“Simply put, unsustainable debt is helping to keep too many poor countries and poor people in poverty.” -Bill Clinton

I can’t stand debt. In any way, shape, or form.

It robs you (and your future self) of prosperity.
Every time I think of buying an item, I always think what would the future lost investment gains be.
For instance, buying a $40,000 car could end up costing you over $400,000 in future wealth! Pray tell. How can this be? It’s simple math.
Basically, if you invest that same amount and not a penny more, you could grow your wealth over 30 years to $402,506.28 with an 8 percent rate of return. Crazy right? Giving up mediocre present pleasures for incredible future comfort warrants astounding things.
Harry Houdini himself couldn’t concoct a magic trick so ingenious as the magic of compound interest.

Speaking of magic, let’s look at saving money as a magic trick the same way a magician would. Marvelous to behold, but truly done by meticulous planning and practice because as we know practice makes perfect. Isn’t that right Mr. Potter? 😂


By no means is it rocket science. Much unlike that hilarious scene in Robocop 3 when that guy walks in a donut shop and tries to rob it even though the donut shop is within 7 blocks of a police department. And then the guy behind the counter asks him this, Donut Jerk: “What’s it like being a rocket scientist?” 🤣
Get serious. A donut shop that close to a precinct has to be one of the safest places in America. It might even have double-duty; 1) as a donut shop by day and 2) as a safe house by night.
Who tries holding up a donut shop full of cops?
That is the same way I want you to feel every time you whip out your credit card. Who wants to pay interest on a pair of jeans or table from IKEA for the next 10 years?! Nobody wants that! You must find ways to spend less.
See my posts American Homes Are Now $1,100 Per Month Storage Units and America Is The Land Of Subscriptions

The three biggest expenses for families are: food, transportation and housing. The first trick is to cook more and eat out less.
However, if you can get invited to more dinner invitations, wine tastings, restaurant openings, annual stock meetings, cookouts and other shindigs; well then, you can take doggie bags and stockpile Tupperware with food for days.
Too good for Tupperware and leftovers?
Then please pick a career as a hedge fund manager or petroleum engineer or rocket scientist *cough cough* and start earning $200,000 a year and hire a chef or eat out, as you can afford it.
Need a car to get around? Look for a used $4,000 Ford Focus to pay cash for and then be on your way.
Too good to drive a Ford Focus?
Please reread the top of this article and rethink your priorities.
See my post Beamers, Benz, And Bentleys Or A GMC Truck
If you can Airbnb your way to a fortune, good for you. Otherwise, you will need to find a home in a place whose zip code has not been featured as the title of a television show.
That’s right. Does your dream zip code end in 90210? You can’t live there. Why not? When your neighbors are parked cars and moving vans filled with Facebook and Uber engineers, then you may want to really think about where you lay your hat.
If engineers making $175,00-$250,000 a year can’t find affordable housing, then that is a red flag that this neighborhood is probably not for you.
Remember this, if you want to build wealth, find the cheapest and safest place you can to live and save a fortune. Cause you know, it’s all about location, location, location.
Also, no long term house guests that are not paying! Why you ask? Did you ever see that movie Madhouse. Here’s the premise: The luxurious villa of Mark and Jessie Bannister, a yuppie couple, is overrun by loads of uninvited guests who turn the house up side down.
Even if it is a family member or friend, they should pay something.
Even if it is just groceries. Everyone has got to chip in and foot the bill. There is no free lunch or rent! This is my motto: If you can’t pay to stay, then you need to find another place to lay your head cause it’s not going to be on my pillow!

You must invest if you want to one day retire. You do not want to end up a bankruptcy court candidate due to lack of planning and saving.
See my post Catwalking To Get Paid: Modeling Is Rick Business
The easiest way to ensure this is to do the following: 1) Invest enough to get the company match in your 401(k), 2) Then fund a Roth IRA to the Max. And that’s about it.
But wait…there’s one more thing.

You must also invest that money somewhere. You can invest in a 500 index fund with your brokerage.
For example, the S&P 500 index or VFIAX with Vanguard. In addition, if you are looking for total stock market exposure, then you can go for the VTSAX with Vanguard.
Thank you for your time.

After all of that writing and helping the masses, I am exhausted. Please pass me (this non-rocket scientist) a donut.