Welcome one and all!
It’s your blog hostess with the mostest here… Miriam Joy. I’m the blogger behind this site. It is here I give you a peak behind the money curtain and an insider look into my money playbook. I am all for minimizing expenses and maximizing earnings! My ultimate goal is millionaire. Read below for more about how I plan to get there.
I have made plenty of money mistakes along the way such as buying a home while broke with no money down and having no plan to get out of debt. But that’s all in the past. We now have our eye on the future. No more hiding behind a mask of money missteps. Let me show you who I am. The mask is coming off.

Some things about me:
- I’m 5″5′ with brown eyes
- Live in the Old Line and Free State of Maryland
- I started learning the value of a dollar as a teenage waitress earning $2.65 an hour and wrote all about it and my lipstick confessions here
- I adore reading comic strips and comic books as I feel you can learn a lot from cartoon characters such as multi-millionaire Scrooge McDuck
- A television show called Supergirl inspired me to buy a property
- Decided to start my millionaire journey by first getting to $500,000 in investable assets
- I found myself going further Down the Financial Freedom rabbit hole: $303,980.45 down {$196,019.55 to go}
- Then I hit the money milestone of $400,000
- I still re-read the book The Automatic Millionaire like once every couple of years as motivation
- Have learned to negotiate contracts and salaries by reading books on personal finance
- I have been featured on Business Insider and Yahoo! Finance
- When I hit money milestones, I go on adventures and have gotten to meet the casts of Smallville, Boy Meets World, Sabrina the Teenage Witch as well as celebrities Carl Weathers, Val Kilmer and numerous others by going to comic conventions
- I also won the concert lottery and got to see Beyoncé in concert on The Renaissance Tour and posted the concert footage on my tiktok JoyfulFI!
- Have been a background actor in a major motion picture with Hollywood actors
- Went to see JLo on her last concert tour It’s my party tour in 2019 and below is me scoring tickets on my ticketmaster account and the picture I took of the marquee right outside the venue

You can read more about me here on my meet Miriam page
You can also subscribe to get the latest posts direct to your email on the pop-up screen that shows up when you fist enter this site!
About the blog
After years of working for various companies and watching stagnating wages become the norm, I decided to make some changes. First, I decided I wanted to be wealthy. Second, I started focusing my time and energy towards the pursuit of financial freedom and wealth accumulation. Lastly, I decided to write down a list of goals and not stop until I checked them all off one by one.
At the age of 25, I started saving and investing. I also started reading anything and everything I could about money and finances. I have spent a decade aggressively saving and pursuing my goals. I am happy to share that after years of hard work and sacrifice I was able to buy a home, invest 15% or more annually in my 401k, and finish a Master’s degree.
I decided to start a blog to share my personal experiences with money and learning about finances. I can honestly say one of the best decisions I ever made was to take control of my finances to have better control over my life. Greenbacks Magnet is where I share this journey with you.
I believe that when you know better you do better. I hope that this blog provides insight, encouragement, and motivates anyone who wants control over his or her finances to do so, know that you can do it and that you are not alone.
It was actually after reading a how to post on how to start a blog Financial Samurai and then reading numerous blogs on Rockstar Finance published by Budgets are Sexy from 2012 – 2016 that made me decide to finally toss my hat in the ring!
I knew that if I wanted to become a MILLIONAIRE that I had do get to work and put in my time paying my dues. I worked my way through college and then found a job at Georgetown University that helped push me toward my goal of investing my way to $1 million.
Diary of a Blogger
This is my version of Diary of a CEO, but instead it’s Diary of a Blogger. I will share with you all the money mishaps and adventures of a blogger on a mission to get that million dollar brass ring!
Let’s go!!

[blog time capsule: snapshot of my blog circa 2024]
More about the blog:
- Launched 2016
- over 200 blog posts written and 37 pending (at this point, I have probably written a million words about money 😉)
- Over 55,000 comments submitted from thousands of readers!
- According to Google Analytics my blog has been viewed all over the world as far away as China, Thailand, Japan and Australia! 😲🤯
- Have a section just for blogger interviews that I scored with personal finance Rockstar’s in the community such as Get Rich Slowly
- Have over 23K tweets and counting (@mjp2520)
- Featured in the media – online: Business Insider, Yahoo! Finance, AOL.com
Say Hi!
Check out the blog, join the comments and community, and feel free to reach out with questions! Or just say hello!
- Email: greenbacksmagnet [at] gmail [dot] com
- Twitter: @mjp2520
- Insta (aka The Gram): @greenbacksmagnet
Got a story or any tips and tricks to share about finance? Let us know! If you want to stay anonymous🤐🤫 we can keep a secret or if you want your name in lights 😎 let us know and we can light it up on X (formerly known as Twitter;)
Your finance hostess with the mostest,
Greenbacks Magnet
About The Author

Miriam started Greenbacks Magnet in 2016 to keep a scorecard of her goal of $1M in investable assets. Armed with a Master in Management (MiM) and a calculator, she teaches readers how to achieve financial independence while also helping them learn how to smell the roses along the way. The palpable response she got from sharing her personal finance goal in a public speaking course at Georgetown University encouraged her to share her story and teach finance on her website. She invests in AI companies as artificial intelligence is the new iPhone of the moment as she likes to invest in companies that are disruptive.