, he hosted “Saturday Night Live” for the first time. Each of these television appearances — as well as a few others — helped him prove his acting chops and win fans outside of the wrestling world.

The people’s champ was becoming the acting champ.

Things started really moving steadily from there for The Rock.

In 2000, Dwayne Johnson released his memoir “The Rock Says…,” which debuted at No. 1 on The New York Times bestseller list.

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Keep in mind, Writing isn’t generally a high-paying gig—unless you happen to be the top-selling author.

Fun Fact: While this gains the coveted “NYT BESTSELLER” status for the authors, it doesn’t net a lot of money. There are weeks in the year where you can make the NYT list with as few as a couple of thousand sales.

According to Career Trend, Given the royalties of a standard contract, an author selling 20,000 books priced at $25 would earn $65,625 the first week on the “New York Times” best-seller list. This is not quite the millions superstar authors bank, but if the book continues to sell, these earnings add up to an impressive income.

Then The Rock hit pay dirt. He booked a starring role in a major Hollywood film.

 In 2001, Dwayne Johnson made his feature-film debut as The Scorpion King in “The Mummy Returns.” He reportedly banked $500K for his brief appearance in the action-adventure sequel to 1999’s “The Mummy.” His work in the film was so popular, he scored his own spinoff.

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The Road To Success and Greatness Is Always Paved With Consistent Hard Work. Outwork Your Competitors, Be Authentic And Above All Else. Chase Your Greatness” – The Rock

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson rose to fame thanks to his exploits in the pro wrestling ring and got his first big break in the movie business as the Scorpion King in 2001’s “The Mummy Returns.”

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He holds the Guinness World Record for highest paid for a movie debut, as he received a $5 million-dollar paycheck for his role.

In 2004, Dwayne Johnson left the WWE to focus on his Hollywood acting career. The following year, he earned raves for his performance as a gay cowboy bodyguard and aspiring actor in “Be Cool.” Further signaling his transition from professional wrestler to serious actor, he was credited as Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson instead of just “The Rock” for his work in 2006’s “Gridiron Gang.” With 2008’s “Get Smart” — at the urging of his agents at CAA — he officially changed his stage name to Dwayne Johnson.

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CAA, short for Creative Artists Agency, is also one of the biggest entertainment agencies in the world.


“I Like To Use The Hard Times in The Past, To Motivate Me Today” – The Rock

In 2006, Dwayne Johnson and then-wife Dany Garcia, who fell in love while they were students at the University of Miami, donated $2 million to their alma mater to help fund a renovation to the school’s alumni center. In 2007, they donated $1 million to the college’s Football Facilities Renovation Fund, which was reportedly the largest donation ever from a former student to the university’s athletic department. The University of Miami renamed their football locker room in his honor: It’s now the Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Football Locker Room.

If that is not karma coming full circle, then I do not know what is! From getting cut from a football team to having a university athletic department named after you. Totally badass!!!

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In 2008, Dwayne Johnson and college sweetheart Dany Garcia divorced after 10 years of marriage and one daughter, Simone. The same year they split romantically, Dany became her ex’s manager. “I was already deeply involved with his agents, I was already commenting on scripts. It was a very natural conversation, where he just said to me, ‘I would love for you to do this full-time,'” she told Marie Claire in 2017.


In 2010, Dwyane Johnson portrayed star police officer Christopher Danson in “The Other Guys.” He reportedly earned $9 million for his role in the action-comedy…. even though (spoiler alert!) his character gets killed off just 15 minutes into the movie.

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Dwayne Johnson executive produced the 2010 documentary “Racing Dreams.” The film, which centers around young drivers chasing the kart racing championship title, marked The Rock’s debut as a producer.

I mean, does this guy ever stop working?!!! Now he’s a producer.

In 2011, Dwayne Johnson parted ways with CAA, whose agents had urged him to distance himself from the wrestling world. He signed with WME and legendary agent Ari Emanuel (on whom Jeremy Piven’s “Entourage” alter ego, Ari Gold, is based), and officially returned to the WWE that February.

You see that. He trusted his instincts and listed to himself, not just the advice of his management team. Others may help you along your journey, but ultimately you make the final decision. ALWAYS!!!

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He appeared in a number of big WWE events over the course of the next few years and, according to some reports, banked $3.5 million per year for his efforts. Apparently, he was worth every penny: “We set pay-per-view buy-rate records and attendance records each time,” he gushed to Fortune of his big return to the WWE. In April 2016, the league confirmed that WrestleMania 32 set a new attendance record for the WWE with 101,763 fans in the crowd at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas.

Would you look at that?

Setting records. Smacking down candy asses. Being eye candy. Raising eyebrows and rising paychecks.

That is my description of The Rock!!


“Let Actions Do Your Talkin For You, (Unless You’re Telling A Good Dirty Joke)”

In an Essence magazine article, he was asked what he was wearing while talking over the phone. His answer: A thong. Backwards. 🤣Your boy has got jokes!!!

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The Rock is now taking life a quarter mile at a time.

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In April 2011, Dwayne Johnson made his film-franchise debut as Luke Hobbs in “Fast Five.” At the time, the fifth installment in the “Fast & Furious” franchise had the top opening weekend of any film ever to open in the month of April, though that record has since been beat. He went on to appear in the next three films in the series and has become such a fan favorite that he and Jason Statham scored their very own spin-off movie, “Hobbs and Shaw,” which is scheduled for release in the summer of 2019.

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In 2012, Dwayne Johnson and ex-wife Dany Garcia co-founded their own production company, Seven Bucks Productions — a nod to that time the wrestler-actor found himself with just $7 to his name after getting the boot from the Canadian Football League. The company has produced several of The Rock’s recent films including “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle,” “Baywatch,” “Rampage” and “Skyscraper” as well as the TV shows “Ballers,” “The Hero” and “Wake Up Call.”

One of my personal favorite television shows I have ever seen The Rock do was the show “Wake Up Call.”

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson: At 23, I Had Only $7 In My Pocket — Then I Turned My Life Around

According to Business Insider, “In TNT’s new show “Wake Up Call,” Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson lends a helping hand to everyday people who are facing enormous challenges in their lives. From dysfunctional homes and dead-beat dads to sports teams that don’t gel and businesses struggling to survive.”


Dwayne Johnson starred in a commercial for the “Got Milk?” campaign that debuted during the Super Bowl on Feb. 3, 2013. He appeared in more advertisements for the campaign later that year.

He’s steady cashing them checks!!!💰 Cha ching! 😂

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Dwayne Johnson made his reality TV debut on the TNT competition series “The Hero” in June 2013. He hosted all eight episodes of the short-lived show. The following year, The Rock returned to the network with the eight-episode series “Wake Up Call,” which tracked his efforts to help average Americans transform their lives. His third stab at reality TV, “The Titan Games,” is scheduled to debut on NBC in January 2019. According to an official synopsis, the competition series (which is in the vein of “American Gladiatiors”) is inspired by the wrestler-actor’s “desire to motivate global audiences to reach their potential both mentally and physically.” Hopefully it fares better than its predecessors!

You can say that again. He’s been cancelled more times than checks!


“Blood, Sweat and Respect. First Two You Give, Last One You Earn” – The Rock

According to Fortune, movies in which Dwayne Johnson appeared made $1.3 billion at the worldwide box office in 2013 — more than any other actor that year. To be fair, he starred in four movies that debuted in 2013: “Snitch,” “G.I. Joe: Retaliation,” “Pain & Gain” and “Fast & Furious 6” (pictured).

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My absolute favorite film in The Fast and The Furious franchise is Fast Five. It earned over $500 million in box office receipts. It set the stage for the billion-dollar franchise. This was a huge record at the time in 2011 for the film and The Rock most certainly helped put butts in those theater seats!

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In 2014, The Rock starred in Hercules. It was a big budget film that cost $100 million USD to make. It grossed over $244 million at the box office, but was not the money maker studios would have liked.

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Image result for hercules the rock

To be fair, I saw the film. I thought it was excellent. Solid performances by The Rock and the whole cast. My absolute favorite was Ingrid Bolsø Berdal. She was outstanding in the film. She was the Legolas of the film. You know the role that made Orlando Bloom famous in The Lord of the Rings franchise.

You know how it goes: “One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the Darkness bind them.”

Or DC Comic Universe’s The Arrow.

Like Jennifer Lawrence in The Hunger Games, she too uses a bow and arrow. You know it is always the coolest party people that use the infamous bow and arrow and that is because it takes REAL skill.

“With Drive And A Bit Of Talent, You Can Move Mountains” – The Rock

In May 2015, Dwayne Johnson starred as a rescue helicopter pilot in “San Andreas.” He reportedly banked $25 million — the biggest paycheck of his career so far — for his role in the disaster flick. There are reports that the box office hit will get a sequel, though no moves have been made yet on the project.

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Alas, as of this writing, it doesn’t look like the movie pulled in enough dough to make that happen.

“Ballers” debuted on HBO in June 2015. According to Variety, Dwayne Johnson makes $650K per episode of the series — more than any other actor makes on TV aside from the five main stars of “The Big Bang Theory,” who each bank $900K per episode of the CBS sitcom.

As of this writing, The Big Bang Theory (TBBT), will be ending and going off the air in Spring 2019. This stems from Jim Parsons’ decision to leave the series at the end of the season if the show were to be renewed for a thirteenth season. The series will conclude with an hour long finale consisting of two back-to-back episodes on May 16, 2019.

In October 2015, Dwayne Johnson announced that he’d signed on to promote Ford’s service departments. Since then, he’s appeared in several ad campaigns for the motor company.

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In November 2015, Dwayne Johnson reportedly donated $1,500 to a shelter puppy who’d been named after him. The 4-month-old pooch required expensive medical treatment for a heart murmur.


“Success at anything will always come down to this: Focus & Effort, and we control both.” – The Rock

The Rock’s iconic tattoo.

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The tattoos are beliefs of his ancestors from his father’s side and mothers sides. His black culture, his Samoan culture, all cumulates in a belief that the spirit of his ancestors is protecting his family. These tattoos represent great struggle and about overcoming them.

The tattoo on his body comes down to 3 things; his family, protection of his family, and about having a true warrior spirit forever.

Dwayne Johnson launched his partnership with Under Armour in January 2016. The first item from his collaboration with the athletic brand, a duffle bag, sold out within 24 hours. Since then, he’s released everything from clothes and wireless headphones to sneakers through his Project Rock collection for Under Armour. On May 28, 2018, The Rock’s Project Rock 1 shoes for Under Armour sold out in 30 minutes.

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Remember in my last post, when I talked about Taylor Swift putting Apple iTunes on blast about free music? No? That’s ok. Here’s the link 😉

Well, now The Rock is working with Apple.

In May 2016, Dwayne Johnson launched an iPhone app, The Rock Clock, that’s essentially an alarm clock that wakes up users with exclusive inspirational video messages from the actor-wrestler. Users can also sync their alarms with The Rock’s so that they too can rise and shine at 4 a.m. every day to start their daily fitness routines. “Our goal was create a free, direct, uncomplicated, cool, motivating app to help us all get after our goals every morning,” the superstar explained on Instagram.

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And remember this? iPhone 7 | The Rock x Siri Dominate the Day | Apple. If you look closely, you will see that fannie pack pic of him while he ‘s driving the Lyft car!!! 😂And in the video his manager calls him DJ. I would love an uncle DJ that can treat me to an ice cream anytime!


In July 2016, Dwayne Johnson launched his own YouTube channel. Original series on the channel include the cooking show “What The Rock Is Cooking” and “Millennials: The Musical,” a collaboration with “Moana” co-star Lin-Manuel Miranda.

In January 2017, Dwayne Johnson launched Seven Bucks Digital Studios, a branch of his Seven Bucks Productions focusing on developing new original online content.

In April 2017, Dwayne Johnson returned to the role of Luke Hobbs in “The Fate of the Furious.” The eighth installment in the beloved “Fast & Furious” franchise opened worldwide to more than $541 million. At the time, it was the largest global opening of any film ever. (“Avengers: Infinity War” broke the record the following year.)

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In July 2017, Dwayne Johnson starred in an ad campaign for Apple’s iPhone 7 and Siri titled “The Rock x Siri Dominate The Day.”

In September 2017, Dwayne Johnson and ex-wife Dany Garcia launched Seven Bucks Creative, a creative ad agency within their production company, Seven Bucks Productions. In March 2018, the company released its first campaign: two videos promoting The Rock’s Project Rock collection for Under Armour, naturally!

In December 2017, Dwayne Johnson headlined “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle.” The reboot of the original 1995 family action flick “Jumanji” was a surprise sleeper hit, becoming Sony’s highest grossing film of all time domestically. It trucked along at the box office for months, becoming the first movie since 1998’s “Titanic” to open in December and top the box office in February. All in all, the film was so successful, Sony ordered another installment in the series for late 2019.

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In February 2018, before writer-director Rawson Marshall Thurber had even penned a script, Universal and Legendary teamed up to win a bidding war for “Red Notice,” which Rawson describes as “a big international heist picture, that is tonally in the vein of ‘Ocean’s 11’ meets ‘True Lies’ by the way of ‘Thomas Crown Affair.'” The two studios agreed to finance the film at $160 million based on a pitch meeting and the fact that Dwayne Johnson is attached to star. (According to Deadline, the deal is the largest for a studio movie in Hollywood so far this year.) The Rock will reportedly bank $22 million plus backend to play “an Interpol agent who is tasked with catching the most wanted art thief in the world.”

In mid-July 2018, Forbes released its list of the world’s 100 highest paid entertainers. Dwayne Johnson came in at No. 5 behind Floyd Mayweather, George Clooney, Kylie Jenner and Judge Judy. “The former wrestler tallied the highest ever acting take-home in Celebrity 100 history, thanks to giant upfront paychecks and a cut of profits on blockbusters including ‘Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle.’ A huge social following allows him to negotiate an extra seven figures atop his standard contract for promotion, helping nearly double his 2017 earnings,” wrote Forbes. So how much exactly he is taking home in 2018? A whopping $124 million.

At this point, he is making money hand over fist. Just genius right there with his negotiations. I have no words.

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Dwayne Johnson’s generosity is practically legendary. In late July 2018, he took to Instagram to share a video of himself surprising his longtime stunt double (and cousin) Tanoai Reed with a new truck. “Not only does Tanoai represent our family and my career with relentless commitment and passion. He also represents an entire Hollywood stunt community that is truly the backbone of our business,” The Rock wrote in the caption. Giving thanks where it’s due? That’s good business! Over the years, the wrestler-actor also bought a Lamborghini Gallardo for one of his cousins, a Cadillac Escalade for his dad, a Cadillac truck for his mom, a Honda Civic for another cousin, a Lexus SUV for yet another cousin, a Ford F-150 for an uncle and another Ford pickup truck for his longtime housekeeper.

As of August 2018, Dwayne Johnson is the most followed male entertainer on Instagram with 112 million followers.

As of this writing, he now has over 136 million followers on Instagram. He is the king of Insta!!!! He is the undisputed, follower for follower, heavyweight champ of IG!

Two snaps for you Dwayne!!! You Rock!!

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 He’s the seventh-most followed celebrity behind Selena Gomez, soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo, Ariana Grande, Beyonce, Kim Kardashian West and Kylie Jenner. According to Forbes, The Rock “insists on a separate seven-figure social media fee” for every movie in which he appears.” Basically, his social media accounts are worth millions in marketing and advertising dollars.

And that ladies and gentleman is how The Rock built his empire.

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Here is his formula: Blood, Sweat, and Respect + Hard work and Consistency = Success.   

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And that’s how it’s done.

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Money and Chocolate: Life Lessons from the film The Witches

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The most sophisticated people I know – inside they are all children. – Jim Henson

If you ever saw the film Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, then you know how much people love chocolate. And it can be a goldmine business or chocolate mine depending on how you look at it. 😉 People were losing their minds to get that golden ticket.

Chocolate Mania had swept the nation! 😂

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It was pure marketing genius. They even commented on that in the film. Wonka was making a mint selling those chocolate bars. It’s all about marketing folks!

It’s sort of like Patron. They don’t have the best tequila; they just have the best marketing. Get that money.

Just look at all the money the candy business makes! Billions!

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Here are some of the top chocolate companies in the world.

1. Mars Inc., McLean, VA., USA.

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2. Mondeléz International Inc., Deerfield, Ill.

Largest Chocolate Manufacturers

3. Nestlé SA, Vevey, Switzerland.

Largest Chocolate Manufacturers

4. Ferrero Group, Alba, Italy.

Largest Chocolate Manufacturers

5. Hershey Foods Corp., Hershey, Pa., USA.

Largest Chocolate Manufacturers 2019

6. Meiji Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan.

Largest Chocolate Manufacturers

7. Chocoladenfabriken Lindt & Sprüngli AG, Kilchberg, Switzerland.

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The confectionery business is big money. These companies are raking in billions of dollars.

Did you know Snickers earns more than $2 billion by itself annually?

The Маrѕ fаmіlіеѕ аrе thе оwnеrs оf thіѕ соmраnу thаt ореrаtеѕ wоrldwіdе. Тhеу hаvе wіdе vаrіеtіеѕ оf brаndѕ іnсludіng Gаlаху, Воuntу, М&М, Тwіх, Міlkу Wау, аnd Ѕnісkеrѕ. Globally they are making bank!

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They may have even helped spread the let’s have candy at every event or holiday cheer. If not, I am sure they somehow found a way to cultivate and capitalize on Halloween and even Christmas.

Who says you need a box of chocolate on Valentines?!!! Most people don’t even eat most of it. That box of chocolates is still bought and paid for!

If you ever saw the film Legally Blond, you actually saw her do what most do with a box of variously filled chocolates. That’s right. She took a bite and put it BACK in the box!

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Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blond

Mondelez International Inc. even tried to cash in on this love of chocolate. However, they have officially abandoned its pursuit of Hershey Co., which would have created the biggest confectionery conglomerate in the world.

Now that you have some background on the business of chocolate, let’s get down to money affairs.

Back in 1990, the movie, The Witches, based on the 1983 children’s novel of the same title by Roald Dahl, was released in theaters. The movie premiered on 25 May 1990, in London and was scheduled to open the same day in the United States, but was delayed until August.

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Sadly, it would be Muppet and Fraggle Rock creator, Jim Henson’s last film.

As in the original novel, the story features evil witches who masquerade as ordinary women and hurt children. However, a boy and his grandmother need to find a way to foil and destroy them.

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The witches decide they will open up, get this, chocolate shops to lure poor unsuspecting children.

This is where the story begins.


While on vacation in Norway, eight-year-old American boy Luke Eveshim is warned about the witches, female demons with a boundless hatred for children and various methods of destroying or transforming them.

Helga, Luke’s Grandmother, becomes his legal guardian after the passing of his parents. They move to England. His grandmother is advised to take a vacation for a summer by the sea for fresh air after discovering she has diabetes.

Also staying at the hotel are a convention of witches, masquerading as the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, with the Grand High Witch, the all-powerful leader of the world’s witches, attending their annual meeting under the name Eva Ernst (played by Academy Award Winner Angelica Houston).

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Really? They have some nerve naming their coven the Prevention of Cruelty to children. Hiding in plain sight like that, but open to interpretation. Yes, indeed.

Let us examine the fact that Luke had a grandmother that not only decided to raise him, but has the financial means to take a vacation by the sea.

I have it on good authority that if you try to rent a house on Virginia Beach for a week it can set you back $5,000!

I wouldn’t mind paying that if I had investments like interest earned from stocks or royalties to pay for it.

If you have $25,000, you could earn over 2 percent in a high yield savings account. That’s the ish I’m talking about right there. Making money for breathing. That is the equivalent of doing a part-time gig and earning $500 a year.

I find the idea of earning money just for having a pulse so sexy.  I find that It’s like Beyoncé says in her song Rocket. Shhh. Just listen.  To the words. Hell yeah, you the sh*t That’s why you’re my equivalent So sexy! Haha

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See my posts

How Beyonce and Jay-Z became a $1 billion couple

Earn Money with High Yield Savings Accounts


The witches are going to open up chocolate shops!

Inside a ballroom where the witches hold their meeting, Luke spies upon them as the Grand High Witch unveils her latest creation: a magic potion to turn children into mice, which they will use on confectionery products in sweet shops and candy stores to be opened using money provided by her.

They know how to make their vision a reality.

You have to chart a course and follow that path to where you want to go. What path? You just point to the top and go! That’s what I learned from Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson 😉

I have also learned that when you own something to hold onto it.

It doesn’t matter of it is a taco stand, food truck, or blog. If you own 100%, then it’s yours to do with as you wish. Hold on to as much equity and ownership in your company as possible. I learned that from Shark Tank’s Daymond John. Like McDonald’s does to its hamburgers, keep grinding.

And try to be cash heavy. Meaning stay away from debt. I learned that from Warren Buffet. 😉 They say his company Berkshire Hathaway aims to keep $1 billion or more in cash to snap up businesses and be able to make quick decisions when buying stocks.

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In addition, they say Apple does the same. The world’s first EVER $1 trillion-dollar company keeps billions in cash.  

Therefore, you should do the same and follow in their example. ALWAYS have cash reserves. NO EXCUSES!!!

Like Mr. Money Mustache once said, “Salads and barbells every day, no goddamned excuses!!!”


And I don’t mean Prince William and Kate Middleton.

I mean getting royalty checks in the mail.

I saw an article in which Don McLean owns only 2 stocks: Google and Amazon.

I also recently read that Don McLean continues to receive royalties off his music he wrote almost 50 years ago. Yes, this artist still makes $300,000 per year from something he created in 1971.

In the article by Sovereign Man, it retells McLean’s story.

Early spring in 1971 when an obscure American folk singer wrote a song that would change his life forever.

Sitting at a café in Saratoga Springs, New York, Don McLean scribbled the lyrics to a long ballad about an experience he had as a 13-year-old boy.

It began with a radio bulletin that said that Buddy Holly had died in a plane crash. In 1959, when this happened they called it the day the music died. The boy was crushed. But the man used this emotion to write a song that would take the world by storm.

Of course, that song was “American Pie.”

It stayed atop the Billboard music charts for more than a year. And it turned this once obscure folk singer into a global sensation.

Ah yes, the power of the pen.

More than that – McLean was immediately set for life: he still makes more than $300,000 a year from that song.

Imagine getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for something you did in 1971!

That is what stocks can do for you! That is why we must invest. Unless you can write the next hit song for Beyoncé, you must invest in the stock market to make money on your money. You already earned it and now your money works for you and this is your equivalent to getting royalties.

This story holds the key to one of the greatest business models ever invented: the idea that you can create something once and get paid on it for life.

“The idea is not to live forever, it is to create something that will.” – Andy Warhol

For more information on the price of genius and Andy Warhol, see my post The Man Behind the Mohawk: An Interview with Budgets are Sexy.

It’s the royalty business. That’s right. I did the work like 20 years ago. Now cut the check!

In case you’re not familiar with the term, a royalty is a cash payment that you receive over and over again from an asset that you created, developed, or own.

For example, songwriters collect a royalty every time a song they write is played, purchased, downloaded or streamed. Some more than others.

That is why Taylor Swift was mad at Apple iTunes for giving away artists music, such as herself, for free for three months!

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That’s why McLean still makes money from American Pie. You have to pay to play. Music that is. In this case anyway.

Royalties are also common in natural resources. Royalty companies often provide financing to oil and mining companies… and those borrowers pay a royalty on every ounce of gold or gallon of oil that the land produces.

Authors earn a royalty every time somebody buys their book. Inventors receive royalties from their patents. Why do you think Beyoncé trademarked Blue Ivy, Taylor Swift trademarked Swiftmas, and Cardi B is trying to trademark OKrrrrrrr?!!!

Patents equals paychecks.  

And people who own royalties don’t have to do anything else to make money… except cash the checks.

The powerful cashflow of this model can be incredibly appealing to investors, and there are even some companies that specialize in acquiring assets that produce royalty income.

Therefore, if you are good at something, don’t give it away for free.

Even though I am a HUGE Marvel comics fan, I actually got the last comment mentioned above from DC Comics The Joker. 😉

It’s still true though. You have to admit.

If I could, I would tap dance on Twitter, if they paid me.

Me and my lipstick confessions charge a premium for the really good stuff.

I would hand draw or smack lipstick stickers 💋on Kylie Jenner’s lip kits if she paid me $400.

Joan Rivers wrote jokes for days. She once said jokingly, that she would, “write for Hitler for $500.”

See my post on Money gems from Joan Rivers

Whatever you do that is great, DON’T DO IT FOR FREE.

That’s just my 2 cents. And I take cash, check, or charge.

I’m like the girl scouts. Out there selling those cookies. You don’t see them giving it away for FREE.

I’m just saying. Have a plan for your life and your money, then make it happen.

Don’t let anyone tell you what you can’t accomplish or do. No matter how small you are. Even if you are just a kid.

The Witches always remind of that.

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