As I write this, Deadpool & Wolverine just hit theaters mere days ago on July 26, 2024. It destroyed the weekend box office and broke records with an eye-popping $441 million-dollar opening weekend. That is just massive!
Not too surprising though for a movie that had the backing of one of the biggest movie and production companies in the world, Disney Studios and Marvel Productions. It was reported that Disney dropped $200 million as the budget and another $100 million for marketing.
The movie even went as far as to market to the first 100 ticket holders to receive the movie poster pendant as a way to sell tickets.
Genius in my POV!
What I am here to talk to you about today is what I learned from both actors, not in front of the camera, but what they do on their off time. Namely, investing.
Long before Ryan Reynolds went from party pimp in 2002’s Van Wilder to merc with a mouth in 2016’s Deadpool, he started putting his money to work investing in startups and these companies can be disruptive. The biggest by far was in Mint Mobile.
It was reported that T-Mobile struck a deal with Mint Mobile to purchase it for $1.35 Billion in 2023.

Reynolds, as a 25% owner, his stake would net him $300 Million. That’s probably more money than he’s made from his entire acting career! And his catalogue is pretty huge as he’s been starring in television and film for 30 years.
His involvement as a celebrity spokesmen caused a huge spike in customer interest and gained the company 12x the customers it had prior. That is more traction and eyeballs gained on them than they got with a $5 Million dollar Super Bowl ad.
He put Mint Mobile on the map and gave them access to a bigger audience just through his 45+ million followers on social media platforms alone.

And Hugh Jackman is no slouch either. Over his decades long career, he had made large paychecks in film, most notably as his Marvel character, Wolverine. He reportedly went from making $500,000 to over $20 Million playing the X-men fan favorite.
However, he did not just let that money sit in the bank. He invested a gobsmacking amount in real estate. Celebrities can actually make more money from endorsements than sheer talent alone. According to publications like the New York Times and New York Post, he is speculated to own approximately $50 Million in real estate in America and Australia.

He too has endorsed products such as Keurig and for luxury retailer Montblanc.
Although talent has gotten them where they are, their investments keeping working for them long after the camera stops rolling.
Investments don’t need to take a 15-minute smoke break, drink water, go on vacations or sleep. They are working around the clock. Making you money while you sleep.
Learning that is when I put a ton of my focus into investing. I have looked into both entrepreneurial pursuits and being an avid investor. The truth is being an entrepreneur can make you rich, but investing is how you stay rich.
I figured even if any business I ever starts fails, I would still have my investments.
I chose to work on having $1 Million in investable assets so that if I ever choose to walk away from work one day, then I would have the option to.
That’s why I started investing in Google, Apple and more recently AI stocks.

I am closing in on $400,000 in investments. At this rate, the earning are becoming quite considerable and I could hit my target of $1M in less than a decade. If I can get a 10% return on that, I could cross into the multi-millionaire territory in an additional 7 years.
Having $2 Million in investable assets is no small feat.
Since, it’s reported that only 9% of Americans achieve a $1 Million Dollar stock portfolio. You know how many make it to $2-3 Million or more…around 3%.
You would be in the small minority of Americans with a million in investable assets.
One of the tips and tricks I used to build my stock portfolio was to trim 10% of the top of all major purchases and invest the difference in the stock market.
If you budget $3,000 for a European trip, take $300 off the top and invest that in Google or the VTSAX.
Need a new washing machine.
Instead of spending $1,000, trim $100 off the budget and redirect that to your Roth IRA.
Considering that only around 26% of households have saved $100,000 for retirement, means you can definitely aim for this goal and likely reach it. That’s one in four households. Great odds.
However, once you get to $500,000 in retirement savings, this number of households goes down to 9%. You are now in a small minority. Going from a rather large majority of 26% to 9% is the difference of $400,000.
There are now more folks than ever that owe that in mortgages than they have saved for retirement.
I aim to be different. I want the elusive brass ring…to be a millionaire.
I won’t stop until I become part of the double comma club.
It’s a sorority that I have been pledging to become a member of for years.
I figure with enough time, grit and determination I could become that card carrying member. It is an elite club. The barrier to entry remains strict, but not impossible.
You have better odds of getting into this club than you do of being accepted into Harvard with its super low 3.2% acceptance rate.
You can do.
It’s like rapper and actor Master P said; “product outweighs talent.”
For example, Warren Buffet made $700 Million in dividends from his investments in 2022.
He has never made a winning shot in an NBA playoff game or had a hit record.
All that came from earnings off his capital investments.
You just invest your money into companies or products that you can’t live without and watch your money grow taller than Shaq!
This was very helpful, thanks!