Testing…1, 2, 3. Can you hear me out there? You listening? Good. Ah yes, I remember it like it was yesterday.
One of the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) Bloggers that I had been reading was featured in Forbes. I remember thinking how did he do that. Well, when you go from $0 to $400,000 in seven years that does tend to get people’s attention.
The thing that really stood out to me was that he actually got to $400,000. I just knew if he could get there, then he could get to $1 million.
That blog was called Budgets are Sexy.
I had the pleasure to not only meet J. Money, or J$ for short, in-person just a few years after that article, but also got to interview him on this blog. He’s one of the most coolest and down-to-earth finance dudes you will ever meet.
Over the years, he has given his advice on how he basically went from nothing to something.
He regularly talks about his net worth on his blog and does not shy away from telling you about the highs and the lows of building wealth.
His transparency is why people gravitate towards him. He tells it like it is. He walks it like he talks it.
One of the best pieces of advice he gave me on the road to $1 million was to max out your retirement accounts. All of them. And if you can’t do that, then save as much as you can.
What J$ didn’t know is that his blog lit a spark for me.
If he started with nothing and could go to almost half a million dollars, then I could too.
We like to call J. Money the Godfather of FIRE blogging because he started back when it was just a small niche in 2008. There is even a joke on his site where he is called the Miley Cyrus of Finance! Ha!
All jokes aside, I was paying attention. Budgets are Sexy is the personal finance blog in which it is Greenback’s Magnet yardstick for building wealth. Like Visa, his blog is everywhere my blog wants to be.
Therefore, after reading that Forbes article, I decided at that moment that I wanted to get to $400,000 too!
So I put my head down and went to work. At one point, I was investing 25 percent of my income. I lived off rice and kale. No avocado toast for me. I wanted that sweet taste of freedom.
Every spare dime was put to work in my brokerage account.
This blog is also how I keep myself accountable to reach my financial goals. It didn’t matter if I had holes in my shoes, I kept walking in then until they literally fell apart. Nothing went to waste. I was reading 10 to 20 books on personal finance a year.
I paid off my car $450 payment in 2009. Then my personal loan that was costing me $333 a month. All the hard work and sacrifices paid off when I saw that my balance had grown from $50,000 to $375,000. Then within a few months, I was at over $402,000!
It also got picked up by some other sites like Yahoo and AOL.com.
I am still increasing my annual contributions every year. I won’t stop until I reach my target: $1 million dollars!
The one crazy thing I noticed in the comments section is that there were many folks saying that $1 million will not be enough to retire.
I couldn’t believe what I was reading. I simply was sharing how I set a goal and was working on reaching it. Man, that really knocked me over. Nevertheless, I recovered quickly. You have to have thick skin once you decide to put your name or work out there.
Unlike George McFly, I can handle rejection. The point of the story was to help and inspire not to hurt and discourage.
I felt like 50 Cent on that interview he recently did on the Million Dollaz Worth of Game podcast where he says his first record deal with Shady Aftermath netted him $1 million and Dame Dash says that ain’t no money. Huh? When you go from nothing to $1 million, you bet your a$$ that is a sh*t ton of money.
50 Cent says Dame Dash has no money now and calls Dame Dash out for telling him that the $1 million he received from signing with Eminem's Shady Records was no money.
However, I digress. I just put my head down and went back to work.
No wonder people practice stealth wealth! Regardless of all the naysayers, I am still working toward my goal. Next stop on the million-dollar tour is $500,000. After that, it is $750,000. And of course, $1 million.
If being on Business Insider taught me anything, it’s not to let anything or anyone trip you up on the road to your dreams. It’s great to be acknowledged and to talk about your goals, but it’s even better to actually live out your dreams.
People paying it forward by becoming part of an organization as Denzel Washington and Steve McQueen did with their efforts with the Boys and Girls Club.
*Just FYI: The actor Steve McQueen grew up poor. The Boys and Girls Club gave him a clean and safe place to be in his youth. He paid it forward after he become a famous actor by asking movie studios to give him thousands of white t-shirts, socks, and personal hygiene products as part of his compensation package for starring in their films. He secretly turned around and donated all this material to the Boys and Girls Club to give out to the young men there. Just melts your heart doesn’t it.
Steve McQueen also known as “The King of Cool”
How the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles always looked out for the little guy.
TMNT film circa 1990
The friendship between Shaggy and Scooby-Doo. Those two they just warm my heart.
Some of my favorite singers that have turned their talent into success are Whitney Houston, Pat Benatar and Toni Braxton.
One of the things I remember Ms. Braxton saying, “music is not about you just saying what you think, but how you make people feel.” Her music and voice have always made me feel good.
Seeing her up on that stage performing recently at the American Music Awards, reminded me of all the reasons I liked her; she has a gift for making you feel good with the words she sings that transcends whatever hard times you are going through in that moment. She makes you feel happy.
Toni Braxton performs onstage during the 2019 American Music Awards at Microsoft Theater on November 24, 2019, in Los Angeles, California. (Kevin Winter/Getty Images for dcp)
And speaking of people that inspire you with their words, I would like to introduce you today to someone who has not only done that for me, but for millions of people around the world through his writing on personal finance. The one and only Mr. JD Roth.
GBM is the place where we like to get down and dirty into the math behind building wealth, but we keep the jokes clean. Our jokes here are like a Hallmark card, GBM cares enough to send the very best! Even my tweets are called Lipstick Confessions!!! haha 💋Smooches
Below is just a taste of what GBM has to offer. This blog ages like fine wine; it only gets better with time. No topic is off limits!!! Not even French Fries!!
All the reasons I want you to pursue financial indepence.
1. Freedom 2-100 see number one
That is the answer always, in the illustrious words of #buzzlightyear To infinity and beyond. 😂
I’m like Space Ghost Coast to Coast. Booking celebrity guests for my audiences reading and fiscally literate pleasure.
Fun Fact: The original pilot of Space Ghost C2C was produced in a closet, and the guest was Denzel Washington (second mention in this post cause Denzel is just everywhere). It was green-lit as a series on the Cartoon Network in 1994 and went on to huge success.
Therefore, if you are looking to start a podcast, let this be inspiration to know it is okay to start it on a shoestring budget and in your closet.
Let’s get down to the interview.
Topic du jour: The tortoise wins the get rich race every time. Who is the man behind the tortoise shell?
Subject: Men who talk money. How to Get Rich Slow?
GRS JD Roth: YES, I would be happy to do your interview.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please put your hands together for Mister JD Roth!!! The founder of Get Rich Slowly.
GBM Miriam: It was great meeting JD Roth of Get Rich Slowly at FinCon 18 in Orlando. I had seen his picture on the blog-sphere so many times that I knew who he was on sight. I tried to keep a calm and cool composure, but on the inside I was screaming, “IT’S JD ROTH!!!!!” Over and over in my head.
Imagine my surprise when I got to ride shotgun with him on our way to a restaurant for a fellow bloggers birthday.
You can check out more of this story on my post about my very first FinCon called FinCon The Recap from your Friendly Neighborhood Greenbacks MagnetPart I and Part II.
We are in the car with Liz of Chief Mom Officer, Military Dollar, and Erin of Reaching for FI. In a car full of women, he was totally cool driving while listening to Taylor Swift. Yes, I found out that JD is a T. Swift fan. I am too. It’s like john jacob jingleheimer schmidt up in here!!!
Here is proof here!! I just so happen to think Taylor Swift is pretty awesome too! 😉 Great minds think alike. I literally just posted tweets on Taylor Swift and Lizzo last week. 😂👍
Just sent @BitchesGetRich a 2000-word email (yes, for real) on why I love both @Lizzo and @taylorswift13. Not much personal finance in it, I'm afraid, but a lot of personal conviction. Because these two women are awesome!
My dream concert is a Lizzo/Taylor Swift collaboration.
I figured out how to control my spending. If I carry the world's tiniest purse, like #LizzoAtAMAs, I could save a fortune. There's no way I could carry a wallet or credit cards in that 🤣 #TuesdayThoughtspic.twitter.com/ReXIL7u9kA
This is how I felt getting to interview JD. Over the moon and on top of the world. After three years of blogging, I made it. I’m still here. Anything is possible if you work hard enough for it. 😉So Grateful.
1. What prompted you to start a blog about money? How much makes you feel rich?Would you say $500k, $1M, $2M, or more?
I started Get Rich Slowly for three reasons. First, I wanted to document my own journey out of debt. Second, I thought maybe I could help other people learn to manage money as I improved my own financial skills. Finally, I hoped maybe I could make a few hundred bucks per month to supplement my income.
I had NO idea that starting Get Rich Slowly would change the trajectory of my life, financial and otherwise. It wasn’t even something I could have conceived at the time. Yet it changed everything.
How much makes me feel rich? That’s a great question. It doesn’t take much. I grew up poor. My family lived in a run-down trailer house in rural Oregon. My father was often out of work. Sometimes we had to take assistance from our church in order to get by. Today, I have far more money than my parents ever did. I feel very rich. But I don’t know what dollar amount leads to that…
GBM Miriam: Well ok. Thank you for your honesty. It is always appreciated. I fell into learning about money by accident. I was at my boyfriend’s place when I saw a Kiplinger magazine lying around. I just so happened to pick it up…
2. Any favorite finance books? How come?
I’ve read and enjoyed many finance books, but my favorite books about money usually aren’t actually books about money. What I mean is that often the books that I believe will most help people with their finances aren’t financial books. They’re only tangentially related to finances.
For instance, I think The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People is probably one of the most helpful book anyone can read if they’re struggling to improve their finances. The ideas and philosophy it conveys are so valuable in developing a successful financial mindset.
GBM Miriam: One of my top favorites is The Millionaire Next Door. That and the one you named are some good reading. 👍
3. What are you reading right now? What’s on your night stand?
Haha. I always have several books going at once. Right now, I’m reading:
* Wake Up and Live! by Dorothea Brande
* House of Suns by Alistair Reynolds
* Y: The Last Man by Brian K. Vaughan
* Deep Work by Cal Newport
This “many books at once” habit kind of goes against the whole Deep Work philosophy…
4. One thing people may not know about you?
When I left for college in 1987, I thought I was going to be a religion major. My aim was to get a religion degree, then become a Christian missionary. I thought I’d ultimately end up as a church pastor.
GBM Miriam: I did see you mention something about that on your blog. I put a link to that story in your response for readers to be transported there faster than Marty hitting 88 mph by clicking on college in 1987.
5. What’s in your wallet? How did you start building wealth?
It contains my debit card, my business credit card, my personal credit card, my Apple card, maybe $40 cash, and my insurance info (health and vehicle). That’s it.
I started building wealth through a two-pronged attack. First, I reduced how much I was spending. Second, I worked to build my income. Basically, I did my best to work both sides of the wealth equation (income and spending) in an attempt to grow my saving rate as high as possible.
Well said. So that’s what I did. Unlike that episode of King Meets Queens, when Carrie buys thousands of dollars worth of expensive clothes, keeps the tags on them to return them for a refund (get this because she could afford them *ahem* $2,000 Chanel suits) and said this to her husband…
If this sounds like you, please stop reading THIS and go read the Get Rich Slowly archives right now! If you want to get rich, cut the excuses and get fiscally educated!!!
If you are truly fiscally clumsy, then try the lazy method of investing. I would use Swensen’s model that he crafted for Yale University. With over $27 billion dollars under management, the Yale endowment is the second largest college endowment in the world (Harvard is #1). Just watch the video. Now you and Rory Gilmore will have something in common.
And if this is too much, just park your investments into a total stock market fund like the Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Admiral Shares (VTSAX) or Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (VTI).
Bonus Questions (pick any of the questions from the top or below that you want to answer)
6. Any life or money lessons from a favorite movie or TV show you would like to share?
I’m partial to Mr. Roger’s philosophy of loving others and encouraging others to love. He believed in accepting people for who they were, regardless of who they were. I subscribe to that ideal too.
GBM Miriam: Good stuff. I ❤ Mr. Rogers I wanted to take a ride on that train soooo bad! It looked like so much fun.
7. If you found a lottery ticket that ends up winning $1.5 million. What would you do?
I would buy new cars for me and my girlfriend. I’d get her a Tesla Model 3. I’d buy myself a Mini Cooper — the electric model, if it ever gets released. I’d stick the rest of the money in the bank.
GBM Miriam: A mini Cooper eh? I can dig it.
But that Tesla looks sexy.
And love those falcon wing doors.
Car Magazine UK Tesla photo
8. Who is your favorite X-men, Justice League, Avengers or comic book character? Why?
I’ve always been partial to nerds from the Marvel universe, characters like Cyclops from the X-Men or Mr. Fantastic from the Fantastic Four.
GBM Miriam: You are probably wondering why I asked this question. Beside being a huge cartoon and Mavel fan, I actually named this blog after a Marvel comic book character; Magneto. 😉
Just FYI: We skipped a few numbers and moved on to question 11.
11. If both a taxi and a limo were priced the exact same, which one would you choose?
Neither. I would probably walk, if I could.
GBM Miriam: Yeah, that’s me. I love to walk. I’m like Elizabeth Bennett in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.
12. What song or songs best describes your work ethic?
“Don’t Worry, Be Happy” 🙂
13. What would you do if you just inherited a pizzeria from your uncle?
I would sell it, if it were profitable. Hell, I’d sell it even if it weren’t profitable. That sounds like too much work!
GBM Miriam: You may be right. I know it’s just a cartoon but they worked the crap out of Doyle in that pizza place in Galaxy High!! 🤣
14. What was your best MacGyver moment?
This question is so NOT me. I’m not a MacGyver type. That said, my best MacGyver moment was probably installing a new tape deck in the 1993 Toyota pickup I bought last January. Admittedly, I had instructions for this project, but it was still pretty MacGyver-y for me. Now I can listen to cassette tapes as my dog and I cruise around Portland. 😉
15. If I gave you $40,000 to start a business, what would you start?
I know the answer to this! I’d start a blog. In fact, I’ve spent a similar amount to launch blogs in the past — and they’ve become businesses.
GBM Miriam: Why am I not surprised. 😆 I love blogging too.
How I feel about blogging: “Tonight, darling, we are going to right a lot of wrongs. And we are going to wrong some rights. The first shall be last; the last shall be first; the meek shall do some earth-inheriting.” -Margo Roth Spiegelman, Paper Towns by John Green
Cara Delevingne as Margo Roth Spiegelman in Paper Towns
New at the GRS blog: A look at how who we are (and who we want to be) shapes our financial lives: https://t.co/1efsBn9clQ — This is my first longer piece since deciding to NOT publish so often. It was fun to write.
16. If you had $2,000, how would you double it in 24 hours?
Hm. I’m not sure. There’s no reliable way to do this, of course. My inclination would be to pick a game of pure chance, such as roulette, then to make a single bet that would either double the money or lose it in one go. Using that roulette example, if I bet all $2000 on, say, even numbers or odd numbers, I’d have about a 48% chance of doubling my money and a 52% chance of losing it all.
Really, though, there’s no sure way to do this.
GBM Miriam: That’s JD. He always gives it t you straight and keeps it 💯just how we like it.
For example, he just put this out there for our fiscal viewing. Check out his post on Our first annual family meeting. Bringing people and finances together. As a financial blogger, that just melts my heart ❤right there.
GBM Miriam: Thank you JD!!! It was an absolute dream come true and a pleasure to have you stop by Greenbacks Magnet.
It was my honor to be your host this evening. See you at FinCon 2020. The year of perfect vision!!! Until we meet again!!! I bid you farewell.
Want more fiscal nuggets of wisdom, from the JD Roth?
Let’s all welcome Michael of Financially Alert. Michael is a FIRE (financial independence retire early) blogger. He retired early after accumulating over a cool million from hard work and sacrifice while building a business. Or was it two million? Can’t remember. Doesn’t matter cause he’s here sharing part of his story with us! He graciously accepted my invitation for an interview. Well Michael you have officially been Greenback’d. 🤣
Just some quick background information.
I was introduced to Michael’s blog from a Google search I did for last years FinCon, where media meets money conference.
I was unsure if I should go or what to expect.
His website kept popping up on advice when attending a conference including FinCon. It was so thorough that I decided to do what he said and I reached out to him via email to ask if we could meet at the conference. And to my surprise he said yes!
He was pleasant, laid back, and super down to earth. He was even kind enough to send me an email and asked me to lunch! This is what it’s like meeting Michael. We ended up hanging out for a pretty good chunk of the 2nd day of the conference.
I met so many people that I couldn’t even count! So I introduced Michael to a lot of them. We could barely keep track of so many new faces.
Michael even introduced me to the founder of FinCon, PT Money.
After the conference ended, I took his advice and reached out to people to be on the blog and send invitations. And here we are today.
Let’s go!
Starting A Financially Alert Money Blog
What prompted you to start a blog about money?
I started my blog as a way to share good money habits and knowledge with those of us who weren’t given the exposure to sound financial principles. Becoming financially alert is less about a number, and more about developing a smart and practical mindset around money. If you have the right money mindset, the mechanics are easy and your money will keep growing. I also want people to realize money is simply a tool. It can be used for good things, and likewise bad things. However, in my experience, those who feel in abundance are more likely to share with others who do not.
Why blog?
I've had people wonder what a blogger REALLY does? What is a petsonal finance blogger? Is that a real thing? Blogging about money.
Yes, sir. It is.
I and many others try to help people with financial literacy.
My blog is LEGIT!!! Put some respeck on my name!!!
“Tonight, darling, we are going to right a lot of wrongs. And we are going to wrong some rights. The first shall be last; the last shall be first; the meek shall do some earth-inheriting." – John Green, Paper Towns #papertowns
Ahh… there are so many. But, in terms of impact, Rich Dad Poor Dad really breaks things down into simple digestible concepts. I love his cash flow quadrant which speaks to the different ways people earn money.
GBM Miriam: I am providing a copy of The Rich Dada Poor Dad Quadrant for inquiring minds!
Let’s break it down.
Once you understand cash flow, you can really begin to grow your money with intention.
3. What are you reading right now? What’s on your night stand?
Dustin thoroughly guides you through the real estate investing process.
GBM Miriam: And I too love to read. I am reading several books about money right now!!!
GBM Miriam: That reminds me of the real estate website Bigger Pockets. I read their book on How to Invest in Real Estate: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Getting Started. And I did a post on it.
I grew up wanting to working the movies as a special effects guy. So, when I sold my business, I took some time to myself to attend a special fx class. It was pretty fun to blow up a car – don’t try that at home kids!
In that interview, I read that you would like to travel to island with the amazing animals, it’s called Galápagos Islands. I’ve always wanted to go since I saw that video about it at the Virginia Aquarium. It looks so cool. And watching stuff blow up is right up my alley! No wonder we got along so well at FinCon18. This was a really good post. Thanks for sharing so much about yourself. I too noticed that PoF was everywhere. I had to step my game up because of him. 😉
And yes ladies and gentleman, that Tony is motivational guru and New York Times best-selling author Tony Robbins! Here is the photo Michael posted on his website. Awesome right?
See Michael’s posts on his Tony Robbins seminars a Date with Destiny and Life and Wealth Mastery
In the second post link, you will get to see Michael swinging from a trapeze in an attempt to face down his fear, which is so Tony Robbins!!!
Fun Fact: Trapeze is a piece of equipment which is used in acrobatics. It is considered to be one of the most demanding aerial arts. History. The art of trapeze performance was developed by Jules Léotard, a young French acrobat and aerialist, in Toulouse in the mid-1800s. He invented the flying trapeze, practising over his father’s swimming pool. A trapeze is a short horizontal bar hung by ropes or metal straps from a support. It can also be known as a aerial hoop, or fabric known as an aerial silk.
And Michael is still inspired by Tony Robbins all these years later. Check out one of his recent tweets 🙏😉
— Michael Quan – 𝗙𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗡𝗖𝗜𝗔𝗟𝗟𝗬 🅰🅻🅴🆁🆃 (@FinanciallyALRT) April 16, 2019
5. What’s in your wallet? How did you start building wealth?
$83 cash
4 credit cards
1 debit card
fishing license
insurance card
coupon for bare naked granola
drivers license
AA card
FINALRT Michael: I started building wealth the old fashioned way… saving! As soon as I got my first job, I started paying myself 20% automatically into my savings account. Over time it grew, and then evolved to other asset classes like stocks/bonds, and real estate.
GBM Miriam: That’s what I’m taking about!!! Take control over your finances. Control your finances, control your life. 👍
The lazy way to build a fortune: automate your savings and investments.
You can build great things when you work on things over time. Just like Voltron. 🤣I just love when things come together. Don’t you?
This is how I approached spending before I started learning about finances🤦♀️ 😂
I personally like focusing on starting salary. Negotiating a good starting salary can set you up to be even better down the line. Kind of reminds me of that scene in Clueless 🤔 starring Alicia Silverstone and Avengers Endgame Ant-man Paul Rudd.
Financial makeover. Who here wouldn’t do things differently if they knew then what they know now?
It’s like Cher (the real one not the one from the movie Clueless) said, “If I could turn back time.”
Speaking of Clueless…
I love makeovers!!!! So I wrote a post about having a financial facelift. 😉
Whatever you do, financially or otherwise…Own it!!!
I made it out of living paycheck-to-paycheck woohoo!!! I appreciate all the support from the personal finance blogger community. 💖Especially in doing interviews like this one. 😉 xoxo 💋 I feel the love. I felt just like Mulan. The finance community definitely made a man I mean blogger out of me. 🤣
Bonus Questions (pick any of the questions from the top or below that you want to answer)
6. Any life or money lessons from a favorite movie or TV show you would like to share?
TV loves to glamorize our consumer culture. While it’s fun to watch shows like Million Dollar Listing, the reality is that happiness is controlled by us individually and doesn’t required luxury items.
How can you use your money to make the biggest positive impact on your family and friends?
Well said Michael. 👏 And excellent question.
Embarrassment of riches book portrait of Scrooge McDuck and his nephews.
GBM Miriam: I have learned to not focus on having privilege, but on doing things that help myself, my family and my community. A lesson Cher (Alicia Silverstone) started to learn as the film Clueless progressed.
While shopping with her friend Dionne (Stacey Dash), she started feeling like there was more to life than shopping, like helping others. 😉
7. If you found a lottery ticket that ends up winning $2.5 million. What would you do?
After giving a chunk to charity, I’d buy a McDonald’s franchise! Who wouldn’t want a french fry cash machine??
16. What was your best MacGyver moment?
I recently was doing a video and couldn’t ad-lib the content to save my life. So, I started researching ways to help me create a better video. I stumbled upon teleprompters and was like, OMG that’s it!The problem though is that teleprompters start at $200 and go up from there. I didn’t feel like making that kind of investment for a single video, so I put on my MacGyver hat and built my own. I used an 8×10 frame from Walmart, a cheap 3 ring binder, some cork-board from Dollar Tree, and electric tape from Home Depot… total costs to build it – $12.84.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with MacGyver, here is some background info.
Angus “Mac” MacGyver is the title character and the protagonist in the TV series MacGyver. He is played by Richard Dean Anderson in the 1985 original series. Lucas Till portrays a younger version of MacGyver in the 2016 reboot. In both portrayals MacGyver is shown to possess a genius-level intellect; proficiency in multiple languages; superb engineering skills; excellent knowledge of applied physics; military training in bomb disposal techniques and a preference for non-lethal resolutions to conflicts. The hit television series MacGyver, which lasted from 1985 to 1992 and was highly successful throughout its seven-year run.
The character Angus MacGyver, also known as just MacGyver or Mac, was an optimistic action hero who was notable for using a Swiss Army knife instead of a firearm as his tool of choice.Young war hero Angus `Mac’ MacGyver has an extraordinary knack for unconventional problem solving and an extensive bank of scientific knowledge that he believes can best be put to use saving lives, both of which come in handy when he creates a clandestine organization within the United States government to tackle high-risk missions around the world. Working under the sponsorship of the Department of External Affairs, MacGyver quietly prevents disasters.
The character is portrayed as a non-violent problem solver and typically eschews the use of guns. Even in cases where he must resort to physical violence, or when his improvised devices are used to attack hostile opponents, he is always doing so in self-defense and, if possible, subduing or disabling rather than killing.
MacGyver is passionate about social causes, having on several occasions volunteered to help the less-privileged, showing a particular affinity for – and connection with – children. For example, he is shown to be a “big brother”, conducts hearing research at a school for deaf children, and helps out in a mountain excursion for delinquent youths.He strives to protect the environment and endangered species such as eagles, the black rhino,and wolves It was also established that he became a vegetarian at an unspecified date during the series run.
MacGyver’s persistence and the improvisational nature of his plans make him difficult to thwart, as his nemesis Murdoc pointed out, because not even MacGyver himself knows what he is going to do next. Unlike stereotypical “macho” or stoic action heroes, MacGyver exhibits grief in the face of tragedies, open fear in perilous situations, and shows pain after a fight. A sensitive character, Mac has a tendency to blame himself for personal losses and tragedies. He usually carries duct tape, chewing gum, a Timex watch, strike-anywhere matches, a flashlight, and an ID card. Yes, that’s what he uses to get out of every near death situation.
In short, he’s awesome.
17. How would you sell hot coco in Florida?
I’d add some ice and throw it in my vitamix for the perfect blended frozen hot coco!
Oh yea. As cool as ice!! 🤣
Thank you for stopping by Greenbacks Magnet!!!!
Hope you enjoyed this latest blogger interview. I try to keep it 💯here and help people improve the quality of their financial lives. Thank you for reading.
GBM Miriam: Thank you Michael for treating us all for an inside look to becoming financially alert. You’ve been a great guest!
Want more financial wake up calls from Michael. Follow him on Twitter and read his blog at Financially Alert.
Thank you! And you should let me interview you for my blog. I see you posting everywhere. You're one of the hardest working men in the blog business. pic.twitter.com/o5ZrI7ke8J
So yes ladies and gents, this post happened from a tweet!
He seems as passionate about writing and blogging as I do!
I was born for this, born for this It’s who I am, how could I forget? – Macklemore
How I feel about blogging.
“Tonight, darling, we are going to right a lot of wrongs. And we are going to wrong some rights. The first shall be last; the last shall be first; the meek shall do some earth-inheriting." – John Green, Paper Towns #papertowns
Let’s get right down to it! It goes down in the DM!!! It goes down. It goes down!!! 😂 Yo Gotti – Down In The DM
The blog and the interview was done by Miriam of Greenbacks Magnet, but those lyrics up top are by Yo Gotti.
Welcome aboard all! All are welcome!
Welcome to Greenbacks Magnet. Home of attracting Greenbacks like Magnets! 🤣Can I help you find financial freedom?
I want to thank you all for coming along this financial journey with me as I study the self-made and do blog interviews. You know, you are all my copilot’s on this magic carpet ride.
In the illustrious words of #Aladdin Genie, “You ain’t never ever had a friend like meeeee!!!”🤣
Let’s Meet Dave!!!
I actually met Dave at FinCon. He was positive and had a great attitude. That was the thing I remember about him most. He may not have known it but I thought to myself now there’s someone I would not mind working with. 🤔
And here we are today.
Another day, another breath (another breath) Been chasing dreams, but I never slept (I never slept) – Glorious Macklemore featuring Skylar Grey
I told Dave I thought he was one of the hardest working men in the blog business. I said that because I would go to read a post by a personal finance blogger and he would have already been there and posted the very first comment!
I couldn’t keep up with him! And I work HARD!!!
I remember seeing a comment on one blog post he did and he said, “Oh get out the popcorn. I see an interesting comments section coming on this post.”
Yep, that’s Dave.
What it felt like to meet Dave at FinCon.
He’s a genuine guy. 😉
Let’s talk about how Dave caught on financial FIRE!
GBM: Hey Dave!! You should let me interview you for the blog! 5 questions tops! If it will get this ball rolling. I know you’re busy, but I promise to keep it short and snappy. Scouts honor. 😉
Dave: Hey Miriam, I will have to ponder these and will get back to you, interesting questions 😉
What is FIRE? It stands for Financial Independence Retire Early.
There are tons of blogs out there on the topic.
I even wrote a post called How do you play with FIRE?
According to Camp Fire Finance, the elevator pitch for FIRE is this, “When your investments generate enough money to cover your annual expenses you’re financially independent (FI). At that point work is optional and you can retire early (RE) if you want to.”
Basically, you have more than enough money coming in to stop working. Usually, this requires anywhere from $1 million to $5 million dollars depending on what you want or need to spend to maintain your lifestyle or that of the one you dream of having.
For example, if you decide you want to withdraw at least $80,000 a year, you would need to have a $2-million-dollar portfolio.
This is how I visualize myself on FIRE! 😂💋
Jennifer Lawrence in the Hunger Games was serving them eye candy with that dress. It was literally ON FIRE!!!
To stay on theme, I will pick this image for Dave. 😉
Let’s get to the interview. 😊
Dave: Hey Miriam, here are my responses.
1. How did you come up with your blog name?
I named my blog Accidental FIRE because I reached FI accidentally – meaning I wasn’t intentionally trying to get to a point where I didn’t have to work anymore. I just wanted as much of a nest egg as I could get because I come from a background and family that has no money. So it was about building security in my life. But when I discovered the 4% etc it then accidentally became about working less too.
Good for you! 👍
It’s great to have goals. I call that a win!
GBM Miriam: Some people may think building a nest egg from the ground up is impossible. I say personal finance is not rocket science. It is about earning, saving, and consistency.
Thanks for keeping it 💯and sharing that.
2. Any favorite finance books? What’s on your nightstand?
My favorite financial book is “The Simple Path To wealth” by JL Collins because it does the best job of boiling the basics down to make a FI path, well, simple. On my nightstand now are two books “War Letters: Extraordinary Correspondence from American Wars”, and “The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure”. Also my eyeglasses and a candle.
Well ok ✌That’s some good reading material right there. 👍
GBM Miriam: I am actually reading The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins right now! I guess great minds think alike! 😉
This was me in school. 😂
Even today, if I’m not reading, I like to exercise. 🤣 I like to keep busy. No idle hands.
I still read comic books too! My favorite is Red Sonja.
She Devil with a Sword
Fun Fact: The Marvel comic Red Sonja was turned into a film in 1985 starring one of my favorite self-made people to quote Arnold Schwarzenegger.
“Don’t focus on getting to $1 million; focus on getting to $2 million.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger
I heard that little gem when Mr. Schwarzenegger was doing a radio interview.
I’ve learned to make every dollar count. Focus on turning every $1 into $2. Instead of $1 million focus on $2 million. I learned that from @Schwarzenegger 😉
Just my 2 cents. Smooches 💋
How Arnold Schwarzenegger Totally Recalls making $20 million-dollar paychecks https://t.co/bINnB2OlIp
3. What’s the most interesting thing about you that we wouldn’t learn from your resume?
I’m a pretty good juggler.
Awesome! 👍That’s pretty cool.
4. What’s in your wallet? How did you start building wealth?
If you mean what kind of credit card I have a US Bank VISA that gives great reward points and that I use for everything. I started building wealth as soon as I started working when I was 16, I’ve always spent less than I made. But I started supercharging my wealth-building after reading a copy of Money magazine in 1995 and putting money in index funds.
Nice! 👌
GBM Miriam: I actually started after reading a Kiplinger magazine around 2007. I also put my money in index funds like the VFINX 500 index with Vanguard, which tracks an index like the S&P 500.
I try to save and invest over 40% of my income.
Although it is now closed to new investors you can put money into the VTSAX which is 80% comprised of the 500 largest companies in the United States.
Your story on how you grew up and got started building wealth reminds me of the song Glorious from Macklemore.
I feel glorious, glorious Got a chance to start again!
I loved it in the Crazy Rich Asians movie trailer.
I couldn't be afraid to face my reality. I had to live my truth and say to myself just stop charging and use cash.
5. What 80’s film best describes your relationship with money or the lifestyle you would like to have?
I guess I’d pick “Stand By Me” It doesn’t have much to do with money but I love the movie because it reminds me of my childhood – being in a small pack of super close friends and exploring and maybe sometimes getting into thins we shouldn’t have. And I’m still friends with all those guys today so it’s fun to reminisce about when we were younger and our knees didn’t hurt so much!
I hear you! 😉
Love that movie! It had some inspiring words. Love the 80’s. 💖
You know? Dialogue like this. 🤣
GBM Miriam: Seriously, though that film makes me tear up at the end every time. A great coming of age story about friendship.
Why we blog about finances?
I’ll let Skylar Grey answer that:
We gon’ be alright, put that on my life When I open my eyes, hope I see you shine Now I feel glorious, glorious I feel glorious, glorious
Well, we have come to the end of this interview. Hope you had fun.
Here at Greenbacks Magnet we like to have fun. And I had a blast!!!
GBM Miriam: Thank you Dave for stopping by!! I sure hope we will see each other again at the next money meets media conference as FinCon19 is coming to DC! But if not, there is always Twitter and DM’s. 😉
I bid you all farewell. Until we meet or tweet again.
I will give you one of my farewell messages that I tweet as a show of my appreciate for you hanging out with me here at Greenbacks Magnet.
Hope you had fun with me today and my Lipstick confessions. I must bid you all a good night. And go back to my regular identity. May the 80s live on forever in our hearts. Smooches💋 Greenbacks Magnet
Boys tell stories ’bout the man. Say I never struggled, wasn’t hungry, yeah, I doubt it – Drake, Started From The Bottom
So, who is the man behind the mohawk?
Well, you’re about to find out.
Just who he is.
But first…
A shout out to all things hearts and flowers. Valentine’s Day is coming!
Valentine’s Day!!!
Dean: Where am I going? Sam: Dean, it’s Valentine Day. Your favorite holiday, remember? I mean, what do you always call it – uh, Unattached Drifter Christmas?😂
Q: What did cavemen give their wives on Valentine’s Day? A: Lots of ughs and kisses.
Always blows me away finding pencils on the ground… Seemingly so worthless, yet can cause so much damage or love depending on who picks it up and how they use it. pic.twitter.com/TB5m7wX7yz
Q: What did the calculator say to the pencil on Valentine’s Day? A: You can always count on me.
Okay. All jokes and kidding aside.
Who are we talking with today about the sorted topic of coin? Blogger extraordinaire J. Money of Budgets Are Sexy
Sometimes I am two people. Johnny is the nice one. Cash causes all the trouble. They fight. – Johnny Cash
Let’s find out the man behind the money and the mohawk?
Let’s not waste any time. We’re diving right into the interview.
GBM Miriam: It was great meeting the one and only J. Money at FinCon 18 in Orlando. Congrats, on being an 11-time Plutus Award winner for your blog Budgets are Sexy. You can see more about what others are saying about his blog on his press page. The accolades are well-deserved. I even included him on my list of Money advice that 10 Bloggers told me blog post! That’s because J$ does not hold anything back when it comes to talking money.
Imagine my surprise to meet the man I had been following along to and reading his stuff for the past several years.
He was extremely nice and down-to-earth. One of the friendliest guys I have ever met!!!
He never ceases to amaze me with his sheer enthusiasm for life, unbridled passion for what he does, his unmatched love of talking all things money, and incredible charisma and good vibes is almost like nothing I have ever felt!
It was so great to meet him. He is just awesome to be around. You can never feel bad around J$. I dare you. He’s just too friendly and cool.
I had to reach out and ask for an interview.
This is how it feels to meet J$.
Fun Fact: Both Carl Weathers and Schwarzenegger have starred in films with Sly Stallone. Carl Weathers had famously done Rocky just a few years before he did this film, Predator, with Ah-nuld!
For those who don’t already know the award winning blogger.
Like Jay Z said, “allow me to re-introduce myself.”
1. What prompted you to start a blog about money? Why are budgets sexy?
I fell in love with
the community after searching for tips back in 2007 when I bought a house with
no money down and no budget whatsoever (*gasp*). I was entranced by how real
and RAW people were online – especially those sharing their net worths! – and
after a while I thought I’d jump into the ring myself and have a little fun…
Had no idea it would completely change my life, and my finances, over a decade
I came up with the “budgets are sexy” concept around the time Justin Timberlake’s “I’m bringing sexy back” song was charting, and thought it went well together since budgets essentially gives you the one thing that we all strive for – confidence. The confidence to know where your money’s been, the confidence to know where you’re money’s going, and then of course the confidence it gives you within just knowing you’re on top of the game! And how sexy is that??
So, you just decided to toss your hat into the ring! Wow. That’s it. Just jump out there. Well, that’s awesome.
You only live once, that’s the motto…YOLO – Drake, The Motto
I guess you really did take YOLO to heart. ❤👍
Well, alright! 👌
GBM Miriam: I read the Financial Diet by Chelsea Fagen and was pleasantly surprised to see you were featured in it!! Congrats!!!
2. Any favorite
finance books? How come?
My top 3 favorites are:
“I Will Teach You To Be Rich” by
Ramit Sethi (good for action taking and funny as hell)
“The Automatic Millionaire” by David
Bach (also good for action taking)
“The Millionaire Next Door” by
Thomas J. Stanley and and William D. Danko. (good for your *mind!*)
I also love “Essentialism” by Greg McKeown, which isn’t a finance book, but more of a lifestyle/career one which heavily influences what I spend my time on, and more importantly – what I don’t.
GBM Miriam: On your blog it states: “A personal finance blog that won’t put you to sleep.” – Benjamin Franklin
Great! Because I liked to be entertained. I don’t want to be put to sleep! I want to talk money and have some fun. They say, give the people what they want.
I thought that quote on Franklin was pretty funny because I did a blog post on the how the 13 virtues of Benjamin Franklin can make you rich. I am a huge fan of his and that is why I like the Disney film National Treasure so much as it has B. Franklin all over it!
Are you a fan of Ben Franklin?
3. What are you
reading right now? What’s on your night stand?
I’m reading a lot of books on the history of my hometown, which I’m told is even more boring than finances 😉 There’s also a book on Benjamin Franklin that a reader mailed me – “Franklin’s Thrift: The Lost History of an American Virtue” – as he knew I’m a big fan of his habits.
Success is having to worry about every damn thing in the world, except money. – Johnny Cash
4. One thing people
may not know about you?
I have mild O.C.D. as
well as A.D.H.D., and I also hate public speaking… which sucks, because you
could really grow an empire in this field if you love getting in front of a
crowd! Here’s an awesome article I just came across btw for anyone else who
suffers from “reading O.C.D.” (It’s a thing!) –> How I Overcame My Reading OCD
Started from the bottom, now we’re here. – Drake
GBM Miriam: I read online that you managed to amass $400,000 in 7 years. That’s no small feat.
I try to think positive. Write down my goals (cause you know, it’s all about the power of the pen). Visualize what I want and say my affirmations to make things come to fruition.
But what about you? How’d you do it?
5. What’s in your wallet? How did you start building wealth?
I’m super minimalist
with my wallet (it’s actually a money clip), and I only keep a credit card in
it, my debit card, and then cold hard cash along with my drivers license.
Although now I realize your question is more about my proverbial wallet
isn’t it? Haha…
For that I max out all my retirement accounts every year using Vanguard index funds, or more specifically – the VTSAX fund (I keep my investing simple too!). Went from $50,000 to $800,000+ by mainly doing that, along with of course cutting back and finding other avenues of income along the way…
GBM Miriam: I appreciate that honesty right there. Thanks for keeping it 💯!!
You just put it out there. And that’s awesome. I need all the transparency I can get right now with the Dow Jones base jumping every other week.
I almost started to Birdbox myself like Sandra Bullock and only look at the stock market blindfolded, but then I thought to just go ahead and look at it, as it’s better to just rip a band-aid off.
Alright, it’s time for the bonus round.
My favorite part of every interview here on Greenbacks Magnet!!!
Bonus Questions (pick
any of the questions from the top or below that you want to answer)
7. What’s your
favorite ’80s and/or ’90s jam? What’s on your ipod? Would you let us hook
up your ‘Recently Played’ list on Spotify to our office speakers?
Haha… I love old school rap, mixed in with a little pop and folk music for good measure. You could hook up my iPod Nano if you wanted (remember that one???) but it’s stuck in the 2000’s as I rarely download anything and tend to stick to the radio or vinyl… I love me some Johnny Cash or Chuck Berry action!
Chuck Berry huh? Anyone remember the film Back to the Future?
Well, here is Marty doing a cover of the 1958 Chuck Berry song Johnny B. Goode. Enjoy!
8. What would
your autobiography be called?
“Normal Guy Gets Lucky and Can’t Believe He Writes Down His Thoughts For a Living”
GBM Miriam: I love that title! That’s really funny, but sooooo accurate.
9. If you found a lottery ticket that ends up winning $2 million. What would you do?
Pay the taxes on it, spend $10,000 lavishly on friends and family, and then probably bank the rest into Vanguard funds and keep going about my business…
GBM Miriam: Smart move. Pay those taxes.
In a weird way I actually DON’T wanna win the lottery as I want to see if I can hit financial freedom *on my own*. Not that I’d turn it down if I won, but I’d probably have to stop blogging since everyone would just assume it was the lottery that brought me to this place and write me off, haha… I already feel like I won the lottery anyways as you can tell from my autobiography! 😉
If you notice we go from 9 to 12, that is because out of 15 (more or less) interview questions, all guests can answer whatever ones interest them the most. Skipping a few questions we move right along.
In the illustrious words of Pauly Shore, “let’s keep on cruisin’.”
12. Do you consider Monopoly to be a game that you play with friends or enemies?
FRIENDS!! Why would
you play it with enemies??? The only real problem with Monopoly is finding
people who will actually *finish the game* with you since everyone bails after
only like 30 mins!! The worst!!
13. If you could steal credit for any great piece of art, song, film, book etc which one would you claim?
GBM Miriam: Personally, I would want the Campbell Soup Cans by Andy Warhol.
Painted around 1962, one painting (of the 32 cans he painted, which the canvases are on display at the Modern Museum of Art in New York) went on to fetch a record-breaking amount for an American artist of $11.8 at Christie’s auction house in May 2006. I do love some Campbell’s chicken noodle soup.
Andy Warhol also said, “the goal isn’t to live forever. It is to create something that does.” It is one of the reasons I chose to start a blog.
BAS J$: I’m gonna take the lame way out and say I wouldn’t steal anyone’s as I hate it when my stuff gets copped. Plus — I already suffer from Impostor Syndrome just being *myself*, so there’s no way I could pull off being someone else even if I wanted to! 🙂
14. Which animal would make the best type of president if the animal kingdom ever rises up and takes over?
Unicorns? I don’t know anyone who hates them, and we sure do need some magic up in here to fix our world!! 🦄🦄🦄
15. When it comes to making tea which answer most applies to you?
a) I am the patron
saint of tea, tea for everyone!
b) I’m not a one man
Starbucks. Every man for himself.
c) I’ve only got two hands- so first come, first served.
GBM Miriam: As there was only three options, J. Money decided to do a write in answer. As any boss would.
What I should have asked. And figured would be a coffee drinker’s answer.
Well, that brings us to the end of this interview. This was a fun post and I hope a good time was had by all.
GBM Miriam: Thank you J. Money for stopping by!! I am sure we will see each other again at the next money meets media conference as FinCon19 is coming to DC! That’s right in our neck of the woods. 😉
BAS J$: thanks again for having me! fun and creative questions 👍🙏
Want more straight forward money advice from Budgets Are Sexy?
It’s almost Halloween! So, I will start this post like the Crypt-Keeper would on the show Tales from the Crypt on the heels of this upcoming All Hallows Eve.
Hello Boils and Ghouls! Tonight’s tale is one of money, sophistication, and women.
Topic du jour: Women who talk money. Who are the ladies behind the riches?
Before I get into the interview, I just want to start by saying this:
Thanks for coming out tonight. You could’ve been anywhere in the world. But you’re here with me, I appreciate that. – Jay Z
So, like Nas says, “Yo sit back, relax, sip your cog-ni-ac” and I hope you enjoy this blog post!
Much like Chaucer did, in A Knight’s Tale, I want to make an introduction.
Welcome Ladies and Gents!
And everybody else here NOT sitting on a financial cushion:
Today, you find yourself equals.
For you will all equally receive the same knowledge.
I have privilege, nay pleasure, of introducing you to bloggers, like no others,
Bloggers that can trace their lineage back to 2015.
I first met them at a dinner table near Orlando, Florida,
Waiting for our drinks,
Hoping that our meals would be arriving soon,
As the chips and salsa, were not enough to satisfy our hunger.
Next, Kitty amazed me still further
With her sign language skills and by telling jokes for an hour
Helping us forget we were ravenous
And to not walk across the street to the Shake Shack.
Three hours later, both ladies entertained us with stories
So, that we did not spend dinner in uncomfortable silence.
And so, without further gilding the lily,
And with no more ado,
I give you the Seekers of Financial Independence,
The Protectors of ending uncomfortable silence,
The Enforcers of Getting Rich,
The Ones —
The Only –
Bitches Get Riches!!!
GBM Miriam: It was an absolute pleasure meeting you ladies at FINCON 18 this year! Congrats, on winning the PLUTUS Award for funniest financial blog for Bitches Get Riches. Thank you for stopping by Greenbacks Magnet.
This blog is to help folks learn all things money.
I asked Kitty and Piggy to share their knowledge by answering a few questions and they so kindly said yes.
And thankfully so, I need all the help I can get because I don’t want to have to live in the forest, eat off the land, and use roots as medicine due to lack of money and financial literacy.
After the Dow dropped 800 points, I was strongly considering it, but then, like my sister, I thought if only I didn’t need tampons and to watch Supernatural…
So, here they are dropping gems right here for all to see. In the illustrious words of Sailor Moon, “And that means you!”
Fast Fact: The hand signs that Sailor Moon makes while she says her famous line, “In the name of the moon, I will punish you” means “I love you” in sign language.
Let’s get right into the interview.
What prompted you ladies to start a blog about money?
BGR Kitty:We were the first among our group of friends to hit the classic major life milestones–marriage, buying a home, selling our souls in big girl corporate jobs. Our parents and grandparents, bless them, they meant well, but their advice was from another century. So we were always texting each other for advice. We needed help from a peer who’d been there recently. Eventually we realized there was a wealth of valuable information just sitting in our text convos, and we thought, “Hey, why not publish it?”
BGR Piggy:What Kitty said.
What are your favorite finance books? How come?
BGR Kitty: Piggy is The Good Child and will give you real answers. But I’ll tell you that I get more out of reading advice that I don’t agree with. Bad advice fires me up. For that reason I have to say The Four Hour Workweek is my current favorite. I haaaaaaaate that book. Myopic, exploitative, and smug. Just thinking about it gets me excited!
What are you reading right now? What’s on your night stand?
BGR Kitty: I’m currently rereading Y the Last Man. It’s one of my absolute favorite graphic novels. It’s the story of what happens to the world when everyone with a Y chromosome dies suddenly, with the exception of one guy and his pet monkey. A fantastic piece of sci-fi that’s I mean, I love any story with roving bands of crazed misandrists. I also just started White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America.
BGR Piggy: I just finished reading “Dietland” by Sarai Walker. It’s a total mindfuck of a book, all about body positivity, subversive feminism, rape culture, and a literal feminist terrorist cell that assassinates rapists and blackmails corporations into eliminating sexist products. If your reaction to that description was “… wut?” then hey, me too!
One thing people may not know about each of you?
BGR Kitty: I don’t get hangovers. (I try not to rub it in the morning after a long night of drinking, but it definitely came up at FinCon.) I also have a genetic mutation that makes my body not process cannabinoids. Finally, I can open ANY jar. Seriously, ANY jar. Given this body of evidence, it’s entirely possible that I am Bruce Willis’s character from Unbreakable.
BGR Piggy:I hate chocolate. Refuse to eat it. When I was a kid my brother and I would divide the Halloween candy between us: he’d get all the chocolate, I’d get all the non-chocolate. He also got all the cavities which I’m sure is unrelated. I also love playing blues covers of pop songs at open mics! Just learned Ariana Grande’s “Dangerous Woman.”
What’s in your wallet? How did you start getting your riches?
BGR Kitty: I have a net worth of a quarter million. I find that beyond amazing, considering I’m a working artist. Every single lucky break I’ve had in my career has been because someone believed in me and advocated for me. If I were trying to make it in the big city with just my brains and my work ethic, I’d be straight fucked. I’ve had help, lots and lots of help. That’s why I like helping other people! It both feels good and is the only karmically sensible reaction.
BGR Piggy: I love this question, but I feel like Kitty’s question is perfect. Also, the Capital One Venture card is LITERALLY in my wallet. My husband and I paid for a vacation to Portugal for our fifth anniversary using the travel points for that card. It took us about two years of earning the points, which isn’t bad for a free vacation.
Bonus Questions (pick any of the questions from the top or below that you want to answer)
Any life or money lessons from a favorite movie or TV show you would like to share?
BGR Piggy:According to my favorite movie, The Princess Bride, you should never get involved in a land war in Asia, nor should you go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.
If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be? Why?
BGR Kitty: Malcolm X, especially towards the very end of his life. He’s a personal hero, and an incredibly complex figure. I’d be so interested to hear his thoughts on the state of America right now. Also, he doesn’t eat pork, and neither do I, so it would be super easy meal planning.
GBM Miriam: On your About Page it states: Who are Kitty and Piggy?
Some people wonder which of us is the Bebop, and which one’s the Rocksteady. But that question is an illusion. We are both Krangs.
So, here is my question.
Why not Bebop and Rocksteady? Why 2 Krangs? Inquiring minds want to know! You said I could ask you anything. Please, no judgment.
BGR Kitty: If we’re going by the 1987 animated series, Bebop and Rocksteady–though lovable–are bunglers of the highest order. We’re strictly bunglers of the second-highest order. Like Krang, we are very goal-oriented. We too have platform dependencies (us, Patreon; him, Shredder). And most of all, we share Krang’s personality: sarcastic and demanding, with an almost admirable abiding pettiness.
If you found a lottery ticket that ends up winning $1 million. What would you do?
BGR Kitty: I would drive my van to Empire City and stay at Le Hotel with my son in the hopes that I could convince my dead wife’s possessive lesbian ex-servant to chill the fuck out. Hashtag reference! All the kids got it!
The End.
This is where the screen fades to black and the curtain closes. Please ladies take a bow!
Well, we have now come to the end of this interview. That was not only interesting, but also entertaining to say the least. I feel like I just walked out of an amateur comedy night, open-mic contest!
BGR:Thanks Miriam!!!
GBM Miriam: Thank you Kitty and Piggy for coming aboard!! The next time we see each other the Patreon is on me!
Want more financial and life gems, from the comedy stylings of the dynamo duo of Bitches Get Riches?